Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences, VIII(28), Issue: 233, 2020 July. www.seanewdim.com ARCHITECTURE Development peculiarities of the transport corridor "Prykarpattia" G. M. Shulha1, I. V. Chernova2 1PhD, Associate Professor of Architecture Lviv Polytechnic National University, Urban Planning Department ORCID: 0000-0002-1346-8062 2Master of Science, architect Lviv Polytechnic National University, Urban Planning Department *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Paper received 01.05.20; Accepted for publication 23.05.20. https://doi.org/10.31174/SEND-NT2020-233VIII28-02 Abstract. The research reveals natural landscape and anthropogenic factors and their impact on the formation of spatial and territori- al structure of the international transport corridor. As the object of the research is Western part of Ukraine, the analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors was conducted in Chernivtsi, Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. Keywords: natural landscape, transport infrastructure, international transport corridor, functional space axis, spatial and terri- torial structure. Introduction. According to scientific and technical litera- thian region (Zakarpattia) border areas activation and ture Western part of Ukraine is defined to be the Carpa- international transport corridors (##3,5, "Baltic Sea-Black thian region of Ukraine that is the territory in administra- Sea") throughout the Carpathian region, in particular on tive bounds of Zakarpattia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and the territory of Prykarpattia, becomes increasingly im- Chernivtsi regions. The specificity of spatial and territori- portant. The processes of concentration of international al structure of Carpathian region is its terrain division into cultural objects and economic relations have prompted a three macro level areas: foothills Zakarpattia, Prykarpattia formation of international transport corridors. and mountainous part – mountainous area of Ukrainian One of such corridors can be international transport Carpathians. The main local mountain range is Vododil- corridor Warsaw–Lublin–Lviv–Ivano-Frankivsk– nyy ridge that extends from south east to north west. This Chernivtsi–Suceava–Bucharest, in a short form feature of natural component (relief) caused the character "Prykarpattia" (authors' suggestion). This transport con- of spatial and territorial structure of the region such as nection can be viewed as addition to the existing direction parallelism of spatial structure planning system of reset- "VIA Carpatia" (available). tlement to the main Vododilnyy ridge of Carpathians. International transport corridors (ITC) are considered Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia are densely populated areas, to be multi-layered integrated spatial planning structures whose resettlement system had been forming for ages on that include highways with appropriate infrastructure and the basis of natural carcass and the pattern of connections adjacent territories. Infrastructure comprises supporting among objects of ethnic communities that had populated facilities, access roads, border crossing points, service this area [2]. points, cargo and passenger terminal facilities, etc. Au- Thus, three parallel spatial axes had been formed: the thors recommend using the base of available transport main spatial formative axis, the area of valuable natural links to point out the area which will join natural and mountainous landscape, mountain range of Ukrainian anthropogenic landscape in the single substance "nature– Carpathians; and two functional spatial axes of urbanized human–infrastructure", the area with all necessary condi- anthropogenic landscape: Zakarpattia and Prykarpattia. tions for the formation of space for technological process Analysis of the region resettlement system showed that (traffic) and linear functional spatial structure. In other it is based on historic team site localities, namely, centers words, ITC is spa- tial and territorial structure that of the resettlement system: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Cher- accumulates traffic, ele- ments of resettlement system, nivtsi (Prykarpattia); urban agglomerations: Uzhhorod, infrastructure objects and other facilities ensuring vital Mukachevo, Khust, Tyachiv, Rakhiv; and centers of eco- activities of the population. Adjacent territories of nomical growth: Yasinya, Vorokhta, Kosiv, Vyzhnytsya, transport corridor are proposed to be divided into two Storozhynets' (Zakarpattia) [2]. zones: the radius of 4 km (60min walking distance) Prykarpattia is characterized by zones of influence that and the radius of 50 km (60min transport accessibility). involve cities – functional urban areas and Zakarpattia To investigate the development of international forms functional clusters (border territories) due to the transport corridor "Prykarpattia" Western region of specificities of natural landscape conditions and cultural Ukraine is examined. Functional space axis of interna- and ethnical peculiarities (Lemkivshchyna, tional transport corridor, within indicated administrative Boikivshchyna, Hutsul'shchyna) [1]. areas, is determined by the configuration and the shape of The object of the article is examination of the natural mountain range. Besides the mountain range of Ukrainian landscape conditions and transport infrastructure effect on Carpathians, the territory under consideration includes formation and further transformation of functional plan- another component of the relief: The Podolian Upland ning of organization of inhabited areas of Western region. (Podilska vysochyna) extends from south east to north In terms of intensification of integration processes west and supports the main axis of ITC. Geographical across Western Europe, Ukraine has chosen the path of limits of the Carpathians and The Podolian Upland func- close cooperation with Europe, the problem of the Carpa- 10 ©ǀ Science and Education a New Dimension. Natural and Technical Sciences, VIII(28), Issue: 233, 2020 July. www.seanewdim.com tion as natural boundaries of spatial planning formation of tration and urban development is the basis of planning international transport corridor. The linear isomorphic organization. territorial structure with core of socio-economic concen- a) b) Pic.1. Roads and transportation network scheme: a) across Ukraine; b) across border areas of Western regions of Ukraine. Integral part of international transport corridor east M06 Kyiv – Chop coincides with ITC "Venice – "Prykarpattia" structure is natural landscape and natural Kyiv" (transport corridor #5). International transport reserve fund objects such as: Yavorivskyi National Park, corridor "Berlin – Kyiv" (transport corridor #3) runs in The Roztochia Biosphere Reserve, Vynnykivsky forest- the direction east to west. park, Halytsky National Park, Hutsulshchyna National A purpose of the article. Available transport connec- Park, Prut River Valley, Cheremosh River Valley. Natural tions demonstrate the adaptation intensity of the Western landscape, as well as relief, form natural boundaries of the part of Ukraine. Socio-economic potential of the north- international transport corridor. west to southeast direction is underused. Densely populat- Prykarpattia region is marked by the density of the riv- ed localities, well-developed manufacturing industry er network due to orthography. The biggest rivers of the (mechanical engineering, appliance manufacturing, con- region are Western Bug, Dniester, Prut. Prut River is a struction industry, food processing and light industries, tributary of the Dunabe. The direction of Prut's and Dnie- ethno-cultural industries, etc.) wane in crisis. Lack of ster's currents goes from northwest to southeast. So, the infrastructure service objects and transport linkages, like courses of the main rivers of the region influence spatial National Highways, reduce investment appeal of adjacent planning organization of anthropogenic landscape. areas, and that in turn affects employment of the region. During the investigation of river valleys (Dniester, Lately there has been a trend of increasing labor migra- Prut), it was discovered that the rivers considerably affect tion to neighboring countries in search of employment the development not only of resettlement aspect (for ex- (table 1). ample in cities like Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Halych, Introduction of the ITC "Prykarpattia" program can Kolomyia, Sniatyn) but also of location and nomenclature stimulate the growth of revitalization processes of territo- of road traffic infrastructure, formation and intensity of rial potential, including economic activity. Thus, accessi- transport connections with regional resettlements. It can bility to business premises will inevitably lead to progress be assumed that the territory can potentially be used to of every component like community and economy. create international transport corridor "Prykarpattia". Localities of the Ukrainian territory, appearing in ITC Transport corridor along river valleys ties elements of influence zone under consideration, are resettlements of team site carcass of the area with elements of neighboring Ivano-Frankivsk region: Rohatyn, Burshtyn, Halych, countries (Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi cities with Kolomyia, Sniatyn; Lviv region: Bibrka, Novyi Rozdil, Suceava, Bucharest in Romania and Zamość, Lublin in Zhydachiv, Peremyshliany, Khodoriv; Chernivtsi region: Poland). The river valleys influenced the development of Hertsa, Kitsman, Lužani, Vashkivtsi). The ITC will func- composite
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