Kbi Dial 740 7:45*K1'0 X—C

Kbi Dial 740 7:45*K1'0 X—C

THURSDAY, MARCH 31 FRIDAY, APRIL 1 0—K ABC—Back to the Bible. ILA0--News I ass reglann. 0*KFI—News of the World. See Page 32 for 8 a.m. to (To 12:00) See Page 32 for 8 a.m. to KHI—Crime Fighters. KRIM—Polka Parer 5 p.m. Daytime Radio KNX—Tennessee Ernie. 5 p.m. Daytime Radio (till U:00). Log Listings KFAC—Evening Concert. Log Listings •:16—KFI—One Man's lrounny. KFOX—Ray Robinson Show. KGFJ—Treasury Dept. KFWB--Bob Kennedy Show. KIOL,A—Tom Brennen. KGER—Bible Treasury. —KABC—Len Beardsley. —K ABC—Len Beardsley. :31)*KABO--N.eweassts. *KFI—Feature Wire. KGF.I—World Bible Societe. 5*KFI—Feature Wire. 5 *1SLAC—News; Gene Norman KFI—Dinah Shore Moe, KHJ—Sgt. Preston. KHJ—Music. KHJ—Have A Heart, (to 12:00). *KNX—Ed. R. Morrow. *FNX—Ed. R. Marrow. KNX—Lowell Thomas. FRIG—Catalina Bandstand. 8:10—ROER—Dr. A. P. Michelson. KALI—Voice of So. Amerioa. ROER—Voice of china. KFVD—Floyd Osborn. 8:15—KF1—One Man's Family. KFOX—Texas Tiny. KOM—Col. of Mine Selene*. *KFIVB—News. KFVD—Floyd Osborn. KGFJ—Report to Parents. 6:35—KABO—Cocoa.nat Greve Ore. KGM—Musical Reveries. *KFWB, KWKW—News. *KLAC, KWKW—News. 030—K ABC—World We Live In. KG/I—Musical Reveries. :45—KFI—Frank Sinatra Show. *KXIPC—News; Bill Stewart. KF1—Roy Rogers. *KLAC—News; Sports. KNX—Bing Crosby. KPOL—Musical Comedy. KHJ—True or False. *KXIPC—News: Bill Stewart, KGER—Action. KRKD—Ten Top Tunes. KNX—Lowell Thomas. KPOL—Musical Comedy. *KGFJ—News. KGER—Voice of China. KRKD—Ten Top Tunes. KXLA—Joe Rhea. 0:05—KFWB—Larry KGFJ—Col. of Divine Science. KLAC—Alex Cooper. 5:05—K F1713--Larry Finley. :58*K ABC—Bob Garred. 111:45—KNX—Bing Crosby. KLAC--(lene Norman. 5:10—KABC—Wendell Noble, KGER—Action. Muni Bon. :16—K ABC—Wendell Noble. —HAW—Burgle *KGFJ—News. KFI—Hollywood Palladlmn. 5:15*KABC--Bill Stern. KGFJ—Fishing News. 9 *KFI—Rollie Thomas. KXLA—Joe Nixon. *KFIJ—News. KNX—Carroll Aicott. 8:55*K ABC—Bob Garret!. 5:15*KABC—Bill Stern. *KNX—News. KGFJ—Serenade in Blue. *KFT—Rollie Thomas. KGFJ—Ilimter Hancock, drik—FC ABC—Burgle Musk Bon, KNX—Carroll Aleott, 9:13—KILI—Muslo. 0:30*KABC—Chet Huntley. FFWB—Mark Scott KFI—Art Baker's Notebook. KFI—Bob Hope Show. KN X—Ball anon a' Records. *KHJ—News. KWKW—Race Resume; Spores KHJ—Bob (.reene. O: 30—K AltC—T13.4. KNX—Tom Harmon. *ILNX—News. :30*K ABC—Chet Huntley. KFOX—Billy Berg Show. Kfl—America's Bandstand, KFWB—Larry Finley. WEI—Art Baker. KIM—Income Tax Information KGER—Your Income Tax. KRKI)—Sports Dial. KIIJ-4.1tob Greene. KMpC—Dance Time (till 12:0(1) KGIM—Hunter Hancock. K XLA—Squeakin' Deacon. XXX—Tom Harmon. *IiN OE—News; On Stage. ROIL—Musical Scrapbook. KFAC—Cont mental Varieties. 5:43*K ABC—Bob Garred. 9:45—KI1J—Footnotes To History. O:15—KI1J—Music. KGM—Musical Reveries. *KFI—Dase Shaw News, *FLAC—News. K Brundige. KNX—Ballance n' Records. 