The Planning Inspectorate Report to the Temple Quay House 2 The Square Temple Quay Secretary of State Bristol BS1 6PN for Communities and GTN 1371 8000 Local Government by K D Barton BA(Hons) DipArch DipArb RIBA FCIArb an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State Date 20 May 2008 for Communities and Local Government TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) ACT 1990 APPLICATIONS BY THORNFIELD PROPERTIES (LONDON) LIMITED TO THE CITY OF LONDON COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT AT 43 FARRINGDON STREET, 25 SNOW HILL AND 29 SMITHFIELD STREET, LONDON EC1A Inquiry opened on 6 November 2007 File Refs: APP/K5030/V/07/1201433-36 Report APP/K5030/V/07/1201433-36 CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE 1.0 Procedural Matters 3 2.0 The Site and Its Surroundings 3 3.0 Planning History 5 4.0 Planning Policy 6 5.0 The Case for the Thornfield Properties (London) 7 Limited 5.1 Introduction 7 5.2 Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area 8 including the Settings of Nearby Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 5.3 Viability 19 5.4 Repair, maintenance and retention of the existing buildings 23 5.5 Sustainability and Accessibility 31 5.6 Retail 31 5.7 Transportation 32 5.8 Other Matters 33 5.9 Section 106 Agreement and Conditions 35 5.10 Conclusion 36 6.0 The Case for the City of London Corporation 36 6.1 Introduction 36 6.2 Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area 36 including the Settings of Nearby Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 6.3 Viability 42 6.4 Repair, maintenance and retention of the existing buildings 43 6.5 Sustainability and Accessibility 49 6.6 Retail 50 6.7 Transportation 50 6.8 Other Matters 51 6.9 Section 106 Agreement and Conditions 54 6.10 Conclusion 54 7.0 The Case for English Heritage 55 7.1 Introduction 55 7.2 Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area 55 including the Settings of Nearby Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 7.3 Viability 63 7.4 Repair, maintenance and retention of the existing buildings 66 7.5 Sustainability and Accessibility 71 7.6 Retail 72 7.7 Other Matters 72 7.8 Section 106 Agreement and Conditions 75 7.9 Conclusion 75 8.0 The Case for SAVE Britain’s Heritage 76 8.1 Introduction 76 8.2 Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area 76 including the Settings of Nearby Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 8.3 Viability 83 ii Report APP/K5030/V/07/1201433-36 8.4 Repair, maintenance and retention of the existing buildings 86 8.5 Other Matters 88 8.6 Section 106 Agreement and Conditions 88 8.7 Conclusion 89 9.0 The Case for Network Rail 89 10.0 The Cases for Interested Persons 94 11.0 Consultation Responses and Written 96 Representations 12.0 Inspector’s Conclusions 100 12.1 Introduction 100 12.2 Character and Appearance of the Surrounding Area 100 including the Settings of Nearby Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 12.3 Viability 112 12.4 Repair, maintenance and retention of the existing buildings 115 12.5 Accessibility 122 12.6 Retail 122 12.7 Transportation 123 12.8 Other Matters 124 12.9 Section 106 Agreement and Conditions 128 13.0 Overall Conclusion and Recommendation 132 13.1 Overall Conclusion 132 13.2 Recommendation 134 App 1 Appearances 135 App 2 Documents 138 App 3 Schedule of Site Visits 150 App 4 Schedule of Conditions to be Attached Should the 151 Applications be Allowed App 5 Glossary 157 iii Report APP/K5030/V/07/1201433-36 Application A: APP/K5030/V/07/1201433 Application B: APP/K5030/V/07/1201434 Application C: APP/K5030/V/07/1201435 Application D: APP/K5030/V/07/1201436 43 Farringdon Street, 25 Snow Hill & 29 Smithfield Street, London EC1A x The applications were called in for decision by the Secretary of State by a direction, made under Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, on 27 April 2007. x The applications are made by Thornfield Properties (London) Limited (TPL) to the City of London Council (CLC). x Applications A, B, C and D are all dated 15 February 2007 and have File Refs 07/00172/FULEIA, 07/00161/CAC, 07/00160/LBC and 07/00168/LBC respectively. x The development proposed in Application A is demolition of the existing building and other structures at 43 Farringdon Street and part redevelopment and part refurbishment of the existing buildings and other structures at 25 Snow Hill and 29 Smithfield Street to provide office (B1), retail/market (A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5) uses with associated railway engineering works, car parking, servicing, pedestrian and vehicular routes (44,896 m²). x The demolition proposed in Application B is the existing building and other structures at 43 Farringdon Street and part redevelopment and part refurbishment of the existing buildings and other structures at 25 Snow Hill and 29 Smithfield Street. x The works proposed in Application C at The Red House are internal, and minor external, alterations to the existing building. x The works proposed in Application D are the