HERNHILL NEWS SEPTEMBER 2019 PARISH COUNCIL from the road. You can contact the clerk for Parish Council business on 7876221580 Thirwell Farm: The Environment or [email protected]. Agency is aware of activity there but Full copies of the approved minutes for need evidence. Anyone seeing such meetings are available on the Parish activity should report it immediately to Council website. the ‘24 hour Environment Agency hot- line’. You may not get a response back The regular meeting of the Parish but your call will be logged. Council was held on Wednesday 28th August and attended by six Parish Councillors one County Councillor and Neighbourhood Plan:. It was agreed seven members of the public. that the Parish Council will formally write to Swale Borough Council and Allotments: The annual inspection request that the whole of the Parish be took place on Saturday 17th August a Neighbourhood Area. A six week and Councillors were satisfied that the consultation period will then follow. allotments are being used effectively. This is the first step to take in develop- There is one half allotment vacant at ing a Neighbourhood Plan. the moment and a full allotment will become available soon. This can be Planning: Demolition of existing build- split into two halves if necessary. Con- ings and erection of a single story holi- tact the Clerk if you are interested. day let - change of roof, The Parish Council objected on the grounds that Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing to the proposed roofing is not in keeping report. with the surrounding properties. Autumn Litter Pick: This will take place on Saturday 28th September and Road Closures: Brenley Roundabout. it is hope that at least as many people Overnight lane closures (8.00pm - as before will support it. Meet at the 6.00am) will take place Wednesday Village Hall at 2.00pm. Equipment will 28th to Friday 30th August, Monday be provided but please wear sensible 2nd September to Friday 6th Septem- shoes and clothing that is easily visible ber, Wednesday 11th September to Chairman:Jill Geliot 01227 750974 [email protected] Clerk: Rebecca Parr 07876 221580 e-mail [email protected] KCC Representative: Andrew Bowles Friday 13th September The next Parish Council will be held on Full weekend closure of coast bound Wednesday 25th September at 8.00pm traffic from Friday 30th August at in the Village Hall. 8.00pm to Monday 2nd September at Members of the public are welcome to 6.00am. Full closure of London bound attend. If members of the public wish traffic from Friday 13th September to to speak on a subject at the meeting Monday 16th September. There will they should contact the Clerk before aolso be closure of Denstroude Lane Friday 13th September so that rele- to allow the Victory Wood event on vant items can be placed on the agen- Saturday 21st September, 11.00am to da for discussion. 5.00pm. SWALE BOROUGH COUNCIL working with partner agencies to help This month we report on the work of them move towards a more positive the new administration at Swale Bor- future. The Council is already putting ough Council to support some of the together plans with community groups most vulnerable people in the borough. to provide a night shelter in winter to make sure rough sleepers have a safe, Two initiatives are being developed. warm place to stay on the coldest One is to help rough-sleepers to a nights. more positive future, and another to help foodbanks in Faversham, Sitting- Support for foodbanks. bourne and Sheerness reach more lo- Plans are being put together by Swale cal people (including families with Borough Council to help local food- children) who would otherwise go hun- banks support more local families. gry. Councillors have been meeting with groups, such as ‘Children and Fami- Support for rough-sleepers. lies’, ‘Faversham Foodbank’ and ‘Sit- Swale Borough Council is investing tingbourne Foodbank’, that run local £150,000 in a more proactive ap- projects to get a better understanding proach to help rough-sleepers. The of the need and take up of the service. council is working with charities and These meetings also gave Councillors voluntary groups to help identify and the chance to see how the foodbanks support rough-sleepers, and help them work with other agencies, and helped back into suitable housing. identify ways in which the Council A new rough-sleeping coordinator has could support them to become more been appointed who is working with effective. The plans to support local local charities and voluntary groups, foodbanks are being finalised but will such as food banks and soup kitchens, include funding to help with distribution to identify and support those sleeping and advice. on the streets. The Council has also Tim Valentine brought in specialist outreach workers ([email protected]) 01227 from the homeless charity ‘Porchlight’. 