Colleges' SCience:A.rts Proceedings of the meeting of Inspector of A'M' at Rai Bhavan' Patna & Commerce neil on 09.01,2019 ailL30 under the ChairmanshiP of PrincipaIsecretarytoHon'bleGhance||or. Arts & Commerce A meeting of the lnspector of Co||eges, Science, Secretary to Hon'ble was convened under the Chairmanship of Principal patna. The rist of participants is chanceilor on 09.01 .2019 at Raj Bhavan, enclosed. of status of compliance of the direction given in the meeting InspectorofColleges,science,Arts&Gommerceheldon 26.10.2018" l. No University has submitted report about disaffiliation of B'Ed' colleges' No erroneous and defaulting colleges, especially system for B'Ed' information given about monthly monitoring Colleges' ll. officials responsible for submitting erroneous proposal for affi|iationWerenotidentifiedbyanyUniversity. which have lll. Appropriate disciplinary action on 39 B'Ed' colleges, were not initiated failed to upload photographs on B.Ed. Post App bY anY UniversitY' courses' lv. lnspection report of colleges, conducting vocational especiallyBachelorofBusinessAdministrationcourses'werenot submitted. Affiriated colleges v. Advertisement in newspaper about the rist of have were not submitted by any university' some Universities on their failed to upload the list of legally Affiliated colleges websites' also' of colleges by Vice- vl. shortcomings found during the inspection by chancellor and other senior officers were not removed effected' Universities. Rationalization of teachers was also not Afterreviewingthestatusof.comp|ianceofdirectionofprevious that the meeting, principar secretary to Hon'bre chanceilor reiterated shortcomings of main function of lnspector of Colleges is removal of the colleges He stated that lnspector of colleges should rationalize of new Courses posting of Teachers, conduct of Courses and introduction of new in coleges. They are the recommending authority for affiliation lf any colleges and disaffiliation of erroneous and defaulting institutions. without fulfilling corege, especiaily B.Ed. coilege was found to be running lnspector of colleges mandatory requirement of terms of affiliation, then shou|dbeholdso|elyandprimarilyresponsib|e' After the initial remarks of Principal secretary, Agenda-wise following points were discussed; 1. Removal of shortcoming of Colleges.:- (i) During inspection of colleges by senior officers of the teachers in Universities, several shortcomings like absence of some subjects, very high student / teacher ratio' very high students/classroom ratio, lack of toilet and common room facilities,especiallytogirlsstudents,noninstallationof were Biometric Attendance System, lack of Wi-fi facilities etc' found. They were told to remove these shortcomings and facilitate proper functioning to colleges and Universities' (ii)They were directed in the meeting to rationalise posting of teachers, so that no college is left without teacher in any subject. lf needed shortage of teachers should be overcome bY engaging Guest Faculties' es whg 2'Statusofactiontakenagainqterrone.ousF.Ed.Go! PPs't:- have failed to upload photographs on B'Ed' (i)lnspectorofCollegesWereremindedtostrictlymonitor functioning of B Ed Colleges' videograph those (ii) They were directed to physically inspect and photographs on B.Ed. colleges which have failed to upload B'Ed.PostApp,showingattendanceofteacher,attendance available in of students, classroom teaching and infrastructure the colleges. (iii)|nspiteofspecificdirection,noactionWaSinitiatedfor failed to upload disaffiliation of 39 B.Ed. col.leges which have to take photographs on B'Ed' Post App' They were told appropriatedisciplinaryactionagainsttheseerroneousand defaulting colleges' (iv)TheyWeredirectedtosubmitActionTakenReport(ATR) againstthedefau|tingcol|egesby25.o1.2019'Thematterof disaffi|iationshouldnotbekeptpendingindefinitely'lnthis patna should be connection, order of Hon'bre High court comPlied in letter and sPirit' hold meeting (v) lnspectors of college were directed to regularly proceedings with Nodal officer for B.Ed. Post App and submit of the meeting. photographs (vi) They were requested to monitor that appropriate of classroom teaching, faculty and students were uploaded on B.Ed' Posts 3. Status o.f NAAC Accreditation:' Accreditation is Inspectors of colleges were totd that NAAC mandatoryandnoco||egeshou|dbeallowedtorunwithout NAACAccreditation'Theyshou|dfaciIitatesubmissionoferror colleges' free SSR and IQAR by 31't March,2019 for all the stake holders Meeting of Principals, Nodal officers and other within should be convened for finalising NAAC Accreditation time limit. 