Z he N ation al S p iritu alist Summitof Spiritual Understanding Z he N ation al S p iritu alist Summitof Spiritual Understanding Voi. 61 No. 656 June 1979 Z he N ation al S p iritu alist Official publication of The National Spiritualist Assn. ¿•ajy'ji of Churches, U.S.A. P.O. Bax 126, Cassadaga, FL 32706 published monthly by SUMMIT PUBLICATIONS, a subsidiary of stow Z h is M o n th ... Memorial Foundation, Inc., The Bureau of Public Relations for The National Spiritualist Association of Churches, Inc. Second class postage paid at Indianapolis, Articles Indiana 46240. The National Spiritualist USPS 374-340, P.O. Box 4017j ( Indianapolis, IN 46240. Changing Times by Rev. Joseph H. M errill ................................................. 3 TV Documentary on Psychic Phenomena........................................................ 4 Historic Lily Dale Celebrates Centennial SPECIAL THIS MONTH! by Rev. Betty Putnam ...................................................................................................6 George Washington’s V is io n .......................................................................................9 FREE The Penetralia of A. J. Davis by Herbert F. Schneider ......................12 PAMPHLETS AVAILABLE Eternal Progress by Rev. Melvena V. H afner ..................................... - - 14 The Inner Light Lyceum Conference Twenty-Fifth Anniversary .................................... 17 Comparisons The Power of Patience Write: N. 5. A. C- Book Department P. O. Box 128 Poems Cassadaga, FL. 32706 or Be Still and Know That I Am G o d ............................... 5 THE N A T IO N A L SPI RITUALIST Postage Donations Appreciated Departments Spiritual H ealing ....................................................................... 11 Camp L is tin g s............................................................................. 16 Did You K n o w .......................................................................... 18 Notes from the Field .............................................................. 20 Letters to T N S ......................................................... ...............21 1. We believe in infinite Intelligence. T ra n s itio n s .......................................................................................21 2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, Directory of Ministers ........................................................... 22 both physical and spiritual, are the expression Directory of Churches ..........................................................24 of Infinite Intelligence. 3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such B o o k s ...................................................................................................30 expression and living in accordance therewith constitute true religion. 4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the STAFF! change called death. Director of publishing and editor William F. Mellck 5. We affirm that communication with the Associate editor Charles L. Brandenburg so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by Circulation managress Mrs. Marjorie M. Mellck the phenomena of Spiritualism. 6. We believe that the highest morality is Materials submitted are subject to editing. We are not responsible contained in the Golden Rule: "Whatsoeverye for any claim made by, tor, or against contributors or the National would that others should do unto you, do ye Spiritualist. Remuneration is by copies of the magazine. Any also unto them similarity to fictloned places or people is purely coincidental. 7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the One year subscription, $5.00; three years for $12.00: On all individual, and that he makes his own subscriptions sent to addresses other than the United States, add happiness, or unhappiness, as he obeys, or $1.00. Subscriptions payable In advance In U.S. currency. Sand only disobeys. Nature's physical and spiritual laws. check or money orders - no cash. Please allow eight weeks for 8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is change of address posting. Please use zip codes. All renewal notices never closed against any human soul, here or are sent within 30 days of the expiration date. Single copies 50c. hereafter, 9. We affirm that the precept of prophecy Postmaster send 3579 to: contained in the Bible is a Divine attribute The National Spiritualist proven through Mediumship. P.O. Box 40172 Indianapolis, IN 46240 ------- i4..e«4l«*u..dktte..o^i,.4A.i.Mt||| 50 cents Changing Tim es by Rev. Joseph H. Merrill mediumship of Leonore Piper, Maggie Waite, Emma Hardinge Britten and other great ones of that era. What caused the decline of phenomena Psychic Phenomena to through the second fifty year period in the average is something Spiritualism is a matter of conjecture. Suffice it to that is conjured up by a say that the change came. But in the moving from magician. However, a one phase to another the mind of man evolved to a study of the early greater realization of the mental potential of the Christian Church shows individual. Scientific research is bringing into focus that psychical the workings of Spirit. phenomena was the After reasoning the teachings of the backbone of the church, theologians for centuries, man has come to realize and the Apostles were that the early beginnings of religion had their birth mediums. in ignorance, superstition, and fear. A new The word “ Spiritualism" has been so knowledge came to the world which shattered misunderstood that thousands of people in their those shackles. A new day dawns for those who ignorance think that it deals with fortune-telling cannot accept the thought of a personal deity and chicanery or an anti-Christ. sitting on a throne, judging the individual and In a world of changing standards where the sending him to a geographical location of heaven or religious impact is lessening, especially in the minds hell. The face of orthodox Christianity began to of the young people, it is time to re-assess change, and in the process Modern Spiritualism as Spiritualism as a moral force for good in the world. well, moved from a religious concept to a more Spiritualism does not preach platitudes - but philosophical and scientific aspect. proven facts. Proven to the extent that the A clearer understanding of religion is a w a y o f evolutionary process of the mental faculty of man life , which strives for the abundant life that Jesus is bringing him into the realm of scientific of Nazareth spoke about. The phenomena of investigation. Since we say that Spiritualism per se Spiritualism proves that man does not stop living does not preach platitudes we must differentiate when the physical body is discarded. Man now between Spiritualism and Spiritualists! begins to realize that his way of life - whether good We have a new generation coming into active or bad - is shaped by his mental outlook and daily participation in life and world affairs with little or living. no faith in what has been taught in the past by Today the workings of Spirit are investigated theologians, and even less hope for the future. by scientific avenues under the label of Religion and philosophy has defaulted and Parapsychology. While the term Spiritualism is scientific materialism has failed to fill the void. Yet being avoided in the investigative studies it remains the question still persists: What happens to us a fact that research in the realm of clairvoyance, when we die? telepathy, precognition, and retrocognition, Religion, and more specifically a specific psychokinesis, consciousness and psychic research church - whatever label that church may carry - has changes the face of Spiritualism as well. been an oasis in the life of approximately 75% of There is danger in the change taking place but the American people; and Sunday is the oasis with this danger is not apparent to the average observer. the rest of the week filled with the muck and mire There are those, in Spiritualism, who would like to of materialism. educate the Spiritualist in the ways of science and In the evolution of Modern Spiritualism from parapsychology with little or no thought given to the early beginnings, we have witnessed a changing the idea of educating the parapsychologist to pattern from the physical phenomena through a Spiritualism. Since the scientist is not interested in cycle of degeneration of mediumship to the religion as labelled by man, it appears to be Present era of phenomena involving the mental difficult to blend the researching of the Spiritualist senses. Should this be questioned we have only to and the scientist. But it is very evident that both study the mediumship of the Fox sisters, the avenues of activity - the religion and philosophy of Phenomena of the great Daniel Douglas Home, the Spiritualism coupled with the phenomena of activity of Margery Crandon, the mental mediumship - will evolve in the hearts and minds of The National Spiritualist 3 every individual through scientific avenues and Spirit" - The God within. man will come to know, full well, that the It has been said many times that the workings “Temple of the living God" of the Orthodox of Spirit will indeed Christianize Christianity and Christian is the Temple not made of stone and the reality of the Spirit will be in the heart of every mortar by the hands of man, but the “ Temple of man. Time marches on and truth prevails. TV Docum entary on Psychic Phenom ena TNS Staff Report promotion and due to his long standing record of successes retains the option of freely selecting
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