Tuesday, November 24, 2020 wwwwww.the-papers.com.the-papers.com Serving Elkhart County and parts of Noble, LaGrange & Marshall Countiesounties Know Your Neighbor ................. 2➤ Speak Out . 3 Good Neighbors . 4 Look Ahead To Christmas . 6-111 Vol. 48 No. 33 Goshen (574) 534-2591 134 S. Main, Goshen, Indiana 46526 RU SWAMP PROGRAM T/)/;c/Ua Dc/TADTRUa dT-a3DTa Ac;TDA@/A\>a ),(/',163(&7,21³Jim Hess, district manager for the Elkhart County Soil and Water District, inspects a fleld of a Storm Water Alliance Management Program participant. Hess is checking out the mix of cover crops the e)/>>/A)/ land owner used as well as the soil compaction. Started in 2017 with just seven participants, the SWAMP program had more than 100 this year and continues to grow. Photo provided. %\/$85(1=(8*1(5 and exclusion fencing. When the program started in $VVRFLDWH(GLWRU The SWCD used county money 2017, the county commissioners to help fund SWAMP, but found and storm water board gave the Recently Gov. Eric Holcomb the return was far greater. “We’re ECSWCD $50,000 for SWAMP. honored the Elkhart County putting funds out, the return to Hess spent all of the money. SWCD with the Governor’s keep soil out of the ditches is far In 2018, the program received Award for Environmental Excel- greater,” Hess said in a phone in- $100,000 and again it was all lence in Land Use/Conservation. terview. Since the program’s in- spent. This year Hess requested The award was acknowledging ception, SWAMP has prevented and received $300,000. “We’ll the ECSWCD’s Storm Water Al- a total of 20,373 tons of soil from spend every cent of it,” he said. liance Program, which is a cost- entering local waterways, saved Next year the program has re- share program that covers up to $42,783 in total on-farm nutri- quested $400,000. 75% of the total cost of each ap- ent benefit and saved a total of Hess said he has no issues ask- proved project. $100,438 in total off-farm water ing for increases every year since Jim Hess, district manager quality benefit. “The ag, rural Elkhart County for the ECSWCD, explained the Hess said the key to the pro- community is serious about con- SWCD wanted a way to use local gram’s success is minimizing the servation,” he said. dollars for conservation, not just issue. “You don’t want to create There is a benefit for cities as state and federal dollars. Funds a dredging project. That’s expen- well. “Cities are noticing (the from the storm water fee county sive and involves many (county) impact of the program),” Hess residents pay go toward funding departments,” he explained. said. “They’re seeing less flood- the program. SWAMP also fills the gap be- ing. Incorporating conservation What the SWCD did was take tween state and federal programs practices helps relieve the pres- a program the National Resource a land owner may not qualify for. sure on drainage ditches which +2125('%<7+(*29(5125³Jim Hess, district man- Conservation Service was us- “The biggest goal out of all of in turn makes crop land more re- ager for the Elkhart County Soil and Water District, shows off the ing and brought it to the local this is to keep our waterways silient to drought and floods. We Governor÷s Award for Environmental Excellence in Land Use/Con- level. The program was started in clean,” Hess said. The SWCD wanted to create a local conser- servation, which the SWCD was awarded last month. The award Elkhart County in 2017 with just partnered with the county sur- vation program that would act is for the SWAMP program which encourages land owners to use seven participants. This year it veyor’s office since that office like a sponge,” Hess explained. conservation techniques to keep the soil and nutrients on their has more than 100 participants. maintains the drainage ditches. Other counties are looking flelds, not ‡owing into neighboring waterways. Photo provided. SWAMP covers six best prac- By putting SWAMP practices into at replicating SWAMP in their tices land owners can adopt to play in priority areas, the survey- communities and in January keep the soil on their fields, rath- or’s office could move from ditch Hess is presenting the program er than it flowing into local water maintenance to other projects. at a national conference. “What I ³&LUFXODUV³ sources such as drainage ditches, “It’s a way to get different de- want others to look at are fund- +DUGLQJV.URJHU/-:DJQHU streams or creeks. Those prac- partments working together,” ing sources. They have to see a tices are blind inlets, cover crops, Hess explained. “The SWAMP value,” he said, explaining the 0DUWLQ·V6XSHUPDUNHW1HLJKERUKRRG)UHVK filter strips, grade stabilization project was a solution to a prob- value may not be seen for gen- 6KRH&DUQLYDO7UDFWRU6XSSO\&R:DOPDUW structures, grassed waterways lem.” erations. 