The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXI.—NO. 4. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1896. WHOLE NO.—1568. reduced all over the country as the re­ WERE IIANDIG-11*FED. Real Estate. turns come in. * Menzo R. Brown and wife :o Morrell W. Brown, 16 acrea, sec. 88, Eagle, 9800. The following are the returns from How Ylee-Clialnnan Steven* Would Ex ­ KILLED BY THE CARS! Chari.-s T Karcher and wife to John H. the various townships in this county : plain Defeat. Munro. 40 acres, sec. 12, Riley, Si.600. VICTOR. CniCAoo, Nov. 4—Vice Chairman I. La/ayette Lewis to Franklin Lewis. 15 acres, Governor — A Large and Pretty Display for CHARLIE SHIELDS FATAL­ see. 24. Duplain, $500. THE GOLD BUGS OF WALL Hazen 8 Plngree r................. ..........^..18S — 3 N. Stevens, of the National Silver party, Herman F. Key and wife to Henry W. Ko. STREET VICTORIOUS. Robert C. Safford p ................................ 1 a Mass Meeting. today Issued the following statement : LY INJURED walk, 40 acres, sec. 19, DeWRt, 92100. Chariot K SIlKh u s..............................135 Rachel Sober to Wm. F. Sober, lots 6 and 7. John Gtberaon n ............................. 4 If final results show that Mr. Bryau is block 17, Bath, 9500. Hutu* F. Sprague d .............................. t Lieutenant Governor — BETWEEN TEN ANI) TWELVE THOUS­ defeated, it does not demonstrate that Harvey D. Sober and wife to Itachel 8ober t Thomas U. Dunstau r.......................... 133 free silver is beaten by any means. The While Making a Coupling at Pe- 20 acres, see 22, Ovid, 9800. No Hope for Free Silver for at lleury Andrus ....................................... 1 AND PEOPLE PRESENT. Juatln K. Whiting u a........... ...............141— 8 extreme and impolitic planks of the wamo Yesterday. Least Five Years. Hartoy B Hatch n ................................... 4 Advertised Letters. Theodore A Felcb d.............................. 1 Chicago platform lost us hundreds of Secretary of State— The Parade in the Afternoon Was About thousands of votes among conservative November 3, 1H96. Washington Gardner * ........................183 Two Miles In Length —Occupied Forty - FELL UNDER THE TENDER BREAKING George Koelofa p. ................................... 1 bufiiness men who were really in favor Burkhart, A. B. McCreerj’. Mrs. 8. J. CLINTON COUNTY GIVKS McKIXLICY A SEVERAL RIBS. Flfleld. Miss Eva Welti. Mrs. Jane Almond Hruce u a.................................141— 8 five Minutes in Passing a Given of free coinage. Auother factor in this Lang, Mrs. Susan J. Walters, Mrs. Bottle SMALL PLURALITY. Saleui A Dean n ................ >„................... 4 Samuel L Boyce d................................... I Point —Torchlight Parade contest which has greatly injured us State Treasurer— ami Fireworks. George A Steel r..................................... 133 has been the fact that four years ago Died I.a*t Evening Shortly Before the Ar. BUSINESS LOCAL8 Robert King p .......................................... 3 the Democratic party went into power Otto E Karate u a.....................................141— 9 rival of III* Mother From St.John*. Notice to Stockholders. Xlrurker, Mutlxe and Walbridge Saved with a president and both houses of Isaac N Shepherd 11............................... 4 Remain* Hrouaht Here for The regular annual meeting of the From the Wreck—Complete Return* Wilder I) Stevens d................................ 2 Despite the fact that last Saturday congress, and the policy of that presi ­ Auditor General — Interment. stockholders of the Clinton County Sav­ From the County. Roseoe D Dlx r........................ 133 morning, the day designated by the sil­ dent and the legislative acts of a ma­ ings Bank of St. Johns, Mich., for the William A Ream p ............................... 1 ver people for holding their mass meet­ jority of that party in congress have election of directors, will be held at the Arthur K Cole u a.................................... 141— 8 office of said bank, on Tuesday, Decem­ Abram G Jackson n ............................- 4 ing in St. Johns, dawned cloudy, been too often against the interests of Charles, youngest son of Mrs. Julia Irving W Con key d.............................. 1 cold and rainy, by nine o ’clock the peo ­ ber 8,1896, at 2 o ’clock p. in., standard The political contest has closed, but Commissioner of the State Land Office— the people. The American people Shields, of this village, a breakman on time. P. E. VValswortii , Sec’y. William A French r................................138. ple began pouring in from every section not with as much satisfaction as we had William l’arineuter p ............................ 