Plan Bay Area Environmental Impact Report Appendix H: Biological Resources Special‐Status Species Table H‐1 SPECIAL STATUS SPECIES LIST TABLE H‐1: FOCUSED LIST OF SPECIAL‐STATUS SPECIES WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN OR NEAR PROPOSED PLAN BAY AREA PROJECTS Listing Status Common Name USFWS/CDFG Scientific Name / CNPS General Habitat SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED OR ENDANGERED Invertebrates Conservancy fairy shrimp FE/‐‐ Endemic to grasslands of the northern two‐thirds of Branchinecta conservatio Critical the Central Valley; found in large turbid seasonal Habitat pools. Longhorn fairy shrimp FE/‐‐ Endemic to the eastern margin of the central coast Branchinecta longiantenna Critical mountains in seasonal grassland vernal pools; typically Habitat found in sandstone depressions or clear‐to‐turbid clay or grass bottomed pools. Vernal pool fairy shrimp FT/‐‐ Grassland vernal pools. Branchinecta lynchi Critical Habitat Vernal pool tadpole shrimp FE/‐‐ Vernal pools and swales in the Sacramento Valley with Lepidurus packardi clear to highly turbid water; pools commonly found in grass‐bottomed swales of unplowed grasslands, also can be mud‐bottomed and highly turbid. San Bruno elfin butterfly FE/‐‐ Coastal scrub. Callophrys mossii bayensis Valley elderberry longhorn beetle FT/‐‐ Dependent on elderberry bushes, which may occur Desmocerus californicus dimorphus individually or associated with riparian habitats. Bay checkerspot butterfly FT/‐‐ Serpentine bunchgrass grassland. Euphydryas editha bayensis Critical Habitat Mission blue butterfly FE/‐‐ Grasslands with Lupinus albifrons, L. formosa, and Plebejus icarioides missionensis L. varicolor. H‐1 Appendices Appendix H: Biological Resources TABLE H‐1: FOCUSED LIST OF SPECIAL‐STATUS SPECIES WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN OR NEAR PROPOSED PLAN BAY AREA PROJECTS Listing Status Common Name USFWS/CDFG Scientific Name / CNPS General Habitat SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED OR ENDANGERED Callippe silverspot butterfly FE/‐‐ Grasslands with Viola pedunculata as larval food plant. Speyeria callippe callippe Myrtle silverspot butterfly FE/‐‐ Grasslands with Viola pedunculata as larval food plant. Speyeria zerene myrtleae California freshwater shrimp FE/CE Large, slow‐moving freshwater streams in Sonoma Syncaris pacifica and Napa Counties. Fish Tidewater goby FE/CSC Shallow waters of bays and estuaries, critical habitat in Eucyclogobius newberryi Critical Marin County. Habitat Fish (cont.) Delta smelt FT/CT Brackish‐water channels and sloughs of the Hypomesus transpacificus Critical Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta. Habitat Coho salmon – central California ESU FE/CE Unblocked Bay Area and coastal rivers and streams; Oncorhynchus kisutch particularly cooler water streams in Marin, Sonoma, and Napa Counties, and the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta. Central California coast steelhead FT/‐‐ Drainages of central California coastal rivers. Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus Critical Habitat South Central California coast FT/‐‐ Drainages of California coastal rivers between the steelhead San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles. Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus Central coast Chinook salmon FT/CSC Drainages of central California coastal rivers. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Critical Habitat Amphibians California tiger salamander FT/CT Wintering sites occur in grasslands occupied by Ambystoma californiense Critical burrowing mammals; breed in ponds, vernal pools, Habitat and slow‐moving or receding streams. California red‐legged frog FT/CSC Breed in stock ponds, pools, and slow‐moving streams Rana draytonii Critical with emergent vegetation; adjacent upland habitats Habitat are often used outside the breeding season. Reptiles H‐2 Plan Bay Area Environmental Impact Report TABLE H‐1: FOCUSED LIST OF SPECIAL‐STATUS SPECIES WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN OR NEAR PROPOSED PLAN BAY AREA PROJECTS Listing Status Common Name USFWS/CDFG Scientific Name / CNPS General Habitat SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED OR ENDANGERED Alameda whipsnake FT/CT Critical Coastal scrub of the East Bay Hills broken by scattered Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus Habitat grassy patches, on rocky hillsides, gullies, or canyons with stream courses. Giant garter snake FT/CT Typically found in Central Valley wetlands, this species Thamnophis gigas requires permanent or semi permanent water and dense vegetation of freshwater marshes and permanent streams. May also use drainage canals and irrigation ditches that hold water through most of the year. San Francisco garter snake FE/CE Freshwater ponds and slow streams with emergent Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia vegetation; nearby upland grasslands with small rodent burrows may also provide habitat for this species. Little is known about the seasonal movements of this species or its