ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 The resolutions contained within these minutes were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting of the 16th March 2021. ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 OPENING....................................................................................................... 1 2 PRESENT ...................................................................................................... 1 3 LEAVE OF ABSENCE / APOLOGIES ........................................................... 2 NIL .................................................................................................................. 2 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING........................... 3 5 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN MATTERS ON THE AGENDA ............. 4 6 PUBLIC FORUMS/DEPUTATIONS ............................................................... 5 NIL .................................................................................................................. 5 7 BUSINESS ARISING OR OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS .. 6 7.1 BUSINESS OUTSTANDING TABLE FOR ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING ......................................................................................... 6 8 PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS .................................................................. 7 NIL .................................................................................................................. 7 9 COUNCILLOR/DELEGATE REPORTS ......................................................... 8 9.1 ORGANSIATIONAL PERFORMANCE COMMUNITY VOICE PANEL UPDATE FROM MEETING HELD ON 07 DECEMBER 2020 ........... 8 9.2 COMMUNITY VOICE PANEL - TRANSPORT - UPDATE FROM MEETING HELD ON 21 JANUARY 2021 ......................................... 9 10 AUDIT, RISK AND BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE REPORTS . 10 NIL ................................................................................................................ 10 11 REPORTS .................................................................................................... 11 11.1 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 31 JANUARY 2021 .............................................................................. 11 11.2 OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020-2021 Q2 PROGRESS REPORT ........ 12 11.3 COUNCILLOR FACILITIES AND EXPENSES POLICY .................. 13 11.4 CYCLE NETWORK LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANTS PROGRAM 2021-22 - SHARED PATH FUNDING ............................................. 14 11.15 CHANGE APPLICATION (OTHER CHANGE) FOR A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE OF PREMISES FOR AN EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY FOR SAND AND GRAVEL AND ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES AND A MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE OF PREMISES FOR A CONCURRENCE ENVIRONMENTALLY RELEVANT ACTIVITY, ETNA CREEK ROAD AND MELDRUM ROAD, ETNA CREEK ......................................... 15 Page (i) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 11.5 RESPONSE TO NOTICE OF MOTION - MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR MANAGING TRAFFIC ISSUES ...................................................... 29 11.6 RESPONSE TO MAYORAL MINUTE - PACIFIC HEIGHTS ROAD TRAFFIC ISSUES .......................................................................... 30 11.7 REQUEST FOR CAPITAL FUNDING - ARTHUR STREET SEWER PROJECT ....................................................................................... 31 11.8 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT BUILDING BETTER REGIONS FUND - INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS STREAM - ROUND 5 ... 32 11.9 APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE - ADJACENT TO LOT 2 RP605873 - CANAL CREEK ROAD, CANAL CREEK .... 33 11.10 APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE - MOUNT CHALMERS ROAD ADJACENT TO LOT 41 LN539 ....................... 34 11.11 APPLICATION FOR PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE - ST LAWRENCE ROAD (BRUCE HIGHWAY) MARLBOROUGH.......... 35 11.12 LETTERS OF HARDSHIP - SPORTING CLUBS YEPPOON/EMU PARK .............................................................................................. 36 11.13 BUILDING OUR REGIONS PROJECT - CAUSEWAY LAKE REVITALISATION BUSINESS CASE ............................................. 37 11.14 THE STATION BUILDING BETTER REGIONS SUBMISSION ....... 38 11.16 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION D-128-2020 FOR A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A MATERIAL CHANGE OF USE FOR AN EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRY, ENVIRONMENTALLY RELEVANT ACITIVITES (ERA 16(2)(B) AND (3)B)) AND OPERATIONAL WORKS FOR VEGETATION CLEARING AT LOT 1 KUNWARARA ROAD, CANOONA ................................................. 39 12 QUESTIONS/STATEMENT/MOTIONS ON NOTICE FROM COUNCILLORS ........................................................................................... 50 12.1 NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCILLOR HUTTON - SCHOOLIES WEEK ............................................................................................. 