ROLLINS COLLEGE LIBRAK1 WINTER PMOL TOPICS A Weekly Review of Social and Cultural Activities During the Winter Resort Season Vol. 7—No. 10 Winter Park, Florida, Saturday, March 2, 1940 Price 10 Cents SOCIAL NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preble, of Chicago, have returned to their home after a week spent visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quarrie. Dr. Hamilton Holt entertained at a large reception at his residence after the Washington Symphony Concert in honor of Dr. Hans Kind- ler, conductor of the orchestra. About a hundred and fifty guests, including many of Winter Park's musicians, patrons and lovers of music attended. Dr. Edwin 0. Grover and The Henry F. Atkinson Dr. Hu Shih .1 a mi's T. Shotwell Wm. S. Culliertaon Misses Gi'over have had as their guest recently James Still, author ROLLINS CONFERS FIVE ROLLINS TO CONDUCT INSTITUTE FOR STUDY of "River of Earth" recently pub- HONORARY DEGREES lished by the Viking Press, and OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PEACE which is receiving high praise from Honorary degrees were conferred Recognizing the increasing un- Council of Churches of Christ in the critics. The book was reviewed by Rollins College at its annual easiness of the average American America and Trustee of the Church in the New York "Sun" by Edwin Convocation last' Monday in the about the war in Europe and Asia Peace Union; Wednesday morn- Knowles Memorial Chapel. Dr. and what the future holds for him ing, Rev. Ansley C. Moore, of Granberry not long ago. Mr. Still John H. Finley made the address, and his children as a result of Clearwater, Fla., Exchange preach- is staying at Tavares and came his subject, "The Printed Word", these social upheavals, there will er to Great Britain and France over to attend the Bach Festival. and he was given the degree of be a three-day Institute on Inter- under auspices of Church Peace Doctor of Laws also conferred on national Relations opening next Union and World Alliance. The University of Chicago alum- Irving Bacheller and Carl Sand- Monday, March 4th, under the aus- ni of Central Florida had an in- "The Unseen But Essential burg. Arthur Guiterman was made pices of Rollins College. President Factors Working for Peace" will formal dinner last week for Mr. a Doctor of Literature and Rev, Hamilton Holt and Dr. Henry A. be the theme of the first session, Harold H. Swift, president of the Joseph Richard Sizoo, Doctor of Atkinson, general secretary of the Monday afternoon at 3 P. M. in board of Trustees. Dean Winslow Humanities. Church Peace Union, have brought the Congregational Church. Presi- S. Anderson of Rollins College was The Rollins Decoration of Honor together a number of outstanding dent Hamilton Holt will apeak on also a guest. Early in the after- was given to Mrs, Helen Packard authorities who will make ad- "Education and World Peace" and Stillman, (Mrs. Philip Stillman), dresses on subjects of vital import- Dr. John R. Mott, chairman of the noon Mr. and Mrs, Rudy D. Mat- Mr. Halsted W. Caldwell, trustee ance leading up to a final discus- thews of Glencoe Avenue gave a World Committee, Y. M. O. A., of Rollins College reading the fol- sion of the question: "What is the will talk on "Religion and World small tea for Mr. Swift and some lowing citation: responsibility of America and Peace". Questions and discussion of the local alumni who are inter- "The Rollins Decoration of Hon- Americans, and what can the in- will follow. or is given by the Trustees of Rol- dividual and the community do?" ested in the 50th Anniversary At the Monday evening session Foundation. Included in the group lins only in recognition of dis- tinguished services to Rollins Col- Attesting the sincerity and seri- the theme will be "The Organiza- were Miss Georgia Chamberlain lege. It is awarded only to Trus- ous effort to clarify the world's tion of Peace". Dr. Hans Simon, and the local committee, Mr. Mat- tees, members of the faculty, the problems and our relation to them, former official in the government thews and Dr, George Crisler of administrative staff, alumni, or the sessions will begin each morn- of the German Republic, will ad- Winter Park and Mr. N. Adding- friends of the College whose serv- ing with a service in Knowles dress the group on "The European ton Baker, of Orlando. ices have been a real and signifi- Memorial Chapel conducted by Point of View". Professor James T. Shotwell of Columbia Univer- cant contribution to the progress Dean Nance1 , with sermons by the Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Tris- and welfare of Rollins. following clergymen: Monday, sity, who is a member of the Com- men have been entertaining Mr. "Under the regulations of the Rev. Roger T. Nooe, of Nashville, mittee of