0 I ! o/7 oL6 I Llcenced StanP Vendor Cei"rie, K1 I'INADA I Bher)uqudi 1"1 I 12u91 I toRM 26 I (Sce rule lAl I AFFIDtrVIT'tO B1] FILED BY THE CANDIDATI ALoNGWITH NOMINATION PAPER I}EFORE THE RfTURNIN(; oFFICf,R FOf ILICTION 'r'0 HdJsEoF PfoPLE (NAME OF TIIE IIOUSI) FITOM (> K{KNIADA PARUA]\4INIARY CONSTITUENCY (NAMf, Of TIIE CONSTITT]E\('Y) PARl]A -1, I'cddimsetti Venkateswara Rao, S/O, Peddimsetti Veeranna. aged'16 )ears. h-is postal aorlresf is D.No. 2-f5, Ramalayam street, Goddatipalcm, Karapa Mandal, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. a camdidatc at thc above election, do herebl solernnll' aflinn and state on oath usf-rnder': - (l){ l) I Jll]auj a candrdalecandidate selupsetup byb} JaraJana JagrulnrJagruthi Partyl'arq (*+nr{ ol rhe political pan) I **arn conlcstine a. an lnrlcpendcnt candidate. ij-srr*! out is not appliuahlc) \\. 'rhichcver s])r ATTESTED '' ((l,L mclh#..6rdalq A1-"r '' Pet.* Andhra Pradesh (Name ofthe 38- Kakinada Rural Mardal' 12) MY name is eruolled in 50s in Paa No 202 at SeriarNo pvraoso smail'c'rm ::.:,'i**;-a;t;StaLet' id(ifany)is '4 telepttont n'*u"'r i'i'i'n'uii r I r Mv contact 't "^o "mail (ifan) ) is /are: Nil " anO'r', t".l"i ,"a' account(s) (i) Nil (ii) Nil tiiit Nil of filing oflncome Tax Retum: Number (PAN)* and status (4) Dctails of Permanent Account in -J6Glli6*e tho*n ln- I PAN financial Year tor Names return lin Rupees) I Sl. No. for which the last come-Tax Financial Years -helncome-tax return the last live (as on Jl st Mureh) has been filed completed 2,21.500/- l 0l E-2u lv ) l. Fddimsetti eNCppsoqsL -Rs, Venkaleswara Rao R.2osPoot 017-2018 ii) fR; Lr&soo, r0l6-2017 (iii) I t0l5-2016 (i!) lNir ,014-201s lN it 2013-2014 (v) i) -Eddimsctti -18-2019 -Rsl,l0.950l- 2.. ]HKPP57.15G Padmavathi Rs.3.17,760/- 2017-2018 i) lrn,u.ro', ii) "rS.;:Oi' lrn,r,ro,u i!) Nor APPlicable lro,r-ro', lro,,'ro,o (v) lNor APPlicable (i) |lol APPlicable l. HUF (lf Candidate ts .lot (ii) t nPPticutt" Not APPlicable ApPlicable Karta/CoParcener) (ii0 Not APPlicable ;tlj h oarsBl (in) APPI'caDre 6f lNor f1) ).- @s=t; [-(s /e4 ?vtu tr4/ Nohry Licence is rnli,j ui, to 11-6-2022 tl-otlppticaUle --56frdans- l rloT .lttott"a PeddimseniKeerthi I;;IPPlicable ot lPPticaUte t rz:t- -Eiiindant'' z SFTFP Canesh ot,tPPticatte Peddimsetti SatYa Not APPIicabl€ Ioffitlcatte IiiApPlicable IiffiPtlcaule ePendent-3 " f_-o.cppli"ult" ;APPlicable No;f,PPlicable or APPlicable ffintionPANandincaseofnoPANitShouldbeclearlystated "No PAN alloned" cases (5) Pending criminal "i:ilrii$;irixi;!'i,;,,itril,f*ff,;::i'tr''^"heC'w)ida'lean'll rt, /,orli,!)ii)!ii'[)i;i;::i."iii;'iiii]i,f:i"ii\i:;,,*'":::"!:,;!