9:55—KI1J—Flve Minute Final. FRKI)—Sporte Dial. *KNX—Frank Goss. 9:2S*K A BC—News. AWKW—Romano Smeraide. *K ABC—News. KLAC—Sam Baiter, Sport*. 9:30—K ABC—Lewrence Welk. K XLA—Sitteakin' Deacon. *En—Field. Reporter. K IIK1)—Raee Results. 10 KFI—America's Bandstand. 5:45*KABC—Bob Garred. *HUI—Fulton Lewis, Jr. 5;55*KM, KN.X—News; KI1J—Gil Houston. *KFI—Dave Shaw News. *KNX-10 O'clock Wire. KGER—Aleohollsm. KFAC—Crossroads of Music. *KABC—John Vandercook. KFIJ—Bi II Brundige. MIPC—Drince Time (till 12:00) *KNX—Frank Goss. KEW B--Larry Finley Show. 6 KFI—Elmer Peterson. KGER—Camp Meeting. *KM—Gabriel Heatter. 9:45—KHJ—Footnotes To History. KLAC—Sam Batter, Sports. KRKD—Race Results. KWKW—Dr. Ethel Barnhart. KNX—Rosemary ClooneY. 9:53—KHJ—Five Minute Final. KXI. A—Rick Lazaar. *KFAC, KFOX, K1.AC—News. 5:55*KM—rive Star News. KGF.I—Request Performance. *KNX—Local News. KMPC—Boli Kelley. Sports. 10 *Ige7ters.Reporter. MIPC—Rare Preview. KM—Fulton Lewis, Jr. HOW TO FIND PEACE IN 6:10--KFOX—Sundown Serenade. KN X-10 O'cloek Wire. *KABC—John Vandercook. 6:15—K ABC—Len Beardsley. KFAC--Crossroads of Music. 6*KFI—Elmer Peterson. KFI---Sports Report. KFWB—Larry Finley Show. *KILT—Gabriel Heatter. THIS CHANGING WORLD KHI—Eddie Fisher. KGER—Old 'time Gospel. KNX—Perry Corno. KNX--Choraliers. KC:IL—Starlight Ballroom, KGFJ—Request Performance. DR. FREDERICK BAILES *KMPC—World and Local KWKW—The Christopher,. KMPC—Bob Kelley, Sports. News. K X LA—Rick Lamar. KWKW—Italian Melodies. 6:20—K ABC—Van Brocklin Sports. 10:06—KFAC—Crossroads of Music. 6:05—KLAC—Top Ten Tunes. KABC -" 10":30 6:25—K ABC—Fred Beck. 10:15—KABC—Dr Frederick Belles. 6:10—KFOX—Sundown Serenade. through Flriday KW—A Joy Forever. 6:3031(1/F1—Shirley Thomas. 6:15—KABC—Len Beardsley. KHJ—Frank Evans. *KHJ—Behind The Story, KFI—Sports Report. 6eeery— ilaya.n11:4onday KNX—Bill Kenneally. KRKD KNX—Amos n' Andy Mamie KII.I—Guest Time. through Orlday 10 :95—KI4X—Tom Hanlon. KNX—The Choraliers. KALI—Programa Pan America 10:30—KABC—Say It With Motile. KFOX—Lombardoland. KFAC—Musical Milestones, KFI—Al Poska show. *KM PC—World and Local News 10 :15—KABO—Dr. Frederick Bailee. KFOX—Dinner Music. KFI—A Joy Forever. KFWB—America Dances. KW—George Crowell. :20—KABC—Van Brocklin Sports. KNX—Phil Norman. KEIJ—Frank Evans, KGER—Rev. Al Harlan. :25—K ABO—Fred Beck. KNX—Bill Kenneally. /131PC--Today's Races. iii. —*KETFIZthew Hour eNers. (I :30—KFT—Hollywood Sound Stage. 10:20—KFWB—Star of the Game. KRKD—Right to Live. *KH.I—Behd The Story, KW-KW—Hoye. Hour. *KNX—News. KNX—Amos n' Andy MIIIIIi0 10 :25—KNX—Tom Hanlon. KXLA—Frank Simon. KFOX—On The Air. Hall. 10 :30—KABC--Say It With Mugs. :35—KFI—Show Time. WIER—Bra Clarence. KFAC—Musical Milestones. KW—Al Poska. KHJ—George (I :45—KFI—State Income Tar. HP:HO—Doug Mont gomerl. &FOX—Dinner Music. Crowell. *KNX—Philip Norman. *1111.1—Sam Hayes. 