International Intellectual and Mrs. James G. Dartt of Board of Trustees the Decoration Tenn,, well-known as a foremost Cooperation of the League of Na- Brookville, L. I. and Mrs. John is to be worn b/ the recipients at church leader and trustee of the tions, will speak on "The Ameri- all academic occasions of Rollins Church Peace Union; Tuesday, can Point of View". Martin Broomall, of Swarthmore, Rev. Charles S. MacFarland, Sec- Pa. which they attend, or whenever "What Kind of a World Do We (Continued on Page 7) retary-Emeritus of the Federal Want After the War?" is to be Dr. and Mrs. Fielding Lewis the theme of the third session on Taylor gave a dinner Sunday eve- Tuesday morning at 10 A. M. in ning for fourteen guests including WOMAN'S CLUB CELEBRATES 25th BIRTHDAY the Annie Russell Theatre. In Countess Tolstoy, Mr. and Mrs. The 25th birthday of the Wom- Rollins campus. The third medal connection with this theme, Mrs. Stephen P. Duggan, Mr. and Mrs. an's Club of Winter Park was ap- was given to Mrs, C. Fred Ward, Edgerton Parsons, well-known for Russell Codman, Gen. and Mrs. propriately celebrated on Friday, twice President and one of the her work in behalf of women's John M, Carson, Mrs. Reinhard February 23. Speakers included: Club's most active members. organizations and World Peace, By Helen Wieand Cole will discuss the part that women Siedenburg, Mrs. A. L. Dommer- Mrs. W. S. Holloway, President of should play in the reorganization ich, Dr. Edwin O. Grover, Dr. Ed- the Junior Woman's Club, Mrs. "Every institution is the length- ened shadow of a man". So said of the world after the war. 'The ward L. Keyes and Mr, Cecil Rob- Philip Stillman who gave a tribute relations, first, of Youth and sec- erts. to one of the founders, Mrs. Ralph Waldo Emerson, How much George L. Dyer, Mrs. J. Ralston truer is that of a club! Or of a ondly, of The Church, to this same Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jj, Patter- Wells, President of the Florida club we could say, as Thomas Car- problem of building a new world lyle said of history, that its essence will be taken up by R. I-I. Edwin son were hosts at a luncheon at Federation of Women's Clubs, and Espy, International Youth Secre- The Gables Tuesday and had as Dr. Helen W. Cole, retiring Presi- is made of innumerable biogra- dent who gave an interesting rec- phies. And the golden roster of tary of the World Alliance for In- guests, Countess Alexandra Tol- ord of the Club. Two groups of names which might serve as the ternational Friendship Through the stoy, Dr. Rosalie Slaughter Morton, songs were given by Lucia (Mrs. real history of this, as of all clubs Churches. Mr. Patterson's mothei', Mrs. Charles F.) Hammond, soprano, marking their first quarter of a The Spanish Institute of Florida Thomas Patterson, and Mrs. Sarah with Mrs. Ralph Baldwin at the century, would be long and mem- is sponsoring the fourth session Sang, of Pittsburgh, who are visit- piano. Three medals were awarded orable. Tuesday afternoon. The general ing. The Pattersons entertained in recognition of services rendered When women awoke to the fact theme will be "The Americas in a the same group with the addition to the Club, the first to Mrs. Wil- that the preservation of the cul- New World Order: The Monroe liam F. Blackman, one of the tural values of life rested primarily Doctrine—Pan America—Responsi- of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Keiser founders, second to the memory of in their hands, because of their bilities of the Western Hemisphere at a dinner at Mrs. Lists' before Miss Susan Dyer and presented to greater detachment from the —The Good Neighbor Policy". Pro- the Washington Symphony Orches- her cousin Mrs. Philip Stillman, world of competition in business, fessor A. J. Hanna, president of tra concert last Friday evening. with the hope that it be placed in the club spirit among them was the Spanish Institute of Florida, (Continued on Page 2) the Susan Dyer Memorial on the (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 4) Page Two WINTER PAEK TOPICS, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1940 from Tampa to attend the Animat- SOCIAL NOTES ed Magazine. Dr. and Mrs. Nance formerly lived in Tampa. Mem- Mrs. Joseph H. Spafford will bers of the party included Mr. and give an illustrated lecture, with Mrs. James Handly and little son, color films, on the History of Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hampton, Miss Shirley Thompson, Miss Re- Frances Slater dens at the home of Mrs. Philip L. Spalding the former residence of becca Miller, Mrs. Walter Barrett, Miss Annie Russell on Thursday Miss Mary Broreim, Miss Margaret evening, March 7th for the bene- Frecker and Miss Grace Frecker.
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