Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians Asociación Ecuménica de Teólogos/as del Tercer Mundo issue Multilingual Deep Ecology, Spirituality and Liberation Ecología Profunda, Espiritualidad y Liberación Issue Edited by EATWOT's International Theological Commission Volume XXXVII Nº 2014/2-3 New Series April-September 2014 Deep Ecology, Spirituality and Liberation Ecología profunda, Espiritualidad y Liberación VOICES Release 1.2 http://InternationalTheologicalCommission.org/VOICES http://eatwot.net/VOICES Advertisements' pages: - The Genesis of an Asian Theology of Liberation, A. PIERIS -> p. 52 - Secularização, novos desafios, M.C. BINGEMER, P.C. DE ANDRADE -> p. 132 - Being a Post-colonial Christian, Diarmuid O'MURCHU -> p. 178 - What is not sacred? African Spirituality, Laurenti MAGESA -> p. 214 - Viver em Deus sem Deus, R.LENAERS -> p. 226 - Vida Eterna. Más allá de cielo e infierno, J.S. SPONG -> p. 242 - Aunque no haya un dios ahí arriba, R. LENAERS-> p. 246 - Getting the Poor Down from the Cross, EATWOT -> p. 268 - Hacia un cristianismo ecológico, Dietmar Müssig -> p. 308 - Teología Cuántica, D. O'MURCHU -> p. 322 - Por qué el cristianismo tiene que cambiar o morir, J.S. SPONG -> p. 336 - Biblical Liturgical Calendar -> page 344 - Colección «Tiempo Axial» -> p. 364 - Se Deus fosse um ativista dos direitos humanos, Boaventura DOS SANTOS -> p. 398 - Our next VOICES issue -> 432. Deep Ecology, Spiritualituy and Liberation Ecología Profunda, Espiritualidad y Liberación http://InternationalTheologicalCommission.org/VOICES Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians Asociacion Ecuménica de Teólogos/as del Tercer Mundo Association Oecumenique des Theologiens du Tiers Monde VOICES Theological Journal of EATWOT, Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians. New Series, volume XXXVII. Number 2014/2-3, April-September 2014: «Deep Ecology, Spirituality and Liberation». Issue edited by EATWOT's International Theological Commission. Free Digital Printable Bilingual Edition. Current release: 1.2 Original release 1.0 of September 30, 2014. ISSN: 2222-0763 EATWOT's Editorial Team: Gerald Boodoo (USA), Ezequiel Silva (Argentina), Arche Ligo (Philippines), Adam K. arap Checkwony (Kenya), Kemdirim Protus (Nigeria), Intan Darmawati (Indonesia), Michel Andraos (USA) and José María Vigil (Panama). VOICES General Editor: José María Vigil Editor for this VOICES issue: José Maria VIGIL Cover and lay out: Lorenzo BARRÍA and J.M. VIGIL. You can download VOICES freely, at: http://eatwot.net/VOICES If you want to print this whole Journal on paper for a local edition, please, contact the International Theological Commission, at its web, http://InternationalTheologicalCommission.org asking for full resolution printable originals. All articles of this issue can be reproduced freely, since given the credit to the source. Conception and edition of this double VOICES' issue received support of CAPES. A conceição e elaboração deste numero doble da VOICES teve o apoio de CAPES. EATWOT Ecumenical Association Of Third World Theologians Asociación ecuménica de Teólogos/as del Tercer Mundo ASETT EATWOT's web addresses: All EATWOT's addresses: eatwot.net Institutional address: eatwot-TW.org Journal: eatwot.net/VOICES Commissions: InternationalTheologicalCommission.org www.Comision.Teologica.Latinoamericana.org www.Comissao.Teologica.Latinoamericana.org www.tiempoaxial.org/AlongTheManyPaths www.tiempoaxial.org/PorLosMuchosCaminos www.tiempoaxial.org/PelosMuitosCaminhos www.tiempoaxial.org/PerIMoltiCammini CONTENTS - CONTENIDO Presentation / Presentación......................................................................9 Thomas Berry - Terre Sacrée (English)....................................................19 Thomas Berry - Terre Sacrée....................................................................35 Richard RENSHAW, Montréal, Canada The End of the World As We Know It.......................................................53 Lee CORMIE, Toronto, Canada El Espíritu que gime en todos los seres....................................................65 The Spirit who moans in all Beings..........................................................75 José ARREGI, Basque Country, Spain Sabiduría y quehacer eco-teológico..................................................................85 Wisdom and Eco-theological Task.............................................................95 Aníbal CAÑAVERAL OROZCO, Colombia Corazonares desde el Buen Vivir...........................................................105 Sofía CHIPANA QUISPE, Lima, Peru Spiritual Reading on Ecological, Biological and Eco-spiritual Knowledge.117 Una lectura espiritual de la vivencia ecológica.......................................133 Rui Manoel Grácio DAS NEVES, Lisboa, Portugal / São Paulo, Brazil An Asian Indigenous