Book Review of Jane Austen‘s Pride and Prejudice Yudha Dwi Hadi Saputra and Christina Resnitriwati English Department, Faculty of Humanity, Diponegoro University, Semarang 50275 Abstrak Pride and Prejudice karya Jane Austen merupakan salah satu karya terbaik sastra pada zaman itu hingga sekarang. Buku ini mengisahkan tentang cinta antara Elizabeth dan Darcy yang terpaksa terhalang oleh status social pada zaman itu, yaitu zaman Victorian. Zaman Victorian itu tersebut terdiri dari tiga golongan masyarakat, yaitu kelas atas ( upper class), kelas sedang ( middle class), dan kelas bawah ( lower class). Di Final Project ini akan mendiskusikan tentang tema : cinta ( Love ) dan kelas social ( social class), sudut pandang dari Elizabeth (point of view) dan kelebihan serta kekurangan ( strengthen and weakness) dari buku ini. Final project ini akan mencoba untuk menganalisisnya lebih dalam lagi. 1.1. Background of the Study give the example of human love and social class from different point of view Pride and Prejudice is a story created especially from Elizabeth , the main by Jane Austen. This book may character from this novel, who almost represent the author to explore her mind be a perfect person. in writing. Love is one of the reasons why the writer chooses this book. The 1.3. Jane Austen and Her Works story in Pride and Prejudice is the reflection of what happened to people in According to Becoming Jane Austen : the Victory age. A domination of the Alife and Biography of Jane Austen , landlord power could be a weapon to Jane Austen was born in Steventon, get what they want and as a protector England, in 1775, where she lived for too when they had a trouble. Beside that the first twenty-five years of her life. the readers can learn a lot of things Her father, George Austen, was the about love from this book, because rector of the local parish and taught her Pride and prejudice is a book that largely at home. She began to write serves the readers about the experience while in her teens and completed the of love. original manuscript of Pride and Prejudice, titled First Impressions, 1.2. The Objectives of Study between 1796 and 1797. A publisher rejected the manuscript, and it was not To give a summary about —Pride and until 1809 that Austen began the Prejudice“,and to give a review about revisions that would bring it to its final —Pride and Prejudice“, especially to form. Pride and Prejudice was published in January 1813, two years the evening and haughtily refused to after Sense and Sensibility, her first dance with Elizabeth, which made novel, and it achieved a popularity that everyone did not like him such as has endured to this day. Austen arrogant and very unpleasant man. published four more novels: Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey, and However, Mr. Darcy found himself Persuasion. The last two were increasingly attracted to Elizabeth‘s published in 1818, a year after her charm and intelligence. -ane‘s death. friendship with Mr. Bingley also continued to make relationship, and During Austen‘s life, however, only her Jane pays a visit to the Bingley immediate family knew of her mansion. On her journey to the house authorship of these novels. At one she was caught in a heavy rain and point, she wrote behind a door that caught ill, forcing her to stay at creaked when visitors approached; this Netherfield for several days. In order to warning allowed her to hide take care Jane, Elizabeth hiked through manuscripts before anyone could enter. muddy fields and arrived with a Though publishing anonymously spattered mud dress, that is enough for prevented her from acquiring an the disdain of the snobbish Miss authorial reputation, it also enabled her Bingley, Charles Bingley‘s sister. to preserve her privacy at a time when English society associated a female‘s When Elizabeth and Jane returned entrance into the public sphere with a home, they found Mr. Collins visiting reprehensible loss of femininity. In her their family. Mr. Collins was a young work, Austen is often critical of the clergyman who stood to inherit Mr. assumptions and prejudices of upper- Bennet‘s property, which had been class England. Nevertheless, Austen —brought,“ meaning that it could only be was in many ways a realist, and the passed down to male heirs. Mr. Collins England she depicts is one in which was full of self importance, though he social mobility is limited and class- was quite caught attention by the consciousness is strong. Bennet‘s girls. Shortly after his arrival, he proposed to Elizabeth. Meanwhile, 2. SUMMARY the Bennet‘s girls became friendly with militia officers stationed in a nearby Rich young man who named Charles town. At the beginning of winter, the Bingley rented the manor of Netherfield Bingleys and Darcy leaved Netherfield Park caused a great problem in near the and returned to /ondon, much to -ane‘s village of Longbourn, especially in the worry. A further shock arrived with the Bennets. The Bennets had five young news that Mr. Collins had became daughters. The oldest one were Jane, engaged to Charlotte /ucas, Elizabeth‘s Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and the best friend and the poor daughter of a youngest was Lydia. Mrs. Bennet would local knight. Charlotte told to Elizabeth be happy if they all got married. that she was getting older and needed Bingley met Jane and spent much of the match for financial reasons. the evening dancing with her. His close Charlotte and Mr. Collins got married friend, Mr. Darcy, was unpleased with and Elizabeth promised to visit them at their new home. However, Miss Bingley visited her and behaved rudely, Shortly thereafter, however, a letter while Mr. Bingley failed to visit her at arrived from home, telling Elizabeth all. The marriage prospects for the that Lydia had eloped with Wickham Bennet‘s girls appeared bleak. and that the couple was nowhere to be found, which suggested that they might That spring, Elizabeth visited Charlotte, be living together out of wedlock. Mr. who now lived near the home of Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Bennet went off to Collins‘s patron, /ady Catherine de search for Lydia, but Mr. Bennet Bourgh, who was also Darcy‘s aunt. eventually returned home empty- Darcy called on Lady Catherine and handed. Just when all hope seemed lost, encounters Elizabeth, whose made a letter came from Mr. Gardiner saying presence to lead him to make a number that the couple had been found and that of visits to the Collins‘s home, where Wickham had agreed to marry Lydia in she was staying. One day, he made a exchange for an annual income. shocking proposal of marriage, which Elizabeth quickly refused. She told At the last, Wickham and Lydia married Darcy that she considered him arrogant and came back to Longbourn briefly, and unpleasant, then angry with him for where Mr. Bennet treated them coldly. steering Bingley away from Jane and Shortly thereafter, Bingley returned to disinheriting Wickham. As for Netherfield and resumed his courtship Wickham, he informed Elizabeth that of Jane. Darcy went to stay with him the young officer was a liar and that the and paid visits to the Bennets but made real cause of their disagreement was no mention of his desire to marry :ickham‘s attempted to elope with his Elizabeth. Bingley, on the other hand, young sister, Georgiana Darcy. pressed his suit and proposed to Jane, to the great pleasure of everyone but This letter caused Elizabeth to Bingley‘s unfriendly sister. While the reevaluate her feelings about Darcy. family celebrated the wedding, Lady The militia was leaving town, which Catherine de Bourgh visited to made the younger, rather man-crazy Longbourn. She blamed Elizabeth and Bennet‘s girls hopeless. Lydia managed said that she had heard that Darcy, her to obtain permission from her father to nephew, was planning to marry her. spend the summer with an old colonel Since she considered the Bennet an in Brighton, where :ickham‘s regiment unsuitable match for a Darcy, Lady would be stationed. With the arrival of Catherine demanded that Elizabeth June, Elizabeth went on another promised to refuse him. Elizabeth journey, this time with the Gardiners, spiritedly refused, saying she was not who were relatives of the Bennets. She engaged to Darcy, but she would not visited Pemberley, after making sure promise anything against her own that Darcy was away, and delighted in happiness. A little later, Elizabeth and the building and grounds, while was Darcy went out walking together and heard from Darcy‘s servants that he was Darcy told her that his feelings had not a wonderful and generous master. changed since the spring. She gently Suddenly, Darcy arrived and behaved accepted his proposal, and both Jane ± warm and friendly toward her. Darcy and Elizabeth - Bingley were conquer even the most difficult of married. conditions. 3. Review of Jane Austen‘s Pride 3.2 Class and Prejudice 3.1 Love The theme of class is related to reputation, in that both reflect the hardly Pride and Prejudice contains one of the ordered nature of life for the upper, most liked love stories in English middle and lower classes in Regency literature: the courtship between Darcy England. and Elizabeth. As in any good love story, the lovers must avoid and defeat 3.2.1 The People in Upper Class numerous stumbling blocks, beginning with the tensions caused Ey the lovers‘ According to About Britain , the Upper own personal qualities. Elizabeth‘s class, that was important to know whom pride makes her misjudge Darcy that you could speak with - especially if you based on a poor first impression, while hadn't been properly introduced.
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