2 www.the-papers.com — the PAPER — Tuesday, November 24, 2020 KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOR Area resident shows love for cats by rescuing strays %\/$85,(/(&+/,71(5 6WDII:ULWHU “My cover page on my Facebook account shows the beginning of my love for cats,” stated Jennifer Gil- lispie, Dunlap. “I’m 2 years old kneeling beside my mother while she holds a barn kitten at my grandparents’ farm. That particular day, I begged Rite Choice Foods ™ to take the kitty home. But to The right food at the right price my dismay, the kitten stayed at the farm. Since that day, Senior Citizens Discount Every Tuesday Receive 5% Off (Excluding Tobacco & Alcohol) I’ve had a special love for all PRICES GOOD NOV. 27-DEC. 2, 2020 animals, especially cats and LOCALLY OWNED SINCE 1991 BY GARY MILLER dogs. I want to rescue them YOU NEVER KNOW THE DISCOUNTS DAVE HAS IN STORE … CHECK OUT HIS LIMITEDMITED IITEMSTEMST and keep them safe.” IN STORE FOR DEEPER DISCOUNTS THAN ADVERTISED Because she loves all ani- 'LVFRXQW NO GUARANTEE ON ITEMS LISTED. WE APOLOGIZE FOR %(6748$/,7< 'DYH« ANY INCONVENIENCE THIS MAY CAUSE ... IT IS BEYOND ,7(06)25 mals and birds, Gillispie has WKH'HDOHU)LQGHU %(6735,&(6 OUR CONTROL. ~ ALL ITEMS ARE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! ~ been in some pretty uncom- LIKE AND FOLLOW US ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE fortable situations through WEW WILL BE CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY! life. “When I was 15 and we MEAT were visiting New Buffalo, I spotted a seagull in a parking CHICKEN LEG $ 90 lot. It had a hook stuck in the QUARTERS 10 LBS. 5 roof of its mouth, the point ECKRICH $ 99 sticking up beside its beak. I SMOK-Y-LINKS 8.3 OZ. 2 knew it needed help. I pried TOP VALU 2/$ 00 open its beak and pulled the BACON 16 OZ. 5 hook free. The bird evidently $ 99 knew I was trying to help it. I T-BONE STEAKS 3 LB. got very little resistance from the small creature.” FAMILY PACK ¢ $1,0$//29(5² Jennifer Gillispie, Dunlap, loves all animals, es- As an adult, Gillispie CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS 69LB. pecially cats and dogs. She÷s pictured holding one of her favorite felines. adopted four dogs from the produce She purchased a flve-acre farm property for Here Kitty Kitty Rescue. Now Humane Society of Elkhart IDAHO her cats have the run of the barn, that÷s been renovated for their comfort. $ 99 County. “I like big dogs. I have POTATOES 10 LB. BAG 3 (Photo provided) three German shepherds and NEW CROP $ 99 an old Leonberger. Two potbel- in cages but are allowed to tered. They have all their TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 5 LBS. 4 lied pigs and some chickens roam freely.” Her organiza- shots and are tested for the $ 99 also reside at my home.” She tion is called Here Kitty Kitty FIV virus. “Then we work with CLEMENTINES 3 LBS. 4 DOLE has also worked closely with Rescue. them to get them ready for $ 19 the area pet rescue facilities. When she gets a cat, Gil- adoption.” CLASSIC SALAD MIX 12 OZ. 1 Because of her heart for lispie’s goal is to find it a One of Gillispie’s biggest DOLE $ 19 rescue, community members forever home. “But some of our challenges is asking for dona- COLE SLAW 14 OZ. 1 were asking her to help the cats are not adoptable. They tions for the animals’ care. DOLE ¢ CELERY 99 abandoned cats they found in come with some baggage from “I’m a self-sufficient individual EA. their neighborhoods. “I opened being abused and neglected. and we’re a nonprofit orga- YELLOW $ 49 up a small rescue facility for A few of our kitties will be nization. I’ve come to realize ONIONS 3 LBS. 1 cats in my home in 2011. I put staying at our facility for the that we’re totally dependent GROCERY them in my sun room.” rest of their lives. I want them on community members for ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY SWEET HEAT ¢ As the organization grew, to have a happy home, where food, litter and vet bills. I’ve POTATO CHIPS 9 OZ. 99 Gillispie purchased a five-acre they’re treated like family.” also learned to let down my ESSENTIAL EVERYDAY $ 79 farm property. “There was Her staff members and guard and ask for help.” FROSTED SHREDDED WHEAT 18 OZ. 1 an old horse barn out back. volunteers are very important Gillispie has two grown We gutted the barn and put SCOTT COMFORT members of her family as sons; Hunter and Brandon and $ 99 in plumbing, and heating.
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