----- _ t zwa_, ""'i'l"r"'''<e"I!"''''""- -'' -. --""""',-, '.~ ..~_ -...4, 4__ ••_ : .'+',_"+:- - 4_-- __, -'"' _'"' _'''''' , , ••, ~ ~ c ee_ ,•••,, , $D•• , , :e P 'I4I.QCIlOQIIII__ SSI4I _.OIUIII a a __ c_c_c-..,.'- ..-,..,.~"",~, May Is Bicycle Safe ty Month LThe PoL"te Are. rosse ews C0111pleteNe'ws Coverage of All tlte Point(~s I-Jo11UJof the News : --,----------- ~~V._~O_._L_U_-M~E_2_4__ N_O_._2_3 , 1I_f_n_~~_r~_~_s~._so~_~{__I~~_I1~_t_I5:._f~_OI_~:_a~_t-f~[-,h_.-_- ~~~G_..R_O_-_S_S~.E~~P~O_-.I=N=T=E=,=M==IC==H~'-I_G=A~._N~_-,~J=U=_N-_'-E='~b-=,~1=9~b~3~~~~~~~~~~~~=--_M-7~~oo_p_e-p_rer~c.~~~1..a-_r ~2-4_'_-_P_A_'-_G_'E_-S_""_'-'-:~H_R_E_E~~_~_c._T_i_o_N_-_S-_S_-E_C._.-T_-io_--_N_.__ ..... ----- 1 ----I HEADLINES! Top Students Honored at Parcells School 731 GPHS Seniors'S~~ho<~IBoa,rd 0/ th, \VEEK As Compiled by the 0?fS~I To Get Diplolnas !~:~~!:~~ht Grosse Pointe News ........tIThursday June 13;Six Seeking Election to Thursday, ~lay 30.< I ' II Four- Year Terms to Be TWENTY-ONE UNITED ., -- ------____ _ Heard at 8 p.m. STATES fishing boats are "in ,. 'Traditional Commencement Exercises to Be Held in' --,-- . ('ustody" of the Ecuadorean Gymnatorium at 8.15' Webber to ; A story m last week s na\'y. Chief Capt. Ramon Castro Make Pres;nt~tions ; KE\VS incorrectly gave the Jijon announced Wednesday his , d f h ) \\ 31'ships seized th£' San Dir-go. ./ ------.----By Kathy Groehn , ate or t e sc '~ol board Calif., tuna fln't. opening a new "'''4r'' I A stack of 731leather-bound diplomas r as been' candidates' raH~' as Tu('s- ("\I,I')tel' in the l:,S,-Ecuadol'('an '~,.<, h da\' June 4 The raIl" \"1'11 ' <).'t' I and-letiered with the names of the Grosse POI""lte Hl'gh ,)• . '. ,y .... "fishing \\ar" which be,gan Sat. ,;~ b h Jd 1. ' ht Tl d .' School graduates who will elal'm them at COlnm"nce- e e lurs t1rda,\! whE'n tr.,' ,Jamb£'li, ont' of • L om,g, ay, Eeuador's patrol ships, "ar- ment exercises, to be held at 8:15 o'clock, Thursday, June 6. at the Fries Audi- restcd" t\\,(1 American tuna June 13, in the gymnatorium. i torium beg inn in 6' at 3 hOi1ts, White Star and Hanger. .• : f The exercises will be opened ---------. ----- ...~- .. j o'clock "meteen other ships in the "'i;, ! with an invocation by Senior • I U.s,-based fket rallied to Whitc:i,;;. I ;.''.'.,.",'.;.:.',.'.:.','.:,::".!I ;~~~~ President Paul Renten- Clty CounJcil I b~,T~I~:a~~du:~:'a~~y~~~~~:s~:~ Star and Ranger's defense, pre- ""'i~~ . wnting th£' ,Jamb£'Ji from shcp-:::\ ,...</;~:};\J I As the evening's principal D f Plea i er<;, the War :'IIeInorial Assod- herdin/.: he!" "catc.h" into the .;~,:~, "'-., :;"i(hh~;-'",~,I speakers Pat Nash and' Jim e ers . I ation, Ow Hir;h School '\lothers' nearest port, Puerto Esrne!"al- l~,:tf.