ARB YOU SATiSPIED. ' # OUR JOB WORK p • with thoYcMVk y&tor noto- 'i * 5 will bear the scrutiny of tho , a paper advertising brings you t i i most oxticilng. It makes a H avo you tried to gulQ tho \ ^ hmtlnKltnprrnslon by Itsbcau- , 0 . promlnoneoyour competitor* a 6 ty and un'ciuenesB, which In- jk enjoy? T hat la w hcro'w o A i crenKes, rather thun dfloroi como In. Glvo uk a try. • *!-- \ the inoro you nee of It. Our . • Knowledge Is yours. m The .Ocean Grove Time* •* ^ VOLUME VII—NO. - o. OCEAN GROVE TIMES—SATURDAY, MARCH u , 1899. Subscription $ 1.00 pel- year. CANTATA OP RUTH. LADIES' AUXILIARY, REV. REED AT CONFERENCE. PERSONAL AND PERTINENT. SILVER JUBILEE COMMEMORATED NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE. A Finished Performance Given by Grove Third Sociable in ihe Series to Be Held Before Departing He Speaks of His Esteem Pleasant Pencllings About the People, Officers of the Building and Loan Asso­ Slxry-Thlrd Annual Session Opened at At- . and Pa'rk Singers- ; !v Tuesday, Marcb 21st, and Love for His Congregation. { Place and Property. ciation Banqueted by Its Secretary. lantic City on Wednesday. Butternold’a cantata “Rutli," than , There was an. attendance ’of twenty • ReV. J. G. Reed has gone to. confer-] House hunters are on the-move. Secretary Henry G. Winsor, of the Bishop Foss presided at the opening which thero is none more beautiful nor ladles at the Auxiliary's meeting on enco, and will be absent from ' the; W. Harvey Beegle was home from Ashury Park Building and Loan Asso­ session of the sixty-third annual con­ higher in jopular favor, -waa presented .Wednesday afternoon. In , the ab­ Grovo until that body adjourns next-; New York over Sunday. ciation, surprised the officers and di­ ference of the M. E. Church of , New ■by local amateurs at the Ocean Grovo sence of the president owing to illness, ■week. St. Paul’s pulpit will be sup-; rectors of that organization last Fri­ Jorsey on Wednesday at Atlantic City. A rehearsal of the choral society will day evening at the close of a regular High School building on Tuesday eves. Mrs. William- Margerum presided. plied on Sunday by Revs. S. H. C, be held next Wednesday evening. Rev. J. H. Pay ran, of Cape May, the It was decided to hold a sociable, on Smith and J. R. Daniels, of the Grove.• meetirig by inviting them to Weir’s secretary, called the roll, to wh^ch 200 Sun, and so successful wis Its rendi­ Dr. and Mrs. George L. D. Tompkins tion that it was repeated tho follow- the evening of Tuesday, March 21st. At the morning service last Sabbath hotel, where he had arranged a ban­ members answered. Mr. Payran was • ing evening. The audlonces wero large, Mrs. William Garrison will oversee the., Mr. Reed took occasion to speak, ot, were in Lakewood oyer S u n d a y .•' quet In cominemoration of the asso­ re-elected secretary, and named as his appreciative, and thoroughly in sym­ arrangements, which, 'will be in-charge h iB pleasant pastoral relations with’ Albert P. Decker has succeeded Gar­ ciation's silver, jubilee. As stated in assistants Rov. S. L. Howard and Rev. pathy with the efforts of tha particl- of the younger ladies of the Grove. the people fie served, whose courtesy; field Gravatt as clerk at 0. C. Clayton's this paper, the Asbury Park Building W. L. Ridgeway. Rev. J. H. Boswell, " 1 r\liti Many of tho bost voices of As- There will be a, musical arid literary and kindness were, greatly appreciated store. .-,v; • and Loan Assoc!ation completed the of Trenton, was elected statistical sec­ ’ bury Park aa,; Ocean Grovo wero in­ programme. by him. On. this line he said: . :; Make a memorandum that next Tues­ twenty-fifth year of its existence on retary, and Rev. H. G. Williams treas­ cluded !a tbo Hat of slngerp. number­ Plans for tho Easter reunion were “I, amr glad there Is so much har-^ day Is election day, and go to' the polls February 1st.. The report made pub­ urer. • : .. ing 8i»ty-flve. Tho production waa discussed. A committee, consisting of mony' among us. It, only tends toi early. ; lic at that time shows the healthiest There was no business session ofthe financial condition. The total assets under the direction of Dr. Joseph H. Mrs.. Beegle, Miss Reimorisnyder, Mrs. deepen our esteem and affection forj C. C. Clayton will continue his sale conference .in the afternoon, the mem­ Bryan, of Asbury Park, who woe as- Cross, Mrs, Godfrey and Mrs. Quinn, one another. We have enjoyed many ure $500,000, and the amount paid on bers participating in a meeting of the of new spring goods today (Saturday), matured stock is $299,000.. Duririg its : BiBted by tho following