"DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. COLWICH. 133 J:Breese Rupert, Myrtle grove Shelton Richard Masefield,Springfl.d.ho 1 Cotham John Marigold, blacksmith &; Brotherton John, Kent bank Sheppard Thomas, The Pines wheelwright l~urd Reginald. M.B., C.H.B. Shake­ Walker Archibald, Woodfield Evans William, carrier speare villa Walker Willia.m Wentworlh J.P.Oaken Farmar William, grocer tCave .Arth~r9 Bivoli cottage manor Grosvenor Frederick, coal dealer •Crane Edw~:rd David, The Manor ho Wrottesley Major The Hon. Charles *Holloway Titns, market gardener, G'rombie Alfred, Ferndale M.A. Oaken house Kingswood common ..Cutler Samuel, <bken lodge Jones Fanny (Mrs.), baker Fisher Mrs. Meadow view COMMERCIAL.- Jones Samuel, farmer, Ivy house .:Harper James, The Ferns Blackham Reuben, beer retailer *Meredith Alexander, potato dealer, Jlarris George, Colcombe Burd Heginald M.B., C.H.B.,M.R.C.S., Kingswood common ·Hawkes Lionel H. St. Heliers L.R.C.P. physician & surgeon, *Pickin George, market gardener, Hill Isaiah, Oaken villa Shakespeare villa Kingswood common ~Lawley Mrs. The Poplars Caddick Frederick Charles, farmer . Pryce William, farmer, Heath house -Lea Samuel, 11ewville Cherrington Wm. farmer, Greenhill Rogers William, carrier :Neve John, The Greenhills . Cockerill Bros. builders, painters, Sadler Thomas, shopkeeper Rubery Miss decorators & contractors *Shaw Jn Albt. frmr. Kingswood com '*Shaw Miss, Kmgswood common *Collins Wm. James, brick manufactr. Thurstan Fredk.Wm.farmer, Oaken pk • "<'OLD NOR TON is a parish on the road from Stone The soil is marl; subsoil, clay, with in some part~ peat t1io E.cclesha.ll, about I mile north-east from N orton Bridge and gravel. The area is 1,309 acres of land and 10 of -:Station on the London and North Western railway, 2~ water; rateable value. £3,235; and the population in west-by-Jmuth from Stone and 4 east-by-north from 1901 was 63. .Eccleshall, which here forms a junction with the North Letters arrive through Stone about 7.15 a.m. & collected -StaffordshiTe line; it is in the North Western division of about 6 p.m. Stone is the nearest money order office \the county, South Pirehill hundred, Eccleshall petty ses- & Norton Bridge is the nearest telegraph office, :t ..Sional division and Stone union and county court district, mile distant .and is ecclesiastically united with Chebsey. Ralph Sneyd The children of the district attend the schools at Chebsey •esq. of 74• Cadogan Square S lV', is the sole landowner. & Yarnfield · GOLD NORTON.' · Chadderton Albert Edward,farmer,The Hawkins Thomas, cowkeeper .Sail William (exors. of), · farmer, Upper Heamies (letters through Hoocknell Alfred, farmer Norton farm Eccleshall) llCOLTON' is ~ village and parish,' on the north ba~ of the west side of Colton. 1 Nearer the village is Bellamour ..the river Trent, 2 miles north from Rugeley, but the Lodge, the residence of Mrs. Harland. Colton House is .Rugeley station on the Trent Valley railway is within the residence of Thomas Levett Prinsep esq. J.P. Mrs . .this pari-sh, which is 9 miles south-east from Stafford, in Horsfall, who is lady of the manor, Lord Bagot, the Earl ·'the Lic.hfield division of the county, South Pirehill bun- of Lichfield, the Whitgreave family, of Burton Manor, <dred, Rugeley petty sessional division and county court near Stafford, and Professor Bonney and Messrs. Myatt •.district, Lichfield union, rural deanery of Rugeley, arch- are the chief landowners. The soil is a fertile loam, with a ·deaconry oi Staffoird and diocese of Lichfield. '!'he church large proportion of meadow land. The area is 3,730 ·~f St. Mary, rebuilt~ with the exception of the old tower acres of land and 32 of water; rateable value, £9,642; .and south chflllcel, in I8$I, after designs by the late Mr. the population in 1901 was 760. By a Local Government 3. E. Street R.A. is an edifice of stone, in the Early Board Order, which came into operation March 25, 1885, .:English and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave, a. detached part of Colwich, in Stafford union, was amal­ ,aisles, lady chapel, south porch and an embattled western gamated with this parish. •tower, With pinnacles, containing 3 · bells: there are 'l'he Newlands is an outlying portion of the parish, ,eeveral stained wiJJ.dows and 350 sittiiigs: entrance gates standing on an eminence, near the Lichfield and Uttox­ .ttave been erected by the parishioners to the memory of eter road, 2 miles north-east, in Uttoxeter county court Miss Oldham. An additional burial ground was given to district. tthe parish by the late Mr. T. B. Horsfall, of Bellamour Lee Lane is a hamlet, 1! miles north. llall, who also built the present schools. The register Hamley Heath is in this parish, 1 mile north. ...datea £rom the year 1647. The living is a rectory, net Parish Clerk, Edward Radford. :iYearly value £350, including 45 acres of glebe, with resi- Post & Parcel Office.