{.:;:';"';:!, ' offalte'nati'e t"'oo'" t ,,'"e ,uota ol APPlicrblt 196/201,l c.d s.rri:ottl PS n"m" una l)ralsh!ramam fltnlo. *lrn Cheque Bouncc Case dress of Police Station i*io-i"it ruag" l-otAPPlicablc ii-tn,laoitionat lnc' t6iffiS-thNameor lhr ( ou ' ..1 t._ W:el -";:JTl]i{;;i,;u ;tx,,!fl ,,, flre.:l-5o6riarlPc N__-otnPPlicatle U.. t:t lt l't G---..tion(.)of*n""tn"d 30 PA l86l Acts/Codes involved Seaion' [give no. of the e.g. Secliofi- "'' etc.) Affi"uute OflPC. sounce -heque 6-riefdescription of h",ttl"t chu'g"t hu'" been framed (mention ioilPPli'utt' iiffi"aul" tlir-rePPticoute flfanr*er againtt tet glve above is YES, then the dare on which chargcs \^ere l'ramed -..............'-..._-n"rt". uny ePPeut I Application [or revrsron the tris'been {ited against oroceedings 1Mc'lit'fl i rs or No) (6) (i) / Iii) --oteppti"att" or.lPPticuSt" o! APPlicable ttot,tppticatle frotffiicalte anrc oI the Coun ot nPPlicable ot APPlicable (.lir-".tion(.)of Aot/Codes in ol the.Sectk'n volved lgiIe 'rt"' t )li' i"ii",. "'lPc' "r" No--repPl.atte NorlPPti"aUt" iiGnif off"nce fot N-orApplicable rH"fl' Nolary Lrcenee rb vdi.U up to it,6-ZOZ I :}is, Y\ rl uI1.., .s.rrlunoJ_u8loJoJ ul settllrqetl pus puD'peorqp uorrnllsul slesse llEJo slrpt.p Jo ,{poq .trq)o ,{uE pur.lueq ,a,..roj oi iru.r,.rnul'rJ.r,roaap rreJo srrerep 'sepntrur ,,qess' aroqsJJo,, uo,.s;rdi" ,*lI;;;H;;".Jar"'a eql rog uorteuBldxg "qr 'slesse aJoqsJJoJo drqsleu^ro Jo ur lserelul aql apnlcu! plnoqs slrelec .9 :aloN qrBeJo tJadsar ut,{loleJ,des ue^ta eq ot sr rr".., ,.r0",:x1Tr1:::H ., :aloN i!.ql JoJ JteplpueJ .ql uo tuepu;dep .tE oq^\ -.. Or, ," .rn"J:;;Ur,l;:;, ou ir^Bq oq\'\'53eurEt! Jo poolq {q JJqpI/,\ "*"rr, (uEpueJsnodsJoJlsp,purraqtloi.ylatqdnEp.{s)uos.srualedsupJur,rulpuidJo,.r:rloNeleplpueJ eq ol palel.J uostad Jiqto prls rl-rrou Jo .sE, ur s{ooq:ed se pue serued** Ll3:Y-r!.."ur.dueqJxe Or",,al:lj:.'j rcors ur anl,l let.p'r rualJnr rad se sa,ntueq.6,,rqlr!puo[]o rn1"r1 g ,",orrl rre qruprg pue uonntnsutAuEg .au.qrs .trsod.p .^ -.1r1j.1.:: :, sqt Jo rLueN eq) Jo alep'lunotuv 'JeqlunN aurpnlJu! slletep IEues aqi )ueui;nr16ooarp- jo rl .Z :aloN "rr" aq ol e^eq oslp III.^A drqsrau^{o lurorJo ruelxe eql Burlerrpur a,rru ,u,oq u, ,1"1,j , ,",o* {ur .11es,(ur1o (.c1a alqe^ou.rr pue arqe.\our) slrss',rrJo srrer.;:X:T:[TJ,,:#:,i,Ti'fl,r, ,r, .ruerdns erq,uoH Jo rsusrrd'roc u! uo,,r*.,*,, ,*Ll,0!zj,,d';f:r"il :rri,.r;#J:,li:tllffjJ.r? .prrrnberJt .saf,B, peppB aq ,{But treqs leuolllppv } pauo!,u.,u aq o, esEr .tua1 ,*,, *, *!ffi]l!:[ifi*ll3:,1ii,Jj^i:,,H,*i3:,1J.,"# ., rlrBa lsursto sournlor tuareJJ!p rrpun rse.r qrue.rol .sreDrt ,{pleiudaluri,l nq o1 .1;"1"q .7 O-IOB ur ,ilqr8at pus,ttrE.tr prrntur rq ptnoqs stretao .I N r Nott v)t,dd vroN r1,n,c1-a" q,o,1,,ll$:i;;'!,::{J!:, :,gi;i, (9) puE (E) sqde'l8eted ur ue^rB iliilily 1n,',,,,a,-i'p,.a'i1"',ffiiil';:i,i;;"^:;'1,1'l:i:*:":";i:,X;#::H:i,Tr,::,,:i",:ili leldde.Jo snlels luesaJd pue sltEtap r^rt ,tqPrtddV toN alqErtddV loN -!3I1aSE (?) ol ron"sueJl lq) (ON ,to Sgf uouuahl repJo uorlcr^uoc lsutpAD paJrl etqesIddV roN atq"r!tddV roN olqBirrddv loN ua.q seq leeddv ,{uE reqleq/i\ (tu Dep SL No. I)escription Self Sgrse HUf Dependent- Dependent end I -2 cnt- (i) Cash