principals; was appointed to ascertain the num­ precious services together and have re­ and Monday. • v: ; -: : ^ . • Woman’s Home Missionary Society. ber of houses that would open during ceived many blessings. I am glad for _ existence the shortest .time for matur­ Ruth; the gleaner, Mr i James Iv Burt; Mrs. C. W. Keiso, of 42 Olin street, Bishop Foss made an address upon the , Naomi, her mother-in-law, Mrs, Mollle reunion week for the entertainment of the growth of grace. I can say thatj ing a series of, shares was nine years, good, being accomplished by the so­ visitors.. ■ never have I enjoyed such fellowship* Is. convalescent from a severe attack and the longest eleven years. At the ciety. The treasurer’s report showed Meeker/Morrison; Zuleika, queen of Of: erysipelas.. • " iv Moab, Miss Bsrtba Martin; Zillah, a . Miss Grace Hoffman was appointed with God as in tHls year, and especially! latter rate the Investment netted the that $3,500 had been expended for shepherdess, Miss S. Jenaia Tar;.nsend; secretary in charge of the banquet in the last month of the year. It has: S. Walter Fitzgerald assumed hisshareholders 8 per cent; compound in-, charitable purposes in tho ye?ir, and ■ Orpah, sister-in-lavf to- Ruth, Mrs. P, tickets, to whom all inquiries and or­ been difficult for me to hold to my j position in the Mattison Avenue Phar­ terest." : v: ’v;.- - ■■■/:■ the secretary’s report showed a ,total Morehouse; Hadnsah and Tirana, la­ ders should be directed. The price of resolution not to worry about what I j macy on Tuesday. \;V- V. Those who sat down at the banquet membership of about 1,500. dies of Eglon’o court, Miss Grace Hoff­ the tickets will be $1.00, and the num­ have done. I have often gone home] ^Francis A. Stone is’ occupying his Were: President W. R. Hagerman, Sec­ In the evening the Educational So­ man aud Mrs C. E. Zacbarias; threo ber will positively, bo* limited, to 250. from; the meetings with a deep sense* new house, corner of Broadway aiid retary H. C. Winsor, Treasurer A. Lip- ciety heard addresses at St; Paul’s angels, Mrs. Morehouso, ’ Miss Grace The general reception committee voted of the: littleness and;; imperfectness of 1 Lawrence avenue. pincott, Directors G. M. Bennett, Amos Church by Dr. W. W. Moffett, who Martin, Miss Martin; IsraelitisSi wo- for last week was announced by the my effort. I have brought no itemized Mrs. Dr. I. N. Beegle, of Main ave­ Lippincott, 'George W. Treat, John M. presided; ,Dr. C. H. Payne and Dr. J. !i:an, Miss Ireno HqUms'a; Boaz, Mv. secretary/ Mrs.. Burnham, as follows: report of the year’s work. The best: Dey,..Si W. Kirkbride, John Hubbard Rogers. The Epworth League held its nue, who has been ill for. two weeks/. and Johnson Taylor. As usual, Mr. Hess, of Red Bank; Gglon, king of Mrs. Beegle,' Mrs. Moran, Mrs. Garri­ I can say is I have done aU I could do, 1 Is much Improved. anniversary in the. Central Methodist son, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. M illar arid Miss and yet how imperfect, it has seemed. Weir, made a special effort in the way Moab, Harry B. Martin; HasBas.;, aa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Ferrlngton, Church, and the Freedman's Aid So­ artificer, Bivin C. Burtis; Tubal, ah Hoffman. A number of aids are to be The year that has gone we will leave; of providing an elaborate spread. ciety held a meeting at the First Meth­ with God, who knows our effort, is ae-' of Montclair, spent the week in the aged minstrel, 'William L. Clarke; chosen to assist this committee. Grovo at the Alaska. odist Episcopal Church. - . , Jephonab, Boaz’s head Bervant. Frank Miss Rice and Mrs. Margerum. were quainted wltlf our spirit. He will deal, Vote for Joseph McLaughlin, Sidney Tho following clergymen from this* Hunt. Dr. Bryan was cast as Belzara- appointed to prepare a resolution of with ub as we deal, with our children; The prayer meeting at St. -'Paul’s T. Hampton and L. C. Ilubbert for vicinity aro attending the conference: dan. Eglon’s chief captain. sympathy for Mrs. ^Boyd and Miss when they come to us with their im- Church on Wednesday evening was in Constables. Rev. J. L. Roe, presiding elder of the Tho chorus -was composed of the fol­ Johnston at the recent death of their perfect work; He will deal with our.' chargo of the Epworth League. New Brunswick District; Rev. George lowing well-known singers: sister, Mrs. Scott. Their report will motive. Oh, that the spirit of, oneness There will be a special matinee- at Captain MuddelPs Medal. B. W ight, D. D., pastor F irst Church, Soprano—Mrs.
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