Perspective on Ecology, Spirituality &Development...147 Jojo M. FUNG, Malaysia 8 · Envia teu Espírito e haverá criação.......................................................167 Send Your Spirit and There Will Be Creation.........................................178 Sandro GALLAZZI, Amapá, Brazil. An Ecological Theology of Liberation. Empowering Ecological Advocay..193 Karl GASPAR, Manila, Philippines Theology of Liberation, Epistemology and Spirituality...........................203 Teologia da Libertação, Epistemologia e Espiritualidade........................215 Teología de la Liberación, Epistemología y Espiritualidad.....................227 Ivone GEBARA, São Paulo, Brazil Rare Earth, Rare Humans. A celebration of Humanity.........................239 Extraña Tierra, etraños humanos. Celebración de la Humanidad.......243 Marcelo GLEISER, Darmouth College, United States. The Logics of Liberation Spirituality and Eco-Spirituality......................247 La lógica de la Espiritualidad de la Liberación y de la Eco-espiritualidaad.257 Roger HAIGHT, New York, USA Deus não fez a morte, nem se alegra com a desrtuição dos vivos.........269 Erwin KRÄUTLER, Xingu's Bishop, Brazil La Virgen del Cerro de Potosí. Ecología profunda desde los Andes.......285 The Virgin of Potosi Mountain. Deep Ecology from the Andes..............297 Dietmar Müssig, La Paz, Bolivia / Hildesheim, Germany · 9 Deep Ecology: for an ecology of the Proletariat......................................309 Ecologia profunda: para uma ecologia do proletariado........................323 Nancy Cardoso PEREIRA and Fábio Py M. DE ALMEIDA, Brazil Matter and Spirit in Teilhard de Chardin.............................................337 Materia y Espíritu en Teilhard de Chardin............................................341 Leandro SEQUEIROS, Córdoba, Spain Eco-spirituality. A path to integration...................................................345 Eco-espiritualidade. Um caminho de integração..................................355 Ecoespiritualidad. Un camino de integración...........................................365 Helena RECH, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Errores sobre el mundo que redundan en errores sobre Dios...............375 Mistakes about world that lead to mistakes about God...........................387 José María VIGIL, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Walking the Path of Transformation.....................................................399 Nuestro camino de transformación........................................................407 Birgit WEILER, Lima, Perú Bibliographical Reviews:.....................................................................417 Ilia DELIO, Cosmic Christology / Cristo en evolución Ilia DELIO, Renovar el diálogo entre la ciencia y la fe / Renewing the Dialogue between Science and Faith DE LA TORRE, Gonzalo, Los milagros de Jesús y sus relatos. 10 · VOICES dedicates this Eco-theology issue, to Thomas BERRY c.p. November 9, 1914 – June 1, 2009 on the 100 hundredth anniversary of his birth. · 11 Presentation This issue of VOICES, a double issue corresponding to the second and third quarter of 2014, was solicited already in January as a normal number. At that time we chose a topic that as yet had not been addressed by EATWOT: DEEP ECOLOGY: an in-depth ecology without further determination, which fortunately had long figured as one of our con- cerns. However although "deep ecology" was still a stranger to our home, nevertheless we decided to welcome and receive her with our traditional family warmth because of her relation to Liberation. So this issue was finally developed as "Deep Ecology, Spirituality and Liberation." This was back in January. In fact what made it come true was the immediate response of the authors which was every bit as enthusiastic as ours. This made us real- ized the possibility of converting this number into a double issue of over 400 pages, Latin America, Europe and Asia have participated extensively; we note the absence of Africa, despite all invitations and requests that we made. The large number of pages in this issue, moreover, is due to its multi-lingual character, as has become a frequent feature in VOICES (four languages are used in this issue, with an occasional article in three.) We find as a constantly re-appearing theme the fact that it is the new cosmology, the new cosmic story that science is opening up to us which is transforming our consciousness of humanity. It is not just a mater of information, data, science...; it is, above all, a new awareness, a renewed sensitivity, a deeper and more earthy and cosmic spirituality. That's why we talk about "deep ecology". We welcome it and are very interested and desire to make it our theme of theological reflection, just
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