4 INTERESTING FEATURES •HIS WEEK EVERY WEEK! FANS! DONT FAIL TO READ GIN READING THEM TODAY 2 SPECIAL PAGES DEVOTED TO THEATRE, SPORTS NEWS ,V 111. No. 18 iK, N. .1 . THURSDAY, JULY 2, VXU\ PRICE THREE CENTS 1OM OUR FRONT m<nri FOR TENNIS CROWN Seriou. damage wrought on the Townihip'• highway lafety record during the month of June—includin" g a fatality Tueinay— ZSm GOVERNOR VISITS CARNIVAL TOMORROW Three Blistering Sets In eould not prevent the fint half of 1936 taking it. pl«ce „ in, UNDOW •afe.t nx month, for motori.t. Woodbridge Ka> had for many November 1 Now Hailed As Record Crowd Expected As Result 01 Hoffman's Trip New York Semi-Final Drive Fund Charlei Munn, 30-yenr-old Perth Amboyart, who died eight As Date Oi Success Here Climaxing Day At Fiesta Replete With New Wrpk s under way, DefeatWHSAce hour, after two truck, collided Tue.day night n«.r the Rahway f attraction! Reformatory, wa. the .eventh p.r.on killed by automobile here For Program Thrills; Commission Extends Stay Of Gala Show "nUy »' •"* ground., on •»nc, January 1 Of the .even, three died in, June, all thr« of gr Avenue. Everyone WILL MOVE TO ERIE, PA, then, after accident, involving car. in which they were riding. For Another We&, Adding New Features .wniliip nhould rnnlci! a The firat four — one in March, one in April and two in May — BOND-HOLDERS SOUGHT patronizing ihe circut Robert Braithwaite's gal- were all pede.triant. ' November 1 has now been Undaunted by inclement' weather. dit<HDt)oiiitmenU ,;, w»y, contributing lo lant bid for the junior tennis For the liii months, the total i. about half what pa>t e»peri- ,,|.tinn of a modern ence ha. led police to expect, U.t year, when 2t death, were set hy the Township's fiscal and indifference, the Stadium Commission will continue ita tlle championship of Greater 1'irld for »<"«'" •» New Yorit closed in defeat recorded, the Townihip wat rated the tilth moit dangeroili driv- agents as the probable daU> Kallant driv'e to provide tho township with an athletic (irid In fact if. a civic ing arcm in the State after three blistering semi- , • * • * < when the refinancing pro- Hold. Announcement was made today that the stadium • w(. ,,we Ihe community, final sets yesterday against ,lly a« the Commimon u Munn wa. rid|ng in a Perth Amboy produce truck driven by gram will be completed. shows will remain for at.least another .week. ',,. on our home town pride an opponent who outweighed the Lou.. Ballon, 22 df 37S Park Avenue, Per,h Amboy, which failed ,,rr the iuccei. of the un- slim Woodhrhlite High School ten- ""*er the wh*«l when the driver attempted to take the curve Inactivity of the Legisla- Governor Harold G. Hoffman is being counted upon mi captain by 70 pounds. Braith- on Rahway Avenue between the railroad track and the Reforma- ture, upon whose co-operation a U» attract u record crowd to the grounda tomorrow night, ~~ - Gom. - waibe lost'in. the next to the last tovy, The heavy vehicle ploughed into an empty gaiolina truck major portion of the plan relied, climaxing a day promised to be replete with new thrills, ,., ,1,-serving of special round to the New York State operated by Adolph Treidiler, 736 Spring Street, Elirtbeth, Mt- is directly responsible for n delay ,. untiring activities in champion and football star1, 200- ting the,tank juit fn back of the driver', cab. of over two months. Enabling new acts and .specialties. Although required to be in Chi- , ,),,. stadium. His con- pound Vincent itchier of Utica Ballon got out of hi. truck, walked around and helped Munn statutes were mandatory to cover j cafro yesterday, the Oovornnr has promised he will not dis*. out on the road. He ttood up for a moment, then collap.ed. He •,,,i; have kept his associ-,N. Y.; after a spectacular 90-min- certain features but the law-mak- ' • ippoint the Commission nnd will be on hand for the eve» ,M,,| i.inl he's lost no op-;utc> battle in the Jackson Heights died in the Rahway Hoipital early next morning of a fractured ers substituted horse-play for. con- i,, spur them on. Tennis Club. Scores, were 3-fi, •kull. Ballon it being treated for multiple cut. arid bruiie. at uiilg .shows tomorrow. Rkhway Hoipital while Treichler ii free on $1,500 bail. Munn struptive contemplation until the 1 eleventh hour so that the iciinaii- The exact time of his irrival in tlicre . Jame. Catano, | l'n lived at 327 Chapman Avenue, Perth Amboy. i,e dtwted many day. I crash into the penultimate • • * « ciers were stalemated and inactive town han not been stated. He hu w 'Civic Challenge' accepted an invitniiori to ii ditlMf I,, to working aroand |bracket, the dark-haired young Until June created it. li.t of three more death., police offi- when valuable progress could ,ndi and arou.ing inter- jAvonel lad had to get by both the have been made. pnrty at the home of Hugh Wfl» hi. circu. and inducing i«Mond and fifth seeded players in cial. here were confident the Townihip wa. well on it. way toward Governor Hoffman liamson Kelly, Green S rci't, 1*4 wiping out the reputation of unnatural hazard created by reck- Passage of the laws in the clos- ,ir to turn out and «»i.t |the tournament. He accomplished Must And Shall will go directly to the stadias ,„ it over. He', proven ithat handily, routing Robert Proc- _£ (Continued on page ten) ing hours has permitted H. V. site on St. George Avenue from tor Reilly and Company to resume a highly efficient emi.