SPORTS MEDICINE Ochsner Journal 21:3–5, 2021 ©2021 by the author(s); Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) DOI: 10.31486/toj.21.0002 Ultrasound: A Useful Tool in the Diagnosis and Localization of Ulnar Neuropathy at the Elbow Amanda Honsvall Hoefler, MD,1 Emily M. Miller, MD,1 Yuka Kobayashi, DO,2 Andrew W. Gottschalk, MD3 1Department of Family Medicine, Division of Sports Medicine, University of California–Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 2Department of Family Medicine and Sports Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 3Department of Orthopedics, Sports Medicine Institute, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA CASE PRESENTATION the evaluation of compression mononeuropathies because An 18-year-old, right-hand-dominant, collegiate baseball of its ability to dynamically evaluate for nerve hypermobility pitcher presents for evaluation of right elbow and forearm or hypomobility, visualize anatomic variations, and identify pain for several months following an increase in pitching vol- pathology, in addition to its lower cost and greater patient ume. He describes a progressively worsening aching pain convenience compared to MRI and EMG.16-20 On ultra- and numbness along the ulnar side of the forearm that radi- sound, the compressed ulnar nerve appears swollen and ates into the ring and small fingers. The patient’s symp- hypoechoic (ie, dark compared to surrounding structures), toms are exacerbated with throwing and wake him from with loss of its fasciculate appearance at or just proximal to sleep at night. He recently noticed reduced pitch velocity and the site of compression.18 decreased grip strength. The season is about to end, and he asks if he should continue to play. REVIEW OF EVIDENCE Studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between BACKGROUND the location of ulnar nerve slowing on EDx and ulnar nerve Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow (UNE), also known as enlargement or increased ulnar nerve cross-sectional area cubital tunnel syndrome, is the second most common com- (UNCSA) on ultrasound.15,18,21 A 2017 study by Podnar et pression neuropathy after carpal tunnel syndrome in both al sought to compare EDx and ultrasound for the precise athletes and the general population.1 Patients present with localization of UNE in 160 patients.17 They expected to find vague discomfort localized to the medial elbow, paresthesia a strong correlation between ulnar nerve constriction and in the ring and small fingers, and weakness with pinching slowing, but instead they found the highest degree of motor or gripping. Symptoms often worsen with activities requiring nerve slowing at the location where the nerve was most elbow flexion.2 enlarged.17 This correlation was true for compression at In athletes, UNE may result from injury (blunt trauma or the retrocondylar groove (n=106) and for entrapment under excessive stretching/traction), ulnar nerve instability, repeti- the humeroulnar aponeurotic arcade (n=54). For entrapment tive compression because of overuse, incorrect biomechan- under the humeroulnar aponeurotic arcade, motor nerve ics or technique, and ill-fitting sports equipment. UNE has slowing and increased UNCSA were most pronounced just been well documented in overhead throwing athletes, most proximal to the location of nerve entrapment.17 notably afflicting baseball players.3-5 The high incidence Increased UNCSA measured by ultrasound has been among overhead throwers is often secondary to medial shown to have a high sensitivity and specificity for diag- elbow laxity because of enormous valgus stress during the nosis of UNE, although specific cutoff values and mea- acceleration phase of overhead throwing, resulting in com- surement locations have varied. An important note is pression and traction across the ulnar nerve.6 that although severity of UNE can be defined by elec- The ulnar nerve may become entrapped or compressed trophysiologic measures using the preoperative aspects at various locations along the medial elbow and is a compli- and dimensions used for an anatomical (PADUA) classi- cated region to evaluate (Table).7-9 Electrodiagnostic studies fication, classification by symptom severity has not been (EDx), including nerve conduction studies and electromyog- established for UNE, making it difficult to discuss patient raphy (EMG), are the first-line diagnostic tool for UNE, with populations with uniformity.22 A 2012 study by Ayromlou sensitivity of 37% to 86% and specificity of 95%.10,11 Down- et al demonstrated that UNCSA was significantly greater sides to EDx include low-variable sensitivity, increased risk in patients with UNE (n=29) vs healthy controls (n=35) of false negatives in early and late stages of UNE, invasive- (P<0.001).15 UNCSA also differed significantly between UNE ness, and associated patient discomfort.12,13 Magnetic reso- severity grades based on EDx (P<0.05), with the maximum nance imaging (MRI) is an alternate diagnostic tool with sen- UNCSA (CSA-max) showing the greatest sensitivity (93%) sitivity of 90% and specificity of 80% for UNE, but MRIis and specificity (68%) for UNE diagnosis at a cutoff value limited by high cost and the inability to