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The 1992 President's Center. Report offered a list, called the Lastly, $4,646,548 was generat- "Villanova University Statement ed from other sources which of Current Funds, Revenues, consist of parking fees, athletic Expenditures and Transfers Year revenue and sales and services of ended May 31, 1992," which educational activities. consisted of a five-year breakdown of University revenues and expen- ditures to explain the financial situation of the University. Up until last year, we For instance in 1992, the Uni- were generating versity total revenue consisted of $148,595,428. Of that total unbudgeted surpluses. revenue, $103,687,517 came from Bary B- Fenner, FILE PHOTO tuition and various fees "assessed vice president for This weekend 'Nova hosts Sibling Weekend. Students invite their younger sibiings to participate for educational and related pur- Financial Affairs in the fun and entertainment. said Fenner. -.—-i^.».».—^----—-—^—^-^-^^»»»^--»»»»»»«»i^-^i».»»^—-»»»»»».»^^^-—»»—»»^..»»».»^^.^^^—-iA&^.^^.»»--»--^——^i^™.—.^——^1.^^ poses," At least $5,828,570 came from government grants which are "funds received from various 'Nova hosts students'siblings "Up until last year [May 31, governmental agencies principally 1993], we [the University] were for sponsored projects and student generating unbudgeted surpluses. financial aid," he added. This was so because our revenues f for weelcend ofentertainment "Funds received from non- exceeded all budgeted transfers governmental sources principally and expenditures," Fenner said. By KATHLEEN COONEY The registration fee for each forms of entertainment, while at for sponsored projects and general As for the expenditures of the News Editor student or sibling includes week- the same time a movie will be University projects" made up University, they are broken down end souvenirs for the sibling showing, he added. another $4,837,077 of the total into eight different avenues. In This weekend the University is including a paddle ball, a stadium On Saturday sports activities University revenue, Fenner said. 1992, the total revenue was hosting its 10th annual Sibling cup and shoe laces that say will be held in Alumni gym, and Investment income brought $148,595,428. Of that money, Weekend. Siblings between the "Sibling Weekend," said Farmer. the movie "The Great Muppet $2;722',787to'the University, he f instruction and research cost ages of five and 13 may come A t-shirt, Saturday buffet dinner Caper will be shown. University earns income on "the approximately $49 million. spend the weekend with their and on-campus entertainment for There will also be short trips investments of the University's older brother or sister while the sibling are page both student and (Continued on 4) endowment and similar funds and (Continued on page 4) participating in the many also included in the registration activities. fee, he added. Meal tickets may Siblings who are not between be purchased separately, and the those ages may not participate siblings may stay in the residence Strategic program seeics to because "when you're planning halls with the students, activities you have to direct it There will be different types of toward a specific age group," said entertainment set up for the Randy Farmer, the director of siblings throughout the weekend. Improve tiie University overall Student Activities and -advisor to The weekend begins with regis- By planning the model." Emphasis "VQI has unique the SibHng Weekend committee, tration at 5:30 p.m. Friday, MELISSA LEE dimensions Assistant News Editor will also be placed on communi- for the community of the entire The siblings who wish to par- Farmer said. That night there will cation across the various facets faculty and staff of the University take in the weekend must have be a carnival where booths will Villanova Quality Improvement and constituencies within the to formally and actively involve sent in a r^stration form and fee. be set up with different games and (VQI) is a strategic program University, he added. the students," said Kelley. It designed to improve the quality of consists of cross-functional teams Social Justice retreat the University for anyone who is that cover many departments. involved with it on any level. Its Training in the various depart- mission is "to deepen our commu- VQI has unique ments is almost completed. Volun- rejects on poverty nal bond, our sense of shared dimensions for the teers on the teams will review purpose, and our openness to processes