ATT-BAI LONDON COUNTY SUBURBS 330 Attfield Alfred C. oilman, 54 Lewil!ham road SE Austin Watts, baker, 74 Founlsyne road, Stoke Newington N Baccbus Emma Jenkins & Alice Eleanor drllSII makm1 Attfield Charles, tobacconist, 2 Ravenswood road, Balham SW Austin Wm. marine store dealer. 6 A.llen rd. Stoke Newington N 5~ Durlston road, Upper Clapton NE A.ttfield Frank Edwin, oilman, 183 High road, Lee Austin WilliiiDl John, bookseller, 193 Replingbam rd. Wandswrth SW Bach John, butcher, 54 Mandeville street, Lower flapton NE Attfield Jcbn H. oil & color man, 74. Albert rd. North Woolwich E Auston Bertha (Mlll.), shopkeeper, 14~ Dorset rd. Stb. Lambeth SW Bachhoffner Atkinson, stationer, l!Ooi High street, Clapham SW Attfleld Robert, dining room~, 7 WPstcomre hill, Blackheath SE Auston Wm. Tabor, bntchr. 8 King Edward's pamde,Sydenhm. rd SE Back Horriet E. (Mrs.), lsd.es·'-utfitter, 72 Brownhill rd.f'-sthd SB A.ttfield Wm. Harvey, oil & color store, 9 High st. N. Woolwich E Auto Carriers Ltd. motor manufrs. 42 M artell road, Dulwich SE Back Henry A. (Mrs.), teacher of mu~ic, 109 Crescent rd. Plur:nrlald Attbill William, B.A.. boys' school, 15 Glen don road, Lee SE Automatic Amu._o:ement Co. automatic machine ma.nufscturen, Backhamtr RotJert, insurance agt>nt, 11 Elmer road, Catford SK A.tthow James, coach builder, 201 Hornsev road N Gordon grove, Oamberwell SE Backbouse B. C. & Co. rope, line & twine manufacturer8, 6J Attilla Albert, teacher of !l'Ymnl\8tics, 190 Brixton Hill SW Automatic Fire Escape Co. Ltd. (The), 5 Upland road, East Dulwich road, Peckham SE-T N 13~7 New Cross A.ttkins George, pork butcher, 55 High street. Highgate N SE-1302 Sydenham Back house Brothel'f', buildus, Fairfield roai, Lee SB Attkins J.eouard Charles L.D.s. dentist, 55 High stre.. t, BighgatP N Automobile Carriage Builders Ltd. motor car body builders, 66 & 68 Bacon Wm. Geo. & Hy. Arth. tobcnsts. 86 St. John's hl. Dattel'8l'BSW Attkins Stanley <korge, fishmonger, ~5 High street, llighgate N- Wandsworth road SW-TA" Autostylic"; T N's 4g5 & 496 llop Bacon Charles, dairy, I Park .-illas. Elder roarl, W~t Norwood BM TN H9 Hornsey Antra Oora ( Mdlle.), teacheroflangunges. 29 Romola rd.Heme h1 SE Bacon Charles, farmer, Dui with Wood farm, College rd.Duhricb SB A.ttree Mary Ann ·(Mrs.), dairy, 3~4 Uxbridgt> road W A.veling Rev. Frederick Wilkins M.A., B.SC. private school, 3 & 4 Bacon Chas. Benj. Jas. fitllmonger, 34 Montpelier vale,BlackhthSB Attrre Waiter H. fishmonger, 35 Wastdale road, Forest Hill SE St. German's place., Blackheath SE -T N 291 Lee Green A ttridge H. & Son, aquarium makern, 11 West hill, Wandsworth BW A vent George E. fRncy bazaar, 69 Old town, Clapham SW Bacon Charles Critten, plumber, 1 Benhill road, CambPrwell 811 A.ttwater Am os, shopkeeper, 13 Lucas st. Deptford New Town SE Avenue Property Co. Ltd. (Percy J ames Fisher, sec.), 80 Devon port Bacon Edmund, cycle ma. 4 Halford ter. Granville rd. Wndswrt.h S'\T Attwater George, baker, 2 Loampit hill, Lewisham SE road, Shepherd's Bush W Bacon Frank, boot maker, 131 Clapham Park road SW Attwell Robert Henry, mantle maker, 1~8 Ca.mberwell gro'l'eSE Averill Artbur Cbristopher, green~ocer, 217 Lower Olapton rd NE Bacon Frederick Alex. beer & wine retlr. 