YEAR XLV - N° 484 Chiesa viva JULY-AUGUST 2015 MENSILE DI FORMAZIONE E CULTURA Poste Italiane S.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale DIRETTORE responsabile: dott. Franco Adessa D.L. 353/2003(conv. L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, Direzione - Redazione - Amministrazione: «TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE» (Jo. 8, 32) comma 2, DCB Brescia. Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà Abbonamento annuo:ordinario Euro 40, Via G. Galilei, 121 25123 Brescia Tel. e fax (030) 3700003 sostenitore Euro 65 una copia Euro 3,5, arretrata Euro 4 www.chiesaviva.com (inviare francobolli). Per l’estero Euro 65 + sovrattassa postale Autor. Trib. Brescia n. 58/1990 - 16-11-1990 Le richieste devono essere inviate a: Fotocomposizione in proprio Operaie di Maria Immacolata e Editrice Civiltà Stampa: Com & Print (BS) 25123 Brescia, Via G. Galilei, 12 C.C.P. n. 11193257 contiene I. R. I manoscritti, anche se non pubblicati, www.chiesaviva.com non vengono restituiti e-mail: [email protected] Ogni Autore scrive sotto la sua personale responsabilità The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success 1288 Summit Ave Suite 107 - Oconomowoc, WI. 53066 - phone 262-567-0920 - www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com – The remnant Catholic Church clings to life despite her exile of nearly six decades – «GRAVE REASONS OF STATE» THE ATOMIC BOMB AND THE ECLIPSE OF THE TRUE VICAR OF CHRIST by Gary Giuffré as the threat of a hy- smoke signals which had em- drogen bomb used by anated from the Sistine Chapel W the Masonic world stovepipe, alerting 300,000 powers to drive a newly-elected faithful in the piazza below, and Roman Pontiff off the Chair of from Vatican Radio which for Peter in October 1958? Since 20 minutes had broadcast confi- that time, persistent reports and dent announcements that a pope testimonies of former Vatican had indeed been elected – officials and secretaries of the which were echoed by the secu- cardinals have indicated that, at lar media around the globe. 5:55 P.M., on 26 October However, within a half-hour, 1958, the papal princes of the there was an unprecedented, Church first elected Giuseppe second announcement that a Cardinal Siri of Genoa as suc- “mistake” in the smoke signals cessor to Pope Pius XII. The had triggered a pre-mature re- new Pope-elect reportedly ac- port of the election of a new cepted office and thereupon Pope. No figure in a white cas- became the 262nd Vicar of sock would appear on the papal Christ, and informed the car- balcony for another 48 hours, dinals that he would assume when on 28 October 1958, the the name of “Gregorius Feast of Saint Simon and Saint XVII.” But the new Pope failed Jude, Angelo Roncalli, a closet to appear at the papal balcony, Freemason, suddenly burst and two nights later someone upon the world scene as entirely different was spotlight- Giuseppe Siri in 1955. “Pope” John XXIII. ed before St. Peter’s Square as This would be the first time the choice of the cardinal-elec- since 1378 that the cardinals tors to head the Church. would mislead those outside the Although conducted within the conclave regarding the identity enclosed chambers of the papal conclave, the earlier elec- of the prelate they had elected Pope, with the unintended tion of the new pontiff on 26 October 1958 was almost im- consequences of launching the Great Western Schism mediately apparent to the outside world due to the white which lasted 40 years and created four antipopes. 2 “Chiesa viva” *** July-August 2015 Proving to be far worse, the cardinals’ capitulation to Ron- «We are at war with the Kingdom of Italy, which made a calli’s externally-imposed usurpation of the papacy in particularly cruel and stupid attack upon our allies Greece 1958 would be the “enabling act” for a monstrous schis- and France; which is the homeland of Fascism; and whose matic sect to become ensconced in the Vatican that was at “Duce” Mussolini begged particularly for the privilege of once an enemy of God and man, and would soon wield a assisting in the bombing of London. bludgeon of heresy known as the “Second Vatican Coun- «There are also Italian troops fighting against our al- cil” against the faithful, championed by six anti-popes lies the Russians. A thorough bombing (a la Berlin) of and counting. the Italian capital seems not simply desirable but nec- The Catholic Church (together with her rightful pontiff) essary. At present a common persuasion that Rome will be would be evicted from her visible structures in Rome and let off lightly by our bombers is leading to a great conges- consigned to “the wilderness,” tion of the worst elements of resulting in horrific sufferings the Fascist order in and around