University of Texas Rio Grande Valley ScholarWorks @ UTRGV Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications and Presentations College of Sciences 1994 Dilaton black holes with electric charge Malik Rakhmanov The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/pa_fac Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons, and the Physics Commons Recommended Citation Rakhmanov, Malik. “Dilaton Black Holes with Electric Charge.” Physical Review D, vol. 50, no. 8, American Physical Society, Oct. 1994, pp. 5155–63, doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.50.5155. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College of Sciences at ScholarWorks @ UTRGV. It has been accepted for inclusion in Physics and Astronomy Faculty Publications and Presentations by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ UTRGV. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. PHYSICAL REVIEWER D VOLUME 50, NUMBER 8 15 OCTOBER 1994 Dilaton black holes with electric charge Malik Rakhmanov California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 (Received 3 May 1994) New static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell gravity with the dilaton field are found. The solutions correspond to black holes and naked singularities. In addition to mass and electric charge these solutions are labeled by a new parameter, the dilaton charge of the black hole. Depending on the values of electric and dilaton charges there are different types of solutions. The solutions exhibit a new type of a symmetry. Namely one solution transforms into another when the mass and the dilaton charge are interchanged. We also found that there is a finite interval of values of electric charge for which no black hole can exist. This gap separates two different types of solutions. Inside the gap the solution can exist only if the dilaton charge is exactly equal to the negative of the mass. The behavior of the solutions in the extremal regime is also analyzed. PACS number(s): 04.70.—s, 04.20.Jb I. INTRODUCTION no horizon anymore. The surface of metric discontinuity becomes the surface where the scalar curvature diverges. The low-energy limit includes scalar of string theory a In this case the arguments of [3] do not apply because the dilaton field, which is massless in all 6nite orders of per- surface integral diverges. This leaves the possibility for turbation theory [1]. However, in order not to conflict the existence of the scalar 6eld in the exterior of a black with classical tests of the tensor character of gravity, the hole if one admits singularities at finite radii. However, physical dilaton should have mass. This mass is assumed on very general grounds it is unlikely that such a surface to arise due to nonperturbative features of the quantum of singularities can ever appear. theory. At the classical level, and at distance scales small In this paper we will not discuss all these issues. Here compared to the dilaton Compton wavelength, we can we simply assume that there is a scalar 6eld in the exte- neglect the mass and study the effect of the dilaton on rior of the electrically charged black hole and study pos- low-energy physics. In particular, the dilaton modifies sible consequences of that. We will see that in most cases Maxwell's equations and it affects the geometry of the the dilaton 6eld destroys the horizons of the black hole space-time. For example, solutions that correspond to and leads to appearance of the curvature singularities. electrically charged black holes are modified by the pres- It will be shown that there is a one-parameter family of ence of the dilaton. Such solutions were studied in [4]— spherically symmetric asymptotically Bat solutions with [10], where it was shown that the dilaton changes the different dilaton charges. For a particular choice of the causal structure of the black hole and leads to curvature dilaton charge the solution reduces to the one obtained singularities at 6nite radii. ob- The black hole solution in [9], from now on referred to as the Garfinkle-Horowitz- tained in was also extensively [9] studied in connection Strominger (GHS) solution. This is the only true black with extremal dilaton black holes. It was argued that hole solution of the entire family. The other solutions such a black hole behaves like an elementary particle in correspond to naked singularities of different types. the sense that its excitation spectrum has an energy gap We will use geometrical units c = G = 1 throughout [»1-[»1 the paper. The line interval for a static spherically sym- Although the dilaton 6eld naturally arises in string the- metric space-time can