Institute Name MVGR College of Engineering India Ranking 2017 ID IR17-ENGG-2-10788 Discipline ENGG Parameter Consultancy Projects Amount received (in S.No. Financial Year Name of faculty (Chief Consultant) Client Organization Title of Consultancy of project Amount received (in words) 2D.FPPP Rupees) 1. Mr. D. Nagendra Kumar Schemax technologies www.professorsweb.in NIL NIL Vignan Vihar Central School, 2. Mr. G.Satyanarayana Reddy Gudilova Development of lab infrastructure NIL NIL Y.Govinda Rao , DEE, RWS & S CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 3. Mr. B. Ramu ,Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota 1500 Fifteen Hundred only Y.Govinda Rao , DEE, RWS & S CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 4. Mr. B. Ramu ,Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota 1500 Fifteen Hundred only N. Subba Lakshmi, AEE, RWS , CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 5. Mr. B. Ramu Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota 1500 Fifteen Hundred only N. Subba Lakshmi, AEE, RWS , CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 6. Mr. B. Ramu Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 7. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 8. Mr. S. Murali Sagar Varma RWS&S, VZM Steel Testing 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 9. Mr. S. Murali Sagar Varma RWS&S, VZM Mix Design 4000 Four thousand only 10. Mr. B. Ramu Private SBC 3000 Three thousand only 11. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 12. Mr.R.P.Singh Private Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 13. Mr.R.P.Singh Private Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 14. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 15. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 16. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 17. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 18. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 2000 Two thousand only 19. Mr. CH. V. Ravi Sankar Vizianagaram Municipaity QA&QC 3000 Three thousand only 20. Mr.R.P.Singh Housing Board Cube Testing 3000 Three thousand only 1 2015-16 21. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 22. Mr. B. Ramu RWS&S, VZM SBC 1600 Sixteen hundred only 23. Mr. B. Ramu RWS&S, VZM SBC 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 24. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 25. Mr.R.P.Singh Private Cube Testing 2400 Two thousand four hundred only 26. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 27. Mr.R.P.Singh Vizianagaram Municipaity Cube Testing 1000 One thousand only 28. Mr. B.V.Joga Rao Vizianagaram Municipaity Core cutting and bitumen Extraction 18500 Eighteen hundred and fifty rupees only RWS Projects , Cheepurupalli 29. Mr.R.P.Singh Sub Division Cube Testing, sbc, bricks 6000 Six thousand only 30. Mr. B. Ramu, BV Joga Rao VUDA Vetting of design of water tank 5000 Five thousand only N. Subba Lakshmi, AEE, RWS , CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 31. Mr.R.P.Singh Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota (Phase-II) 1000 One thousand only N. Subba Lakshmi, AEE, RWS , CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 32. Mr.R.P.Singh Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota (Phase-II) 1000 One thousand only 33. Mr. B. Ramu & Mr.R.P.Singh RWS & S, VZM Soil Testing and Cube Testing 17500 Seventeen thousand and five hundred only 34. Mr. B. Ramu RWS & S, VZM Soil Testing 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 35. Mr. B. Ramu Mr. Ajay Soil Testing 1500 Fifteen Hundred only N. Subba Lakshmi, AEE, RWS , CPWS Scheme to 302 scarcity 36. Mr.R.P.Singh Cheepurupalli habitation in S.Kota (Phase-II) 1000 One thousand only Phytec Embedded Pvt. Ltd., Design of a new sub 1 Giga Hz PCB 37. Dr. Ramana Reddy & Dr. S.M. Vali Bangalore based Antenna for IoT applications 200000 Two lakh only .. TOTAL(2015-16) 293500 1. Ms. M. Swarna, Mrs. B. Intranet portal for accessing e- Anjanadevi MVGR College of Engineering material NIL NIL 2. Ms. M. Swarna, Mr. automated Outcome based Y.H.Prasanna raju MVGR College of Engineering Feedback System NIL NIL Superintendent of Police Office, 3. Dr. V.Nagesh Vizianagaram Track Hawk”&“Accidents Zone app NIL NIL 4. Mrs K. Sobha Rani & Ms Superintendent of Police Office, M.Swarna Vizianagaram Grievance Cell Tracking system NIL NIL 5. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE,RWS (S), Vizianagaram CPWS Scheme to S.Kota NIL NIL Municipal Engineer, 6. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipality MS Tree Guards QA-QC Report 3822 Three thousand eight hundred and twenty two 7. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Laying of CC Road in Vuda Colony 1500 Fifteen Hundred only CPWS Scheme to S.Kota OHBR 350 8. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE,RWS,Vizianagaram KL 3000 Three thousand only DEE,RWS Cheepurupalli Sub Drinking water facility plant in 9. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Division ,Vizianagaram Mentada NIL NIL Laying of CC Road in Botchapeta , 10. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE, Vizianagaram Municipaity Laying of CC Road in Naiduthota 2300 Two thousand and three hundred only Laying of CC Roads in Various 11. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Locations NIL NIL DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 12. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram 60KL OHSR @ Palagara 1500 Fifteen Hundred only DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 13. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram 90KL OHSR @ Baljipeta 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 2 2014-15 Laying of CC Road in Pradeep Nagar, 14. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Laying of CC Road in KL Puram NIL NIL Laying of CC Road in Premises of 15. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Police Training College NIL NIL DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 16. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram 90KL OHSR @ Baljipeta 300 Three hundred only DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 17. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram 90KL OHSR @ Baljipeta 1800 Eighteen hundred only DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 18. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram 60KL OHSR @ Chilakalapalli 1500 Fifteen hundred only DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 120KL OHSR @ Pedapemki 19. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram (V),Ballipeta (M) 4300 Four thousand three hundred only DEE,RWS & S Sub division , 120KL OHSR @ Pedapemki 20. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram (V),Ballipeta (M) 4000 Four thousand only 90KL OHSR @ Baljipeta 60KL DEE,RWS & S Sub division , OHSR @ Palagara 60KL OHSR @ 21. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Parvathipuram Chilakalapalli 4000 Four thousand only 22. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Laying of CC Road in Balaji Nagr 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 23. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Laying of CC Roads & Drains 1000 One thousand only 24. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Perla Suman Duplex House Construction 2000 Two thousand only MVV.Satya Narayana Rao & Construction of Apartment near 25. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Others Maharaja Hospital 900 Nine hundred only Construction of Compound wall to 26. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Municipaity Rajiv Stadium 1000 One thousand only .. TOTAL(2014-15) 35922 1. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE,Vizianagaram Municipality Laying of road in Pradeep Nagar 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 2. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE, RWS (Mtc), Cheepurupalli 20KL OHBR @ Terlam 3000 Three thousand only 3. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE, RWS & S, Vizianagaram 40KL OHBR @ Peda Thadivada 1500 Fifteen Hundred only CWSS package-II, GKC ELSR of 500KL @ Vyasanarayana 4. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Projects Limited,Viziangaram metta 3000 Three thousand only 3 2013-14 P.Chandra Kiran, AE, RWS & S Section , K.Kotapadu & PWS Scheme to Madugula OHSR of 5. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Madugula I/C 15KL NIL NIL P.Chandra Kiran, AE, RWS & S Section , K.Kotapadu & PWS Scheme to Madugula OHSR of 6. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Madugula I/C 15KL NIL NIL P.Chandra Kiran, AE, RWS & S Section , K.Kotapadu & PWS Scheme to Madugula OHSR of 7. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Madugula I/C 15KL NIL NIL Y.Govinda Rao , DEE, RWS & S Providing Drinking Water Facilities 8. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju ,Cheepurupalli in Mentada. 9200 Nine thousand two hundred only 9. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju K.V.Subba Raju (Contractor) Providing SVS , Bheemili 4000 Four thousand only D.Krishna Prasad (Engineer & 10. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Contractor) PWS Scheme to Anandapuram 5200 Five thousand two hundred only 11. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju V.Rama Rao (Contractor) Providing SVS Scheme to Bheemili 4000 Four thousand only Y.Govinda Rao , DEE, RWS & S 12. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju ,Cheepurupalli 40 KL OHBR @ Jami 4500 Four thousand five hundred only 60 KL OHSR @ Rellipeta 40 13. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju DEE , RWS & S, Vizianagaram KL OHSR @ Goddupalem NIL NIL Y.Govinda Rao , DEE, RWS & S 40 KL OHBR @ Jayathi 40 14. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju ,Cheepurupalli KL OHSR @ Uddangi 3000 Three thousand only P.L.N.Prasad,DEE, RWS & S 40 KL OHBR @ Laxmipuram village , 15. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Projects, Vizianagaram Jami Mandal 1500 Fifteen Hundred only P.L.N.Prasad,DEE, RWS & S 16. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Projects, Vizianagaram 120 KL OHSR @ Jami ZPH School 1500 Fifteen Hundred only 17. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju K.V.Subba Raju (Contractor) Water Tank @ Bheemili NIL NIL D.Krishna Prasad (Engineer & 18. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Contractor) Water Tank @ Anandapuram NIL NIL 19. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju V.Rama Rao (Contractor) Water Tank @ Bheemili NIL NIL DEE, Municipality of Laying C.C.road in Mangalaveedhi 20. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram colony 2000 Two thousand only DEE, Municipality of 21. Mr.B.Ramesh Raju Vizianagaram Laying of C.C road in Pradeep Nagar 3000 Three thousand only DEE, Municipality of BRGF-2012-13,Package-4,Roads in 22.
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