- l . Uwrenceville School ace, by there. rlf iht project—in every '!;'!. »-•>. and then moving on to their negotiation's with J. S. Rip- In addition Jo the (overnor, of _ dispose of Clinton Hcndrickson, pel & Company, which will handle GOSSIPS SPECULATE^ Met-Greiner the following will attend the dh> bet ,1,1 Guard Democrats— i J^K Wand scholastic champion, the transaction, and individual npiv Mayor August F, (ireiner, flue-holders under the.""3' 2-6, fi-3. The double upset Dinner By Trinity Church Vestry bond-holders. All concerned, af- 'Last 0unce\ State Tnx Commission!': J. H. ear ne d v ter conferences Tuesday and yes- ON AQUILA DINNER I lt rin Woodbridge so , , the >ctor rousing applause terday, were heartily optimistic 'Of Stamina' In Back- Thayer Martin. Assistai* Prose- ."in debt—stagebt—staged a get!!get-?™, , fulsome recognitiog n in New cutor James S. Wight,'Stephen L. lYork Welcomes John H. Love Back Home over the future of the plan and the Craftsmen's Club newspapers, were agreed that four months Origin Of Idea, Drafter Of ing Final Effort Hruska, president of the SUdiam night, presumablbl y as an!! YtYesterdayd , BraithwaitBi e playe,.._.,.,d„ should see its consummation, bar- Commission;; Charles K. Brown, the "young fry", in beautifully but the 1 ISO-pound laldd Beloved Master Oi Schools For Thirty-Odd Years, ring unforseen circumstances. Guest List Remain CONFIDENTOF RESULT treasurer; Merrill A. Mi.sher Liv that the older boys are could not completely outsmart an Tells Of His Winter fn Florida, Praises Norton P. Rogers, capable as- Twin Mystery Charles E. Gregory. |hv lms-;cs. And, are the opponent who persisted in batter- sistant to Mr. Reilly was in town An impassioned plea was Co-operation Denied t\,lk-i sure about itf Evening the hall through his own adroit People, Climate And Watering Places yesterday completing final ar- t *!,„ • j4.;r „ f Driving rain, lack of proper ,,vne wasn't invited until,change of pace. A beautifully rangements for conversation with OLD TIMERSJN FRONT made today to the citmens nparkin.Pbinog. ?.;.IMMfacilitie«s «annrdf «--„-abrup.t JJk_ ,r Kii< unable to be present trained athlete at the top of his John H. Love, one of the old and best loved residents the bond-holders and in company of Woodbridge Township by drawal of several Commission < Collector Trainer wasn't game, Eichler depended strictly with Township Attorney Leon E. Practically barren of other members from helpful participa- ill Some said the dinner on the blazing strength of his ser- of Woodbridge was tendered a dinner at Robins Inn Tues- McElroy will hold personal confer- material, political gossips Mayor August F. Greiner, tion in the detailed problems of ii'ilered Anthony Aquila, v'ce and forehand driving while day evening by the Rectnr, Wardens and vestry of Trinity ences with the largest owners. urging them to "muster the show all contributed to mak- | others claimed it was the Braithwaite tried to play to the are devoting their attention ing the first week a bitter disap- Church. Complete plans also were made every ounce, of stamina" to LUC MVL ••' --" pointment. Conscientious indus- •way; hut the ne t m *resul- »» w ft V t is•— a. Ne w— Yorker'- s backhand and rush public for the introduction at the these days to the dinner push the stadium shows to a suc- |t division among Democra-,the net. Feted At Dinner Mr. Love came up from Florida meeting of the Township Commit- party at which Anthony A. essful conclusion, try of the professional promoter, who did and didn't Ralliet In Second recently, to visit his son, Gregory tee Monday night of amendments Although recognizing the diffi- E. C. Jordan, could not overcome It worked nicely in the first set Love, in Roselle Park. He ex- to the original refinancing ordin- Aquila was nominated Rathe culties ahead,M»yor Greiner as- all the shirking which he faced i Galaida, proprietor of the ibut Eichler found himself then pects to remain in this vicinity ances.
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