visualize the nerve of >6mm2.15 Other studies have reported CSA-max cut- along its entire length.14,15 In contrast, high-definition ultra- offvaluesof8.3mm2 to 11 mm2, yielding sensitivities of sound has emerged as a powerful clinical diagnostic tool for 88% to 100% and specificities of 88% to 98% for UNE Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2021 3 Diagnostic Ultrasound in Compression Neuropathy Table. Anatomic Sites of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment and Com- 11 cases.32 In another 2018 study, Alrajeh and Preston found pression at the Elbow, Listed Proximal to Distal that 12 of 56 patients with UNE had NL-UN on EDx.31 Ultra- sound was able to localize the site of pathology in 100% Anatomic Region Compression Site of these cases, allowing for more comprehensive evaluation Cubital tunnel inlet Medial intermuscular septum and precise surgical planning than EDx for these electrically (most common Arcade of Struthers nonlocalizable lesions.31 pathology) TAKEAWAY Cubital tunnel Osborne ligament High-resolution ultrasound is a sensitive and specific diag- Medial collateral ligament nostic tool for identification of UNE. Many studies have Anconeus epitrochlearis demonstrated remarkable consistency between ultrasound Cubital tunnel outlet Two heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris and EDx for UNE diagnosis. Ultrasound appears to be supe- Proximal forearm Deep fascial bands of flexor carpi ulnaris rior to EDx in localization of early, mild, and electrically non- Confluence of fascia from the flexor localizable UNE. However, the current body of literature is digitorum superficialis to the ring limited by small sample sizes, heterogeneity in patient selec- finger tion, and variability in measurement parameters. Ultrasound is a valuable clinical tool, allowing for earlier and more precise localization of UNE, in addition to dynamic diagnosis.22-25 More recently, a 2019 study by Rayegani et visualization of pertinent anatomy such as nerve hyper- al demonstrated that UNCSA was significantly larger in the mobility, lesions, and anatomic variations that may impact symptomatic UNE group (n=32) than in the asymptomatic interventional approach. Early identification and manage- control group (n=34), with the greatest ultrasound diagnos- ment of UNE in athletes is associated with improved out- tic value measured 2 cm distal to the medial epicondyle (ME) comes, as untreated neuropathies have the potential to and a cutoff value of 9 mm2 (sensitivity 84% and speci- progress from paresthesia to paralysis and loss of intrin- 1 ficity 80%).26 Notably, UNCSA at the ME was significantly sic muscles. In general, nonoperative management with larger in UNE with greater severity based on EDx (P=0.006), rest, anti-inflammatory medications, nighttime splinting for with longer duration of symptoms (P=0.0001), and with pre- up to 6 weeks, and physical therapy with a gradual interval- dominant axonal loss (P<0.01).26 Further, a 2018 study by throwing program and posterior capsule stretching program 6 Terayama et al found that UNCSA measured by ultrasound have been shown to be successful. In patients with refrac- was significantly larger in the UNE group (n=12) than in tory or recurrent UNE, ulnar nerve decompression with or 6 healthy controls (n=24), with high interrater and intrarater without transposition can lead to excellent outcomes. reliabilities.27 They found UNCSA was maximal at 1 cm prox- CASE RESOLUTION imal to the ME, where UNE could be discriminated by a cut- This baseball pitcher’s history and examination were con- off value of 11.0 mm2 (sensitivity 92%, specificity 90%) and cerning for UNE. EDx was negative. High-resolution ultra- an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of sound performed by an experienced sports medicine physi- 0.96.27 cian identified compression of the ulnar nerve within the New evidence suggests that ultrasound may offer greater cubital tunnel by the Osborne ligament, with increased sensitivity than EDx in early and mild disease. In a 2015 study UNCSA of 10 mm2 measured 2 cm distal to the ME. Fol- by van Veen et al comparing the 2 modalities in 30 UNE lowing a failed trial of conservative management, the patient cases and 33 healthy controls, ultrasound was more sen- underwent ulnar nerve decompression with transposition. Of sitive than EDx (76.7% vs 63.3%, respectively) but less spe- note, the area of compression on ultrasound correlated to cific (72.7% vs 87.9%, respectively) for diagnosing20 UNE. intraoperative findings. The patient was able to successfully van Veen et al also found that ultrasound was more sen- return to pitching following a graduated throwing progres- sitive for diagnosis of UNE if symptoms were present for sion and a posterior capsule stretching program. ࣘ6 months, whereas EDx had greater sensitivity and speci- ficity for symptom duration >6 months.20 A 2019 study by ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Pelosi and Mulroy found that ultrasound had higher sensitiv- The authors have no financial or proprietary interest in the ity than EDx in detecting clinically very mild (20% vs 3%, subject matter of this article.
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