Søgeprotokol for Nationale Kliniske Retningslinjer Projekttitel/aspekt NKR for udredning og behandling af epilepsi hos børn og unge - Guidelines Kontakt projektgruppe Christina Engel Høi-Hansen (fagkon.) Kristoffer Lande (projektl.) Kontakt søgespecialist Birgitte Holm Petersen Senest opdateret 17. juli 2014 Baggrund Ca. 55.000 danskere har epilepsi. En fjerdedel heraf er børn og unge. Epilepsi er defineret ved forekomsten af gentagne og spontant optrædende epileptiske anfald1. Epilepsi er således ikke en enkelt sygdom, men består af mange undergrupper med forskellige anfald, ætiologi, prognose og hver sin specifikke behandling. Derfor er korrekt udredning og diagnosticering afgørende for et godt behandlingsresultat. Epilepsidiagnosen kan være vanskelig at stille. Epileptiske anfald kan forveksles med andre anfaldslidelser. Hos børn kan det i disse tilfælde i stedet bl.a. dreje sig om opmærksomheds-forstyrrelser. Patientgruppen for den nationale kliniske retningslinje er afgrænset til børn og unge (under 18 år), som enten har epilepsi, eller hos hvem der er mistanke om epilepsi. Herunder fysisk og/eller psykisk udviklingshæmmede børn og unge. Børn med neonatale kramper, defineret som kramper indtil 28 dage efter fødslen, indgår ikke i den kliniske retningslinje. Retningslinjen skal for den definerede patientgruppe fokusere på udredning og diagnosticering af epilepsi, samt start på og opfølgning af behandling for epilepsi. Retningslinjen vil således ikke omhandle kirurgisk behandling af epilepsi eller elektrisk nervestimulation. En national klinisk retningslinje forventes at medvirke til, at patienter med epilepsi i højere grad opnår hurtigere udredningsforløb, præcise diagnoser, samt målrettede behandlingsforløb. Søgetermer Engelske: epilepsy, epilepsies, epileptic Danske: epilepsi Norske:epilepsi Svenske: epilepsi Inklusions- og Sprog: Engelsk, dansk, norsk og svensk eksklusionskriterier År: de sidste 10 år, (2004-2014) Population: (børn og unge – ikke anvendt i søgningen) Publikationstyper: retningslinjer, riktlinjer, Guidelines, practice guidelines, clinical pratice, treatmentguidelines, evidence based practice 1 Informationskilder Databaser Interface Fund Dato for søgning G-I-N International Internet 40 7. juli 2014 NICE (UK) Internet 23 7. juli 2014 National Guideline Internet 20 7. juli 2014 Clearinghouse (USA) Scottish Intercollegiate Internet 4 7. juli 2014 Guidelines Network (SIGN) HTA Databasen (CRD Internet 39 7. juli 2014 database) SBU, Sverige Internet 6 7. juli 2014 Socialstyrelsen, Sverige Internet 5 7. juli 2014 Helsedirektoratet, Norge Internet 0 7. juli 2014 Kunnskapssenteret, Norge Internet 6 7. juli 2014 Netpunkt Internet 2 14. juli 2014 Medline OVID 86 14. juli 2014 EMBASE OVID 674 14. juli 2014 PSYCINFO OVID 371 14. juli 2014 CINAHL EBSCO 25 14. juli 2014 Note: • Vedr. Guidelines fra Hayes, som er kommercielle og dyre, de vælges derfor fra. • Søgetermer og inklusions- og eksklusionskriterier er tilpasset de enkelte databaser. • De fundne referencer afleveres så vidt muligt via RefWorks – hvor dubletter så vidt muligt er frasorteret. • For referencer der ikke er Refworks kompatible vælges Word. • Søgestrategi for hver enkelt database præsenteres – hvis muligt vises det ekspilcit hvor mange referencer de enkelte søgeord genererer 2 Søgestrategi GIN Søgt på Epilepsy 40 fund Relevance Title Organisation Type 100% Diagnosis and m anagement of epilepsy in adults (SIGN CPG SIGN (GB) - Scottish Guideline 70) Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 98% Practice advisory: the use of felbamate in the treatment of AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline patients with intractable epilepsy. Report of the Quality Healthcare Research and Clearing Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Quality Report Neurology and the American Epilepsy Society. American Academy of Neurology. American Epilepsy Society. NGC:002047 ICEBM (IR) - Iranian Center Guideline ناکدوک رد یسپل یپا 98% [Epilepsy in Children] for Evidence-Based Medicine 95% Practice parameter update: management issues for women AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline with epilepsy--focus on pregnancy (an evidence-based Healthcare Research and Clearing review): teratogenesis and perinatal outcomes. Report of the Quality Report Quality Standards Subcommittee and Therapeutics and Technology Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and American Epilepsy Society. American Academy of Neurology. American Epilepsy Society. NGC:007263 94% Epilepsies graves. Guide ALD HAS (FR) - French National Guideline [Epilepsy] Authority for Health (formerly: ANAES) 94% Practice parameter update: management issues for women AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline with epilepsy--focus on pregnancy (an evidence-based Healthcare Research and Clearing review): obstetrical complications and change in seizure Quality Report frequency. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee and Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and American Epilepsy Society. American Academy of Neurology. American Epilepsy Society. NGC:007264 94% ACR Appropriateness Criteria® seizures and epilepsy. AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline American College of Radiology. NGC:008451 Healthcare Research and Clearing Quality Report 93% Practice parameter update: management issues for women AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline with epilepsy-focus on pregnancy (an evidence-based review): Healthcare Research and Clearing vitamin K, folic acid, blood levels, and breastfeeding. Report of Quality Report the Quality Standards Subcommittee and Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and American Epilepsy Society. American Academy of Neurology. American Epilepsy Society. NGC:007262 3 Relevance Title Organisation Type 92% Therapie der Epilepsien im Kindes- und Jugendalter. S2e-LL AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline (GNP, DGE) Scientific Medical Societies [Treatment of epilepsy in childhood and adolescence] 92% Diagnostische Prinzipien bei Epilepsien im Kindesalter. S2e- AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline LL (GNP, DGE, DGN) Scientific Medical Societies [Diagnostic principles of epilepsy in childhood] 92% Best evidence statement (BESt). Inpatient support groups for AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline families of children with intractable epilepsy. Cincinnati Healthcare Research and Clearing Children's Hospital Medical Center. NGC:007305 Quality Report 91% Epilepsiat ja kuumekouristukset (lapset) CC (FI) - Current Care / Guideline [Epilepsy and febrile seizures (children)] Duodecim - Finnish Medical Society 91% Epilepsie en anti-epilectica in de huisartspraktijk NHG (NL) - Dutch College Guideline (Farmacotherapeutische richtlijnen) of General Practitioners [Epilepsy and anti-epilectica in general practice] 90% Epilepsy (CG137) NICE (UK) - National Guideline Institute for Health and Care Excellence 87% Evidence-based guideline update: vagus nerve stimulation for AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline the treatment of epilepsy. Report of the Guideline Healthcare Research and Clearing Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Quality Report Neurology. American Academy of Neurology. NGC:010046 85% Therapie der Blitz-Nick-Salaam Epilepsie (West-Syndrom). AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline S3-LL (GNP) Scientific Medical Societies [Management of Blitz-Nick-Salaam epilepsy (West syndrome)] 74% Epilepsiat (aikuiset) CC (FI) - Current Care / Guideline [Epilepsies (adult)] Duodecim - Finnish Medical Society 74% Ketogene Diät. S2k-LL (GNP, DGKJ, DGN) AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline [Ketogenic Diet] Scientific Medical Societies 72% Epileptinen kohtaus (pitkittynyt) CC (FI) - Current Care / Guideline [Epileptic seizure (prolonged)] Duodecim - Finnish Medical Society 66% Zerebrale Anfälle beim Neugeborenen. S2k-LL (GNPI, DGKJ, AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline GNP) Scientific Medical Societies [Cerebral seizures in newborns] 66% Guidelines for the evaluation and management of status AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline epilepticus. Neurocritical Care Society. NGC:009114 Healthcare Research and Clearing Quality Report 65% Prise en charge des épilepsies partielles pharmaco- HAS (FR) - French National Guideline résistantes. Conférence de consensus Authority for Health (formerly: ANAES) 4 Relevance Title Organisation Type 65% Perampanel - Nutzenbewertung gemäß § 35a SGB V IQWiG (DE) - Institute for Evidence (Dossierbewertung) Quality and Efficiency in report [Perampanel - Benefit assessment according to § 35a Social Health Care Code Book V (dossier assessment)] 65% Retigabin - Nutzenbewertung gemäß § 35a SGB V IQWiG (DE) - Institute for Evidence (Dossierbewertung) Quality and Efficiency in report [Retigabine - Benefit assessment according to § 35a Social Health Care Code Book V (dossier assessment)] 65% Avaliacáo de condutores e candidatos a condutores de AMB (BR) - Brazilian Guideline veículos automotores portadores de epilepsia Medical Association 64% EFNS guideline on the management of status epilepticus in AHRQ (US) - Agency for Guideline adults. European Federation of Neurological Societies. Healthcare Research and Clearing NGC:008158 Quality Report 63% Diagnosis and management of epilepsies in children and SIGN (GB) - Scottish Guideline young people (SIGN CPG 81) Intercollegiate Guidelines Network 60% Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen: Diagnostik und Therapie. S2e-LL AWMF (DE) - Association of Guideline (DGN, GNP, DGNKN) Scientific Medical Societies 59% Adaptation of evidence-based CPG for the treatment of acute HCQD-AUHs (EG) - Guideline epileptic seziures among
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