CORNELL UNIVERSITY OFFICIAL PUBLICATION VOLUME XI NUMBER B DIRECTORY CORNELL UNIVERSITY SECOND TERM, 1919-1920 Abbreviations. The colleges are designated in the list of students as follow s: Arts, A; Agriculture, Ag; Architecture, Ar; Civil Engineering, C ; Law, L; Mechani­ cal Engineering, M; Medical, M.D.; Veterinary, V. Graduate Students are indi­ cated by Grad; Special Students by Sp. The number, e. g., “ 1920” , “ 1921” , etc., indicates the year in which the student intends to graduate. Changes of residence should be reported promptly to the registrar. MARCH I. 1920 PUBLISHED BY CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA. NEW YORK OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY Morrill Hall, middle entrance, second floor. Bell 490, Ith. 2077. THE COMPTROLLER OF THE UNIVERSITY Morrill Hall, south entrance, first floor. Bell 64, Ith. 2001. THE TREASURER OF THE UNIVERSITY Morrill Hall, south entrance, first floor. Bell 64, Ith. 2001. THE REGISTRAR Morrill Hall, middle entrance, first floor. Bell 472, Ith. 2078. THE SECRETARY Morrill Hall, north entrance, second floor. Bell 526, Ith. 2143. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Office of the Dean, Morrill Hall, middle entrance, second floor. Ith. 2079-X. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Office of the Dean, Goldwin Smith Hall, room 143. Bell 368, Ith. 2005-X. COLLEGE OF LAW Office of the Dean, Boardman Hall, room 1. Bell 467-J-3, Ith. 2024-J. MEDICAL COLLEGE Office of the Secretary at Ithaca, Stimson Hall. Bell 405, Ith. 2020. VETERINARY COLLEGE Office of the Dean, James Law Hall. Bell 170-J, Ith. 2029-X. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Office of the Dean, Roberts Hall, room 122. Bell 937, Ith. 1125-J. Office of the Secretary, Roberts Hall, room 192. Bell 422, Ith. 1144-J. COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE Office of the Dean, White Hall, middle entrance, third floor. Bell 574, Ith. 2047. COLLEGE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Office of the Dean, Lincoln Hall, room 12. Bell 216-J, Ith. 2036-X. SIBLEY COLLEGE OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Office of the Dean, Sibley College, room 18. Bell 171-W, Ith. 2061. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Office of the Librarian. Ith. 2097-X. SUMMER SESSION Office of the Chairman, Goldwin Smith Hall, room 246. Ith. 2013-X. Office of the Secretary, Goldwin Smith Hall, room 173. Ith. 2003-X. THE ADVISER OF WOMEN Adviser’s House, Bell 1062-W, Ith. 2134-Y. THE INFIRMARIES, E. STATE STREET Office of the Superintendent. Bell 161, Ith. 86. MEDICAL ADVISERS M en’s Gymnasium. Bell 554, Ith. 2093. Sage College. Bell 1153-W, Ith. 2109-C. THE PROCTOR Morrill Hall, middle entrance, second floor. Ith. 2079. FIRE ALARMS The Fire Alarm Boxes on the Campus are as follows: 121 Southeast corner of Morrill Hall. 122 Southeast corner of Franklin Hall. 123 South east of Lincoln Hall near intersection of East and Reservoir Avenues. 124 Southwest of Home Economics Building. 125 Southwest corner of Veterinary College. 