for the faithful for over a half- Rome. century. «Not only is Rome the source and center of Fascism, but it Recorded testimonies, some of has been the seat of a pope, which have been published, in- who, as we shall show, has dicate that Siri’s overturned been an open ally of the Nazi- election was repeated again in Fascist-Shinto Axis since his 1963 and perhaps at two enthronement. He has never more papal conclaves held in raised his voice against that 1978. These events were a cul- Axis, he has never denounced mination of Masonic threats to the abominable aggressions, annihilate the Vatican that were murder and cruelties they have openly brought against Pope inflicted upon mankind, and the Pius XII, during World War II. pleas he is now making for Before the war’s end, British peace and forgiveness are man- author and perennial ifestly designed to assist the es- spokesman for the anti-Catholic cape of these criminals, so that establishment, H.G. Wells, they may presently launch a published his book, “Crux fresh assault upon all that is de- Ansata,” in which he blatantly cent in humanity. The Papacy advocated the destruction of is admittedly in communication the Vatican. In his opening with the Japanese, and main- chapter, Wells completely dis- tains in the Vatican an active torted the Pope’s neutrality Japanese observation post. [It during the war, and de- must be pointed out that by this nounced Pius XII as “an open time, Japan’s defeat was al- ally of the Nazi-Fascist-Shinto ready certain, as its large Axis.” cities were being reduced to ashes by American incendi- The Pope had simply agreed to ary bombing. Japanese envoys allow a delegation of the Japan- were in Rome begging the Vati- ese government to present an can’s assistance to contact the appeal for the end of the war to American government in their Was the threat of an atomic bomb on the Vatican used the Vatican to be passed on to to force Joseph Siri off the Chair of Peter? behalf, so as to facilitate an end the Allies, with whom Japan to the war. But the Roosevelt had no other means of commu- administration wanted to nications. prolong the war with Japan as long as possible, in order Wells concluded his tirade to develop the atomic bomb, against the Vatican with a men- test it out on the yellow race, acing proposal: and thereby demonstrate «Why do we not bomb Rome? America’s power and destructive capabilities to the «On June 1st, l942, the enemy bombed Canterbury and as whole world.] near as possible got the Archbishop of Canterbury. But «No other capital has been spared the brunt of this war. what is a mere Protestant archbishop against His Holiness «Why do we not bomb Rome? Why do we allow these the Pope? In March l943 Rome was still unbombed. open and declared antagonists of democratic freedom to «Now consider the following facts: entertain their Shinto allies and organize a pseudo- “Chiesa viva” *** July-August 2015 3 Catholic destruction of democratic freedom? Why do we – defeat stronger and more alive than before. Governments after all the surprises and treacheries of this war – allow may come and go, but the Catholic Church continues to this open preparation of an internal attack upon the reha- stand more challenging than ever … bilitation of Europe? The answer lies in the deliberate «Being the relentless institution that it is, the Catholic blindness of our Foreign Office and opens up a very seri- Church will not rest … ous indictment of the mischievous social disintegration in- «It is fully to be expected that instead of helping to avert a herent in contemporary Roman Catholic activities.”1 third world catastrophe, the Catholic Church, by continu- ing to align itself with unenlightened forces, will greatly Indeed, Allied bombs did strike the Vatican twice during contribute to the widening of the gap already separating World War II, and thereafter two great portions of the world. Pope Pius XII assembled the But while so doing, the cardinals to advise them to pre- Catholic Church should keep pare for the election of a succes- in mind that it is endangering sor pontiff outside of Italy, not only the lives of countless should he be killed. millions, but also its own exis- By May 1945, armed conflict tence. A third world war, un- in Europe had mostly con- like the wars of the recent past, cluded, but the tactics of viru- would spell irremediable de- lent intimidation, attempted struction not only of entire peo- by the enemies of the Church ples, but also of ancient institu- against the Pope, did not stop tions, among which the at the end of the war. Catholic Church would cer- A preponderance of evidence tainly be one of the main suf- indicates that again, in 1949, ferers.
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