4. Status of rationalization of Teachers:- (i) considering the acute shortage of teachers, Inspector of Co||egeWereto|dtoensureappointmentofGuest Faculties as Per requirement' (ii) They were also requested to rationalise posting of teachers and non teaching employees to maintain a balanced staff/ student ratio' (iii) They should ensure that at least one teacher is posted in every subject in every college for proper teaching. (iv) Adverse teachers/students ratio should be corrected' 5. Status of inspection of Colleges:: (i) lnspector of Colleges were requested to inspect colleges including Affiliated colleges, which have applied for affiliation in detail. The Statutory criteria for college possessing 5 acres of land in rural areas and 2.5 acres of land in urban areas should be especially verified. (ii) They were directed to advertise in newspaper and also upload on University website about the list of Affiliated colleges by 20.01 .2019 for the information of students, guardian and common PeoPles' (iii) They were reminded to submit proposal of disaffiliation of colleges which have failed to fulfil the terms and conditions of affiliation of colleges' To conclude, Principal secretary stressed on following points; be i. He stated that a monthly monitoring system should developed to monitor the functioning of colleges, specially B.Ed. colleges. conduct of ii. He directed lnspector of colleges to ensure proper courses,aSpertheru|e,andadherencetoexamination calendar without anY deviation' iii.Properup|oadingofphotographsonB.Ed.AppofB.Ed. colleges. the officials iv. Appropriate action should be initiated against proposal responsible for submitting misleading and erroneous for affiliation. He reiterated to exercise extreme care in inspection of B.Ed. institution and other colleges for the Purpose of granting affiliation' of salary v. He directed Inspector of colleges to ensure payment and other emolument to teaching and non teaching employees of Affiliated colleges through RTGS/bank, account. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks' sd/- (Vivek Kumar Singh) Principai- Secretary to Governor-cum- Cndncellor, Universities of Bihar Dated:- r rf Memo No: BSU(tns. Golteges)(Meeting)-03/2 ots-:-:!l-_]cs(l) "r /s't? Gopy forwarded to : chancellors/ All Pro Vice-chancellors/Registrars /lnspector-of 1. All Vice Bihar for Colleges, Sfiunru, Arts & Commerce, Univeisities of information and necessary action' 2. The principl-l Su.i"iaty,' Deptt. of Education, Bihar/ Director, Higher Education, Bihar, Patna Governor's secretariiat and Concerned 3. consultant,-Highervul lDultdlltr I llvr I Education, Officers of Governor's Secretariat, Patna 4. Sr.'iinir"v'K;;;; iu"n oiru"ior,'Ntc for uptoading on the website of the Raj Bh'avan, Patna / Guard file for record (BijaY Kumar) Joint SecretarY' Governor's Secretariat, Bihar, Patna 5 ATTEI{DANCB MEETTNG OF COLLEGn TNSP,ECTOR SCHEpULEp O\ 09-01-291? AT 11:30 AM IN RAJ BHAWAN. PATNA SI. N. Name & Desisnation I 7 Prof. Jai Nandan Pd. Singh College lnspector (Arts), Magadh University, Bodh Gaya 2. Dr. Ashok Kumar College Inspector (Science), V.K.S.University, Ara 3. Dr. Akhilesh Kumar College Inspector (Arts), V.K.S.University, Ara +.A Dr. Razi Ahmad College Inspector (Science), L.N.M. University, Darbhanga 5 Prof. Muneshwar Yaday College Inspector (Arts), L.N.M.University, Darbhanga 6. Dr. Arun Kumar Yadav, College Inspector (Science), B.N.M.University, Madhepura 7. Dr. Md. Ejaz AIam College lnspecror (A1s). M.M.H.A. P. University, Patna 8 Dr. A. K. Jha, College lnspector (Science), Jai Prakash Universit;., Chapra 9. Dr. Sahil Kumar Singh College Inspector (Science), B.R.A.Bihar. Universitv. Muzaffarpur l0 Prof. Rajnish Kumar Gupta College Inspector (Arts), B.R.A.University, Muzaffarpur. ll Dr. Dineshwar Yadav, College Inspector (Arts), K.S.D.University, Darbhansa 12. Prof. Ashok Kr. Gupta, College Inspector (Science), Patliputra University, Patna. t{ Dr. Sanjiv Kumar Singh College Inspector (Science), Purnea University, Purnea. 14. Dr. J.P.N. Vikartan College Inspector (Arts), Purnea University, Purnea. 15. Dr. S. K. Roy College Inspector (Science), T.M.Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur..
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