Wykaz Nieruchomoœci Skarbu Państwa

Wykaz Nieruchomoœci Skarbu Państwa

WYKAZ NIERUCHOMO ŚCI SKARBU PA ŃSTWA Jednostka Nr Ksi ęgi Obr ęb geodezyjny Identyfikator działki Numer Powierzchnia Ewidencyjna wieczystej ewidencyjnej działki (m²) Gmina Darłowo 0001 - Barzowice 321303_2.0001.85 85 1900 KO1K/00013744 321303_2.0001.77 77 1400 KO1K/00013720 321303_2.0001.121/1 121/1 2695 321303_2.0001.121/2 121/2 6600 KO1K/00013758/6 321303_2.0001.126/1 126/1 1277 KO1K/00090783/3 321303_2.0001.126/2 126/2 582 KO1K/00090783/3 321303_2.0001.140 140 7500 KO1K/00089701/5 Gmina Darłowo 0002 - Bobolin 321303_2.0002.115/9 115/9 424 KO1K/00094173/2 321303_2.0002.276/3 276/3 67600 KO1K/00089702/2 Gmina Darłowo 0003 - Boryszewo 321303_2.0003.26/5 26/5 1800 KO1K/00010789 321303_2.0003.27/2 27/2 2100 KO1K/00010784/6 321303_2.0003.90 90 400 KO1K/00091714/4 321303_2.0003.206/1 206/1 5900 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.207 207 800 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.208 208 21900 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.204/3 204/3 43 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.204/2 204/2 368 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.204/4 204/4 32 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.203/3 203/3 75 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.205/2 205/2 94 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.205/3 205/3 259 KO1K/00089704/6 321303_2.0003.206/2 206/2 32 KO1K/00089704/6 Gmina Darłowo 0006 - D ąbki 321303_2.0006.297/2 297/2 500 KO1K/00091586/9 321303_2.0006.183/2 183/2 12703 KO1K/00091585/2 321303_2.0006.193 193 128 KO1K/00090393/2 321303_2.0006.295 295 1000 KO1K/00090394/9 321303_2.0006.185/1 185/1 1526 KO1K/00092306/0 321303_2.0006.283 283 255800 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.278 278 293700 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.279/3 279/3 8362 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.279/4 279/4 191100 KO1K/00090421/8 321303_2.0006.280 280 282000 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.281 281 169000 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.282 282 263900 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.286 286 142000 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.287 287 122100 KO1K/00089705/3 321303_2.0006.288 288 87300 KO1K/00089705/3 Gmina Darłowo 0007 - Dobiesław 321303_2.0007.134 134 2400 KO1K/00011000/4 321303_2.0007.271/3 271/3 500 KO1K/00090490/2 321303_2.0007.263/2 263/2 2000 KO1K/00011194/0 321303_2.0007.174/2 174/2 1457 KO1K/00090787/1 321303_2.0007.205 205 1600 KO1K/00010848 321303_2.0007.172/2 172/2 3001 KO1K/00011199 321303_2.0007.513 513 1600 321303_2.0007.514 514 1900 KO1K/00048926 321303_2.0007.499/3 499/3 504 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0007.510/2 510/2 825 KO1K/00020851 Gmina Darłowo 0008 - Domasławice 321303_2.0008.326 326 1200 KO1K/00015525 321303_2.0008.443 443 304 KO1K/00011517 321303_2.0008.336/7 336/7 22 KO1K/00090656/4 321303_2.0008.446/2 446/2 1400 KO1K/00097710/0 321303_2.0008.388/1 388/1 2300 KO1K/00011956/0 321303_2.0008.471/4 471/4 527 KO1K/00090824/3 321303_2.0008.363/8 363/8 204 KO1K/00090538/1 321303_2.0008.363/9 363/9 144 KO1K/00090538/1 321303_2.0008.9 9 26300 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.363/11 363/11 8400 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.363/3 363/3 288 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.363/4 363/4 287 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.4 4 56100 KO1K/00092142/2 321303_2.0008.13/2 13/2 197 KO1K/00036081 321303_2.0008.12/2 12/2 95 KO1K/00036081 321303_2.0008.17/2 17/2 199 KO1K/00036081 321303_2.0008.14/2 14/2 783 KO1K/00036081 321303_2.0008.40/2 40/2 179 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.41/4 