dismantling of the canopy spanning between 43 Farringdon Street and Smithfield Poultry Market and work of making good to the Poultry Market. x The reason for making the direction was that the Secretary of State considers that the proposal may conflict with national policies on important matters. x On the information available at the time of making the direction, the following were the matters on which the Secretary of State particularly wished to be informed for the purpose of her consideration of the application: a) The extent to which the application to demolish the building in a conservation area accords with national policy on buildings in conservation areas as set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note 15: Planning and the Historic Environment (PPG15), with particular regard to the consideration of: i) the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of conservation areas (paragraph 4.62); ii) the condition of the buildings, the cost of repairing and maintaining them in relation to their importance and to the value derived from their continual use (paragraph 3.19 (i)); iii) the adequacy of efforts to retain the buildings in use, including the merits of offering the unrestrictive freehold of the buildings on the open market (paragraph 3.19 (ii)); iv) the merits of alternative proposals for the site (paragraph 3.19 (iii)); and v) in the event that the application is contrary to national policy, whether any grounds exist sufficient to justify granting consent for the demolition of the building in a conservation area. Page 1 Report APP/K5030/V/07/1201433-36 b) The extent to which the proposed redevelopment is consistent with advice in PPG15, with particular regard to the consideration of: i) the importance of balancing the effect of any changes on the special interest of listed buildings against the viability of any proposed use and of alternative, and possibly less damaging, uses. ii) preserving the settings of nearby listed buildings (paragraph 2.16); iii) preserving and enhancing the character and appearance of the Smithfield Conservation Area; and iv) preserving or enhancing the setting, views into and out of, and character or appearance of the adjoining conservation areas. c) The viability of the proposed redevelopment at this location. d) The extent to which the proposed development is consistent with Government policies in Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development (PPS1); and accompanying guidance The Planning System: General Principles with particular regard to: i) the achievement of sustainable development and sustainable communities through an integrated approach to social cohesion, protection and enhancement of the environment, prudent use of natural resources and economic development; ii) whether the design principles in relation to the site and its wider context, including the layout, scale, open space, visual appearance and landscaping, are appropriate in their context and take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of the area and the way it functions, having regard to the advice in paragraphs 33 to 39 of PPS1; iii) the extent to which the proposed redevelopment promotes high quality, inclusive design in terms of function and impact, which takes the opportunity available for improving the character and quality of areas (paragraphs 33-35 of PPS1); and iv) the extent to which the application takes into account the access needs of all in society, including people with disabilities - including access to and into buildings, having regard to the advice in paragraphs 36 and 39 of PPS1. e) The extent to which the proposed development accords with Government planning policy advice in Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning for Town Centres (PPS6). f) The extent to which the proposed development is consistent with the advice in Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport (PPG13), in particular on the need to locate development in a way which helps to: i) promote more sustainable transport choices; ii) promote accessibility to jobs, shopping, leisure facilities and services by public transport, walking and cycling; and iii) whether a transport assessment or travel plan has been submitted in accordance with paragraphs 23-27 and 87-91 of PPG13. g) The consideration given to relevant transport issues including any impact for Crossrail, Thameslink and the capacity of nearby stations. h) The relationship of the proposed redevelopment to the relevant policies of the published London Plan (LP) and City of London's adopted Unitary Development Plan (UDP). i) Any other matters that are considered material to the determination of these applications. This includes whether any approval or consent granted for the proposed works should be subject to any conditions, including the City’s proposed conditions for (i) the granting of conservation area consent (ii) the granting of planning permission with regard to archaeological work, and the form these would take.
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