HUNDRED AND PIJ1TY·FOURTH REPORT PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE (1982·83) (SEVENTH LOK. SABRA) COACHING SERVICES MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (RAILWAY BOARD) Pre~ttd in !Ak Sabha on 29-4•1983 Ltlld ht Rajya Sabha ow 19"4-1981 LOI' S48HA SICllETARIA.'I NEW DELHI LIST OF AUTHORISED AGENTS F:OR. THE SALE DF :tOK .. , SABHA .s~ECRETARIAT PUBLICATIONS -----------------------------~--..--------- ·---- '• I Sl. .Name of Agent Agency Sl. Name of Agent '- Agency No. No. No. No. , ~-------------·--------- ANDHRA ·PRADESH 12. Charles Lamhert & Com- 30 I . ., Andhra University· General 8 pany, ~01, Mahatma Gandhi · Co0pera.tive Stores Ltd. Road,_ Opposite Clock Tower, Waltair (Visakhapatnam). Fort, Bombay.· 13. The_Current Book House, 60., 2 d.R. Lakshmipathy Chetty I 94 and Sons, General Merchants Maruti Lane~ Raghunath and News Agents, Newpet, Dadaji Street, Bombay-I: Chandrag!ri, Chittoor District. 14. Deccan Book Stall,- Fergu- 65, son College Road, Poona-4. ASSAM 15. M/s. U~?ha Book Depot, ~ 3. 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The International Book 22 · ', I House (Private) Limited, 7, 22. Firma K.L. Mukhopa- 82 Ash Lane, Mahatma Gandhi dhyay. 6/1 A Banchharam Road, Bombay-1. Akrur Lane, Calcutta-12. II. The International Book 26 23. M/s. Mukh'erjee Book · 4 Service, Deccan Gym- House, 88, Duff Lane, khana, Poona-4. Calcutta-6. ~CORRIGENDA l0~54th -REPORT OF PAC (71H ·LOK SAaHA) -For Read- 3- 4 12 38.730 38,730 3 4 16 220.787 220,737 4 5 6 429.377 429,377 4 5 18 514·. 744 514,744 14 28 ll Ca 1cutia Calcutta 14 29 4 1900~81 1980-81 figures 14 30 3 ·pessengers . passengers 16 35 2 finished furnished 17 36 2 entered catered 19 39 11 10 J class 10 I class 19 40 12 louger longer 20 40 1 trava1 travel 21 48 11 BEUIL from 3EML 23 54 14 NPCH NPOi 24 54 .6 P01/NPCH Pa-I/NPrn 32 72 • 11 guard a guard 33 72 4 1900-~ 1900-81 35 .77 22 li:l euah liluah ~7 81 3 years year's 42 9Q 4 BMU EMU from bottom 43 90 14 BMU EMU 51 107 6 reeeive:l received 52 108 7 rna ssage message 53 110 8 in term rd ia te intermediate 53 110 9 speeial special 53 110 . 18 gst get 55 113 12 longe long 56 116 13 PTEC RTEC 57 118. 3 uneconomics uneconomic short hort 57. 118 4 off-sloading off-loading 59 118 8 9ua9e gauge 59 118 8 banded handed 59 119 5 coache coach 60 120 2 sugurban suburban 6.1 122 1 new growth growth 61 123 6 be cutting by cutting 61 124 14 oeeds nee:ls 62 126 2 which (which 62 126 4 gane gone f12. 126 5 971% 97.1% 62 126 8 Nada Nadu have been 126 16 have ·---~~--.~~~-~~m·~~-·~.rl"~''' 62 .. • • • - .I ·- I ·Page ·~ hYl$. w Read 64 132 14 Railwoys · Railwnys 65 136 5 31.90 13.90 65 136 5 1446 14.46 66 136 .3 LJr fJr 66 137 2 producers procedures 66 137 7 whidh •, which · ' 67 138 .:J 245% 2.45% 67 139 7 erores crores 67 139 9 contributed contributing 67 139 23 PHO POi 67 139 25 receipt receipt of 67 139 27 Coordination Coor:.iinc...tion 68 140 3-4 perf.orman~Jce performance 68 140 14 performance perforri1ance 68 140 15 Railways Railways 68 140 17 stops steps 68 140 18 pursnance persuance 68 141 5 98,268 28,968 70 145 9 provisioning provisioning/ . augmentation augmentation · 70 146 6 materials materials/fittings fittings 71 148 1 Ommittee Committee 71 149 3 mong . Among 99 18 stick in to stock into 101 14 journey journey 114 119 3 19-82 1981-82 124 132 12 Mg ''MG 126 135 9 Compon enets Com·ponents 130 139 9 contributed contributing 133 141 13 and artisons artisans 16 136 144 5 .·- ·_ne find 136 145 4 teasiable feasible 13 145 3-4 provisioning provisioning/ a ~men tat ion augmentation 28 146 6 regJar::Js reg.J rds CONTENTS PAGE COMPJSITION OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMmEE (1982·83) (iii) INTRODUCTION (v) REpORT 1 APPENDICES r. Audit paragraph 1 of the Advance Report of C & AG for the year 1980-81, Union Government (Railways) 77 n. Statement of Conclusions and Recommendations 114 PART II* Minutes of the sittings of the Public Accounts Committee (1982-83) held on 30-11-1982 (AN) 1-12-1982 (AN) 26-4-1983 (AN) • Not printed. Ooe eycloatyled copy laid oo the Table or the House aod five copies placed lo Parliameot Library. 1 , , , , i ~ , ~ ·, ' ' . ;. .,1 \ \ l ... f.'