A B C D E F MIT Campus Map Welcome to MIT #HARLES3TREET All MIT buildings are designated .% by numbers. Under this numbering "ROAD 1 )NSTITUTE 1 system, a single room number "ENT3TREET serves to completely identify any &ULKERSON3TREET location on the campus. In a 2OGERS3TREET typical room number, such as 7-121, .% 5NIVERSITY (ARVARD3QUARE#ENTRAL3QUARE the figure(s) preceding the hyphen 0ARK . gives the building number, the first .% -)4&EDERAL number following the hyphen, the (OTEL -)4 #REDIT5NION floor, and the last two numbers, 3TATE3TREET "INNEY3TREET .7 43 the room. 6ILLAGE3T -)4 -USEUM 7INDSOR3TREET .% 4HE#HARLES . 3TARK$RAPER 2ANDOM . 43 3IDNEY 0ACIFIC 3IDNEY3TREET (ALL ,ABORATORY )NC Please refer to the building index on 0ACIFIC3TREET .7 .% 'RADUATE2ESIDENCE 3IDNEY 43 0ACIFIC3TREET ,ANDSDOWNE 3TREET 0ORTLAND3TREET 43 the reverse side of this map, 3TREET 7INDSOR .% ,ANDSDOWNE -ASS!VE 3TREET,OT .7 3TREET .% 4ECHNOLOGY if the room number is unknown. 3QUARE "ROADWAY ,ANDSDOWNE3TREET . 43 2 -AIN3TREET 2 3MART3TREET ,ANDSDOWNE #ROSS3TREET ,ANDSDOWNE 43 An interactive map of MIT 3TREETGARAGE 3TREET 43 .% 2ESIDENCE)NN -C'OVERN)NSTITUTEFOR BY-ARRIOTT can be found at 0ACIFIC "RAIN2ESEARCH 3TREET,OT %DGERTON (OUSE 'ALILEO7AY http://whereis.mit.edu/. .7 !LBANY3TREET 0LASMA .7 .7 7HITEHEAD !LBANY3TREET )NSTITUTE 0ACIFIC3TREET,OT 3CIENCE .7 .! .!NNEX,OT "RAINAND#OGNITIVE AND&USION 0ARKING'ARAGE Parking -ASS 3CIENCES#OMPLEX 0ARSONS .% !VE,OT . !LBANY3TREET #ENTER ,ABORATORY "ROAD)NSTITUTE 'RADUATE2ESIDENCE .UCLEAR2EACTOR ,OT #YCLOTRON ¬ = public parking (pay lots) !LBANY3TREET &RANCIS"ITTER .7 ¬ h4HE7AREHOUSEv ,AB 0 -AGNET,AB 4HE0ICOWER)NSTITUTE .7 6ASSAR3TREET FOR,EARNINGAND .7 .7 CARS -EMORY 0UBLIC = MIT permit parking ONLY ' .7 &AIRCHILD"LDG $ .% 0ARKING $REYFOOS 'ATES 0 6ASSAR3TREET #AMBRIDGE .7 .7 -C.AIR"LDG "ROWN #ENTER "LDG %AST 3LOAN,AB 3TATA#ENTER ,OT -AIN3TREET.% -ARRIOTT 7 &ORD #AMBRIDGE (OTEL 7EST0ARKING !ERO !STRO %'' "LDG 6ASSAR3TREET 3LOAN #ENTER 7EST!NNEX,OT 'ARAGE %DUCATION +OCH -)4 7 DU0ONT#ENTER ,ABS #OMPTON 2OCKWELL 'YMNASIUM 7 #ENTER "IOLOGY +ENDALL #OOP #OURT % (OTEL .% #AGE "LDG % 7 7 -AIN3T +ENDALL #AMBRIDGE 7 *OHNSON DU0ONT 3QUARE !THLETIC#ENTER #OMPTON % $OCK3TREET #ENTER 3IMMONS(ALL !THLETICS !LUMNI0OOL $EACON -)40OLICE ,ABS 2ALPH !MES3TREET -UDD #HARLOTTES7AY,OT #ENTER 7 "USH"LDG % 4HIRD3TREET 7EST,OT 6ASSAR3TREET :ESIGER 3TRATTON"LDG ,ANDAU "LDG 0 % % $ORRANCE 7HITAKER % "ROADWAY 3 (ENRY'3TEINBRENNER 3PORTS 3TUDENT#ENTER "LDG 3 7 7 !LUMNI "LDG "LDG % 3TADIUM &ITNESS#ENTER 7 ! (OMBERG ,IST6ISUAL 3UFFOLK )NFO#TR "LDG #ENTER ! %AST#AMPUS !RTS#ENTER 7HITAKER "LDG #OLLEGE 2OGERS !LUMNI(OUSES (AYWARD3T % "LDG % "EXLEY % ,OT 7ESTGATE 7OOD 'OODALE (EALTH "RIGGS&IELD (ALL - 7IESNER 0 TO,ONGFELLOW ,OT +RESGE -ACLAURIN"LDGS ! %ASTMAN 3ERVICES % "RIDGE"OSTON A 'REEN % +RESGE #HAPEL 7 ! #OURT "LDG #ENTER % (AYWARD *"#ARR *ACK"ARRY !UDITORIUM S $REYFUS "LDG (AYDEN "EMIS % 'ARAGE 7 7ESTGATE 0ARKING S 7 %ASTMAN #ARLETON3TREET %ASTGATE 7 A "LDG % 7 !STRO4URF&IELD ,OT FUTURESITEOF 0 C )NDOOR4ENNIS 7! +ILLIAN#OURT ,ABS -C$ERMOTT -EDIA,AB H " #OURT &ACILITY7 0 (AYWARD3TREET% 3LOAN3(!33 7 U -UNROE 7ALCOTT %XTENSION 0 S +ILLIAN(ALL DU0ONT4ENNIS#OURTS -UCKLEY"LDG 7ADSWORTH3TREET PROPOSEDSITE !MHERST3TREET E . 