11:10—KNX—Hanlon's Scoreboard. KFWB—Ainerica Dances, - — of Victor,. KGFJ—Ontdoor Broadcaster. ROER—Rey. Al Harlan. Ku Kw Voices 11 :15—KFI—Sports, Rollie Thomas. KGFJ—Folkfare. 6:55*KABO, KNX—News. KNX—Merry Go Round. KG1L—Memory Melodies. *KEI-11th Hour News. KHJ—Names and Pisces in 11:30—KFI—Hollywood Palladium. KMPC—Today's Races. 11 *KILI—News-Wheel. the News. EGFJ—Huggie Roy. KRIM—Right to Live. *KNX—News. 11:40—KNX—Tom Hanlon Show. KWKW—Hoyos Hour. KFOX—On The Air. KRKD—Saddle Serenade. 11:45—KABC—Frank Remley Orch. 6:45-11111.1—Sam Hayes. Outdoor Sportsmen 11 :55*K FI—News. KGFJ—Outdoor Broadcaster. 11:10—KNX—Ilanlon's Scoreboard. TOM REGAN 1. 2*K_ABC-311dnightK News. KRIM—Dinner Monte. 11:15—KFI—Rollie Thomas. FI—Midnight Flyer. 13:55*KAFIC, KNX—News. KNX—Merry-Go-Round, FISHING NEWS KNX—Music Till Dawn. Kill—Names and Places in UM—MT—Night Music. KFAC—Music Out of the Night the News. KGFJ—Huggie Boy. 6:45 to 7:00 P.m KGFJ—Night Club. *K3IP('—News—On Tin Dawn. ,—KABC—Edward Morgan. 11:40—KFI—Al Poska Show. Mon. thru Sat. K P310—Pete Lombardo. KF1—Gillette Boxing. KNX—Tom Hanlon Show. KRKI)—Moonlight Serenade MIJ—Counterspy. 11:45—KABC—Frank Remley ore. KGFJ — 1230 kc. (till 4:00 a.m.). KNX—Godfrey Digest. KXLA—Bill Johnson Show, KALI—Latin Festival *KABC—Midnight News, Jack Morris. KFAC—Music at Seven. 12 KFI—Midnight Flyer. —FC ABC—Edward Morgan. 12:05—R AB(—Back To The Bible. KGFJ—Fiesta Latina. KNX—Musie Till Dawn. 7 KFI—Fibber McGee and KLAC—Alex Cooper. *KLAC. KRKD—News. KFAC—Music Out of Night. Molly. 12:15—KGER—Stars In The Night. KMPC—Bill Stewart (to 9:30). KGF.1—Night Club. K HJ—Of fie. Detective, K XLA—Joe Nixon. *KMPC—News—On Till Dawn —KFI—Ben Hunter (41,4 hours) • KNX—Mr. District Attorney. 7:15—KABC—Fred Beck. KIIKD—Moonlight Serenade (till 4:00 a.m.) KAI.1-1.atin Festival. KFOX—Report from Waehn. KFAC—Music at Seven. K XLA-13111 Johnson Show, KGER—Family Bible Hour. 7:30—KABC—Lone Ranger. Jack Morris, KGFJ—Fiesta Latina. KW—Sports Highlights. 12:05—K.ABC—Itack To The Bible. *K LAC.; KRKD—News. FM STATIONS KM--Ciscri Kid. KLAC—Alex Cooper. KNX—(rime Photographer. KMPfe—Bill Stewart (to 9:30). 12 :15-11GER—Stars In The Night. KCRW 89.9 KFAC—Echoes and Encores. 7:05—K LAC—Ten Top Tunes. KFWB—Events and 'You. l— K.F.E— Ben Hunter (1/12 hrs.) KRKD—Dinner Music. KUSC 91.5 KGM—Hollywood House Party 7:15—K ABC—Fred Beck. KFAC 92.3 KRKD—Dr. Richardson. KFI—Great Gildersleeve. KW KW—La Horn Popular, KNX — 93.1 7:45*K FoX —C.f.. News. 7:30-- K A BC —"Saga". *KFI—NBC News. KFMB ..... 94.7 !WWII—Rosary Hour. Music you' like FM—Musical Cares an. KABC 95.5 FRKI)—Catholie Hour. 7:55—K .411C—Bolie Garred. KNX—City Hospital, KRKD 96.3 Just enough news KFAC—Echoes and Encores. *KNX—News. Kt:FM—Hollywood House Party KWKW 98.3 —K ABC—Back to the Bible. KRKD—Dr. Richardson. KCBH 98.7 .0 *KEI—News of the World.

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