41/4 27 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.41/6 41/6 31 KO1K/00089707/7 321303_2.0008.39/2 39/2 900 KO1K/00089707/7 Gmina Darłowo 0010 - Gl ęźnowo 321303_2.0010.127/1 127/1 37 KO1K000/89696/6 Gmina Darłowo 0011 - Je Ŝyce 321303_2.0011.382 382 1500 KO1K/00090716/3 321303_2.0011.132/2 132/2 905 KO1K/00091775/1 321303_2.0011.162/4 162/4 1134 KO1K/00010916 Gmina Darłowo 0011 - Je Ŝyce 321303_2.0011.377/5 377/5 9700 KO1K/00091813/0 321303_2.0011.119/1 119/1 3000 KO1K/00018085/2 321303_2.0011.345 345 1800 KO1K/00090715/6 321303_2.0011.208/3 208/3 3100 KO1K/00018085/2 321303_2.0011.207/5 207/5 897 KO1K/00092030/4 321303_2.0011.207/6 207/6 20204 KO1K/00092030/4 321303_2.0011.265/4 265/4 856 KO1K/00091004/6 321303_2.0011.265/5 265/5 1115 KO1K/00091004/6 321303_2.0011.377/4 377/4 1433 KO1K/00091813/0 321303_2.0011.33 33 34000 KO1K/00092143/9 321303_2.0011.37/2 37/2 486 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.38/2 38/2 448 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.43/2 43/2 217 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.54/2 54/2 722 KO1K/00010914 321303_2.0011.57/2 57/2 272 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.67/2 67/2 596 KO1K/00090417/7 321303_2.0011.76/2 76/2 647 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.109 109 66700 KO1K/00092143/9 321303_2.0011.48/2 48/2 209 KO1K/00090417/7 321303_2.0011.51/2 51/2 219 KO1K/00090417/7 321303_2.0011.11/2 11/2 284 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.12/2 12/2 268 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.16/2 16/2 432 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.17/2 17/2 457 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.18/2 18/2 317 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.21/2 21/2 642 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.22/2 22/2 464 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.24/2 24/2 651 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.26/2 26/2 920 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.27/2 27/2 299 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.27/3 27/3 690 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.39/2 39/2 172 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.40/2 40/2 283 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.44/2 44/2 392 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.45/2 45/2 232 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.46/2 46/2 203 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.47/2 47/2 183 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.50/2 50/2 392 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.52/2 52/2 247 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.53/2 53/2 276 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.55/2 55/2 202 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.56/2 56/2 174 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.58/2 58/2 245 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.59/2 59/2 348 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.60/2 60/2 426 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.64/2 64/2 343 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.65/2 65/2 169 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.66/2 66/2 232 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.68/2 68/2 318 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.69/2 69/2 179 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.71/2 71/2 1147 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.75/2 75/2 250 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.77/2 77/2 156 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.78/2 78/2 181 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.79/2 79/2 476 