PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Table of Contents Table of Contents...............................................................................................................................1 Foreword...........................................................................................................................................2 Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1:..........................................................................................................................................5 Population Size and Structure.........................................................................................................5 Chapter 2:........................................................................................................................................15 Population Distribution.................................................................................................................15 Chapter 3:........................................................................................................................................22 Internal Migration.........................................................................................................................22 Chapter 4:........................................................................................................................................47 Household Characteristics.............................................................................................................47 Chapter 5:........................................................................................................................................61 Education......................................................................................................................................61 Chapter 6:........................................................................................................................................82 Activity and Labour Force............................................................................................................82 Chapter 7:......................................................................................................................................108 Fertility.......................................................................................................................................108 Chapter 8:......................................................................................................................................117 Mortality and Orphanhood..........................................................................................................117 Chapter 9:......................................................................................................................................122 Housing Characteristics..............................................................................................................122 APPENDICCES.............................................................................................................................134 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Foreword The Zimbabwe Profile is the eleventh being prepared by the Central Statistical Office (CSO) based on the final results of the 2002 Population Census. This National Profile presents the detailed final results from the 2002 Population Census. In preparing the National Profile, CSO seeks to put at the disposal of users detailed data which will assist in policy making, planning, administration, research, etc. This National Profile summarises the findings already published in the Provincial Profile. A Census Operations Report and a Census Atlas will be published after this National Profile. CSO is appreciative of the funding and material provisions availed to the office by the Government of Zimbabwe. CSO would also like to thank all persons who were engaged in census operations and the general public for its cooperation during the census. L.M. Machirovi Director of Census and Statistics August, 2004 2 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Zimbabwe Executive Summary younger ages than the males. Around 31 Executive Summary percent of the population was currently married, while about 6 percent were either This profile summarizes the main findings divorced/separated or widowed. As of the 2002 Census for Zimbabwe. In most expected, proportionately more females than cases attempts have been made to provide males were widowed. The same is also the highlights at both the district and provincial case for those who were divorced/ separated. levels. It is believed that the information provided will meet the demands of most Persons of African Ethnic origin made up users. However, detailed and more specific almost the entire population while those of information is available at the CSO. non-African ethnic origin accounted for a negligible 0.72 percent. Citizens of The total population of the country was 11 Zimbabwe constituted nearly the whole 631 657. There were 5 634 180 males and 5 population and far less than 1 percent were 997 477 females. This is very close to the citizens of other countries. Citizens of initial figure of 11 634 663 released in the Mozambique and Malawi constituted 42 and preliminary report in December, 2002. It 26 percent respectively of the non – should be recalled that the earlier figures Zimbabweans. were compiled manually at the census provinces immediately after the census Census information on education revealed count, and were therefore subject to clerical that about 11 percent of the population age errors. 3-24 years had never been to school. However, 76 percent of these were below 6 The sex ratio in the country was nearly 94. years of age and many of them likely to start The population in this country was mostly school later. Sixty-six percent of the rural with 35 percent of the total found in population was currently attending school. urban areas. All provinces in the country The proportion of the population age 3-24 have an urban area. years that had left school at the census time was 23 percent. Of the total female During the census a distinction was made population age 3-24 years, 25 percent had between private and collective households. left school while the proportion for males The latter included persons who were was 22 percent. staying in institutions of all types and constituted a population of almost two Activity and labour force focused on the percent in the whole province. There were population age at least 15 years and this 2 649 921 private households with an constituted 59 percent of the total average size of 4 persons per household. The population. Out of these, around 70 percent largest proportion of households (16 percent were in the labour force. The proportion of each) was in the 3 to 4-person household those in the labour force who were size categories while out of all households unemployed was about 11 percent. Seven about 82 percent had at most 6 persons. percent of children age 10-14 years were Sixty-six percent of the households were economically active. headed by males. The proportion of those not in the labour The population in Zimbabwe was relatively force, 42 percent were students, 40 percent young with 40.6 percent age below 15 years homemakers and retired/sick/too old 17 and about 4 percent age 65 years and above. percent. It was further observed that about 61 percent Out of those who were employed, the of the population had never married. This highest proportions (55 percent) were large proportion was probably due to the engaged in agriculture related occupations, presence of a high percentage of young followed by services. population. However, females seemed to have entered into such unions at much 3 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Zimbabwe Executive Summary Information on housing conditions in the one percent of the households used gas, coal province showed that 60 percent of the and other forms of energy. Disparities were households lived in their own dwelling observed among the provinces. units, either as owners or purchasers. The Estimates of the level of fertility and proportion of lodgers was 20 percent. With mortality were made using the data from the regard to the type of dwelling units, it was census, mainly applying direct methods. In observed that about 30 percent of the addition estimates of crude death rate, infant households in the country lived in traditional and maternal mortality rate, were made type of dwelling units, while forty-four using direct techniques. The rate of natural percentage (44) occupied dwelling units increase was also calculated using direct which were modern. estimates of both the birth and death rates. It The proportion of households not using was observed that the total fertility rate for electricity in the country was 62 percent. the country was about 3.6 children per The proportion of households occupying woman. It was further noted that this level dwelling units with electricity ranged from seemed to vary with level of education of 17 percent in Masvingo to 96 percent in mothers. Bulawayo. The infant mortality rate was estimated at 67 With regard to the source of water for deaths per 1000 births for 2002. The rate drinking and cooking, 80 percent of was generally higher for males than for households had access to safe water,
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