-• ,... .. I ·l.._:ll& C·. ~~~; (•· vt. r''L_'i.it.?l) ..... Nn. ~c .. 6.\~-.:.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITIEE (1982-83) CHAIRMAN Shri Satish Agarwal MEMBERS Lok Sabha 2. Shri Chitta Basu 3. Shrimati Vidyavati Chaturvedi 4. Shri C.T. Dhandapani 5. Shri G L. Dogra 6. Shri Bhiku Ram Jain 7. Shri K. Lakkappa 8. Shri Mahavir Prasad 9. Shri Sunil Maitra 10. Shri Dhanik Lal Mandai II. Sbri J amilur Rahman 12. Shri Uttam Rathod 13. Sbri Harish Rawat 14 Shri G. Narsimha Reddy 15. Shri Ram Singh Yadav Rlljya Sabha 16. Dr. Sankata Prasad 17. Smt. Pratibha Singh 18. Shri Syed Rahmat Ali 19. Shri B. Satyanarayan Reddy 20. Shri Kalyan Roy 21. Shri Nirmal Chatterjee 22. Shri A.P. Janardhanam SECRETARIAT 1. Sbri T.R. Kri~hnamachari-Joint Secretary. 2. Sbri K.C. Rastogi-Chief Financial Committe' Officer. 3. Shri Ram Kishore-Senier Financial Committee Officer. ( iii ) INTRODUCTION I, the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee, as authorised by the Committee, do present on their behalf this Hundred Fifty Fourth· Re- port of the Public Accounts Committee (Seventh Lok Sabha) on paragraph 1 of the Advance Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year 1980-81, Union Government (Railways) regarding Coaching Services. 2. The Advance Report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year 1980-81, Union Government (Railways) was laid on the Table of the House on 5 April, 1982. 3. The Railways being a public utility cannot abdicate their responsi- bility in the matter of providing adequate services to the travelling public, the Committee have therefore, desired that Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) make a realistic assessment of the growth of passenger traffic involv- ing, say a . lead of 500 kms. and above, "ith a view to projecting the requirements over the next 5-10 years and planning accordingly. A com- prehensive study has also to be carried out immediately with regard to inter-city travel keeping in view the growth centres that are rapidly emerg- ing in the wake of growing industrial/economic activity all over the country so as to help in formulation of Seventh Plan. As regards the current plan, the Committee have stressed the need for stepping up the allocations to the Railways to enable them to execute the necessary schemes tor augment- ing the no. of coaches, maintenance facilities and terminal and line capacities etc. The Committee have expected the Raihvays to take necessary measures to contribute to this effort by generating additional resources out of their own revenues by efficient and conccntrat.d utilisation of existing assets both human and material, and by cutting down wasteful expenditure. 4. The Committee have recommended that on-gomg schemes for augmenting the facilities in existing workshop must be completed expedi- tiously so as to make up the deficiency to the extent feasible within the shortest possible time. As regards the new schemes, the Committee have desired the priorities to be fixed so that in stead of spreading limited resources too thinly over several projects at the same time the most promis- ing one could he completed expeditiously. (v) (vi) 5. The Committee. have also emphasised . the need for preparing a perspective Plan covering the period upto 2000 AD _for . development ol the Railway system keeping in view the anticipated growth of traffic, both suburban and non-suburban. 6. The Public Accounts Committee (1982-SJ) exami~ paragraph 1 at their sittings held on 29 November, 1982 and 1 December, 1982. ·The Committee considered and finalised this Report at their sitting held on 26 April, 1983 based on the evidence taken and the written mformation · furni- shed by the Ministry of Railways (Railway 'Board). ·The Minutes of the sittings form Part II* of the Report. 7. A statem~nt co~ coeel'*OIIS and tecotiUDeadatioas of the Committee is appended to tbis lt~ft (Appendix II). For facility of reference these have been priaWd in _thick type in the ;body of the Report. 8. The Committee would like to express their thanks to the Ministry of Railways (Railways Board) for the cooperation extended by them in giving information to the Committee.
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