www.financialit.net • Special Sibos & Money 20/20 Issue • 2017 WHAT IS THE MAINSTREAM IN BANKING? Hank Uberoi, CEO of Earthport ANRYZE: FUNDING SPEECH RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY THROUGH AN ICO Anton Gera, Co-founder of Anryze 5050 Joe Friscia, President of NICE Actimize ROBOTICROBOTIC PPRROCESSOCESS AUTOMAUTOMAATION:TION: THETHE PPRRESENTESENT AANDND FUTUFUTURREE OOFF FINFINAANCINCIAALL CRCRIMEIME CCOMOMPPLILIAANCENCE AANDND OPOPEERARATIONSTIONS Payments and compliance innovation to identify and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. Your payments requirements are more challenging. Your regulatory responsibilities are increasingly complex. You need to be prepared today for where the industry is headed tomorrow. Find out how our regtech innovation and data-enabled technology will protect and grow your business. // Stake your reputation on ours. Schedule a visit with Accuity at stand #J43. accuity.com 2 Contents SpECIAL SIBOS & MONEY 20/20 ISSUE CONTENTS 2017 EDITOR'S LETTER FEATURED STORY 4 FinTech goes retail 14 Blockchain in real life 16 The DLT revolution in Europe PUBLISHER'S LETTER 22 The future of blockchain 5 ICOs and ‘I don’t knows’ in banking 24 Blockchain and ledger protection TOP STORY 28 New attitudes in a PSD2 World 8 Robotic Process Automation: 30 Open for Business the Present and Future or Closed to Opportunity? of Financial Crime Compliance 32 Providing a Frictionless and and Operations Secure Customer Journey 6 WHat is THE MainstreaM in PSD2 IN BANKING? 36 Utilising banking data to create Hank Uberoi, LEAD STORY new revenue streams in a post- CEO of Earthport 6 What is the mainstream PSD2 world in banking? 38 The evolving risk of prepaid card 10 Anryze: Funding Speech fraud in North America Recognition Technology through an ICO 42 Navigating through the Changing Landscape of the Payments 12 Blockchain buzz Industry What does blockchain mean for institutions with fiduciary 44 David Schwartz on de-risking and responsibilities? technology INTERVIEW PATHFINDER RANKING 18 Dentacoin: meeting the needs of 47 Top 50 digital only dentists and patients banks ranking 20 Building The World’s First Crypto-Investor Community DIRECTORIES 10 ANRYZE: FUNDING SpeecH RECOGnition TECHnoloGY 40 Risk Ident: fighting fraud 61 FINVENTURES Global Directories THROUGH AN ICO Anton Gera, Co-founder of Anryze Editor-In-Chief Andrew Hutchings [email protected] Although Financial IT has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this publication, Publisher neither it nor any contributor can accept Chris Principe any legal responsibility whatsoever for [email protected] consequences that may arise from errors or omissions or any opinions or advice given. Managing Editor/Research Analyst This publication is not a substitute for pro- Katherine Emirosan fessional advice on a specific transaction. [email protected] No part of this publication may be repro- Content Editor/Events duced, in whole or in part, without writ- Nilyufar Sodikova 12 BlocKCHAIN buZZ ten permission from the publisher. Entire WHat DOES blocKCHAIN contents copyrighted. Financial IT is Content Manager MEAN FOR institutions a Finnet Limited publication. Oksana Pak witH fiduciarY ISSN 2050-9855 responsibilities? Production/Design Finnet Limited Timur Urmanov David Pagliaro, 137 Blackstock Road, London, N4 2JW, EMEA Head, United Kingdom Founder SM State Street Global Exchange +44 (0) 208 819 32 53 Muzaffar Karabaev 4 Editor’s Letter FINTECH GOES RETAIL THE CAVALCADE SPEEDS UP, AND HEADS IN A NEW DIRECTION Landmark conferences such as Sibos and Money 20/20 services and technology. The cavalcade has acceler- are essential. Among much else, they provide a wel- ated, with the result that virtually all participants come opportunity to reflect on the state of the global at the major conferences need to fill gaps in their financial services industry and ask: what is really new knowledge. Relative to the past, the conferences this year? are less about promotion of one’s enterprise and There is no doubt where the novelty comes from. networking, although these are still very important The very name of Financial IT highlights how aspects. technology is the catalyst for change in financial Chris is right to highlight 2017’s wave of Initial services. Sometimes the innovations are developed Coin Offerings (ICOs) as a key development this year by traditional banks and insurance companies. Other for most of the financial services industry, and not Andrew Hutchings, times, the innovations are developed by technology just those who are involved with crypto-coins. ICOs Editor-In-Chief companies that have no intention of providing finan- represent an opportunity for massive retail partici- cial services. And, of course, there are many instances pation in the funding of Venture Capital (VC) and of disruptive FinTech companies - which seek to sup- Private Equity (PE). This is the latest development plant traditional institutions. in the general movement towards