Drug-Induced Nephrotoxicity CYNTHIA a. nAUGHTON, PharmD, BCPS, North Dakota State University College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences, Fargo, North Dakota Drugs are a common source of acute kidney injury. Compared with 30 years ago, the average patient today is older, has more comorbidities, and is exposed to more diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with the potential to harm kidney function. Drugs shown to cause nephrotoxicity exert their toxic effects by one or more common pathogenic mechanisms. Drug-induced nephrotoxicity tends to be more common among certain patients and in specific clinical situations. Therefore, successful prevention requires knowledge of pathogenic mechanisms of renal injury, patient- related risk factors, drug-related risk factors, and preemptive measures, coupled with vigilance and early intervention. Some patient-related risk factors for drug-induced nephrotoxicity are age older than 60 years, underlying renal insuf- ficiency (e.g., glomerular filtration rate of less than 60 mL per minute per 1.73 m2), volume depletion, diabetes, heart failure, and sepsis. General preventive measures include using alternative non-nephrotoxic drugs whenever possible; correcting risk factors, if possible; assessing baseline renal function before initiation of therapy, followed by adjusting the dosage; monitoring renal function and vital signs during therapy; and avoiding nephrotoxic drug combinations. (Am Fam Physician. 2008;78(6):743-750. Copyright © 2008 American Academy of Family Physicians.) rugs cause approximately 20 per- ALTERED INTRAGLOMERULAR HEMODYNamiCS cent of community- and hospital- In an otherwise healthy young adult, approxi- acquired episodes of acute renal mately 120 mL of plasma is filtered under failure.1-3 Among older adults, pressure through the glomerulus per minute, D the incidence of drug-induced nephrotoxicity which corresponds to the glomerular filtration may be as high as 66 percent.4 Compared with rate (GFR). The kidney maintains or autoreg- 30 years ago, patients today are older, have a ulates intraglomerular pressure by modulat- higher incidence of diabetes and cardiovascu- ing the afferent and efferent arterial tone to lar disease, take multiple medications, and are preserve GFR and urine output. For instance, exposed to more diagnostic and therapeutic in patients with volume depletion, renal per- procedures with the potential to harm kid- fusion depends on circulating prostaglandins ney function.5 Although renal impairment is to vasodilate the afferent arterioles, allowing often reversible if the offending drug is dis- more blood flow through the glomerulus. continued, the condition can be costly and At the same time, intraglomerular pres- may require multiple interventions, including sure is sustained by the action of angiotensin- hospitalization.6 This article provides a sum- II–mediated vasoconstriction of the efferent mary of the most common mechanisms of arteriole. Drugs with antiprostaglandin activ- drug-induced nephrotoxicity and prevention ity (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs strategies. [NSAIDs]) or those with antiangiotensin-II activity (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme Pathogenic Mechanisms [ACE] inhibitors, angiotensin receptor block- Most drugs found to cause nephrotoxicity ers [ARBs]) can interfere with the kidneys’ exert toxic effects by one or more common ability to autoregulate glomerular pressure and pathogenic mechanisms. These include altered decrease GFR.10,32 Other drugs, such as calci- intraglomerular hemodynamics, tubular cell neurin inhibitors (e.g., cyclosporine [Neoral], toxicity, inflammation, crystal nephropathy, tacrolimus [Prograf]), cause dose-dependent rhabdomyolysis, and thrombotic microan- vasoconstriction of the afferent arterioles, lead- giopathy.7-9 Knowledge of offending drugs ing to renal impairment in at-risk patients.11 and their particular pathogenic mechanisms of renal injury is critical to recognizing and TUBULAR cELL tOXICITY preventing drug-induced renal impairment Renal tubular cells, in particular proximal (Table 110-31). tubule cells, are vulnerable to the toxic effects Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright © 2008 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact [email protected] for copyright questions and/or permission requests. SORT: KEY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRACTICE Evidence Clinical recommendation rating References Patients at highest risk of drug-induced nephrotoxicity are those with one or more of the following: C 1-3, 7, 34, 35 age older than 60 years, baseline renal insufficiency (e.g., GFR < 60 mL per minute per 1.73 m2), volume