Saunders Military Insignia PO BOX 1831 Naples, FL 34106 (239) 776-7524 FAX (239) 776-7764 www.saundersinsignia.com [email protected] Air Force Pricelist as of 3/1/2011 Product # Name Style Years Price 1201 Air Force Branch Tape Patch, sew on, Black 3.00 1216 AVG Blood Chit Flying Tigers Silk 20.00 1218 Desert Storm Chit Silk 8/1990-Current 38.00 1219 Korean War Chit Silk 38.00 1301 336th Fighter Squadron USAF F-15E Fighter Color Patch 10.00 1305 F15E Fighter Weapons School Patch 10.00 1310 EB66 100 Missions Patch 9.00 1311 129th Radio Squadron Mobile Patch, subdued 3.50 1313 416th Bombardment Wing Patch 9.00 1314 353rd Combat Training Squadron Patch 6.50 1315 Air Education and Training Command InstructorPatch 6.50 1317 45th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 10.00 1318 315th Special Operations Wing Patch 9.00 1321 1st Fighter Wing (English) Patch, Handmade 9.00 1326 100th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 10.00 1327 302nd Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 23.00 1328 48th Tactical Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 7.50 1329 332nd Fighter Group Patch 10.00 1330 20th Fighter Wing Patch, desert subdued 7.50 1331 21st Special Operations Squadron KnifePatch 6.50 1333 Areospace Defense Command GoosebayPatch Lab 4.00 1335 60th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 9.00 1336 Spectre AC130 Patch 9.00 1338 Spectre Patience Patch 8.00 1339 162nd Fighter Gp Int Patch 10.00 1341 442nd Tactical Fighter Training SquadronPatch (F111) 8.00 1342 21st Special Operations Squadron patch 7.50 1346 522nd Tactical Fighter Squadron Patch, subdued 3.00 1347 Doppler 1984 Flt. Patch 5.50 1348 82nd FTWSB Patch 3.50 1351 8th Special Operations Squadron Patch, subdued 6.50 1352 Intelligence Command Patch, Cut Edge Full Color 7/1992-10/1996 6.50 1353 366th Tactical Fighter Wing Da Nang USAF Fighter Patch Color (large) 13.00 1354 Fight Test and Evaluation Squadron SR71Patch 7.50 1357 Air Training Command Patch, subdued 1950's-7/1993 4.50 1361 190t Air Refuel Group Patch, subdued 2.00 1363 389th Fighter Squadron - desert Patch, desert subdued 8.00 1364 Air Force Satellite Control Facility Patch, handmade 9.00 1365 390th Fighter Squadron Eagle Driver USAF Fighter Patch Desert (large) 10.00 1366 Air Weather Service Patch, subdued 4.00 1367 314th Airlift Wing Patch 9.00 1368 4677th Defense Support Evaluation Patch 5.00 1369 USAF Academy Patch, subdued 3.00 1371 20th Special Operations Squadron Patch 3.50 1372 94th Tactical Fighter Squadron Patch, subdued 6.00 1373 Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center Patch 6.00 1375 820th Medical Group Patch 3.50 1376 622nd Aero Medical Evacuation Patch with Velcro Color 5.00 1377 5th Organizational Maintenance SquadronPatch 4.00 1378 Desert Storm F111 Patch 8.00 1379 26th Weather Squadron Patch 9.00 1380 23rd Bombardment Squadron Combat CrewPatch Training 4.00 1381 465th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 8.00 1382 501st Tactical Missile Wing Patch 4.00 1383 4456th Aircraft Generation Squadron Patch, subdued 3.00 1387 3904th Management Engineering SquadronPatch, subdued 8.00 1388 USAF Training Honduras Patch 1.00 1389 Honduras Patch 2.90 1390 388th Tactical Fighter Wing Command USAF Fighter Patch Color (Gaggle) 8.00 1391 F111 Aardvard Patch 7.50 1392 EF111A Raven Keep Patch 7.00 1394 Enola GayB-29, 20th AF, 58th Bomb WingPatch, handmade 