126 South side of Sage College near the Botanical Lecture Room door. 127 Central Avenue at Sage Cottage. FACULTY, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES *Abel, (Mrs.) L. L., Sales Manager, Poultry, 201 Linn. Poultry Bldg., Bell 225, Ith. 1149-M. Abrahams, S. M., Asst. Physical Education, 108 Catherine, Ith. 1029-W. Gymnasium, Bell 554, Ith. 2093. ♦Adams, Bristow, Prof., Editor of Publications, Agriculture, 202 Fall Creek Drive, Bell 602-W. Daily, 12-1; 4-5, Roberts 195, Bell 485, Ith. 1120-R. Adams, J. Q., Prof. English, 120 Wait Ave., Bell 910-W. M T F, 12-12:30, Gold. Sm. 167, Ith. 2004. Adams, (Miss) P. G., Stenographer and Clerk, Buildings and Grounds, 410 N. Aurora, Ith. 791-W. Morrill, Bell 532-J, Ith. 2080. ♦Adams, R. M., Asst. Prof. Vegetable Gardening, 1015 E. State. Poultry Bldg., Bell 1152, Ith. 1097-W. Adelmann, H. B., Asst. Histology, 102 Founders Hall, Ith. 2160-A. Aiken, (Miss) Alice, Clerk, Farm Management, R. F. D. 3, Ith. 56-F-3. Farm Management Bldg. Bell 581-W, Ith. 1123-M. Aiken, (Miss) M . S., Stenographer, Dairy Industry,* R. F. D. 3, Ith. 56-F-3. Dairy, Bell 582-J, Ith. 1115-W. *Albee, Ernest, Prof. Philosophy, 207 Kelvin PI., Bell 1134-J. M W , 10, Gold. Sm. 226, Ith. 2015-X. ♦Albert, C. D., Prof. Machine Design, 7 South Ave., Bell 189-W. M, 2-5; T, 2-5; W, 2-5; F S» 9-11, E. Sibley, Bell 531, Ith. 2155-X. Albright, (Mrs.) A., Librarian Chemistry, 220 University Ave., Ith. 375-J. Morse Library, Ith. 2147. ♦Alexander, W. P., Instr. Entomology, Renwick Heights Rd. Roberts, Ith. 1113-J. ♦Allen, A. A., Asst. Prof. Zoology, 208 Kline Rd., Bell 844-W. M, 11-12, McGraw, Ith. 2128-J. ♦Allen, C. L., Instr. Animal Husbandry, 229 Bryant Ave., Animal Husbandry Bldg., Bell 861-W, Ith. 1057-W. ♦Allen, H. B., Student Asst. Rural Education, R. D 3, Dryden Rd., Bell 446-W. Caldwell, Bell 1240, Ith. 1116-M. Allen, Dr. J. S., Asst. Prof. Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, 31 Greycourt, 9-12, 2-6. Gymnasium Bell 554, Ith. 2093. Allman, (Mrs.) Drue, Asst. Vegetable Gardening, 225 Bryant Ave., Bell 978-J. Poultry Bldg., Bel! 1152,1th. 1099-W. ♦Alnut, H. R., Draughtsman, Buildings and Grounds, 403 College Ave., Bell 1081-W. Morrill. Bell 532-J, Ith. 2080-F. Alspach, (Miss) E. M., Secretary, Semi-Centennial Endowment Committee, Delta Gamma House, Bell 1032. Morrill 32, Bell 1094, Ith. 2076-X. Anderson, E. G., Instr. Plant Breeding, 205 College Ave. Forestry Bldg., Bell 461-J, Ith. 1157-J. Anderson, (Miss) E. L., Asst. Histology, 306 Bryant Ave., Bell 1170-M. Stimson. Andrews, A. L., Asst. Prof. German, 324 College Ave., Ith. 691-W. M Th, 2, Gold. Sm. 178, Ith. 2002-X. ♦Andrews, E. P., Prof. Greek Archaeology, 309 Stewart Ave., Ith. 353-W. M W F, 12, Gold. Sm. 35. Ith. 2018-X. ♦Andrews, F. E., Foreman, Instruction Plant Poultry, Forest Home, Ith. 880-R. Poultry Bldg., Bell 225, Ith. 1099-M. Apgar, F. W ., Greenhouse Helper, Soil Technology, Varna. Artschwager, E. F., Instr. Botany, 301 Bryant Ave., Bell 933-J. Stone Hall, Bell 820, Ith. 1119-J. ♦Ashby, J., Helper Game Farm, Cornell Game Farm, Ith. 33-F-3. Game Farm, Ith. 33-F-3. Ashton, (Miss) L. H., Asst, to Secretary, Agriculture, 302 W. Buffalo, Bell 935-W. Roberts, Bell 422, Ith. 1144-J. ♦Asmus, H., Asst. Prof. Veterinary, 7 Reservoir Ave., Ith. 978. 