depletion, multiple exposures to nephrotoxins, diabetes, heart failure, and sepsis. Assess baseline renal function using the MDRD or Cockcroft-Gault GFR estimation equation and C 7, 33, 41-43 consider a patient’s renal function when prescribing a new drug. Monitor renal function and vital signs after starting or increasing the dose of drugs associated C 7, 10, 32, 48 with nephrotoxicity, especially when used chronically. Drug-induced renal impairment is generally reversible, provided the nephrotoxicity is recognized C 52 early and the offending medication is discontinued. GFR = glomerular filtration rate; MDRD = Modification of Diet in Renal Disease. A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease- oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, go to http://www.aafp. org/afpsort.xml. of drugs because their role in concentrating and reabsorbing glomerular filtrate exposes Table 1. Drugs Associated with Nephrotoxicity them to high levels of circulating toxins.12 Drugs that cause tubular cell toxicity do so by Pathophysiologic mechanism impairing mitochondrial function, interfer- Drug class/drug(s) of renal injury ing with tubular transport, increasing oxida- Analgesics 8,13 tive stress, or forming free radicals. Drugs Acetaminophen, aspirin Chronic interstitial nephritis associated with this pathogenic mechanism Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Acute interstitial nephritis, altered of injury include aminoglycosides, ampho- intraglomerular hemodynamics, tericin B (Fungizone; brand not available in chronic interstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis the United States), antiretrovirals (adefo- Antidepressants/mood stabilizers vir [Hepsera], cidofovir [Vistide], tenofo- Amitriptyline (Elavil*), doxepin Rhabdomyolysis vir [Viread]), cisplatin (Platinol), contrast (Zonalon), fluoxetine (Prozac) dye, foscarnet (Foscavir), and zoledronate Lithium Chronic interstitial nephritis, (Zometa).12-14 glomerulonephritis, rhabdomyolysis Antihistamines INFLammaTION Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Rhabdomyolysis Drugs can cause inflammatory changes in doxylamine (Unisom) the glomerulus, renal tubular cells, and the Antimicrobials surrounding interstitium, leading to fibro- Acyclovir (Zovirax) Acute interstitial nephritis, crystal nephropathy sis and renal scarring. Glomerulonephritis Aminoglycosides Tubular cell toxicity is an inflammatory condition caused pri- Amphotericin B (Fungizone*; Tubular cell toxicity marily by immune mechanisms and is often deoxycholic acid formulation more associated with proteinuria in the nephrotic so than the lipid formulation) range.12 Medications such as gold therapy, Beta lactams (penicillins, Acute interstitial nephritis, glome- hydralazine (Apresoline; brand not avail- cephalosporins) rulonephritis (ampicillin, penicillin) able in the United States), interferon-alfa Foscarnet (Foscavir) Crystal nephropathy, tubular cell toxicity (Intron A), lithium, NSAIDs, propylthioura- Ganciclovir (Cytovene) Crystal nephropathy cil, and pamidronate (Aredia; in high doses Pentamidine (Pentam) Tubular cell toxicity or prolonged courses) have been reported as Quinolones Acute interstitial nephritis, crystal causative agents.12,13,15 nephropathy (ciprofloxacin [Cipro]) Acute interstitial nephritis, which can Rifampin (Rifadin) Acute interstitial nephritis result from an allergic response to a sus- Sulfonamides Acute interstitial nephritis, crystal pected drug, develops in an idiosyncratic, nephropathy non–dose-dependent fashion.16 Medications Vancomycin (Vancocin) Acute interstitial nephritis that cause acute interstitial nephritis are (continued) thought to bind to antigens in the kidney or 744 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 78, Number 6 ◆ September 15, 2008 Table 1. (continued) Pathophysiologic mechanism Drug class/drug(s) of renal injury act as antigens that are then deposited into Antiretrovirals the interstitium, inducing an immune reac- Adefovir (Hepsera), cidofovir Tubular cell toxicity 16 (Vistide), tenofovir (Viread) tion. However, classic symptoms of a hyper- Indinavir (Crixivan) Acute interstitial nephritis, crystal sensitivity reaction (i.e., fever, rash, and nephropathy eosinophilia) are not always observed.13,16 Benzodiazepines Rhabdomyolysis Numerous drugs have been implicated, Calcineurin inhibitors including allopurinol (Zyloprim); antibi- Cyclosporine (Neoral) Altered intraglomerular otics (especially beta lactams, quinolones, hemodynamics, chronic rifampin [Rifadin], sulfonamides, and van- interstitial nephritis, thrombotic microangiopathy comycin [Vancocin]); antivirals (especially Tacrolimus (Prograf) Altered intraglomerular
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