- Henry Grant, sub-postma~ter. ·dence, in the gift of Miss Landor, and held since 1874 by Letters through Bugeley arrive 6.40 a.m.; dispatched ·the Rev. F'rederick Perrott Parker M . .A.. of Oriel College, at 7·30 p.m. Postal Orders are issued here & paid. •Oxford. The Earl of Lichfield is lay impropriator. There '!'he nearest money order & telegraph office is at Ruge- ·:are eight almshouses, erected in 1884 by Mrs. Harland, ley, 3 miles distant iin memory of Miss Oldham, and at Stockwell Heath are Colton United Public Elementary Schooh (mixed) com- Qther almsh<mses for the poor of the parish. In the vil- prise a Free School, built in 1862, a school for girls & aage is a reading room supported by members' subscrip- an infants' school, united by the Charity Commis- -tions, but open only during the winter months. The sioners, with an endowment of £.86, & holding together ·parish clerk has an endowment of about £2o yearly; the 240 children; average attendance, 150; the three t~ther charities amount to about £Io yearly. Bellamour 1 schools are comprised in a single building; Fred Oven- Hall, the seat of Mrs. Horsfall, is a mansion of stone, on den, master :Harland Ml"s. Bellamour lodge Champ Olive (Mrs.), farmer Radford George, blacksmith .Horsfall Mrs. Bellamour hall Grant Henry, post office Radford Herbert, farmer, Newlands ~Levett-Prineep Thomas J .P. Colton ho GrattidgeJ ane (Mrs. ),frmr .Parchfields Rowley Thomas, cowkeeper Lloyd JQhn, Bank house Grimley Harry, Rat'lway inn Rushton Thomas, farmer, Manor farm Parker Rev.Fredk.Perrott M.A.Rectry Hartsorme Francis George, commercial Upton .John, assistant county colll't "Timmis Mrs. Colton lodge traveller, Stockwell heath bailiff & assistant overseer COMMERCIAL. Kent Horace, farmer, Crab Tree farm Wakelin Elizabeth (Mrs.), cowkeeper .Archer Fanny (Mrs.). frmr. Lee lane Lownds William, farmer, Bellamour & laundry Bentley William, farmer, Hamley cot Morrell Geo.gardener to Mrs. Horsfall Warren George, farmer, Blithford 'lHore Simon. farmer, Colton hall Morrell John, beer retailer Williscroft Thomas, shopkeeper Blunn Henry & Co. tin & iron plate Newton Frederick John, commsn. agt Wint John, farmer, Hamley house workers Norman Elijah, frmr. Stockwell heath Woolley Mary (Mra.), farmer,Boughey 'Bradbury Hy. eowkeepr. Hamley heath Norman Eliza (Mrs.),frmr. The Lount Hall farm <Brereton & H11yes Collieries,coal wharf, Orgill Edgar H. farmer, Old Wood Yates Waiter, butcher, shopketper & Rugeley station Radford Edwd.ale & porter dlr.& frmr beer retailer ~>COL WICK is a village and parish, delightfully seated to Colton, also in Lichfield union. Here is a station on •on the road from Rngeley to Stafford, 126! miles from the Trent Valley section of the London and North Western London, 3 north-west from Rugeley and 6 east-south-east railway, which is also the junction of the North Staf- rfrom Stafford, in the Western division of the county, fordshire line to Stone, The Potteries, Macclesfield and :South Pirehill hundred, Stafford union, petty sessional Manchester. The river Trent, over which is a stone • division and county court district, rural deanery of Ruge- bridge of three arches, and the Trent and Mersey canal, .ley, archdeaconry of Stafford and diocese of Lichfield. By flow a short distance south and south-west of the village. ~Local Gi>vernment Orders which came into operation The church of St. Michael is a building of stone in the :'March 25th, i885, and March 25th, 1886, detached parts Decorated style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, hof Colwioh were amalgamated with Stowe, in Lichfield aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, con· cunion, rma .at .the .fol'llle.r date a detached part was added taining a clock and six bells : George, first and only .
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