October 20, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26363 largely composed of what geologists call base- goal. The second extra time period saw a bat- what we have accomplished would have ever ment rocks, the oldest rocks on the earth esti- tle of ferocious intensity where the game’s been possible. mated at 1.7 billion years old. With its narrow outcome was held in the balance. So intense It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I give my was the last five-minute period that two thanks to the people of Gunnison who played openings, sheer walls, and scenic gorges that Santa Cruz players were carried off injured. plunge 2000 feet into the clear blue majesty of Neither side backed down. The final score a leading role in making the Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, the Black Canyon is a was Boston Demons 4 goals 2 behinds, for a the Gunnison National Park a wonderful reality natural crown jewel second to none in its mag- total of 26 points, to Santa Cruz 3 goals 2 for Colorado, America, and the world to enjoy. nificent splendor. Though other canyons may behinds for a total of 20 points. MEN AND WOMEN OF HONOR have greater depth or descend on a steeper The Boston Demons is composed of expa- course, few combine these attributes as tiate Australians, Americans, Irish, and a breathtakingly as does the Black Canyon. Dane. Based in Boston, MA, the Boston De- HON. HELEN CHENOWETH-HAGE mons have recently had a large amount of OF IDAHO If ever there was a place worthy of the pres- media exposure in both the U.S. and Aus- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tigious status that only national park status tralia because the team highlights the loss of Wednesday, October 20, 1999 can afford, Mr. Speaker, it is the Black Can- Australian intellectual capital to the U.S. yon. But as you know, national parks don’t just (see: http://www.theage.com.au/daily/991002/ Mrs. CHENOWETH-HAGE. Mr. Speaker, all happen. In this case, it took nearly 15 years, news/specials/news28.html). of us were alarmed when it was recently re- several Congressional Representatives and f ported that American soldiers fired upon civil- Senators, innumerable locally elected officials, ian refugees during the Korean War. However, and a virtual sea of committed citizens in TRIBUTE TO THE BLACK CANYON what was not reported were the numerous western Colorado. OF THE GUNNISON AND THOSE acts of compassion that our fine fighting men Included in this group are the good people WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE and women performed during the Korean War. of Montrose, Colorado. During this long and at One such Marine is Ron Rankin, a Kootenai times difficult process, Montrose’s civic lead- HON. SCOTT McINNIS County Commissioner from Coeur d’Alene, ers have given tirelessly and beyond measure OF COLORADO Idaho. Mr. Rankin wrote a powerful guest col- in the hopes of making the Black Canyon a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES umn regarding his personal experiences as a national park. Again and again these great young Marine during the Korean War in the Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Americans rose to the challenge, doing every- October 18, 1999 edition of the Spokesman- thing in their power to fulfill this dream. With- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with an Review. In this column he details many self- out Montrose’s leadership and perseverance, overwhelming sense of pride that I now rise to less actions such as Marines giving their own none of what we have accomplished would pay tribute to a truly historic event in the proud rations to starving Korean families, as well as have ever been possible. and distinguished history of the great State of a rifle company assisting in the birth of a It is with this, Mr. Speaker, that I give my Colorado: the establishment of the Black Can- North Korean baby. I ask unanimous consent thanks to the people of Montrose who played yon of the Gunnison National Park. that his statement appear in the appropriate a leading role in making the Black Canyon of As the House sponsor of legislation that re- place in the RECORD. Furthermore, I urge all the Gunnison National Park a wonderful reality designated the Black Canyon as a national my colleagues to read Mr. Rankin’s entire col- for Colorado, America, and the world to enjoy. park, it gives me great joy to describe for this umn to see that the majority of the fighting esteemed body’s record the beauty of this men and women who served in Korea did so CONGRATULATING THE BOSTON truly majestic place. In addition, I would like to with honor. DEMONS offer my gratitude to a community of individ- [From the Spokesman-Review, Oct. 18, 1999] uals instrumental in the long process that ulti- SINS