BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday 29 November 2017 Board Room, Aintree Lodge 10.15am AGENDA v = verbal d = document p = presentation © = consent agenda item Time Item Lead Reference PRELIMINARY BUSINESS 1. Apologies for Absence Chair B17-18/106 (v) To note the apologies for absence 2. Declarations of Interest Chair B17-18/107 (v) To receive declarations of interest in agenda items and / or any changes to the register of directors’ declarations of interest pursuant to Section 7 of Standing Orders 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting (25 October 2017) Chair B17-18/108 (d) To approve the minutes of the Board of Directors, review the Board Action Log and discuss any matters arising 10.20 4. Patient, Staff and Volunteer Story Chief Nurse B17-18/109 (v) To note STRATEGIC CONTEXT 10.30 5. Chief Executive’s Report Chief Executive B17-18/110 (d) To note QUALITY & SAFETY 10.45 6. Quality Committee - Assurance Report (20 November Committee Chair B17-18/111 (d) 2017) To discuss and note the report and gain assurance from the Board of Directors' Meeting Agenda Part I - 29.11.17 Committee, with particular focus on key risk areas. 7. Safeguarding – Position Statement Chief Nurse B17-18/112 (d) To note 1/2 Page 1 of 129 Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Item Lead Reference FINANCE & PERFORMANCE 11.00 8. Finance & Performance Committee – Assurance Committee Chair B17-18/113 (d) Report (27 November 2017) To discuss and note the report and gain assurance from the Committee, with particular focus on the following reports and key risk areas: • Corporate Performance Report (October 2017) Chief Operating B17-18/114 (d) Officer • Finance Report (October 2017) Director of B17-18/115 (d) Finance 9. Emergency & Acute Care Update Chief Executive/ B17-18/116 (v) Chief Operating To note Officer 10. Major Trauma Centre - Single Receiving Site Post Chief Operating B17-18/117 (p) Implementation Review Officer To note 11. Electronic Patient Records Deputy Medical B17-18/118 (p) Director To note GOVERNANCE/WELL LED 11.45 12. Freedom To Speak Up Guardian Chief Executive B17-18/119 (d) To note CONCLUDING BUSINESS 13. Any Other Business Chairman B17-18/120 (v) To consider any other matters of business 14. Items for the Risk Register/ Changes to the Board Chairman B17-18/121 (v) Assurance Framework (BAF) To identify any additional items for the Risk Register or changes to the BAF arising from discussions at this meeting 15. Chair’s Log – Key Messages from the Board Chairman B17-18/122 (v) To agree the key messages to be cascaded from the Board throughout the organisation 16. Date and Time of Next Formal Meeting: Wednesday 31 January 2018 at 10.00am in the Boardroom, Aintree Lodge Close 12 noon Board Agenda: 29 November 2017 2/2 Page 2 of 129 Board of Directors 25 October 2017 Boardroom at 11am MINUTES Present: Neil Goodwin (NG) Chairman Steve Warburton (SW) Chief Executive Dianne Brown (DB) Chief Nurse Joanne Clague (JC) Non-Executive Director Tristan Cope (TC) Medical Director David Fillingham (DF) Deputy Chairman/Non-Executive Director Tim Johnston (TJ) Non-Executive Director/Senior Independent Director Ian Jones (IJ) Director of Finance & Business Services Kevan Ryan (KR) Non-Executive Director Angie Smithson (AS) Deputy Chief Executive / Integration Programme Director Mandy Wearne (MW) Non-Executive Director In Sue Green (SG) Director of People & Corporate Affairs attendance: Caroline Keating (CK) Associate Director Corporate Governance/ Board Secretary Michael Games (MG) Corporate Governance Manager Beth Weston (BW) Chief Operating Officer Guests: Paula Hand (PH) Nurse, Aintree 2 Home (Item B17-18/086 only) 2 public governors and 1 member of the public attended the meeting. Ref Item Action 3. B17-18/108 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting (25 October 2017) CONSENT AGENDA B17-18/ Council of Governors – Key Issues Report (18 October 2017) 102 The Board noted the report. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS B17-18/ Apologies 083 None. 1/9 Page 3 of 129 Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Ref Item Action B17-18/ Declarations of Interest 084 David Fillingham, Chief Executive of Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA). B17-18/ Minutes of the Previous Meeting (27 September 2017) 085 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 September 2017 were approved as a correct record. The Action Log was reviewed and noted. Matters Arising DF raised Nurse Staffing (Minute B17-18/071 refers) and the level of urgency required to complete the reviews. DB advised that it was the intention to bring together the output from all the reviews, including ‘specials’, with assistance from IJ/SG but it would take time to complete. She further advised that the Trust was safely staffed but could not be sustained so it was important to ensure that the proposal going forward was capable of addressing all the issues. B17-18/ Patient & Staff and Volunteer Story 086 The Board was joined by Paula Hand who provided an overview of her experiences as a Staff Nurse on the Aintree@Home Team. She referred to the co-ordination and support provided by the Home First service and the assessments undertaken to determine whether escorted discharge was required. This supported discharge not only empowers patients so they have the confidence to remain in their homes, it helps avoid readmissions and involves collaborative working with other parties including community services to ensure the patient is in a safe environment and appropriate follow-ups are undertaken. She provided a moving example of the significant difference the service can make to patients, many of whom are elderly or sufferers from dementia. DF asked how many patients received this support and what would it take to provide it to more people. PH responded that capacity in the community was a major factor as were the different processes across the local economy. DF suggested that it would be helpful for the data to be made available, whilst recognising the significant financial pressures faced by local authorities. BW agreed to provide the Board with data on the number of bed days saved as a BW result of the Home First initiative; this would feed into the review of out of hospital services being co-ordinated by the Emergency Care Improvement Programme (ECIP). The Board noted the staff story. STRATEGIC CONTEXT B17-18/ Chief Executive’s Report 087 The Chief Executive highlighted the following key items: • Visit from the Secretary of State – the Trust had welcomed the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP and Professor Ted Baker, Chief Inspector of Hospitals to Aintree for a session with staff on quality and patient safety in the NHS. The session had been positive with excellent engagement by the staff and the Minutes – Board of Directors 25 October 2017 2/9 Page 4 of 129 Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Ref Item Action guests left with a deeper understanding of the challenges being faced by the Trust • A&E Performance – the national focus had heightened in preparation for winter which had prompted an opportunity for the Trust to work with Ernst & Young on emergency flow, together with the continued support provided by ECIP. This would also link in with the review of external demand and capacity to ensure that resource was targeted to individual care needs • Cyber Security – the Trust had been awarded £1.038m capital, targeted by the Department of Health to increase cyber resilience of major trauma sites • Outline Business Case – the Board had approved the OBC earlier today and would be considered by the Board of the Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust next week • Head & Neck Cancer Studies – the research collaboration between the Trust and the University of Liverpool had been awarded £1.5m for two multi-centre head and neck cancer studies • Flu Vaccinations – the Trust had made a positive start to its immunisation campaign and was aiming to repeat its outstanding performance from last year • Chinese Doctors – the Trust was hosting a cohort of seven doctors for a seven week observational placement which provided an opportunity to showcase clinical practice insights and an understanding of the delivery of healthcare in the UK • Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection – the Well-Led element of the inspection was taking place today with the second unannounced visit also taking place in A&E. The final report was expected to be issued in January 2018 • Liverpool Community Health (LCH) – notification had been received from NHS Improvement of the award to Mersey Care NHS FT for the LCH contract. KR referred to the recent press coverage surrounding the flu pandemic in the Southern Hemisphere and questioned whether there had been any changes at national level in the UK. SG advised that all Trusts had received a letter from the Secretary of State requesting that records be kept of any members of staff who opt-out from receiving the flu vaccination, particularly front line staff. The Board noted the report. B17-18/ Board Assurance Framework Q2 2017/18 088 CK presented the report and highlighted the following matters: • A proposed increase from 8 to 12 in the origin of risk relating to a safe 3. B17-18/108 - Minutes of the Previous Meeting (25 October 2017) environment to reflect the increased risk in maintaining safe estate and the impact on backlog maintenance with constrained finances • A proposed increase from 8 to 12 in the origin of risk relating to effective partnerships due to the current challenges in the health economy • The inclusion of a risk assessment on Safeguarding following the outcomes of the external reviews of the service • The inclusion of a strategic risk log for the merger which had been reviewed by the Transaction Programme Board.
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