The Shastri ANNUAL Indo­ REPORT Canadian 1982-1983 Institute 15th ANNIVERSARY YEAR Member Institutions: lINIVl:RSI ry or ALBERTA IJNIVI ItSI I Y Of· BR I I ISH COl.lJMIlIA IIR<X'K IJNIVLRSJ I Y tJNIVI RS I I Y 0 1 ( 'AI (iARY ("Kit HI I NIVIR II) ( IN. 0 IIIAI I\IR~II'I l NIVI KSI n 01 M!\NIIOIIA 'l(dlll~I\IRSII~ M M I ~ N,\ I II v A 11 !l1lA.H' )1 (ANAIIA I NIV I I"t IIOII"\\A ~I I R II V I RI .IN 'IU 10 SHAITRI INDO_CANADIAN IN8TITUTI 92. GOlf LINKS. NEW DELH '·1IOOO3 IND IA. SHASTRI INDO-CANADIAN INSTITUTE F I F TEE NTH ANNUAL REPORT 1992- 1993 by N. K. CHOUDHRY President 7'"U"." , ".... ,. , ,.h ..,..i" .1/ f.,..". J.W I '"ltr,wh " ..,.. '" " , ( ..,.". ".,.,. , If'll ''''.. oWn • ..,.,."........ ",," ,,...., .., 1 INTRODUCTION The year surveyed in this report has been one of significant progress in the context of continued financial strigencies and uncertainty. The reciprocal flow of Bcholars between India and Canada has continued to expand. The summer programme held in India under the directorship of Professor David Hiller of Concordia University and Dr. S. P. Gupta of the University of Delhi was, by all accounts, successful. Professor B. N. GOBwamy was finally able to undertake his long anticipated visit during the fall of 1982, and was enthUsiastically received at all the member institutions that were included in his itinerary. Professor Iqbal Narain, Vice-Chancellor of the Banaras Hindu university, also visited a number of institutions as part of a group sponsored by the International Development Research Centre in connection with the annual meetings of the Canadian Asian Studies Association. At a number of places the Shastri Indo­ Canadian Institute played an important part in facilitating his visit. Professor Garth Stevenson, of the Department of Political Science of the University of Alberta, lectured in India in the spring of 1983 under the Canadian Studies Programme. Professor H. C. Eastman, of the Department of Economics, University of Toronto, is scheduled for a visit in December, 1983. Arrange­ ments are now under consideration to make possible a lecture tour in Canada by Professor P. C. Joshi of the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, and Professor T. N. Madan of the same Institute who plans to be at lIarvard next year. 3 After a period of long anticipation it ia expected CONCLUSION a modest increase in our level of funding will be granted by The continuing success of the Institute depends on the Department of External Affairs. While it falls far short at au' co-operation of a large number of people involved in its quest for some sort of cushion against continuing inflation, the activities. Among these I wish to make particular mention of increase, when it comes, will be greatly welcome. Negotiation. (1) Professor Ratna Ghosh, Resident Director (1982-83), whose are in progress in India for a renewal and augmentation of our efforts were directly responsible for the favour and success we rupee grant from the Government of India and, by all accounts , we have enjoyed in New Delhi during the past yearl (2) Members of have reasons for optimism. When that happens, we hope to improve the Executive Committee who have persevered through a hard and the fellowships and library acquisitions programmes whose real trying year 1 (3) Mrs. K. de la Ronde and the Calgary office levels have suffered inevitable cutbacks due to cost increases . staff and Mr. P. N. Malik and the staff of the New Delhi office The programme of workshops and seminars has also showed but for whose continued effectiveness the Institute cannot remarkable progress. The workshop in Canadian literature was operate smoothly and last but not least (4) the good will and noted in the report last year. In the fall of 1983, four support given to us by Mr. M. R. Sivaramakrishnan, High historians from Canada are scheduled to participate in a Commissioner for Indial Mr. John Hadwen, High Commissioner for programme of seminars and workshops in Canadian history in New Canada in New Delhil Mr. L. Perinbam, C.I.D. A.; Messrs. Delhi. This will be the second workshop of this kind since the P. Charpentier, W. T. Delworth. and A. G. Vincent in the inception of the Canadian Studies Programme. An extraordinarily Canadian Department of External Affairs; and Mr. J. Maybee, important event took place in May, 1983, when eight Canadian Chairman of the Canadian Advisory Council. specialists and over thirty I ndian specialists participated in a joint week-long workshop in education technology in New Delhi. The Conference, held jointly under the auspices of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute and the university Grants Commission, was lnnuquratad by the Education Minister and received extensive madia covorago. Dollar funding from C. I.D.A. and rupee fundin g from U.G.C. ia gratefully