H5632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 18, 2013 HONORING SPECIALIST FOURTH blast. When the grenade failed to deto- At this point, I would like to yield to CLASS PETER C. LEMON nate, Colonel Ballard continued his my colleague from the 20th Congres- (Mr. LAMBORN asked and was given treatment and saved countless ma- sional District of the great State of permission to address the House for 1 rines. New York (Mr. TONKO). It is for his courage and unwavering minute.) HONORING SERGEANT FIRST CLASS FRANCIS devotion to duty that I am proud to Mr. LAMBORN. Mr. Speaker, I rise SHERMAN CURREY honor and remember the actions of today to honor the valiant efforts of Mr. TONKO. Mr. Speaker, I thank Colonel Donald Everett Ballard. Specialist Fourth Class Peter C. Lemon the gentleman from Illinois and the of the United States Army. f gentlewoman from Hawaii for bringing Specialist Fourth Class Peter C. ROLL CALL OF HEROES us together in a bipartisan, spirited Lemon was awarded the Medal of way to recognize the living Medal of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Honor winners, who are much ap- Honor for conspicuous gallantry above YOHO). Under the Speaker’s announced and beyond the call of duty in action plauded and much recognized and deep- policy of January 3, 2013, the gen- ly loved by this Nation. against the enemy in Vietnam. tleman from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY When the base came under heavy I rise this evening to honor the he- DAVIS) is recognized for 60 minutes as roic efforts of Sergeant First Class enemy attack, Sergeant Lemon en- the designee of the majority leader. gaged a numerically superior enemy Francis Sherman Currey of the United GENERAL LEAVE States Army. with machine gun and rifle fire from Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. his defensive position until both weap- Sergeant Currey served with the 30th Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Infantry Division and was awarded the ons malfunctioned. He then used hand all Members may have 5 legislative grenades to fend off the intensified Medal of Honor for acts of conspicuous days in which to revise and extend gallantry on December 21, 1944, near enemy attack launched in his direc- their remarks and include extraneous tion. After eliminating all but one of Malmedy, Belgium. material on the subject of my Special While defending a strong point, Ser- the enemy soldiers in the immediate Order. geant Currey’s platoon was overrun by vicinity, he pursued and disposed of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there German tanks, leading to the with- remaining soldier in hand-to-hand objection to the request of the gen- drawal of his platoon. Sergeant Currey combat. Lemon carried a more seri- tleman from Illinois? was able to obtain a bazooka despite ously wounded comrade to an aid sta- There was no objection. taking heavy fire from enemy tanks tion, and as he returned, was wounded Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. and infantrymen just a short distance a second time by enemy fire. Dis- Speaker, it is again an honor for me to away. Pushing forward, Sergeant regarding his personal injuries, he be here today with my colleagues to Currey eliminated one tank and moved to his position through a hail of honor the 79 living Congressional cleared three German soldiers from a small arms and grenade fire. Sergeant Medal of Honor recipients. house. In discovering five trapped Lemon immediately realized that the To continue what we started earlier, American soldiers, Sergeant Currey ac- defensive sector was in danger of being I’d like to yield to my colleague from quired several anti-tank grenades. In overrun by the enemy, and he the great State of Illinois (Mr. SHIM- driving the tank men from their vehi- unhesitatingly assaulted the enemy KUS). cles, he provided enough cover fire to soldiers by throwing hand grenades and HONORING CAPTAIN HOWARD V. LEE free the five soldiers. engaging in hand-to-hand combat. He Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague and friend for It is for his indomitable heroism and was wounded yet a third time, but his consummate devotion to duty that I determined efforts successfully drove the recognition and for the opportunity to recognize Captain Howard V. Lee am proud to honor and remember the the enemy from the area. actions of Sergeant First Class Sher- It is for his courage and unwavering from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Captain Lee was awarded the Medal man Currey. I thank you for the oppor- devotion to duty that I am proud to tunity to share with you this evening honor and remember the actions of of Honor for conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in on behalf of this wonderful gentleman. Specialist Fourth Class Peter C. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Lemon. action against the enemy in Vietnam. When Lee realized that the unit had Thank you, sir. Thank you very much f suffered numerous casualties, depriv- for being here to honor a true hero. I would like to now yield to my col- HONORING COLONEL DONALD E. ing it of effective leadership, and being league from Florida (Mr. BUCHANAN). BALLARD fully aware that the platoon was even then under more heavy attack by the HONORING PRIVATE FIRST CLASS HECTOR (Mr. YOHO asked and was given per- enemy, Major Lee took seven men and ALBERT CAFFERATA, JR. mission to address the House for 1 proceeded by helicopter to reinforce Mr. BUCHANAN. I want to thank the minute and to revise and extend his re- the beleaguered platoon. Major Lee dis- gentleman from Illinois and the gentle- marks.) embarked from the helicopter with two lady from Hawaii. Mr. YOHO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of his men, and braving withering Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor to honor the valiant efforts of Colonel enemy fire, led them into the perim- Private First Class Hector Albert Donald Everett Ballard of the Kansas eter, where he fearlessly moved from Cafferata, Jr., of the United States Ma- National Guard and formerly of the position to position, directing and en- rine Corps. United States Navy. couraging the overtaxed troops. Al- Private Cafferata was awarded the Colonel Ballard, a Corpsman Second though painfully wounded by frag- Medal of Honor for his bravery in ac- Class at the time, was with the 3rd Ma- ments from an enemy grenade in sev- tion in Korea on November 28, 1950, rine Division and was awarded the eral areas of his body, including his while serving with the famed 1st Ma- Medal of Honor for extreme fortitude eye, Major Lee continued undauntedly rine Division. and gallantry in action on May 16, 1968, throughout the night to direct the val- As the only unwounded member of in Vietnam. iant defense, coordinate supporting fire his squad, he singlehandedly engaged Colonel Ballard’s company was am- and apprising higher headquarters of the enemy while under heavy fire from bushed as they were evacuating a land- the plight of the platoon. The next machine guns, mortars and grenades. ing zone. Upon seeing wounded fellow morning, he collapsed from his wounds For over 7 hours, he was able to suc- marines, Colonel Ballard braved enemy and was forced to relinquish command. cessfully fend off wave after wave of fire to render medical assistance. As It is for his courage and unwavering enemy attacks until reinforcements they prepared to move the wounded devotion to duty that I am proud to could arrive. However, as reinforce- marines, an enemy soldier hurled a gre- honor and remember the actions of ments moved in, an enemy grenade nade that landed near the marines. Captain Howard V. Lee. Semper Fi. landed in his trench. The private im- After shouting a warning, Colonel Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. mediately grabbed the grenade and Ballard threw himself upon the grenade Thank you, my good friend Mr. SHIM- threw it from the trench before it deto- to protect his fellow soldiers from the KUS. nated. Though wounded by the blast, VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18SE7.084 H18SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE September 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5633 he saved the lives of many of his men Ross placed his machine gun in front of fellow Members of Congress in bipar- serving with him that day. their line in order to absorb the initial tisan fashion to come to the floor and It is for his supreme bravery and cou- impact of a counterattack. Master Ser- speak on each one of the living recipi- rageousness in carrying out his duties geant Ross then fired with deadly ef- ents of this great Medal of Honor. But that I am proud to honor and remem- fect on the assaulting force and re- I’d first would like to personally thank ber the actions of Private First Class pelled it. He continued to man his ma- my colleague, Congresswoman TULSI Hector Albert Cafferata, Jr. chine gun, holding off six more German GABBARD, for joining me in this effort Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. attacks. Master Sergeant Ross killed 40 across the aisle. As a veteran and a Thank you to my colleague from Flor- and wounded 10 of the enemy, broke current member of the Hawaii National ida. the assault single-handedly, and forced Guard, Tulsi exemplifies the values and I would like to now yield to my col- the Germans to withdraw. Master Ser- discipline of our armed services. league Mr. HECK from Washington’s geant Ross remained at his post that I would also like to recognize Garrett 10th Congressional District.
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