66 Rye lane, Peckham SB Attwell William, umbrella repairer, 50 Farrnnt street, Queen's Pk W Avem & Evan~, dressmakers, 60 Clnpham Park roal SW Bacon James Benjamin, carpenter, Tranquil passdge, Blsckheatn SH A.ttwell William Henry, furniture dlr. !11 :Mn11 .. ter rd. Fulham SW Avern Ernest, nrchitect, 21 Stokenchurch street, Fulham SW Bacon Leonard, confectioner, 78 Mill lane, Wes~ imd, Kilburu NW A.ttwood &Sons,bntchers,SOBellenden rd.&60Gibbon rd.PeckhamSE A very E. J. & Oo. art metal workers, 18 Iverson road, Kilburn NW Bacon Philip, ~hopkeeper, 51 Herries street, Queen's Park W Attwood Fred, apartments, 40 South Hill park, HamJ>stead NW A. very & Son, carmen, GO~ Wiudus road, st~mford N Bacon Phrebe (Mrs.), firewood dealer, 3 New street,HammetllmithW A.ttwood Henrietta Hcttie (Mrs.), confr. 38 High st. West NorwdSE A very Albt.Geo.fruiterer,liFnderick ter.Coldharbour lB.CmbrwllSE Bacon Thomas, laundry, IH Church street, Camberwell S.E; ~ A.ttwood Louisa {Miss), shopkeeper, see Orocker & Attwood A.very BenJamin, solicitor & commissioner for oatJu.., 12 Wickham Peckham rye SE & 1 Russell road, Peckham SE A.ttwood Mark Art h. profssr. of mll:iic, 60 Holland rd, Brixton SW road, Brockley SE Bacon Waiter, stationer, 21l4 Brix1 on bill SW A.ttwood William, boot maker, 74 Manor lar:e, Lee SE A very Oatherine (:Mrs.), dressmaker. 79A. Peckham rye, Peckhm SE Bacon Waiter James, dairyman, 21 Jelf road, Brixton SW Attwood William Spencer, shpkpr. 8 Wordsworlh rd. Etk.NewngtnN Ave1y Elizabeth (Mrs.), nurse, 63 Maxted road. Peck ham SE Bacteriologiml L"boratory, Bon ugh of J..a.mbeth (Wm. Lockyear, A.ttwooll Abel, bootmaker, 17 WEstow hill, Norwood SE A very George, carman, 1 Hove street, l 1 eckbam SE mpt.of di~infecting nept.),26 \\'unles~ rd.HemeHlSE-TNI<O:.!Hep Attwooll Alfred Wm. master marinr.ll Arbuthnot rd.NewCross SE A. very Julia (Mrs.), laundry, 67 J.angdon road, Upper Holloway N Badcock & McMurtry, physicians & surgeon"- 12~ fhst bill Atzema Jolm A. printer, 211 Upper Richmond road, Putney SW A very Miss, ladies" school, 16 Burnt Ash hill, Lee SE (TN 1001 Putney )& 2~1 \Vest hill. Wand;worth SW-TN 6 iO Putney A.uborn & Heaviside, mnfg. confectioners, 37 John st. Battersea SW A very Sarah (Mn.), draper, 53 Shacklewelllane, Hackney NE Badcock Charles Halford B.A. phy~ici.m & ~urgeon, 14.0 lruxtn -T N 97 Battersea. A very Thomas, dining rooms, 298 Garratt lane, Wandsworth SW road, Du!with SE-T N 1147 Brixton A.ubrey Ada (Mrs.), dressmaker, 37 Filmer road, Fulham SW A.ves Arthur, dairy, see Brown & A'l'es Badcock EmeRt Reginald, physician & surgeon, 29 West hill, &r: sor- Anbrey Thomas, firewood dealer, Snrrey lane, Battersea SW Avey William, insurance agent, 230 Ma.lpas road, Brockley SE gery 16 St. Ann's hill, Wandsworth SW Aubury Laundry, 74 Elma road, Catford, SE Avis Thomas & Son, builders, 30 Brabourn grove, Peckham SE Ba.dcock George Henry, plumber,~ Uuwin road, Peckha.m SE Auchinvole John, oil stores, 2ii3 Amhun.t road, Stoke Newington N AvisAde1ine(Miss),laundress,l14 Rommany road, West Norwood Badcock Henry, plasterer, 2 Manor lane, Lee SB Auckland Edward Rotert. Tbnrlow Arms P.H. 443, & wine& spirit Avis Albert V. confectnr. 