be written as ory its existence &om the point of view of general relativ- ity is quite problematic. A generic scalar 6eld can violate ds = ndt +P—dr +p (de +sin Hdrp ), the equivalence principle; see the discussion in [2]. On the other hand, in black hole physics the inclusion of a scalar where a, P, and p are functions of the radial coordi- 6eld leads to the appearance of a "baryon number" as- nate r only. The solution that corresponds to the black sociated with the field. In the case of the dilaton field hole with mass M and electric charge Q is given by the this is the dilaton charge. It is generally believed that no Reissner-Nordstrom metric with p (r) = r and parameters other than mass, electric charge, and angular = = —— —— momentu~ can be associated with a black hole (see [3]). a'(r) s '(r) (1 ') (1 ), This conjecture essentially rules out the existence of the scalar field in the exterior of a static black hole. Indeed, if where we assume that the black hole has a regular horizon, then r1,2 =M+ QM2 Q2 following the arguments in [3] we arrive at the conclu- sion that the scalar field must be constant. On the other This solution has two horizons r = ri z when Q ( M . hand, the inclusion of the scalar field immediately results If Q = M the two horizons coincide and the black hole in singularities at the horizon. Strictly speaking, there is is said to be extremal. In the case when Qz ) Mz there 0556-2821/94/50(8)/5155(9)/$06. 00 50 5155 1994 The American Physical Society 5156 MALIK RAXHMANOV SO are no horizons. II. ACTION AND SYMMETRIES The metric is divergent when r approaches rq or r2. However, invariant quantities made out of components of The form of the action in four dimensions is suggested the Riemann curvature tensor are regular at the horizons. by the low-energy limit of string theory ex- In particular, the scalar curvature is zero everywhere — 1 — — cept the origin, where the true singularity resides. S = ~~g~ (R 2V'„PV'"P e ~F„„F") d x. The geometry of space-time is very different in the presence of the dilaton. Even in the case of pure dilaton The equations of motion for the metric g„,the vector gravity, when there is no electromagnetic field, a singu- potential A„and the dilaton field P are larity appears at a 6nite radius. Inclusion of the dilaton P leads to the appearance of a G„„=8~T„„, conserved charge, the dilaton charge. In static space-time it is de6ned by 7'„(e ~F"")= 0 D = — VggdS". 1 4' V„V'"P+— ~F„„F""= 0. 2 The integration is taken over a spacelike surface enclosing The components of the Einstein tensor and the energy- the origin. The conservation means that the value of momentum tensor are given in Appendix. the dilaton charge does not depend on the choice of the The symmetries of the action are general covariance surface. This is a simple consequence of the equation of and gauge symmetry. In addition, the action is invariant motion for the scalar field: V'„V"P= 0. under the global scale transformations Static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein equations and the dilaton equation are completely de- fined by the dilaton charge D and the mass M. The metric components are given by A„(x)= e A„(z). (2) This freedom can be eliminated by specifying P, the value of the dilaton at infinity. If nonzero this value will result in a screening of the electric charge: qe2$ F(r m oo) = The dilaton field is de6ned up to an arbitrary constant, its value at infinity: In what follows we assume that P = 0. The equations for nonzero P can be obtained by suitable redefinitions. (4) The Nother current corresponding to the global scale transformations is The constant is irrelevant and can be set to zero. The J„=V'„P+e ~F„A". quantity that plays the role of the Schwarzschild radius is defined by Note that this current is not gauge invariant. How- ever the conserved charge, associated with the current, is r, = 2/M2 + D2. gauge invariant provided that only those gauge transfor- mations that vanish at in6nity are allowed. Thus the metric shows a singularity at r = r, . Unlike the Schwarzschild and the Reissner-Nordstrom solutions this III. EQUATIONS OF MOTION is a true singularity. This can be seen from the formula for the scalar curvature: The metric for a static spherically symmetric space- is form metric remains 2D2 time given by Eq. (1). This of the = unchanged under the following transformation, which is B(r) 2+ 2M 2M p re f' —p rs a remnant of general coordinate invariance: 2 (dr) r + r and -+ Therefore, the scalar curvature becomes infinite as r ap- P P (dr proaches r, for any nonzero value of the dilaton charge.
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