to better serve students change in order to better serve our community of the entire and colleagues he added. By MELANIE FIORDALISI sions on such topics as people, students, parents, colleagues, faculty and staff of the Arts Senator David Greason said Hastings. alumni/ae and others through sees VQI as a way to combat Staff Reporter nature and God, During the evenings, students striving for continuous improve- UnNersity to formally student apathy. "We want the games, singing ment in our relationships and power to help make our sugges- Last weekend's Social Justice enjoy recreational and actively moNe the work processes." tions become realities by taking Retreat was one of six retreats and dancing, he added, was in University President the Rev. students. into account students' wants and sponsored by Campus Ministry's "Junior Raj Chablani the social Edmund Dobbin, O.S.A., Dr. John M. Kelley, needs," said Greason. A test Awaken Retreat Program. The charge of coordinating J. an mner-city announced the goal of VQI: "We director, OPIR structure is already on the table newly-formed retreat council has justice retreat to kitchen Philadelphia want Villanova to become a com- and will eventually involve all made the effort to consolidate the soup m Living and work- munity in the best sense of the students. various retreat experiences of on- said Hastings. There are several ing in a soup kitchen encouraged term, all of us working together factors (as "Hopefully it will be efficient f-J campus organizations. Members stated in participants to reflect upon the to help our students, each other the Villanova Quality like the University Senate, with of the retreat council include Raj and the and the University to succeed at Improvement model) that will be the actual student helping, and Dave Ferris, nature of their work Chablani, Steve Dow, the importance of their involvement, the highest level. This goal is the keys to the success of the not just passing the buck," stated Heather Balcezak, Julia Funk and sole focus of our quality Villanova Quality Improvement Greason .^ Pam Schmidt. he said. "Responding to a larger com- initiative." initiative: to internalize commun- VQI will serve as a form of "Many retreats are designed to munity outside of Villanova is Dr. John M. Kelley, dirctor of ity ideals, to promote shared student empowerment, said Grea- appeal to the general student much of what the Office of Planning and Insti- purpose, to empower self and son. "It will be more formally student and putting into action body, as greater others, to commit spoke atout,^aidHastir^^^ tutional Research (OPIR), is to continuous connected to the decision-making faculty involvement is always Jf^us enthusiastic about VQI "because improvement, openness to change, process than a grass roots move- It' n^l^f/r^u^a^afw^^^^^^ the University is developing a team work and team problem- ment," he said. There will be more rS^bst'mt^a^ solving. Success in their key areas ways to become for t^hes^^^^^^^^^^^ unique model that is specific. aware of issues Pr^ogra^m IttempTs' to working L"r"T Dobbin has given a lot of initiative will bring about improved work affecting the University and more in I«rt of ^^^^.C^n^^^,^"^^^^^^ facilitate the awareness of God processes service of society, he and power to the steering commit- and enhanced to ways to take action and eliminate meditations on theconscience daily life through tee, 30 or more individuals from students, parents, alumni/ae, students' feelings of hopelessness, ail parts of the University, in colleagues and others. he added. f .^VJ^^ ' >t^y-it^C ^.m*^';M ^. -v;^^i^5iii»C««t1^;-\w ^' 'k^,mtkiiiL\,. ,*•. *< . *.'^'^ ;*sw^v^•'^«*•f«^Ti9KS»«fii(rrt^ ,..;; ):«^."' « Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • February 4, 1994 THIS WEEK Former professor dies Entertainment ...19 By iANE Sports 28 PAPACCIO and Finance, Stehle was extreme- News Editor ly en|husiastic about teaching. Editorial 6 Clay, who also spoke at Stehle's Who knows John F, Stehle, of the depart- funeral, said, "Stehle had an ment of Commerce and Finance, excellent reputation as a teacher. who cares 15 was killed by a passing train in In his class, you would learn Bryn Mawr Scope 11 Jan. 12, 1994. Stehle economics, the political implica- received his B.A. in 1972 from the Features 13 University of Delaware and his Ph.D. in 1981 from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Hell be missed, but not University. Stehle was a professor forgotten.
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