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.84/2 84/2 101 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.85/2 85/2 130 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.86/2 86/2 33 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.90/2 90/2 1214 KO1K/00020851 321303_2.0011.95/2 95/2 556 KO1K/00020851 Gmina Darłowo 0012 - Je Ŝyczki 321303_2.0012.328/2 328/2 200 KO1K/00091204/8 321303_2.0012.328/3 328/3 200 KO1K/00091204/8 321303_2.0012.114/2 114/2 2700 KO1K/00090943/3 321303_2.0012.255/4 255/4 584 KO1K/00030399 Gmina Darłowo 0013 - Kopa ń 321303_2.0013.141 141 300 KO1K/00091773/7 321303_2.0013.138 138 800 KO1K/00091814/7 321303_2.0013.24 24 400 KO1K/00092311/8 321303_2.0013.265 265 185400 KO1K/00089694/2 321303_2.0013.266 266 177700 KO1K/00089694/2 321303_2.0013.269/1 269/1 79100 KO1K/00089694/2 321303_2.0013.268/1 268/1 126100 KO1K/00013760 Gmina Darłowo 0014 - Kopnica 321303_2.0013.267/1 267/1 231700 KO1K/00090422/5 321303_2.0014.186 186 8500 KO1K/00092144/6 321303_2.0014.202 202 13800 KO1K/00092144/6 Gmina Darłowo 0015 - Kowalewice 321303_2.0015.182/4 182/4 2500 KO1K/00091815/4 321303_2.0015.2/1 2/1 1159 KO1K/00090396/3 321303_2.0015.2/2 2/2 6400 KO1K/00090396/3 321303_2.0015.3/2 3/2 8655 KO1K/00090712/5 321303_2.0015.127/1 127/1 1300 KO1K/00011574 321303_2.0015.127/2 127/2 1000 KO1K/00011574 Gmina Darłowo 0015 - Kowalewice 321303_2.0015.127/3 127/3 5400 KO1K/00011574 321303_2.0015.157/4 157/4 7200 KO1K/00091997/3 321303_2.0015.83/2 83/2 7600 KO1K/00092145/3 321303_2.0015.88/1 88/1 3200 KO1K/00091816/1 321303_2.0015.98/2 98/2 2500 KO1K/00011498 321303_2.0015.99/1 99/1 1000 KO1K/00091816/1 321303_2.0015.76/2 76/2 6182 KO1K/00091899 321303_2.0015.75 75 3000 KO1K/ 00090789 321303_2.0015.74/6 74/6 333 KO1K/00090990/3 321303_2.0015.76/1 76/1 2379 KO1K/00091899/6 321303_2.0015.1/2 1/2 2600 KO1K/00091146/0 321303_2.0015.92 92 3200 KO1K/00091146/0 Gmina Darłowo 0016 - Kowalewiczki 321303_2.0016.40/4 40/4 3300 KO1K/00090777/8 321303_2.0016.66/4 66/4 1784 KO1K/00090681/8 321303_2.0016.134/3 134/3 680 KO1K/00091110/2 321303_2.0016.134/4 134/4 4513 KO1K/00091110/2 321303_2.0016.134/6 134/6 1032 KO1K/00091110/2 321303_2.0016.133/4 133/4 18300 KO1K/00092028/7 321303_2.0016.134/5 134/5 2773 KO1K/00091110/2 Gmina Darłowo 0017 - Krupy 321303_2.0017.271 271 10000 KO1K/00091772/0 321303_2.0017.95/6 95/6 600 KO1K/00091771/3 321303_2.0017.97/3 97/3 1200 KO1K/00091771/3 Gmina Darłowo 0019 Nowy Kraków 321303_2.0019.118/3 118/3 2600 KO1K/00092576/3 Gmina Darłowo 0021 - Porzecze 321303_2.0021.242/1 242/1 160800 KO1K/00089697/3 Gmina Darłowo 0022 - Rusko 321303_2.0022.105/5 105/5 1200 KO1K/00021607 321303_2.0022.46/2 46/2 156 KO1K/00090389/1 321303_2.0022.23/2 23/2 3972 KO1K/00089928/2 321303_2.0022.23/3 23/3 4003 KO1K/00089928/2 321303_2.0022.87/5 87/5 69 KO1K/00016250 321303_2.0022.186 186 2800 KO1K/00089698/0 321303_2.0022.193 193 2000 KO1K/00089698/0 321303_2.0022.199 199 1600 KO1K/00092575/6 321303_2.0022.203/1 203/1 200 KO1K/00016250 321303_2.0022.206 206 700 KO1K/00089698/0 321303_2.0022.207 207 1300 KO1K/00016250 321303_2.0022.208/1 208/1 200 KO1K/00089698/0 321303_2.0022.209 209 400 KO1K/00092575/6 321303_2.0022.213 213 600 KO1K/00092575/6 321303_2.0022.220 220 1100 KO1K/00092575/6 321303_2.0022.221 221 700 KO1K/00092575/6 321303_2.0022.222 222 1700 KO1K/00092575/6 Gmina Darłowo 0023 - Si ńczyca 321303_2.0023.43/1 43/1 1900 KO1K/00011806/4 Gmina Darłowo 0024 - Słowino-Słowinko 321303_2.0024.594/1 594/1 1213 KO1K00011697 321303_2.0024.357/3 357/3 500 KO1K/00012591 321303_2.0024.594/3 594/3 873 KO1K00011697 321303_2.0024.594/4 594/4 11310 KO1K00011697 321303_2.0024.145/3 145/3 4360 KO1K00011697 321303_2.0024.594/2 594/2 5001 KO1K00011697 321303_2.0024.350/2 350/2 1900 KO1K/00090784/0

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