September 15, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 31985 "'EFECTUPON OTHER LAW traveler and the vacation traveler, the forward. About 700 Negro students will be "SEC. 718. Nothing contained in this Act person who wants the convenience and distributed in other County primary schools shall relieve any Government agency or offi- flexibility of individual, as well as the by busing. This plan is opposed by some cial of its or his primary responsibility to black parents on the grounds that only Negro assure nondiscrimination in employment as person who wants the economic advan- students will be bused. They have proposed required by the Constitution, statutes, and tages of group travel. a plan whereby about 80 percent of the black Executive orders." A balanced air transportation system students are bused out of the Drew area, and SEC. 12. New section 717, added by section is vitally necessary to insure the survival over 1,000 white students from other schools 11 of this Act, shall become effective six of the scheduled carriers who, despite the are bused, many into the Drew area. months after the date of enactment of this increase in air travel, cannot make a It is understandable that the black par- Act. reasonable profit due to the archaic ents of Drew School would resent the fact that the only neighborhood school disrupted Mr. DENT. Mr. Chairman, move that regulations which now prevail. by desegregation is theirs. However, there is the committee do now rise. Basic to the establishment of such a no way to avoid disruption of Drew as a The motion was agreed to. system would be a greatly simplified and neighborhood school if it is to be desegre- Accordingly the Committee rose; and rational fare structure. Cost and serv- gated ... even the black parents' plan the Speaker having resumed the chair, ice would be the guiding criteria in set- buses four out of five black students. The Mr. ADAMS, Chairman of the Committee ting fares. The basic fare would be the only thing that can be gained by taking the individual economy fare set at a level Drew PTA Plan over the School Board Plan of the Whole House on the State of the is the satisfaction of Infuriating parents of Union, reported that that Committee, which enables the carriers to recover about 1,000 white children who are other- having had under consideration the bill their cost and to earn a reasonable prof- wise willing to go along with efforts to de- (H.R. 1746) to further promote equal it. Above the basic fare would be a first- segregate Drew school. employment opportunities for American class rate. Below the basic fare would be Of course there are a few North Arlington workers, had come to no resolution there- promotional fares to assist in opening "liberals" who have always supported deseg- on. new routes. At the bottom of the fare regation of Drew ... provided all the Negro scale would be the charter rates, which children are kept in South Arlington. These because of the economies inherent in same cynics have the nerve to call the School AMERICA Board plan, which integrates all of Arlington, NEEDS A NEW BALANCED operating full planes on a limited AIR CARRIER SYSTEM basis "racist" I can offer low fares while still recovering All of Arlington should back the School (Mr. LEGGETT asked and was given a reasonable profit. Board Plan. If the alternate plan is adopted, permission to address the House for 1 A restructuring of our air transporta- South Arlington's neighborhood school sys- minute and to revise and extend his re- tion system must proceed apace if the tem will be destroyed, and along with it the marks.) U.S. airline industry, both supplemental attraction for young families to live here. Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Speaker, a new and scheduled, is to survive. The quality of the North Arlington school system system would not long survive a down hill of air fare rates is desperately slide in South Arlington needed by our country's air carriers, es- pecially the supplemental carriers who TURMOIL OVER FORCED SCHOOL provide transportation to thousands of BUSING THE ATTICA PRISON UPRISING A the Nation's travelers. (Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia asked and NATIONAL TRAGEDY AND DIS- This past year has been disastrous to GRACE the supplemental was given permission to address the carriers both because House for 1 minute, to revise and extend The SPEAKER. Under previous order of the decline in military traffic and the his remarks and include extraneous inability of the supplementals of the House, the gentleman from Illi- to com- matter.) nois, Mr. Mm.va, is recognized for 1 pete with the scheduled carriers due to restrictive charter Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia. Mr. hour. regulations and the Speaker, furor and dissension have been Mr. MIKVA. Mr. Speaker, what hap- introduction of loss-leader fares by the large commercial caused in innumerable communities in pened at Attica Prison Monday is a