acknowledged. AI'I'I,NllIX I Dr. C. Hospital Queen ' s University Dr. R. Archer I'A 'I' l'IU:IlIOP.NT Dr. D. W. Carment University of Regina McMaster University Dr . N. K. Wagle Dr. N. K. Choudhry university of Toronto university of Toronto Mr . R. Lincoln ,r, "1 'rAllY Dr . R. Pannu Chairman, Library Committee University of Alberta 11;A !tllt:f! Dr. E . C. Moulton University of Manitoba H t1, I' A1' I.I\R(.F. Dr . David Miller Concordia University .. I PI N1' I) I " ~:C'TOR Dr. B. S. Sahni pt: lI,tl"'I'U Concordia University Mr . M. R. Sivaramakrishnan Hiqh COll'lll1issioner for India Dr. T. Fe rnando university of British Columbia Dr. v . M. Fie Brock university Or. M. Zachariah University of Calgary Or. I•• ,. , Librande Cftr l. t on University 01 n. Ml l hlr C,,"conl il ift tlnJve.:sity Ih. T. 0, r.isel"'lOn 11c"I.lj I University Ih, I!:. 81 vnraman ,'rl1., •• .,r University /011 . A , I'r Ihlah N"lIl1rllll 1.lllra.:y of Canada III . Ii , II . I'Illvastava I!lIlv~ l .tt V o r (\ttawa ,ll,I'I'I.NU!X '[ APPENDI X I II CANADA: 1982-83 SHASTRI FELLOWS AND THEIR RESEARCH TOPICS '<1. 1I.,n. ,Ioland Michener". Dr. W. David Hopper, 1982-83 III· tI"r,,,y I'leeid nt). Wnshington, D.C., U.S.A. " 1\1<>. on' "'rio. Mr. M. R. Sivaramakrishnan, SENIOR LONG TERM FELLOWSHIPS toll .I .lIu H.,ybe., High Commissioner for India, ·DR . DAVID R. KINSLEY , Department of Religious Studies, II h"'IIftnlll. Ottawa, Ontario. McMaster University. ~Pilgrimage Rituals in Benares . ~ 'I 'flW". Onl .. , 10. Mr. Arno ld Smith, DR. B~IR S. SAHNI, Department of Economics, Concordia HI. 'II .... IJatn. Ottawa, Ontario. University . ~Economic Dimensions of the Public Sector I ... I" I I III I 1 fld , in India Over the Past Thirty Vears, 1951/81.- n Hili., ontArio. Mr. Eric Trigg, Alcan Aluminium Ltd., DR . DOUGLAS VERNEY, Department of Political Science, York " 1 "'WI III. U.rnplor, Montreal. Quebec. University. ~The Adaptability of Governmental Systems.~ V II 'llval. III Itl.h Columbia . "', C IlIarl ... 1... I"rt.ld, SENIOR SHORT TERM FELLOWSHIPS 101•• ''''''11111, UUfllone. DR . PURUSHOTTAM G. PATEL, Department of Linguistics, University of Ottawa . "The Devanagari Writing System and Reading Acquisition Problems : An Exploratory Study .K AOVTSORY COUNCIL - INDIA: 1982-83 Hie 1 .. 1 I,. I:rf'wtll (Chairman), Dr. Ram Joshi, JUNIOR FELLOWSHIPS 1.1 I y. Vice-Chancellor, HIIIIII IV'" F.i1ucation University of Bombay. .MISS LESLIE C. ORR, Department of Religious Studies, McGill ,dlullura, University. ~Dance and Music a~ F£rms of R~ligi£us H_w I' lid . Mr. M. R. Kolhatkar , Expression in the Hymns of the Alvara and Naya~r5.~ Joint Secretary, " II It rhhabrft, Ministry of Education 'I'ary, and Culture, LANGUAGE TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS t IIlverelly Grant. Commieeion, New Delhi. Nw 1111. DR . HUGH JOHNSTON, Simon Fraser University. Punjabi Professor Ravinder Kumar, Language Study. r",lIt Y. B. Damle, Director, I 1111,"'111 of Sociology, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library , MISS LORENA REIMER, University of Chicago. Sanskrit IllIlve'llt.y of Paona. New Delhi. Language Study. " A " '''0, Professor Roop Rekha Verma, DR. KATHERINE YOUNG, McGill University. Tamil Language t, 1111 'tH'l.tary (AMS), Department of Philosophy, Study . MHoI., IY III External Affaira, University of Lucknow. H \II I' Ihl. Or. Ratna Ghosh (Secretary), FACULTY TRAINING FELLOWSHIPS "', I. £j IIllclwon, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, 111'111 t·p,,~nl •• lonor Cor New Delhi . DR. STUART B. PHILPOTT, Department of Anthropology, University I ",,,,,,II.. In Tndia. of Toronto . MSocial and Economic Organization of the Logging Industry of N.W. Uttar Pradesh .n , SItASTRI FELLOWS AND THEIR RESEARCH TOPICS ~I'II l'll",n ('l1nt.All!'. 1978-82 I,ll ( 111!.I\f({;.I\V.I\ (Senior LOnl)' Term Fellowship), Department of " \,)In'IY and Anthropoloqy. Wilfrid Laurier University. -,.,., It> f'lultotricians and Gynecologists in India: A Study SENIOR LONG TERM FELLOWSHIPS I f IltTUllllt lonal Role Innovators in Selected Hedici!ll r dill- ,n •. ~ DR, RATNA GHOSH, McGill University. "General Job Satisfaction and Perceptions of Academic 1'1~ ••. J .8. ~·ll.JI.NKS (Senior Short Term Fellowship), Department Roles: A Study of Male and Female Academics in India." ,O! I'ulltical Studies, Queen ' s University . ~The Audit I, n •• jn India . R DR. JOHN HILL, Concordia University . "The Politics of Transition in Lucknow, 1880-1920." 11111 r.IJNASINGIIE (Senior Long Term Fellowship), Department t "'aIIHY In Art, University of Victoria. RBuddha and DR. MILTON ISRAEL, University of Toronto. Ills Imll'la. ~ "A History of the Indian ciaspora in Canada." IIMI\ It .. I • II.I\NNOTTE (Language Training Fellowship), McMaster DR. JAYANT LELE, Queen's University.
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