FROM GENOMES TO ATOMS THE BIG DOWN Atomtech: Technologies Converging at the Nano-scale FROM GENOMES TO ATOMS THE BIG DOWN Atomtech: Technologies Converging at the Nano-scale January 2003 5 Summary: Atomtech on a Page 6 Context: Converging Technologies 6 Historical Cue i 9 etc Evaluation Table of Contents 10 Section I • What is Atomtech? 20 Section II • Four (risky) steps down 22 stepping down 1 Bulk nano Nanoparticle Production 24 What are the Risks? 25 etc Evaluation 26 stepping down 2 Nanofabrication Building from Atomic Scratch 26 What are the Risks? 26 etc Evaluation 27 stepping down 3 Molecular Manufacture Invisible Goliaths 30 What are the Risks? 31 stepping down 4 Atom and Eve Gray Goo and Green Goo? 32 Historical Cue ii Feats of Clay 35 What are the Risks? 35 etc Evaluation 38 Section III • Will Atomtechnologies work? 39 Look who’s talking 1 41 Look who’s patenting 2 41 Look who’s paying 3 42 Look what’s (already) happening 4 43 etc Evaluation 46 Section IV • Who and where will it impact? 48 Materials & Manufacturing 50 Electronics, Energy & Informatics 51 Pharmaceuticals & Health Care 51 Military 52 Agriculture 53 Food Processing 54 Not if but when 54 etc Evaluation 56 Section V • Who cares? 57 Nano-nerds Scientific Institutions 57 Nano-nichers Nano Start-ups 60 Nano-nabobs Multinational Matter Moguls 60 Nano-buddies Government Backers 66 Nano-watchdogs Civil Society Organizations 70 Section VI • Conclusions and Policy Recommendations 73 etc Evaluation 74 Sources and Resources: Appendices 75 a. Nano-Net 77 b. NanoGrammar 80 About ETC Group ISSUE: The key technologies of the past that underpin all animate and inanimate matter. half-century—transistors, semiconductors, and The present-day bulk production of materials and genetic engineering—have all been about down— new forms of carbon with unknown and untested reducing size, materials and costs while increasing characteristics is a major concern. In the future, power. We are about to take a much bigger step mass production of unique nanomaterials and self- down. Our capacity to manipulate matter is moving replicating nano-machinery pose from genes to atoms. While civil society and incalculable risks. Atomtech could governments focus on genetic modification, an also mean the creation and combi- SUMMARY: impressive array of industrial enterprises is target- nation of new elements and the ing a scientific revolution that could modify matter amplification of weapons of mass Atomtech on a Page and transform every aspect of work and life. This destruction. Section IV (Who and report introduces a set of tools and techniques we where will it impact?) continues call Atomtechnologies, which includes nanoparticles, earlier notes on risks and adds sectoral examples. nano biotechnology, nanofabrication and molecular : manufacture. It also describes the coming conver- ACTORS Public funding in the usa, Japan and gence of biotechnology, information technologies, Europe is in the range of us$2 billion per annum and cognitive sciences with nano-scale manipulation and rising sharply. Major corporations in every of matter as the unifying force. Section I (What is industrial sector are committed, from Bayer to Atomtech?) introduces the technologies and Section Boeing, Motorola to Mitsubishi and from ibm to III (Will Atomtechnologies work?) provides four Exxon. Their in-house investment probably equals criteria for measuring the commercial prospects. that of start-up enterprises. Total R&D spending worldwide in 2001 was about us$4 billion. Section IMPACT: Every form of work and enterprise will be V (Who cares?) examines the range of small and affected. Section II (Four [risky] steps down) large companies, universities and governments describes the present and future scope of the tech- working on the new technologies. nology. The current global market for nano-scale : technologies is estimated at around us$45 billion.1 POLICIES Most present-day Atomtech research does not directly manipulate living material— They already play an enabling role in biotechnology, rather, the chemical elements vital to life—and pharmaceuticals, information and energy storage has largely evaded regulatory scrutiny. Even the and in the booming materials industry. production and use of today’s nano-scale materials Nanofabricated circuitry is predicted to capture the could have breathtaking societal implications and silicon-based semiconductor market within the the environmental impacts are unknown due to decade (global revenues in this sector alone will top insufficient data and study. In the future, molecular us$300 billion by 2006). The technologies will manufacturing poses enormous environmental and move into conventional manufacture including social risks and must not proceed—even in everything from home appliances to clothing and the laboratory—in the