OF FEW NEED NOT OVERSHADOW TROOPS’ HON. MICHAEL E. CAPUANO mately yielded the establishment of the Black ACHIEVEMENTS OF MASSACHUSETTS Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. (By Ron Rankin) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, anyone who has visited the I felt sick, physically and emotionally, as Black Canyon can attest to its awe-inspiring Wednesday, October 20, 1999 I read the report. The Forgotten War was fi- natural beauty. Named for the dark rock that nally to be remembered. But of what? For Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I submit the makes up its sheer walls, the Black Canyon is the allegation that an Army company had following article which appeared in the Mel- largely composed of what geologists call base- fired on civilian refugees early in the Korean bourne Age on October 20, 1999 for the ment rocks, the oldest rocks on the earth esti- War. record and to offer my congratulations to the mated at 1.7 billion years old. With its narrow America was unprepared when the Korean Boston Demons for their outstanding efforts in War broke out. We had recklessly openings, sheer walls, and scenic gorges that downscaled our military since the end of winning the 1999 U.S. Australian Rules Na- plunge 2000 feet into the clear blue majesty of World War II, which may account for the tional Championship. the Gunnison River, the Black Canyon is a lack of discipline of troops involved in the [From the Melbourne Age, Oct. 20, 1999] natural crown jewel second to none in its mag- No Gun Ri incident. Unfortunately, that in- cident could stain the reputation of many BOSTON DEMONS 1999 U.S. NATIONAL nificent splendor. Though other canyons may valiant young men who did serve with honor. CHAMPIONS have greater depth or descend on a steeper course, few combine these attributes as A headline that would more accurately re- CINCINNATI, OHIO (17 October 1999). The Bos- flect the character of our American troops ton Demons Australian Rules Football team breathtakingly as does the Black Canyon. should read, ‘‘Tired, over-extended, battle- today won the 1999 U.S. Australian Rules Na- If ever there was a place worthy of the pres- hardened Marines share rations with refu- tional Championship by narrowly defeating tigious status that only national park status gees.’’ the Santa Cruz Roos in overtime. can afford, Mr. Speaker, it is the Black Can- The Marine Corps has the reputation of The national championship was host by yon. But as you know, national parks don’t just having highly-trained, highly-disciplined and the Cincinnati Dockers, and consisted of 22 happen. In this case, it took nearly 15 years, highly-efficient combat soldiers. Not gen- teams from around the country, representing erally recognized is that, behind all the bra- cities such as Nashville, New York, Seattle, several Congressional Representatives and Senators, innumerable locally elected officials, vado, they are real people with real emo- Chicago, Denver and San Diego. tions. The Boston Demons were the defending and a virtual sea of committed citizens in The Marine Corps Reserve unit I served U.S. National Champions. The national western Colorado. with, from the historic landing at Inchon to championship, called the Grand Final, was, Included in this group are the good people the epic Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, were by some accounts, the most intense game of of Gunnison, Colorado. During this long and at young husbands and fathers. Many like me Australian Rules football ever played in the times difficult process, Gunnison’s civic lead- had served a ‘‘hitch’’ in their teens, had been U.S., with neither side giving any quarter. ers have given tirelessly and beyond measure trained and tried and knew what to expect. Santa Cruz played with dedicated intensity, in the hopes of making the Black Canyon a We had a desire to get the job done and go while the Boston Demons yielded nothing. home to our families. At the end of regular time of two 20-minute national park. Again and again these great During the outfitting, processing and ship- halves, the game was drawn at 20 points Americans rose to the challenge, doing every- ping out we were all given a package from each. Two five-minute periods of extra time thing in their power to fulfill. Without Gunni- the Red Cross which included a pocket-size were added, in which Boston kicked a quick son’s leadership and perseverance, none of Bible. VerDate May 21 2004 10:36 Jun 19, 2004 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\E20OC9.000 E20OC9 26364 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 20, 1999 This Bible fit the breast pocket of GI dun- TRIBUTE TO THE BLACK CANYON of the National Youth Advocacy Coalition garees.
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