'RAY7AY 3LOAN !UDREY3TREET .EW7EST#AMPUS(OUSES T !MHERST3TREET (ERMANN T 0ARKING S 7ARE 2UNKLE 0 !MHERST!LLEY !SHDOWN(OUSE 7 % -EMORIAL % "LDG 7 !TKINSON 4ANG ,OT -AC'REGOR ! ,OWELL 4ANG#ENTER 7 "URTON #ONNER DU0ONT $RIVE #ENTER (OUSE V "AKER(OUSE 'REEN(ALL -C#ORMICK #OURT #OURT 3 3AXON 3ENIOR(OUSE (OLMAN ,OT E 7ALKER #OOLIDGE 4HORN 7 "ALLARD 7 4ENNIS .ICHOLS % 4ANG 7 7 (ALL N -EMORIAL % 7 7 (AYDEN % 7 U #OURTS % % % 2ESIDENCE(ALL 7 -EMORIAL #RAFTS 3LOAN $IBNER"LDG E &ISK 7 &OWLER3TREET -EMORIAL$RIVE $ANFORTH3TREET ,IBRARY 'RAY "LDG 77 "ROOKLINE3TREET (OUSE 4O(YATT2EGENCY $ESMOND ,AWRENCE -EMORIAL$RIVE ,ONGFELLOW"RIDGE %NDICOTT3TREET -EMORIAL$RIVE (ARVARD 4O53NORTH DOWNTOWN"OSTON 4O2OYAL3ONESTA(OTEL 0IERCE 7 "RIDGETO"OSTON "OATHOUSE 7ALTER#7OOD 4 3AILING0AVILION 4 #HARLES2IVER March 2006 A B C D E F MIT Campus Map Index (building number follows name) Academic Resource Center, 7-104.......................... D3 CSAIL, 32-G415 .........................................E3 Linguistics and Philosophy Department, 32-D808 ............. D3 Walker Memorial, 50.................................... E4 Stratton Student Center (Julius A.), W20 .................... C3 Campus Telephones Academic Services, Office of, 7-133........................ D3 Dibner Institute for the History of Science Literature, 14N-407 ................................... D,E3 Wellesley Exchange Program, MIT 11-120 ................... D3 Tang (Jack C.) Center for Management Education, E51 ......... F4 MIT house telephones are located in many of the campus lobbies Admissions, Undergraduate, 3-108......................... D3 and Technology, Burndy Library E56-010..................... F4 Lost and found, W89 . A3 Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology, E25-25 ... E3 Tang Residence Hall, W84................................ A4 including the Student Center (Map section D). To reach an office Admissions, Graduate, 3-103 ............................. D3 Dining Rooms Management, Sloan School of, E52-473..................... F4 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Walker Memorial (Francis Amasa), 50 ...................... E4 extension from a house telephone dial the last 5 digits (i.e. 3-4795) 9 Cambridge Center ................................. E2 of the number. There are pay telephones in the Student Center (Map Advanced Visual Study, Center for, N52-390 ................. C2 Lobdell (Student Center), W20-2nd floor................. C3 Management of Technology Program, E52-126 ............... F4 Westgate, W85 ........................................ A3 Women’s League, MIT, 10-342 ............................ D3 section D), as well as other locations around the campus. To obtain Aeronautics and Astronautics Department, 33-207 ............ D3 Forbes Family Café (Stata Center), 1st floor ...............E3 Manufacturing and Productivity, Laboratory for, 35-234......... D3 Whitaker Building (Uncas A.), 56 ........................ D,E3 MIT telephone numbers dial 617-253-1000 from a pay telephone or Women’s Studies, 14E-316 ............................... E4 Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, 10-390 ........... D3 Materials Processing Center, 12-007 ....................... D3 Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology dial O (operator) from a campus telephone. Dormitories Wong Auditorium (Tang Center), E51 ....................... F4 Air Force Aerospace Studies, W59-114 ..................... B3 Materials Science and Engineering, Center for, 13-2106 ....... D3 (Uncas A. & Helen), E25.............................. E3 Ashdown House, W1 ................................ C4 Work, Family and Personal Life, Center for, 16-151 ............ D3 Alumni Association, 10-110............................... D3 Materials Science and Engineering Department, 35-419........ D3 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Campus Tours Baker House, W7 ................................... C4 Anthropology Program, 16-223 ............................ D3 Mathematics Department, 2-236 .......................... D4 Named Buildings and Facilities 9 Cambridge Center ................................. E2 Tours of Campus: 10:45 am and 2:45 pm weekdays except holidays. Bexley Hall, W13 ................................... C3 During holidays, call the Information Center to check availability of Architecture Department, 7-337 ........................... D3 McGovern Institute for Brain Research, 46-3160 . D2, E2 Alumni Swimming Pool, 57 ............................... E3 Wiesner Building (Jerome B.), E15 ......................... E3 Burton-Conner, W51................................. B4 tours, or consult the Institute calendar at events.mit.edu. Tours leave Army ROTC, W59-198 ................................... B3 Mechanical Engineering Department, 3-173 ................. D3 Ashdown House (Avery Allen), W1 ........................ C4 Wood Sailing Pavilion (Walter C.), 51....................... E4 East Campus, 62, 64................................. E3 from 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Lobby 7 (map section D) Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), 32-G415 ............ E3 Media Laboratory, E15-212 .............................. E3 Baker House (Everett Moore), W7.......................... C4 Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel (Wilbur & Orville), 17 ........... D3 Eastgate Apartments, E55 ............................ F3 Admissions Office undergraduate information sessions: 10:00 am Arts, Office of the, E15-205 ............................. E3 Medical Department, E23-189............................. E3 Bexley Hall, W13 ....................................... C3 Zesiger Sports & Fitness Center, (Albert and Barrie) W35....... C3 Edgerton House, NW10 .............................. C2 and 2:00 pm (preceding tour) from mid-March through mid-December Communications, Special Programs .................... E3 Minority Education Office, 4-113 .......................... D3 Briggs Field West Campus................................ B3 except holidays. Confirm at http://web.mit.edu/admissions/. 500 Memorial Drive, W71 . A4 Council for the Arts ................................. E3 MIT Federal Credit Union, NE48 ........................... D2 Brown Building (Stanley Gordon), 39 ....................... D3 Visitor Information Graduate Residence, 224 Albany
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