airlines. the United States by Federal require- national tragedy and a national disgrace. For many years the scheduled carriers have voiced ments for the busing of public school The tragedy is that at least 40 lives the inaccurate complaint pupils and disruption of the neighbor- were lost. The New York State police and that the supplementals have made unfair incursions into hood school system. The irreparable the National Guard crushed the rebel- the scheduled carriers' harm already done to race relations by lion, responding to force with more force. markets. Nothing could be further from the truth. After forced busing of schoolchildren is indeed The storming of cellblock D may have lengthy hearings in the a national tragedy. House Joint Resolu- saved the lives of many hostages, but the Senate, Senator HOWARD CANNON stated that "the tion 651, of which I am a cosponsor, is cost was very high. There is evidence evidence placed before the aimed at putting an end to busing which now that most of the hostages that died Committee indicates that, rather than retard the is forced upon pupils and parents, both were killed accidentally or mistakenly by growth of scheduled traffic, black and white, against their will. Such the very men sent to rescue them. That charter operations appear to have stimu- lated the growth forced busing causes tragic losses of makes Attica all the more tragic, and it of scheduled traffic." many kinds, but particularly educational throws open to question the decision to This past year saw a tremendous growth in losses of serious nature. attack the cellblock. The rebellious pris- overall transatlantic traffic. If there I ask unanimous consent to have in- oners created the deadly confrontation, were any foundation to the charges of but the impatience of the prison ad- the scheduled serted in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, im- carriers, the supplementals mediately following these remarks, the ministration made it worse. should have incurred enormous profits text of a handbill circulated in one school Attica Prison is more than a tragedy from this transatlantic growth. The fact because is district in Arlington County, Va., in Au- though. It is a national disgrace that the supplementals carried fewer gust 1971. This handbill illustrates the what happened there could have hap- Passengers across the Atlantic in 1970 then turmoil that has been caused in thou- pened-and may still happen-at prisons they did in 1969. Yet, the scheduled sands of communities throughout the in other States. This country would be carriers show extensive operating losses country by conflicting court decisions and making a serious mistake if it investigates this year despite the increase in traffic. Federal departmental orders. Let us move only the rebellion at Attica Prison, if it This is due to the imposition of less than thinks Attica is an isolated cost rapidly to put into effect the remedy- occurrence, covering fares by many of the enactment of House Joint Resolution 651. nrd if it does not do something about the world's scheduled carriers. Concerned Parents, and the Committee to causes behind the bloodshed. If we learn What we need is a balanced system of Serve the Wakefield School Community, Ar- anything at all from Attica, we must air transportation that benefits the en- lington, Virginia. Arlington Parents: Stop learn that it can never be allowed to tire public-a system in which the char- Unnecessary Busing of School Children! happen again. ter traffic is an integral part of the air Back Neighborhood Schools! Back Your Ar- We pride ourselves on having a polit- transport system. lington School Board! Flier. 1 p. (Full text) ical system designed to anticipate the This There is a great furor in Arlington over year I cosponsored legislation with the desegregation of Drew Elementary need for reform, but more and more fre- Congressman JomH Moss which would School. There is no question of whether to quently we recognize that need only after create a balanced system of rates that desegregate... the question is how. The it expresses itself in violence and death. would meet the needs of the business School Board's plan is just and straight- We pride ourselves on being a forward- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE September 15, 1971 looking people in a forward-looking is our urgent hope that other Members that investigations into what occurred country, but prisons in America are me- will join us in a bipartisan effort to make there will be conducted by the State of dieval. To call them correctional institu- sure that what happened at Attica never New York. This will amount to the State tions is a cruel joke. With few exceptions, happens again, to make sure that pris- investigating itself, despite the fact that prisons in this country do not correct, oners are never treated as less than there is the distinct possibility that the they corrupt.
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