in hand 3 Rs. I ,50,000/- Not Not Not Applicable Applicable Applicable App lica 1i) Details of depoiit- in-Efr NIL ble \IL Nor T N.r accounts (FDRS, Term De. Nur lN; Applicable - Applicabte posir\ and allother lvDes or lApprrcabte lApp dcpo:irs including saving Irrca lble aocounls), Deposits with Financial Inslitutions. Non-banking Financial lompanres and Cooperarive iocrelres and the amount in )ach such deposit (iii) ot -,wEGeii- loeuils NIL INIL Bonds. debentures/ share lNor Nor lNor lAppricabte Applicable lnd units rrr comoanrer lApptrcabrelApp-lNA Mutual ttnds and orher I llica and the amount I lur. (iv) ot Joeuil' in'esrE*r-- I NtL NIL NSS, postrt Savins Nor lNor lN;! lin tn- Applicabte - lsumnce policies and invesr- lApptrcabte lApptrcabte lmenr in any Financial in- struments in posr ofllce o. ble lnsurance Company and theJ amount i (") lrersonat loans/ \II, ,\ll_ gi!en lo Jadvance any person --lH**]x: lor enho including firm. 1xil,,.",,. l*, company, Trust etc. and other receirablcs from debtors and] iAeericabre i il;, the amounl I / .ATTESTED /1,@ r*'[crot-b\11 ,.P. \-2e12 l',.6.2t1! (tl Motor Vehichsr'- NIL Nll, I Not Not ll-lero AircraftYYachrs/Ships (De_ Noi Applicable tarls of Ma[e. regjstrarion l,lpplicable lx.',.,. App number AP O5CY lica 49212014 ble etc. year of purchase and amouno I ofRs. 80,000/- (vii) Jewellery. bullion gms aa7- au otgold 568 crams Not I9.1grams 22 Grams Nol raluable rhing(s) (gi!e de_ which is vatued at Gold is Applicable cold which Gold lails ofweight and !alue) Rs. 1.20,000/- 'vhich which is lica Rs. 17,04.000t Rs. valLred at ble 5,82,000/- Rs. (viii) Any other 66,000/- a-iii- f, as NIL \L Not value Not Noi Not of claims Applicable interesl Applicabte Applicable Iica (i\) Gross-lbtal Valuc ble Rs. 17.04.000/- Not Rs. tu. Nol Applicable s,82,000/- t.46,000/- App lica ble tJ. Detirils of Immovable Assets; Note: L Propenies injoint ownershiD indiM .-irr arso h-ave'[o be I:i, i ni:*Lii:H[,i:,,*Hf.i.Ji*f,td#tr#Tir ndica'|ed s t\io. l)escripai0o Spouse HUF Deperder!l DepcrdeDt,2 D€peodrnt.l S. Pydi Pat, S. Ptdi Pata Nol S. Lard village, Pydi Pata S. Pydi Pata Not Appljcabte villaCe, Applicab Village, Locarionls) Rowthulapudi Village, Rowlhrlnpudi Rowthulapudi Sur!ey Mandat, Rowthulapudi Easl Maodal. Easr Mrodal, numbe(s) Godavari East Mandal. fasl Codarari Godarari Districq Godavari District, District, S,Nos. Dislricl, 199,205, S.Nos. 199,205 S.N0s.207,20S 201 S,Nos.l99,20S TECTF ) ^; li I^.[L"r(o.,'\5\g ?w&- Area (tolal Ac. 8.76 cenrs lAc 5.58 c;;E lNot Ac. measuremenl- in 1.90 Centi ac. :.to Cents rrppricaUte leppticat fNot lre No Not No inherited Not Applicabte Applicab le (Yes or No) Date of purchasal 1-A-20t)4 1-8-2001 Nol -U--100,1 case ofself- acquired 7-8-2004 Not Applicabie propeny Applicab le cosr ort-anaiin case Rs.5,26,0007 Ks_ J.J5.000/- Nor purchase) al rhe time"t Rs.1.33.000r Rs.
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