absence of broad societal food. By 2015, the world market for all steps of understanding and assessment. (Section VI offers Atomtech will exceed us$1 trillion and the world policy recommendations.) will be faced with bionic organisms (Section II, 2 Atom and Eve). Though its impact will be felt first FORA: None. The impact of converging technologies in the North, Atomtech—like biotech before it— at the nano-scale is either unknown or underestimated will have early economic and environmental conse- in intergovernmental fora. Since nano-scale tech- quences for developing countries. nologies will be applied in all sectors, no agency RISKS: A few scientists (and fewer governments) is taking the lead. Governments and civil society recognize that Atomtech poses both tremendous organizations (csos) should establish an Inter- opportunities and horrendous social and environ- national Convention for the Evaluation of New mental risks. Atomtech will allow industry to Technologies (icent), including mechanisms to monopolize atomic-level manufacturing platforms monitor technology development. 6 [section 1: WHAT IS ATOMTECH?] This report describes and analyzes the convergence of nano-scale technologies and their potential societal impacts. Our goal is to translate complex scientific information and to catalyze widespread public debate. (New or specialized terms related to nano- scale technologies appear in bold in this document and are defined in the glossary— see “NanoGrammar” in Appendix B). CONTEXT: Industry and governments promise that the manipulation of matter on the Converging Technologies scale of the nanometer (one-billionth of a meter) will deliver wondrous benefits. All matter—living and non-living—originates at the nano-scale. The impacts of technologies controlling this realm cannot be overestimated: control of nano-scale matter is the control of nature’s elements (the atoms and molecules that are the building blocks of everything). Biotech (the manipulation of genes), Informatics (the electronic management of information), Cognitive Sciences (the exploration and manipulation of the mind) and Nanotech (the manipulation of elements) will converge to transform both living and non-living matter. When gmos (genetically modified organisms) meet Atomically Modified Matter, life and living will never be the same. Today, public and private research at the nano-scale is evolving beneath the radar screen of civil society and government regulators. While society is mired in acrimonious— though vital—debates on the promises and perils of genetic modification, industrial enterprises are harnessing an Atomtechnology revolution that could modify all matter and transform every aspect of work and life. Understanding and oversight by civil society and governments is urgently needed or the products of nano-scale technologies will be rushed to market without transparent and democratic processes of review, assessment and regulation. Traditionally, we have thought and manufactured on the macroscale (meters). Over the past 50 years, we have learned also to think and manufacture at the microscale (micrometers and smaller). We have just begun to turn our attention to the nano-scale, where the raw material of both science and commerce is the atom. Atomtechnology refers to a spectrum of new techologies that operate at the nano-scale and below—that is, the manipulation of molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles to create new products. By adopting the term nanotechnology, industry implies that the manipulation of matter will stop at the level of atoms and molecules— measured in nanometers. However, it would be naïve to assume that the nano-scale will be the final frontier. “Atomtech” better describes the technologies that aim to manipulate the fundamental building blocks of matter. HISTORICAL CUE I 1450 and 1625 (or an era that tome on the Fabric of the Human roughly encompasses the lives of Body.4 At a pace barely matched Technology: Impoverishing Improvements? Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo). by today’s Internet, printing presses Some historians like John Gribbin spread across Europe within 25 “He made a disgusted In his fictional contrasting of the gance, London’s poor and even are more precise. A period of years from Palermo to Oxford wave of his hand. London stockmarket of the 1690s New York’s middle class became more science and discovery began, he carrying the new thoughts and ‘Tis true, ‘tis true. For and Wall Street in the 1990s, marginalized.3 Despite the passing contends, in 1453 when Gutenberg ideas to every nook and cranny of though it can be said author Gary Krist shows that the of three hundred years, the lessons began printing the bible. the continent. Copernicus changed that a rising
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