~~ti1~~~i I 'Seder ~~iIl speak on the de- J " 't. i Club and thp GI"O,,~ Pointp PTA das. The ,Iamb£'li c:llled [or If' ':WM¥~;:m ! mands of the twentieth century, i Of H OSPl- tal Council. H{'re. interpsted citi- help, and Ecuadorean warships ~ ~l\)W:#i I Students among the top five i . zpns ha\'e thp opportunity to ,;ee respondf'd, Likp Chile and Peru, l t /...... 'oj!,' ~ percent of the class in scholas- i ilnd hear t1w six people who J<;cuac!orcontt'nds her territorial ~ : tic achievement will receive! R 'd t I 'Ad' R f ,an' candidate'S for Board of limit" extend 200 mil{'s oflshore, <~ -- .. ,,-:,,'~ the Mothers' Club award a eSI en S vlsory e - Education seats, 1'11'0 tl'w-tees The L'nited Statl'~ rec()gnizes Webster's Collegiate Diction~ry, erendum' Asked at : are to be elee-ted next :\tondav, only the usual thr£'e-mil(' limit. i The winners of the Plebian November Election ! June 10, to four-year t('J'ms, • * * : ,Athletic Trophy. of the Rotary I Incumbent Robcrt WhiteJe'l1 :'i~it~~~:~:{~I~~'~~~.~rn~;~1i\~~,~ .•.t,~.','.~,','=.~.~>:<.~...',._?\~.~.,',•..,.:.,..'.,,,,,,',':...l,,~.,,:,.,:'.:.,.,~,t,:<,~,:.i.,,'. i:~;~~~:S;'~~e~''':~jl,n~,~'h~~:~;~~:~;::~~t~~~;~dCS£:::~;~~:~~:e~:~i.;,::~~~\~~:~a~ \\eek to di>'cuss desegregating! ...."" . " ~ .....;i':;:]_~;:~'" 'no, I WebbcJ' To Give Diplomas ! now. at the next genITal e1eC'- lor this offlcP. indude Lionpl Southern stores and r£'5tall- '''h' h ' h , Counselors will announce the :tion, Gro,sse Pointe City re.si-; Blrc~, Hudson :\lc:Jd, Frank PdC-. 1 ese mnt graaers ave performed outstand- row;-WALTER GRIFFITH, MARILYN HORN, . ll~ R II P bl. d H rants, Kennedy intends to try names of graduates, and Mr, I dents WIll be asked to give, ({' " usse ce es an or in,gly at Parcells Junior High School this year, They FLORE:NCE DOGARIlI BARBARA KAHLE and ' 'ace Ron ~rsonal persuasion before re- - , Robert Webber. president of; their opinion on whether or not ". were reco~mized at the Sixth Annual Awards As- JOHN SIPE Front I"OW' PAMELA SNOOK 'B S H' I hI' S' h f t! sorting to l€'gislation to hasten C' • ,- , the Board of Education. wjlJ: on ecours osplta :' ou d be . ('n'lIlj:( as 0';1 (,SSf'S or le jntegration, His Administration. sembI) held last week. Top row, left to right:- PAMELA THOMPSON, MAUREEN POLKING- present tlwm with diplomas, ,permiU ..d to expand, . raJJy are Mesdames AHr,?d anxiuus to an.rt any Ilew racial BARBARA McBRIEN, BARBARA STAUFFER, HORNE, BARBARA KEMP and NANCY CHASE. For the last time the members: This "advisor'\' ref,'rendum". ;l,loran, Frank W. Thomp~nq, explosion in the smoldering PAMELA SEYMOUR, BEVERLY HEISEY. Middle of the Class of '63 will stand, \l'ill be in no w~y binding, 'Jut ,..J~mes L \\'(1)Ci" and ,John J!, South. has been busy with pr('- ~'-.--.- ..~-------- ..-,--, ~----------------- --------------.