empowerment of Nor is there much doubt in relation to what the individuals - through better services and lower costs - changes are responding to. In terms of the numbers that is embodied in the regulatory changes. of people involved, financial inclusion is probably the The movement of finance, technology and FinTech largest theme globally for the broadly defined finan- towards retail participants is reflected in our decision cial services industry. The opportunity is to deliver to cover digital banks in our latest survey of pathfind- world class products and solutions to hundreds of ers in financial IT. To date, much of the development millions of people - mainly in developing countries of digital banking has been driven by traditional - who have never even had a bank account before. institutions - in some cases, in response to the chal- The opportunity is made greater by the lack of legacy lenges posed by true FinTechs. The main message infrastructure in the local banks. from our survey is that digital banks are still a new, As several of the articles in this, and virtually all rapidly growing and fairly under-developed commu- previous, editions of Financial IT indicate, regula- nity. tion remains an important driver of change. Regard- Bewilderingly rapid change and massive engage- less of developments in other parts of the world, the ment of retail clients present huge opportunities European Union’s latest incarnations of the Payments for fraud. It is no coincidence that the top story in Services Directive (PSD2) and the Market in Finan- this edition of Financial IT deals with solutions that cial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) are compelling combat fraud and financial crimes. As ever, though, financial institutions, technology companies and a number of our contributors discuss the technology FinTech disruptors to rethink their business models. and the infrastructure that underpins the financial As our publisher Chris Principe correctly points services industry at a time that the cavalcade is out in his letter, a big thing that has altered since Si- speeding up and heading towards retail participants. bos and Money 20/20 in late 2016 is that the pace of As ever, we thank our contributors and advertisers change has increased at the intersection of financial and wish everyone success at Sibos and Money 20/20. Special Sibos & Money 20/20 Issue • 2017 Featured Story 5 ICOs and ‘I don’t knOWs’ Reflections on the latest feeding frenzy world is creating a revolution – changing the ways, amounts and speed of money raising for new ventures which in some cases are no more than Change is one of life’s constants. However, we have not seen the cur- ideas on paper. rent velocity and volume of change at Sibos since the Financial Crisis of 2008-09. Just before the Financial Crisis, we were literally dancing in Most of us are ‘I don’t knows’ the ballrooms of Austrian emperors. Within months, some of the biggest names in our business were facing collapse. With change of this speed and magnitude, nearly all of us at Sibos are The changes were sudden, fast and final. Many observers believe ‘I don’t knows’. that the changes were self-created by a lack of controls in our very own Brutally disruptive changes are coming from outside banking as we industry. However, the industry changed and we changed with it. Slowly know it, or knew it. Few of us can explain it or see the implications. businesses were rebuilt. It may be that we have not recovered the ele- Clearly some of what is happening in the crypto-currency world is be- ment of trust that banks enjoyed for so long, but we are no longer the ing fueled by a lack of regulation. The rules have yet to be written. The butt of jokes. That marks real improvement. regulators are in the same boat as the rest of us. Today as we meet at Sibos, we again are faced with radical and dra- The crypto-currency world is home to a feeding frenzy. ICOs are matic changes coming to our industry. raising funds for any project or idea with a whitepaper. This is due to Unlike in 2008-09, these changes are coming mainly from outside the quick rise of the market value of Bitcoin and Ether to around $65 the financial community and are potentially a threat. That people can billion and $27 billion respectively. Additionally, the quantity of the store value today outside of traditional financial institutions through money on the sidelines, and the velocity at which it is moving mean crypto-currency is radically changing the public’s view of the usefulness that those values could soar further before the end of 2017. of banking. For many in the banking business, there is again the potential loss People can make payments today through their computer, tablet and, of payment and FX revenues due to these new products. The question especially, their mobile phones. This is causing a shift in what retail I get from many of my industry friends is: how do we make up for customers need.
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