752802 These workers support people living Alastair Gould on the streets by assessing their hous- ([email protected]) ing, social and healthcare needs, and 2 SUMMER SERENADE Ellen Pearson will be known to anyone Sunday 15th September who has heard her beautiful voice at previous concerts given by ‘Canter- Come along to St Peter and St Paul’s bury Voices’; she will be performing a Church in Boughton at 4.00pm for an wide variety of classical vocal reper- afternoon filled with young local musi- toire from German Lieder to Opera. cal talent. They include exceptionally talented Join us in support of the Canterbury musicians from Simon Langton Girls’ Vocals Scholarship Fund which helps School; Elsa Kent (violin) and Alice to support young women in their pur- Harrison (saxophone). As well, there suit of music! is a young mezzo soprano from the Royal Northern College of Music; Ellen Admission is free; donations will be in- Pearson. vited to the scholarship fund. Elsa Kent will be performing De Falla’s Danse Espanole, and Alice Harrison will be performing a piece by Bach. Refreshments will be served. TEDDY BEAR PARACHUTE JUMP certificate. Sunday 15th September 3.00pm at Hernhill Church If your Teddy should be injured Furst Aid will be on paw from Have you got a brave bear? the Paratedics and Teddymed- Would you like to see your Ted- ics in the Tedical Centre. dy Bear parachute from the top of St Michael’s church tower? All brave bears will be asked to pay £2.00 for their very daring Last year many brave bears jump, or £5.00 per family. The from far and wide rose to the fee is in aid of St Michael’s challenge and took part. Only one or Church, Hernhill. two got stuck in a tree! There is no need to enter in advance, Teddies will be taken aloft in the teddy just turn up on the day. The parachute bear basket and launched by organis- jumps start at 3.00pm, (weather per- ers from the tower roof. mitting.) There are few rules; A) Teddies must be securely har- All Teddies and their owners are wel- nessed in their home-made para- come. Teddy must come wearing a chutes. parachute so that s/he is all ready to B) Teddies will be timed during their jump. descent, the slowest descent wins. C) In the event of a tie, the Teddies will If you need any have to jump again. more information D) There will be prizes for the slowest please apply to recorded jump-times. the Jump-master E) Every Teddy that completes a jump Revd Jean will receive Super Ted status and a 01227 751410 3 MESSY CHURCH Now Messy Church is changing. A Our final Messy Church was on Sat- brand new monthly programme for urday 20th July. We had a lovely families is starting on Saturday 12th time outside in the sunshine. Thank October in St B’s Church in Boughton. you to everyone who has been part We will be outside part of the time, of Messy Church over the past seven please bring wet weather clothes if years. Thank you to all our lovely necessary. families and our amazing helpers, we You are very welcome to come along couldn’t have done it without you. whether you’ve been part of Messy We’ve enjoyed every session and Church or not. laughed and learnt together. 3.30 to 4.30pm followed by refresh- ments. SCHOOL NEWS This year it will be held on Saturday 21st September, In July, we ended the school year 12.30-3.30pm, with lots to reflect on and celebrate. at the School. Like last year, it will offer fun in the Our Year 6 class produced and per- creative zone and retro zones; great formed a fantastic school play, all the refreshments and entertainment children did brilliantly at our annual from pupils and ‘Cloud Nine Jazz’; a sports day and the Year 4 class took chance to win prizes in the ‘try-your- part in the first 'Hernhill sleep-over' luck’ zone and to run off some steam on the school field raising over £700 in the sporting zone. There will be a for the Porchlight Charity in the proc- great variety of refreshments and en- ess. We also said thank you and tertainments on offer and along with good bye to our deputy head, Jean the bar, cake stall, teas and coffees Clapp, who retired after 18 years of and ice creams, we will be running dedication to Hernhill School. We another BBQ. The money the PTA- wish her all the very best for the fu- FA raise at the fete allows them to ture. We also wish the Year 6 chil- make big donations to the school and dren who left us in July lots of luck this year they’re working to fund the for their start at secondary school.
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