I \ '.I 'C.P.A. Friday' keeps students zn• By Ronald J. Bernas It ••• and of course, there's 'Dear Libby' and a touch with their world Staff WfIler A Fr'da special Interview by Nicole." , camera and mixing board, the class puts out a "Good morning and welcome to G.P.. I Y "Good," Skwarezynski said. relatively professional product. The studio was "Okay," Skwarczynski said. "Now It's time for I'm John. Today we have a very interestmg . B~t It w.asn't good for Nicole Macdonald. "Spe. painted by the first G.P.A. Friday crew; the word news, Tom" The students moved the anchor show for you .. " "Cut," yelled teacher Gary clal mtervlew? What special mterview?" 'Sports,' surrounded by basketballs and bats, desk under the word "News" which was painted Skwarczynskl "You're intervieWing the headmaster," some- pamted on the wall, is shown just before they on the wall. Slxth.grader Tom Stroble was put- '~What's the matter?" John Turnbull, the one saId. cut to the sports news. The cloud with lIghtnmg tmg the final touches on hIS news copy right up Grosse Pointe Academy eighth-grader mannmg "I am?" she Sighed heavily. IS shown just before the weather report until the camera focused on hIm The top story the anchor desk, asked. In And so It goes every Wednesday morning on "We had a really good group of kids who got urged students to bring receIpts for a fund "Nothing" Skwarczynski, whom the kIds call the third floor of the Grosse Pointe Academy as mto this project and pushed me," Skwarezynskl drIve the school is having A short meetmg WIth SkI, said "I messed up." Okay Start ~ver." Mr. stUdents m the video production class put to- saId. "Once we came up with a format, It got the staff the day before assured Skwarczynskl "Don't say 'we have an interestmg show thIs gether their version of "infotamment,"which is easier. But It all depends on how much work the the students had been gathering informatIOn for time" one of the off camera students prompted. the show. shown during the lunch hour on FrIday. kIds want to do. SometImes It'S good Sometimes "Okay" Turnbull said They cut to the most eagerly-awaIted portIOn In 40 minutes the students in the class put to- it's," he paused, "better." "Ready?" Skwarczynski, who had refocused "The headmaster's busy," someone saId of the show; "Gossip, WIth Steph." the camera asked "Okay, cue music." Maniacal gether a 10-15 minute show which is the talk of the school every FrIday afternoon. "So who do I Interview now?" Macdonald saId. "Rumor has It," Stepha me Peralta, a Sixth- laughter then the strains of "Wipeout" are "What about the cheer leading coach?" grader, said, "that Pete and Kathy mayor may heard. Then, Turnbull started hIS mtroduction Less than a year old, the class has become one of the most popular eight,week electIve classes "Yeah, we haven't had anythmg about cheer not be going to~ther. And Mary stIll hkes John ~m in the school Working with a donated hand-held leaders on yet," Skwarczynskl saId. Some students went off to find the coach. See G.P.A., page 21A .mila Grosse News IIIIII Vol. 51,No.9 56pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan 35( March 1, 1990 r .: A.{'-;: ;:::<i..r>~v... .;.::,.4f....v }tv Wffr ....h / Documentary of King visit airs Thursday, Friday nights By Dan JaMs Staff Writer See retatecI ...... , page 6A King. We were there to show our "The NIght Martin Luther contempt and to express It pub- King Came to Grosse Pointe," a days before the speech. licly. We weren't so much in op- documentary describing the civil position to hIm appearing in Before the Board of Education rights leader's 1968 visit here, Grosse Pointe as we were to hIm would grant permission for the will air tonight and Friday. appearing anywhere." Human Relations Council to use The first broadcast will be Lobsinger called for a massive the high school gymnatorium, a March 1 at 8 p.m. on WTVS demonstration and recommended sizable insurance policy had to Channel 56. The same segment people bring SIgnS to express op- be purchased to protect school will be shown the followmg property. poSItion to the clvl1 rights leader mght, March 2, at 9:30 on because Lobsmger claImed King WXYZ Channel 7. The fllm claimed that many m the commumty were afraid of supported the communist war ef. fort m VIetnam The film IS directed by inde- notmg by CIvil rights actIvists In pendent teleVlsion wnter and the year followmg the 1967 nots Dunng King's speech, Lobsm producer Harvey Ovshmsky, a ger could be heard yellmg, In DetrOIt As It turned out, the Grosse Pomte reSIdent only dIsruptIon at the speech "manIac, communIst and trai Ovshmsky's