1945 15.00 1395 14th Aerospace Force Patch, handmade 9.00 1396 1st Aerospace Squadron Patch, handmade 9.00 1400 Airman 3rd Class USAF Chevron 1947-1970 3.50 1401 Airman 2nd Class USAF Chevron 1947-1970 4.00 1402 Airman 1st Class USAF Chevron 1947-1970 4.00 1404 Technical Sergeant USAF Chevron 1940-1970 5.00 1405 Master Sergeant Chevron 1947-1970 5.50 1413 1ST Aerospace Squadron Patch, handmade 9.00 1450 Airman Chevron USAF Chevron 1970's-1994 5.00 1451 Airman 1st Class USAF Chevron (large) 1970's-1994 5.50 1452 Senior Airman USAF Chevron (large) 1970's-1994 7.00 1453 Sergeant USAF Chevron, Large, Color 4.50 1454 Staff Sergeant--Old Style USAF Chevron 3.50 1455 Technical Sergeant USAF Chevron( -1994) Large, Color 2.50 1456 Master Sergeant Chevron Chevron -1994 2.90 1459 Diamond only USAF Chevron Large, Color 7.00 1545 Space Command Patch on leather with Velcro 4.Inches 6.50 1548 US Strategic Command Patch on Leather -1988 13.00 1549 Parachutist Rigger subued USAF Rigger Badge Subdued cloth 4.50 1590 Officers Bullion USAF Cap Device on Blue Cloth 21.50 1700 347th Wing C USAF Wing Patch Color (large) 9.00 1701 93rd Fighter Squadron C USAF Fighter Patch Color (large) 9.00 1702 32nd Bombardment Squadron Patch, handmade 12.00 1704 Space Command Patch, Cut Edge New 6/27/1994 4.50 1705 26th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Hand Made Color (5.5 Inch 8.00 1706 Tan Son Nhut Association Vietnam Patch 1959-1975 13.50 1707 622nd Aero Medical S E Patch with Velcro 1/2001-Current 7.50 1708 198th Airlift Squadron Patch 3.00 1709 93rd Bombardant Wing C Patch 7.00 1710 89th Airlift Squadron Patch 9.00 1712 39th Fighter Interceptor Squadron Patch, Original WWII Patch Color, 4 Inch 7.00 1714 354th Operation Group USAF Oper. Group Color Patch 13.00 1716 100th Bombardment Group (AAF) Patch, handmade 7.00 1741 419th Bombardment Wing Patch 6.50 1742 Air Commando Patch, bullion 12.50 1801 Air Force Good Conduct Ribbon, slide 2.00 1802 Air Force Outstanding Unit Ribbon (Air Force) Slide 1.50 1803 Air Force Distinctive Service Ribbon (Air Force) Slide 1.50 1804 Air Force Cross Ribbon Slide 1.50 1805 Air Force NCO Academy Grad Ribbon, slide 1.50 1807 Air Force Longevity Ribbon Slide 2.00 1808 Air Force Reserve Merit Ribbon Slide 1.00 1809 Air Force Organ Excell Ribbon Slide 1.50 1810 Air Force Small Arms Expert Ribbon, slide 1.50 1811 Air Force Commendation Ribbon Slide 2.00 1812 Air Force Recognition Ribbon, slide 1.50 1813 Air Force Overseas short Ribbon, slide 1.50 1814 Air Force Overseas Long Ribbon Slide 1.50 1815 Air Force Achievement Ribbon, slide 2.00 1816 Air Force Training Award Ribbon Slide 1.50 1818 Air Force Honor Graduate Ribbon Slide 1.50 1856 Humane Action Ribbon 1.50 1897 Navy and USMC Merit Award Ribbon (Unit) Slide 2.00 1898 USN MC Medicalal Ribbon Slide 1.50 1905 Navy USMC Presidenal Unit Ribbon (Citation) Slide 3.00 1100A Transportation Badge Desert Patch, sew on 1.50 1201A Air Force Branch Tape Subdued Patch, sew on 4.00 1201B Air Force Tape Use 120112 Patch, sew on 2.50 1201C Air Force Branch Tape subdued Patch, sew on 2.90 1201D Air Force Branch Tape subdued Patch, sew on 2.00 1201F Air Force Branch Tape Subdued--Old Patch, twill 2.00 1201FA Air Force Branch Tape Subdued Patch, twill 2.00 1201G Air Force Branch Tape Patch, sew on, Blue 3.00 1201H Air Force Branch Tape desert subdued Patch, sew on 5.00 1201I Air Force Branch Tape desert subdued Patch, sew