8-5, Farriery, Ith. 2092-X. Atkinson, J. T., Asst. Physical Education, 110 Edgemoor Lane. Gymnasium, Bell 554, Ith. 2093. Atwood, L. L., Instr. Romance Languages, 134 College Ave., Ith. 695-J. M W F, 11-12, Gold. Sm. 278, Ith. 2010. ♦Atwood, M. V., Asst. Chief, Publications, Agriculture, 116 Delaware Ave., Bell 1008-R. Roberts 23, Bell 485, Ith. 1112-J. ♦Auer, J. A. C. F., Instr. Romance Languages, 407 E. Buffalo, Bell 542. Gold. Sm. 278, Ith. 2010. ♦Auer, W. F., Asst. Physical Education, 324 Mitchell, Bell 542. Gymnasium, Bell 554, Ith. 2093. Augur, D. G., Sec. Publicity, Semi-Centennial Endowment Committee, Chi Phi House, Bell 674. Morrill 32, Bell 1094, Ith. 2076-X. ♦Austen, Willard, Librarian, Willard Way, Bell 558-R. Daily, 9-1, Library, Ith. 2097-X. Axt, A. L., Asst. Physics. Rockefeller. Axtell, (Miss) Florence, Instr. Rural Education, Trumansburg, Bell, call High School. ♦Married. 3 4 CORNELL UNIVERSITY Ayers, (Miss) Ruth, Stenographer, Cornellian Council, 426 E. Buffalo, Ith. 683-J. Morrill 27, Bell 1094, Ith. 2076-X. Ayres, (Miss) O. R., Supervisor of Catalogue, Library, 212 Fall Creek Drive, Bell 259-W. Library, Ith. 2097. ♦Ayres, W. E., Extension Instr. Dairy Industry, 201 E. Jay. Dairy, Bell 582-J, Ith. 1115-W. ♦Babcock, H. E., Prof. Farm Bureau, 103 Harvard PL, Bell 565-J. Roberts, Bell 601, Ith. 1120-J. Bailey, (Miss) S. M., Stenographer, Publications, Agriculture, 421 S. Geneva, Ith. 537-M. Roberts 195, Bell 485, Ith. 1120-R. ♦Baker, Dr. Margarete D., Medical Adviser of Women, 508 E. Buffalo, Bell 404-J. 9-12, 2-5* Sage College, Bell 1153-W, Ith. 2109-C. ♦Baker, W. C., Prof. Drawing, Landscape Art, Parkway and Upland Rds. Daily, exc. S, 10-12, 3rd. floor Dairy Bldg. ♦Balderrey, Dr. F. C., Medical Adviser, 310 Elmwood Ave. 9 a. m.-6 p. m., Old Armory, Bell 554, Ith. 2093. Baldwin, D. L., Secretary to the Dean, Agriculture, 211 Bryant Ave., Bell 565-W. Roberts Hall, Bell 937, Ith. 1125-J. Ball, (Miss) Dorcas, Clerk, Farm Management, 124 Linden Ave., Bell 805-W. Farm Manage­ ment Bldg., Bell 581-W, Ith. 1123-M. ♦Ballard, W. C., jr., Asst. Prof. Electrical Engineering, 310 E. Mill, Ith. 430-J. M W, 10, Franklin Basement, Ith. 2054-X. ♦Bancroft, W. B., Prof. Chemistry. (Absent on leave.) Banfield, (Miss) I. M., Clerk, Farm Management, 217 Mitchell. Farm Management Bldg., Bell 581-W, Ith. 1123-M. ♦Banfield, William, Janitor, Cascadilla Hall, 217 Mitchell, Cascadilla Hall, Ith. 2109-Y. Bangs, J. R., Instr. Machine Design, 636 Stewart Ave., Bell 888, Ith. 330-J. E. Sibley, Ith. 2059. ♦Banner, E. L., Instr. Poultry, 224 Bryant Ave., Ith. 863-M. Poultry Bldg., Bell 225, Ith. 1099-M. Barina, (Miss) Herma, Clerk, Publications, Agriculture, 1203 N. Cayuga. Mailing Room, Roberts, Ith. 1112-J. ♦Barnard, W. N., Prof. Heat-Power Engineering, 4 South Ave., Bell 754-W. M, 8-10; T Th,9-12; Th, 2-4, W. Sibley 6, Bell 171-W, Ith. 2059-X. ♦Barnes, F. A., Prof. Civil Engineering, 409 Elmwood Ave., Ith. 456-M. T Th S, 10, Lincoln, Ith. 2037-X. Barnes, (Miss) Hattie, Periodical Asst., Agr. Library, R. F. D. 3, Bell 570-F-15. Stone Hall, Ith. 1114-M. Barrett, F. W., Farm Supt., Agriculture, Forest Home, Ith. 861-M.
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