50 12.2 NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCILLOR HUTTON - BEACH MATTING ON COASTAL BEACHES .............................................. 51 12.3 NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCILLOR MATHER - AIR BNB.......... 52 12.4 NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCILLOR FRIEND - REPEAL OF RESOLUTION 10.3 19 JANUARY 2021 ......................................... 53 12.5 NOTICE OF MOTION - COUNCILLOR FRIEND - 50% FEE REDUCTION 31 BUCCANEER AVENUE LAMMERMOOR ............ 54 13 URGENT BUSINESS\QUESTIONS ............................................................. 55 13.1 REQUESTED LETTER OF SUPPORT FROM GKI PROGRESS ASSOCIATION ............................................................................... 55 14 CLOSURE OF MEETING ............................................................................. 56 Page (ii) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING HELD AT COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 4 LAGOON PLACE, YEPPOON ON TUESDAY, 16 FEBRUARY 2021 COMMENCING AT 9.00AM 1 OPENING Acknowledgement of Country “I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully acknowledge the Darumbal People. The traditional custodians and elders past, present and emerging of the land on which this meeting is taking place today.” Opening Prayer The opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Rob Stanley of the Anglican Parish of Yeppoon. 2 PRESENT Members Present: Mayor, Councillor Andrew Ireland (Chairperson) Deputy Mayor, Councillor Adam Belot Councillor Nigel Hutton Councillor Pat Eastwood Councillor Glenda Mather Councillor Tanya Lynch Councillor Andrea Friend Officers in Attendance: Mr Cale Dendle - Chief Executive Officer Mr Brett Bacon – Executive Director Liveability and Wellbeing Mr Michael Kriedemann – Executive Director Infrastructure Mrs Andrea Ellis – Chief Financial Officer Mr Jeff Carter – Manager Construction and Maintenance Mr Tony Lau – Manager Engineering Services Mr Amal Meegahawattage – Coordinator Infrastructure Planning Ms Molly Saunders – Principal Community Development and Engagement Officer Ms Justine Schofield – Executive Support Page (1) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 3 LEAVE OF ABSENCE / APOLOGIES Nil Page (2) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING COUNCIL RESOLUTION THAT the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 19 January 2021 be taken as read and adopted as a correct record. Moved by: Councillor Mather Seconded by: Councillor Lynch MOTION CARRIED Page (3) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 5 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN MATTERS ON THE AGENDA Nil Page (4) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 6 PUBLIC FORUMS/DEPUTATIONS Nil Page (5) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 7 BUSINESS ARISING OR OUTSTANDING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS 7.1 BUSINESS OUTSTANDING TABLE FOR ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING File No: GV13.4.1 Attachments: 1. Business Outstanding Table - February 2021 Responsible Officer: Amanda Ivers - Coordinator Executive Support Brett Bacon - Acting Chief Executive Officer SUMMARY The Business Outstanding table is used as a tool to monitor outstanding items resolved at previous Council or Committee Meetings. The current Business Outstanding table for the Ordinary Council Meeting is presented for Councillors’ information. COUNCIL RESOLUTION THAT the Business Outstanding table for the Ordinary Council Meeting 16 February be received. Moved by: Councillor Mather Seconded by: Councillor Eastwood MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page (6) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 8 PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS Nil Page (7) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 9 COUNCILLOR/DELEGATE REPORTS 9.1 ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE COMMUNITY VOICE PANEL UPDATE FROM MEETING HELD ON 07 DECEMBER 2020 File No: GV13.9.6 Attachments: Nil Responsible Officer: Andrea Ellis - Chief Financial Officer Author: Michelle Broadfoot - Support Services Officer SUMMARY Organisational Performance - Councillor Adam Belot facilitated the Community Voice Panel Meeting on 1 February 2021. COUNCIL RESOLUTION THAT Council receives the Organisational Performance Voice Panel notes from the Meeting held on 1 February 2021. Moved by: Deputy Mayor, Councillor Belot Seconded by: Councillor Friend MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page (8) ORDINARY MEETING MINUTES 16 FEBRUARY 2021 9.2 COMMUNITY VOICE PANEL - TRANSPORT - UPDATE FROM MEETING HELD ON 21 JANUARY 2021 File No: GV13.09.02 Attachments: Nil Responsible Officer: Michael Kriedemann - Executive Director Infrastructure Author: Kat Groves - Executive Assistant to Director Infrastructure Services Previous Items: 3.1 - Transport - Community Voice Panel - Transport - 21 Jan 2021 2.00PM SUMMARY Councillor Glenda Mather facilitated the Transport Community Voice Panel meeting on 21 January 2021. COUNCIL RESOLUTION THAT Council receives the Transport Community Voice Panel notes from
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