on 2.00 1205D Air Force Name Tape white on navy (Personalize)<a href='nametape.doc'>Fill in Form</a> Set of 3 Tapes 14.50 1205E Air Force Name Tape subdued (Personalize)<a href='nametape.doc'>Fill in Form</a> Set of 3 tapes 14.50 1206B Air Force Name Plate blue (Personalize)<a href='plasticplate.doc'>Fill in Form</a>Plastic 4.00 1215A Vietnam Blood Chit Silk 20.00 1215B Vietnam MACV Chit Silk 20.00 1219A USSR 1951 Blood Chit Silk 1951-1958 20.00 1300A 455th Bombardment Group Patch 8.00 1300B 6th Weather Wing Patch 8.00 1300C 651st Bombardment Patch 3.00 1300E Armament Center Patch 3.00 1300F 6th Weather Squadron Patch 3.00 1300H 16th Weather Squadron Patch 3.00 1301D 4th Fighter Wing gaggle Patch 10.00 1301H 388th Operation Group Patch 7.50 1301J Joint Stars Paris Patch 4.00 1301K AMC Crew Chief Patch 5.00 1302C 9th Weather Reconnaissance Wing Patch 8.00 1302D 6th Troop Carrier Squadron Patch, Handmade 10.00 1302F 616th Bombardment Squadron Patch 9.00 1302J F22 Combined Test Patch 5.50 1303A 618th Bombardment Squadron Patch 9.00 1303B 619th Bombardment Squadron Patch,Hand Made 9.00 1303C 96th Air Refueling Patch 4.00 1303E Air Defense Command Patch 4.50 1303F Pacific Air Force - new design Patch Nov-96 6.00 1303J Air Mobility Command Patch with Velcro 3.00 1303K Joint Stars EuroStar Patch 4.00 1303L 617th Bombardment Squadron Patch 38.00 1304A 99th Bombardment Squadron Patch 3.00 1304B 56th Air Commando Wing USAF Commando Patch Color (3.5 In.) 9.00 1304E 4th Fighter Squadron Red Flag USAF Fighter Patch Color 10.00 1304J Flight Test Rogues Patch 2.00 1304K 21st Test and Evaluation Squadron andPatch Evaluation 3.00 1305A 178th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch, Hand Maid Color 7.50 1305B 562nd Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 8.00 1305C 4407th Reconnaissance Squadron Patch, desert subdued 9.00 1305E 4411th Rescue Squadron Patch, Desert subdued 9.00 1305F 4411th Rescue Talon Patch, Desert subdued 9.00 1305G 487th Bombardment Group Patch, felt 7.00 1305H 113rd Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 8.00 1305J 732nd Airlift Squadron Patch 5.00 1305K 39th Airlift Squadron Patch 6.00 1306D B52 Weapons School Patch 9.00 1306E B52 Weapons Evaluation Scholl Patch 9.00 1306F 53rd Wing USAF Wing Patch Color Patch 8.00 1306H 118th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 8.00 1306K 4th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert Subdued 9.00 1307A 176th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch (large) Color 9.00 1307B 414th Combat Adversary Patch 9.00 1307D 355th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Early, Color 8.00 1307E 20th Fighter Wing Patch, desert subdued 9.00 1307F 55th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert Subdued 8.00 1307G 71st Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert 7.50 1307J 522nd Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Color 5.50 1308D 510th Fighter Squadron Bosnia USAF Fighter Patch Color, 1998- 7.50 1308E 347th Air Exp Wing USAF Wing Patch Desert Subdued 8.00 1308G 336th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert 8.00 1308H 390th Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert Subdued 8.50 1308J 63rd Air Refueling Patch 5.00 1309B 522nd Fighter Squadron USAF Fighter Patch Desert Subdued 8.00 1309C 4406th Operation Group (P) USAF Prov.
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