documentary cen- was not caused by CIvil nghts tor." Lobslnger eventually ters not only on Kmg's ViSIt but actIVIsts or by Grosse Pomte res- ~tomped out of the gymnato- num Lobslnger was photo- on the preparation by the Gt'oese Ideltts, but by an all.white, De. Pointe Human Relations Coun- grltphed sulking in the back of troit-based organization known the room. cil, the organization that invited as Breakthrough. King to speak at Grosse Pointe After several intelTuptJOns, Headed by Donald Lobsinger, fl, Pile it high Phoco by Rosh Sil/ars High School, now South High Kmg was allowed to speak. School. members of Breakthrough pIck- "If they (Breakthrough) feel eted outside the high school and Snow removal crews worked to remove the white IItuff that fen OIl all of lOutheastern Michi- they can discourage me," King As mentioned in the film, the heckled King's speech inside. In gan last week. But don't fret - it's winter and this is Michigan _ 80 It should be 10 d8greel: event brought heated discussion told a full house, "They wIll be next week. a recent interview, Lobsinger to the meetmg of the Grosse saId, "We weren't there to show Pointe Board of Education just our respect for Martin Luther See KING, page 19A Restraining order prevents Cadieux farmhouse project By John Minnis The restraining order prevents it to pass. Assistant Editor with the project. the property owner, Peter Kauff However, because of the one Kauffman wants to sell the ReSIdents opposed to the devel. On March 2, Judge James A. Kauffman saId The Blake Co man, and The Blake Co. from abstention, city attorney Richard property to The Blake Co. to be opment of the Cadieux farm- Hathaway is to hear arguments is the only budder who is wllling proceeding with buildmg on or Hinks belieVed that two-thirds of developed mto two condomi- house into condomimums have whether to contmue the restrain. to keep the farmhouse. He saId selling the property as a multi- six votes were needed for an af- niums The Blake Co. proposes stopped the proJect, at least tem- ing order until the suit concern. other developers mterested m family resIdential parcel firmative vote. In Hinks' opin. an "adaptive reuse" of the Cad- poranly. ing the legality of the vote can the property want to tear the old The CIty Council voted 4 to 2 ion, the 4-to-2 vote met the two- Ieux farmhouse that would re- On Feb. 20, Wayne County be heard. If the judge does not house down and build two new WIth one abstention Jan. 15 to thirds requirement store the 18308 dwelling and add CIrCUIt Judge Marianne Battami approve a rezoning of the Cad. continue the restraining order, houses on the property. Kauff- SIgned a temporary restraining Nearby residents, however, a kItchen area and a garage. A man, a member of the Grosse ieux farmhouse property from then the condominium project second condo would be attached order preventing Grosse Pomte disagreed. Through their attor- can proceed as planned. Pomte HIstorical Society, wants single-family residt'ntial to the ney, William D. Gllbride Jr., the at the garages. CIty from considering any vari. Gilbride, however, points out to protect the farmhouse. multiple-family zoning. Because reSIdents filed a suit against the Residents In the area are op- ance requests concerning the that if the court later decides the of the number of nearby resi- city claiming the vote did not posed to property being devel. The hIstorical society has pub- Cadieux farmhouse property at rezoning vote was not sufficient, dents opposed to the rezoning, a meet the two-thirds requirement. oped as multl-family reSIdential. licly supported the adaptive Notre Dame and Jefferson and then any development of the two-thirds vote was required. They also sought and obtained a They want the property to re- reuse of the property The soci- prohibIts any adminIstrative ac. property as multl.famlly has to That means five of the seven temporary restraining order pre- mam smgle-family residential ety fears that the alternative to tlons such as issuing building be undone, which could prove members of the council had to venting the city, Kauffman or and would prefer to see the The Blake Co.'s plan IS the loss permits 'costly to the owner and devel- vote in favor of the rezoning for the developer from proceeding farmhouse restored as the only of the hIstorIcal structure alto- oper. dwelling on the SIte. gether P~~(~ • Owner of small lot on Neff sues City By Nancy Parmenter according to cIty ordmance, be- Staff WfIler Neighbors of the lot have of- cause the cost of the repairs ex- David J.
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