Vol. 35 No. 10 Nepal Jesuits October 2020 REGION SUPERIOR APPOINTS 2.Virtual Meeting of Vocation Promoters Fr. Augustine Th omas Amakkatt on 8th October, organized by to St. Xavier’s College and Campion House. Assistant for Formation, General ANNOUNCEMENT Curia, Rome. 1. Pradeep Hembrom joined pre-novitiate on 9 September in Premanjali, Matigara, India. He is from Kolkata archdiocese. ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOL, JAWALAKHEL St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel lass one new admission process is complete to go through online interview cum eligibility test. Cnow. Aft er the admission, online orientation Th e online interview cum eligibility test was con- was conducted for class one in three shift s on 9th ducted for two days separately for science and man- of September. Fr. Sanjay Ekka formally welcomed agement students. Th e selected students completed new students and parents by his welcome speech. their admission procedure and formally started the Th e parents were familiarized with the system of the online classes aft er the virtual orientation program. school through the orientation, and prepared their Our community had to endure some health issues. children for online classes. At the end of the orienta- Fr. George’s ankle got sprained while playing lawn tion, Fr. George P.M. addressed the new parents and tennis and he is recovering fast. Fr. Ignatius too was students. On 15th of September, online class com- not well due to his high blood pressure. He went menced for class one. through medical checkup and is following the doc- Th is year the admission procedure for class 11 was tor’s advice. Fr. Boby had stayed in St. Xavier’s com- slightly diff erent than other years. Written entrance munity for few months and on 26th of September test was not conducted for class 11 because of the left for Jamaica for a new mission. COVID 19. However, a shortlist was made on the Sanjay Ekka basis of their GPA and the short-listed students had 1 Online class goes on s the pandemic progresses, the school contin- ki completed 30 years of service in Godavari Ash- Aues with remote learning. New regulations and ram. The community acknowledged their extraordi- guidelines from the Government and the ministry nary contribution to the Ashram ministry and also for Education have been issued about admission, but gave thanksgiving dinner for them. they seemed to be unclear and confusing. In the first In spite of all the hurdles of pandemic finally, Sch. week of September online admission test was held Deepak Jans joined the community with good for class one. This was the first time in SXG history. health. The school continues to work on the level The tiny tots were very smart in appearing for the of preparedness to support the learning of students test. In the second week of September class 11 ad- during the health crisis. mission test was conducted. In the fourth week, both This is just a note, according to the United Nations classes and orientation were conducted for students International Children’s Fund (UNICEF), “the and parents. Rest of the classes had online assess- COVID-19 pandemic has affected more than 91% of ments. Fr. Samuel and his team worked very hard students worldwide, with approximately 1.6 billion to organize all the tests and admission. Mr. Indira children and youngsters unable to attend physical Gurung presented online seminar to teaching staff schools due to temporary closures and lockdowns.” about stress management. SXG correspondent Mr. Babu Krishna Silwal and Mr. Dhurba Budhatho- 2 ST. XAVIER’S COLLEGE, MAITIGHAR lass 11 admission process is finally completed. A Systematic Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies’. CThis year we had less applicants but the process The article deals with the multiple beneficial antidi- took longer than usual. Since everything was online abetic effects of various citrus fruits (orange fami- for the first time, there was sufficient confusion and ly) for health promotion, especially concerning the everyone involved had to upskill themselves. We prevention and management of chronic metabolic hope to begin classes for them from October 1. The diseases. It is an outcome of collaborative scientific most challenging task online will be to orient and research and teamwork and additionally it provides form them in our tradition as we would have done greater visibility to St Xavier’s College, Kathmandu. normally in the face-to-face situation. It also provided an exciting learning opportunity Students in the other programs are having regular for Cap as he patiently proofread the text, time and online classes and online examinations. Some de- again until he fell in love with ‘Suntala’. The article is partments have organized webinars and motivation- available for free download from https://www.mdpi. al programs for their respective