1 wanted a change, and if Mr. Bryan is the local freight on the D., G. II. & M. hoped for or expected. Townships in Martin G Loennecker u a......................141— 8 of the county, and by noon our princi ­ defeated, it is due largely to the fact railway, while making a flying switch, Leave Coal Orders Rodolpb R Atkins n ............................... 4 pal business streets were filled with At John Hicks ’. this county that we had been induced to Altnerou M Tinker d.............................. 1 that they at this time are not willing to at Pewamo yesterday afternoon, at­ Attorney General — wide-awake and patriotic people. believe would staud firmly by the prin ­ Fred A Maynard r....................................183 trust another Democratic administra ­ tempted to cross the track when he Lost. ciples of bimetallism, let us down, while Noah W Cheever p ........,........................ 1 The procession began to form at 11 tion, however strong its professions in slipped aud fell under the tender, break ­ On Saturday last, a black ice wool faci- Allred .). Murphy u b............................141— 8 o ’clock on Lewis street, at the extreme Victor township, from which we ex ­ Charles K Perrine n .................................. 4 the interests of the people. The silver ing several ribs, and left shoulder and nator. Finder please leavfe at Geo. A. pected nothing but her usual Republi ­ Cyrus E Lothrop d................................ 1 north end of Clinton avenue. It moved question will not down until justly set­ chest crushed in. Blood clotted about Wells’ grocery store. Superintendent of Public Instruction — can majorities, did nicely by us. Bing ­ Jason E Hammond r~...........................133 up Clinton avenue to State street, thence tled by the restoration of free coinage the heart and caused suffocation. He Special Sale Robert 8 Avann p .................................. 1 west to Ottawa street, theuce south to ham was cut down one-half from our David E Haskins u s............................. 141— 8 at the ratio of 16 to 1. It is to be hoped was in terrible agony, but retained his On Millinery this week at opponents ’ lowest estimate. Westpha ­ Charles C Willett n ............................... 4 Cass street, theuce east to Swegles-st, that the next time it is submitted to the senses till within about 30 minutes be ­ Mrs. Jones ’, ■ William Heap d....................................... 1 thence north to Walker street, thence In The Steel House Block. lia and Dallas stood firmly by the prin ­ Member ot the State Board of Education — people it will not be handicapped by the fore death relieved him from his suffer­ ciples. The great bulk of the Duplain James W Simmons r.............................. 133 west to Spring street, thence south to ings, which was about 6:30 o ’clock in It Will Pay You Elmer Houser p ................................... 1 injection of other questions, abcut Republicans who had firmly declared for Frank S Dewey u 8 ................................141— 8 State street, theuce west to Clinton ave­ which the friends of free coinage radi­ theeyening. He was 27 years of age, to see and buy those $1 Trimmed Hats bimetallism, settled back into their old Joseph H Steere n ................................... 4 nue. When this point was reached the cally differ in opiniou. and was the chief support of bis wid­ at Mrs. Canfield ’s. The best line of Howard Edwards d................................ 1 Trimmed Hats for 100 cents ever placed ranks. We are under special obliga ­ Representative in Congress —8th Congres ­ last end of the procession was still com­ Mr. Bryan has made the most marvel­ owed mother. He was steady and en ­ sional District - ing up Clinton avenue. The bead of on the market in St. Johns, as they com­ tions to DeWitt for their loyalty to the William S Linton r.....................-.......... 133 ous canvass ever mi^de on the American joyed the confidence and esteem of a bine both style and quality. cause. Lebanon did not deliver all the Ferdinand Brucker u s....................... 146— 13 the procession lapped them and moved continent, and throughout has shown host of friends. His remains were Presid. ntlal Electors — Mackintoshes and Umbrellas: goods promised. However, every town ­ Josiah C Gray ........................................181 down Clinton avenue to the railroad, himself to be one of the greatest meu brought here and his funeral will take John Russell p ......................................... 1 Good line At John Hicks ’. ship did as well as possible without where they disbanded. As some one the country has ever produced. place from the house next Sunday after­ Spencer O Fisner u s ........................ 144— 13 ir money to pave the way. Our forces Wesley c Richards n ............................. 3 remarked ** the procession resembled a I. N. STEVENS,
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