4 Station bldgs.Ladywell rd.LewishamRE Badcock J. hay & straw dealer, Gordon grove, Camberwell SB merl'hant, 437 Norwood road, W1 st. Norwood SE Avis George William, confectioner, 167 Manor street, Clapham SW Badcock William, pianoforte tuner, ~ ManOl" hwe, Lee S.E !.ndoire & Co. mnfg. chemists, 10 Lombard road, Battersea. SW Avis Sarah L. (Miss), wardrobe dlr. 20 G !en burnie rd. Up. Toot in!!' SW Baddock John 'l homas, hfl.betd,l.Sher, 1\3 Wells street,C<lmberwell SI A.udritt William, box maker, 37 Crawthew grove. East Dulwich SE A vis William Richard, engraver, 2 Roxwell rd. Shepherd's Bush W Badger Herbert, tailor, 128 Queen's road, Peckham SE A.ner John, baker, 20 Maxted road, reckhac SE Avnet Abraham, picture frame maker, 7 Western broad way, King Baele Raymon<i, commission agent, 48 H.ornol>' ro:'\ll, Herne Hill S'R Augt>le Angnst, hairdresser, ~3 B~tlbam hill, Ralb•m SW street, Hammersmith W Baggaley Thomas. confectimmr, lti2 (i'onthill ro:l<l,Finsbury PMkN A.uger Alfred, stationer, 12-j Northwold road, Upper Clapton NE A.vonrtale Hall (Emest M. Hayward, proprietor), Landor road & Baggarley Jn. Horse & Groom P.H. 60 Blackbeath bl. Greenwicb S.ll A.uger Joseph, builders' merchant, 39 Adys road, Peckham SE Willington road, Stockwell road SW Bagge & Sons, dairymen, 5 Sandilands road, Fulham SW Au~ht Ad a (Mi>~s ), draper, see W1 ight & Aught A. vondale Lecture Hall, Bellenden road, Peckham SE Baggott William Leonard, l'Onfecti(.n r. 114 Sydenh,tm rd.SyonhmSB Aulsebrook William & Co. confectioners, 203 Rushey green, Catford Avondale Arthur James, cycle dealer, 302 Garratt la. Wand~wrthSW B~ggo Henry, carman, 65 .Alvington creEcent, Sbacklewell KH. SE-T N 939 Lee Green A.worth & Co. mantle makers, 64. High street, Stoke Newington N Ba6gs May (Miss), teacher of music, 97 Lilford roal, Camberwels.E Auslander Maurice, ladies' tailor, 129 Stoke Newington road N Axam Frederick W. decorator, 92 Fernlea road, Ba.lham SW B•gley Benjamin, motor bOO.y maker, 33 Da.lling road & A.luion pr· Austen Cycle Manufacturing & Engineering Co. Ltd. cycle works, 4 Axell Elizabeth Foster (l::rs.), confectnr. 1 Crown la. Etreatham SW dens, Hammersmith W Crathorn street, Lewisham SE A.xford Harriet (Mr:1. ), apartments, 176 B .. rry rd. East Dulwich SE Bagley John Benj. npholsten r. 234A.,~nuthampton st.CBmbf>rwllSF. Austen Alfred W. phys. & surg. 67 Lr. Richmond road, Pntney SW Axford Robert Ma..qon, Mitre P.H. 62 Patmos roar1, Brixton SW Ba,=ald Frank Samuel, grocer, 1 0 d Hill street, St.oke NewingtoDN Austen Clam (Mrs.), beer retailer, 246 Sumner Joad, Peckham SE AxteU Ernst.carPtaker,ll Cambridge mans.L'ambrirlge rd.BattseaSW Ba~nall Charles, bootmaker, ll Oldridge ro_~, Balham t!W A.usten Ebenezer, teacher of music, 21 Wailer road, New Cross SE Axton George, brick merchant,l~Askew crescent.Stmpherd'sHushW Bagnall Harry Hilltoo1 beer retailer, 41! ~fa.~dala. rd, Up. Holloway~ Austen Emma (Miss), drt"'-~mak:er, 11 Whitbread road, Brockley SE Ayden Bros. cycle makers, 17 Blackstock road, Finsbnry Park N Bagnall James Williaru, bootrn:J.ker.
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