departments. com/2072-6643/12/10/2907 The Literary Club conducted their annual storytell- Jiju was one of the panelists on Jesuit education ing and poem recitation competition successfully worldwide at the Cleveland Sister Cities Conference online on 20 and 21 September respectively. organized by Global Cleveland on 30 September. James co-authored and published a review article Everyone in the community continues to keep them- in ‘Nutrients’, a peer-reviewed open access interna- selves fit and healthy with positive and constructive tional scientific journal with Impact Factor: 4.546, activities and engagements. titled ‘Citrus Flavonoids as Promising Phytochemi- Campion Jesuits cals Targeting Diabetes and Related Complications: 3 ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOL, DEONIA Pandemic dry ration distribution t was a joy to receive Sch. Gorakh Alphonse tolic Preferences - has been constantly implemented IRudum of Darjeeling Province in the Communi- by distributing dry ration to downtrodden and ne- ty as a new member. His appointment was already glected people of our pastoral area and neighboring announced in the month of March but due to the places with the assistance of people belonging to the restriction in crossing the border, he was unable to respective localities. come. With his joining, now the Arrupe Niwas Jesu- Updating the activities of the school- the new admis- it community is complete. The community also was sions to classes 1 and 11 - the form distribution is privileged to celebrate Sch. Gorakh’s birthday with still on and soon there will be entrance tests for both other Jesuits of Jhapa. Sch. Gorakh and Fr Nicolas the classes. The mode of conducting these tests are Christuraj were warmly welcomed with Nepali kha- being looked into. Fr Daniel Bara has been appoint- das to Jhapa Jesuit Mission in Nepal. ed as the new coordinator for Classes 11 and 12. He The Arrupe Niwas community continues to reach is busy meeting teachers virtually for the planning out to our Catholic faithful at this time of pandemic. for the new academic year 2077 B.S. Masses for them are being celebrated in small num- Sch. Ravindar Bara, our beloved theologian, has been bers at different places. Fr. Arul and Fr. Boniface busy attending online classes on various courses in gave a day of recollection on different days to Carm- Theology and getting himself ready for the upcom- el Missionary Sisters at Sadakbari and Faber House, ing semester examination in the month of October. Maheshpur respectively. Wilson Kandulna ‘Walking with the poor’- one of the Universal Apos- Welcoming Sch. Gorakh Rudum to Arrupe Niwas Welcoming Gorakh after a Saturday Eucharist with parishioners 4 MORAN MEMORIAL, MAHESHPUR Fr. Norbert, P.P. distributing dry ration along with a Believers Church member. ne of the Catholics, Ms. Shanti Shrestha passed the permission of Bhadrapur municipality. Ten days Oaway in the morning of September 5 in Elam. of home-isolation was prescribed to them; so they Fr. Sanctius, Mr. Amar along with Br. Clarence went were kept in the church building. On the 8th day all the way for the funeral. After four hours of ride Covid-19 test was conducted and on the 10th day they had to park their vehicle at one place and trav- they came out of home-isolation with a clean report. el for almost another hour by a tractor to reach the On the 22nd of September Fr. Nicholas was formally family. They came back on the same day by 8:30 pm. welcomed by the staff and he had a short interaction Br. Clarence gave Tridum talks to FC Sisters of Ma- with them. heshpur in preparation for their feast. Finally, Fr. Norbert managed to get the completion This month we shared dry food kit with 40 poor certificate of the church building from the munici- Christians of the ‘Believer’s church’. On September pality. 9 our new Principal, Fr. Nicholas Christuraj along We had a day of recollection guided by Fr. Boniface. with Schs. Deepak and Gorakh arrived here through Clarence Joseph Members of Believers Church receive food supplies 5 ST. XAVIER’S SCHOOL, SADAKBARI Fr. Amrit, Region Superior with school staff Fr. Amrit, having a meeting with school staff chool continues its “door to door” service offline ed our plan and expressed their support and com- Sclasses. Teachers are doing their duties faithfully mitment to the school family. of visiting the students once a week. According to Fr. Amrit Rai, S.J. came for the visitation from Sep- the evaluation it has got about 70% success rate, an- tember 28-29. He thanked staff for doing ‘door to other 20 % students are trying their best but have door’ service and stressed on ‘Cura-Personalis and almost zero guidance from their parents due to illit- Cura-Apostolica’ the two-great characteristics of Je- eracy, and another 7% are least bothered and 3% are suit education.
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