capacity for using upland areas. Birds Marbled murrelet FT/CE Critical Nests in dense, old‐growth forests along coast, critical Brachyramphus marmoratus Habitat habitat in Marin and Sonoma Counties. Swainson’s hawk ‐‐/CT Nests in oaks or cottonwoods in or near riparian Buteo swainsoni habitat. Forages in grasslands and agricultural fields. Western snowy plover FT/CSC Nests and forages on sandy beaches on marine and Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus Critical estuarine shores; requires sandy, gravelly, or friable Habitat soils for nesting; may nest on salt pond levees or other suitable barren habitat. American peregrine falcon ‐‐/CE Forages in marshes and grasslands. Nesting habitat Falco peregrinus anatum includes high, protected cliffs and ledges near water. California black rail ‐‐/CT, CDFG Nests and forages in tidal emergent wetland with Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus FP pickleweed. California clapper rail FE/CE, CDFG Nests and forages in emergent wetlands with Rallus longirostris obsoletus FP pickleweed, cordgrass, and bulrush. California least tern FE/CE Nests along the coast from San Francisco Bay south to Sterna antillarum browni northern Baja California; colonial breeder on bare or sparsely vegetated flat substrates including sand beaches, alkali flats, landfills, or paved areas. Northern spotted owl FT/‐‐ Nest in large trees in old‐growth or mature forests. Strix occidentalis caurina Critical Habitat Mammals H‐3 Appendices Appendix H: Biological Resources TABLE H‐1: FOCUSED LIST OF SPECIAL‐STATUS SPECIES WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN OR NEAR PROPOSED PLAN BAY AREA PROJECTS Listing Status Common Name USFWS/CDFG Scientific Name / CNPS General Habitat SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED OR ENDANGERED Salt marsh harvest mouse FE/CE/CDFG Saline emergent marshlands with dense pickleweed. Reithrodontomys raviventris fully protected San Joaquin kit fox FE/CT Patchily distributed in the Diablo Range and south to Vulpes macrotis mutica Bakersfield in undeveloped grasslands and agricultural land. Plants Sonoma alopecurus FE/‐‐/1B.1 Freshwater marshes and swamps, riparian scrub, Alopecurus aequalis var. franciscanum wetland. Large‐flowered fiddleneck FE/CE/1B.1 Valley grassland and foothill woodland, this species Amsinckia grandiflora has been reported from Contra Costa County, Alameda, and Santa Clara Counties. San Bruno Mtn. manzanita ‐‐/CE/1B.1 Chaparral, coastal scrub. Arctostaphylos imbricata Plants (cont.) Pacific manzanita ‐‐/CE/1B.2 Chaparral, coastal scrub. Arctostaphylos pacifica Pallid manzanita FT/CE/1B.1 Chaparral habitats in Alameda and Contra Costa Arctostaphylos pallida Counties. Sonoma sunshine FE/SE/1B.1 Valley and foothill grassland, vernal pool, wetland. Blennosperma bakeri Round‐leaved filaree ‐‐/‐‐/1B.1 Cismontane woodland, valley and foothill grassland. California macrophylla Tiburon Indian paintbrush FE/CT/1B.2 Dry slopes in the Coast Ranges from San Mateo to Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta Sonoma Counties. Coyote ceanothus FE/‐‐/1B.1 Dry serpentine slopes in foothill woodlands and Ceanothus ferrisae chaparral habitats in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Soft bird’s beak FE/CR/1B.2 Heavy clay soils of either coastal salt or brackish Chloropyron molle ssp. molle Critical marshes of northern San Francisco Bay. Habitat Robust spineflower FE/‐‐/1B.1 Coastal scrub, coastal sand dunes, openings in oak Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta woodlands with sandy or gravelly soil. Crystal Springs fountain thistle FE/CE/1B.1 Grassland and openings in chaparral, in serpentinite Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale seeps. Suisun thistle FE/CE/1B.1 Brackish marshes around Suisun Bay. Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum H‐4 Plan Bay Area Environmental Impact Report TABLE H‐1: FOCUSED LIST OF SPECIAL‐STATUS SPECIES WITH POTENTIAL TO OCCUR IN OR NEAR PROPOSED PLAN BAY AREA PROJECTS Listing Status Common Name USFWS/CDFG Scientific Name / CNPS General Habitat SPECIES LISTED AS THREATENED OR ENDANGERED Presidio clarkia FE/CE/1B.1 Coastal scrub, grassland (ultramafic). Clarkia franciscana Mt. Diablo bird’s beak ‐‐/CR/1B.1 Serpentine slopes in chaparral habitats in Contra Costa Cordylanthus nidularius County near Mt. Diablo. Baker’s larkspur FE/SE/1B.1 Coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland. Delphinium bakeri Critical Habitat Yellow larkspur FE/CR/1B.1 Sea bluffs and northern coastal scrub. Delphinium luteum Critical Habitat Santa Clara Valley dudleya FE/‐‐/1B.1 Ultramafic grasslands. Dudleya abramsii ssp. setchellii San Mateo woolly sunflower FE/CE/1B.1 Grassland, woodland slopes. Eriophyllum latilobum Plants (cont.) Contra Costa wallflower FE/CE/1B.1 Antioch Dunes along the San Joaquin River; Contra Erysimum capitatum ssp. angustatum Costa County. Marin western flax FT/CT/1B.1 Grassland and openings in chaparral, often on Hesperolinon congestum serpentinite. Contra Costa
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