~------------~------- to sing their "Alma Mater.": merely pro\'ide the CIty COllne-il \\'Illlam. :\h,~, Tom R. ::\1. as. parations for the coming meet-' f'l Pla W accompanied by the Grosse with an indication of the p{'o- on \,,111 sene a<; 11111<"r. in~, Concurn.'ntl~., .Justice De- i Le,"ter lIS oods to Rellew Efforts Ce-nJerDrive Pointe High School Concert. ple's feeling :>n the i<,lIe, Thc Inducted 011 Ih£' hallot n{'xt partll1('nt lawyers are working i Orchestra, directed by Mr, Rich- ! Council. authori7..ed 'egislati\'C:' '\ionda~ w:ll he a question rC'- on'rtime, attempting to draft' "LI '" T ' T Oht. T ff. L. I t G $63 105 ard H, Snook. : body of Grosse Point,~ City, is. garding Ihe tran"f{'l' of fund~. f'fT('etj\'e ci....il ri~hts les;:islation. ,.I:j Olne... OIVlt .. 0 alII ra Ie 12'1 ets , The benediction will be given I the only body empowered to act ; ~'oters will be aske,.i tn authol'~ <tnd -\tlol"nev General RubPl't' B 1C C...J by Paul R('ntenbach and the \ on Bon Secours' 1'('7.Qning pcli- \ lze the Board of bdu('atlon to Kennedy has' spent the past few i ai'll oucert .At Jefferson alld Marter Frol'n 4~O18 ~raduates will march out to' tion, The\' will ('('t after the us(' money collect,'d for pre- nan; talkin~ with some of the I ::' "Pomp and Cireumstancc," election, - , 1!}:~2deb:, a debt which is now same businessmen who willi ~~-----_._---- Party at Yacht Club Councilman David E, Bur-: ~~d~; pa~d. fO~1(;ther constru~ me£'t with his brother next: High School Musicians of Conditions At Entrance to Lakefront Park Called Contributions Still Being After commencement, a non- gess proposed the "ad\'isorv ref- on an capl a purposes, .. , D I bl AdD M b R d date buffet supper and dance d" I t' tiC' . sum of $84,422,68. TI:,prcsentlll!! wnnk I P t d P t t B ep "'ra e n angerous' acom oa R d d W'th C ' eren um so U 1011 0 t 11' oun- . ~'- , . * * as an resen 0 e..... I ecor e I am- sponsored by the Mothers' Club T d'l '1:3 II reSidual balance after the pa\'- d I Commission Has Blocked Previous Attempts paign 'for will be h~ld at the Detroi{ CS'I;;; J, emma ,regarmng on: mcnt of all pre-I932 bonds. h~s GEORGE O'DELL.. DOUBLES I H ear a t SOCla. ~ ~__ $60,000 , ecours expansIOn p10gram at, a ru d a~ a tra tyIe' po I'Iceman and roa d I ," Th e neceSSl .t y f or a t ra ff'Ie l'Ight a i J e ff erson an d Well Over Top Yachtd CI.ub. Dancmg,to'II record,- a Cit.v Council mee1illg held, cc1") (',b d J h Tl1e Grosse POInte HIgh u e musIc WI contmue until l'uesda:-' e"nl1I'I',g. JUlIe 4. al tlln 1(' oar 0 anS to use t e"e saf£'ty lecturer in Reading. Eng- ,T Marter road, (entrance to the Grosse Pointe Woods H, ~ , S l.- C B d The Grosse POI'nte War 1:300'cloc,k., Neighborhood ,-'jub, BUI'gn..ss' funds to help it complcte the land, Yesterday O'Dell paid a: elIDa 1 oncer t an WI'II waterfront park), was again discussed at the Woods '-' ,. f I 'ld' d h • I h ld f th th' , F' M . l' 1963 F '1 DecoratIOns Will correspond resolution was passed hv maJ'Ol"-' our-year )~J.
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