vc-::::r q//jo{J-,f~I- ,_, Dec. l 1987 (!__ c, l ,MSU Clip Sheet LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER. LEXINGTON, KY .. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1987 ..... •.. -,. '':: South' Carblina developer is high bidder for UK farml \ •ments . • - . ! . By Jamie Lucke : would' be prohibited on South Farm Jack Blanton, UK vice chancel- ·; Herald-Leader education writer : under the propcsed Fayette Urban lor for administration, said the uni- i A South Carolina company : County Comprehensive Land Use , versity was "certainly very much·: that develops shopping centers : Plan Update .. The plan designates ,. a~are of' the pctentia!' zoning con-.! was the high bidder yesterday, :South farm for light industry, resi­ fhct. , · _.. ! for part of the University of : dential, office and research park ."'But we really do considef,it to : Kentucky's South Farm op. Ni-·: ,uses. be a matter between the developer-! . · cliolasville. Road. · : , UK opened bids on the 180-acre . and city-county officials, ·. .'.; The,! · Hutchens Company Inc. of·.. ; farm for the first time in October. university will not be a part of that. i _Aiken, S.C., submitted the high , An: Indianapolis company that . ' , ·l . •' bid of ·$5.66 million for· 105 · : develops shopping centers was the "We would hope ~o~ething '. acres south of Man o' War : high bidder on 43 acres north of would be worked out ·amicably·: : Mari o' War Boulevard. That bid between the two. If not we'll' start , Boulevard. again." ' , · . :- / For the· second time, the ' : will be considered by the university high bidder's plans for South · : trustees next Tuesday. If the trust­ W_alter May, a member .of. the : Farm, are at- odds· with the ees approve, the company will be- plannmg . commission ,,who .-.also-, , ·Urban County Council's plans . gin seeking its desired zoning. ·_serves on· the comprehensive, plan ; :for Nicholasville Road. :, 'The bids in October were too update committee, said the universi-•:: · l9w on the remaining four parcels · : ty_ should reject bids that conflict ; , .. Documents accompanying. south of Mano' War. Yesterday, the with the comprehensive plan, c'1 ·the bid indicate the company .I university tried again, This time the ,. ·"I think the university should'. 'wants to have the la.rid zoned ' university combined two of the · make an effort to be a part of the; /mainly. :.for retail,. shopping,'_ tracts· south of Man o' War into a -C?mmunity and abide by its plan-_ , [along. with some· 'mL'<ed us~.: single'property. ·nmg process and ... take steps to) · (said UK purchasing director. · UK officials are still reviewing see their bidders abide by it," Mayi ,· JTorri Fields. the high bid from yesterday, Fields said, .._ . -,..·. ·_\, _J , b. However retail develop'. t •' I said. It will go to ,the board Tues­ day if it is in order. The final sale ' The plinni~g' commission wilill will depend on whether the bidders not vote .on ·the. plan_ until March, are able to obtain their desired . but May· predicted · the·· proposed ' zoning. zoning for Sou\h Farm .would: n?t] .~e changed. _ . ., : ,! 1 THE COURIER:JOURNA~;TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1987_ · UK decided to sell South-Farni because construction of Man o' warl -$5~8 million bid.)'or -part of UK -Boulevar~ and increased traffic hadi faran:\ -reduced its usefulness for agricul- LEXINGTON, Ky. - A South Carolina company has bid $5.6 ·, 1 million for 100 acres of the· University of Kentucky's South Farm.·. tural research. , · --~ . I The bid brings the total amount bid on different portions of· UK's 180-acre South Farm to more than $11 million. The enllre farm was appraised recently at $8.6 million. · The new bid $5,663,775, was submitted by the :Hutchens Co. of Alken, S.C., to~ land on the southwestern edge of Lexington, just south or a developed area near Fayette Mall. ·. , · : , Hutchens has ,indicated that it plans to seek a· zoning change ·1rom agricultural use to business use, according· to a UK state- menl , ·. .- . Late last month, an Indianapolis firm bid $5.85 million for 43 acres facing Nlcholasvllle Road in southwestern Lexington. UK's trustees will consider both bids' on Dec.' 8; , . • Earlier this year, the trustees declared UK's South Farm sur• - ~• C . -A service of ths Office of Public Information- The Daily Independent, Ashland, Ky., Monday, November 30, 1987 i;~espite :marl~et's ·recent.. pl11:n_g-e},;~­ :•job.'. outlool~ bright for gr~~uates. EAST- LANSING: Mich. (AP) - and education showed that large the Northeast. • .. ' Employers·scaled back their hiring corporations plan to cut back at· • Twenty-seven percent of: em-. · plans after last month's stock middle and top management levels ployers surveyed test new grad- , market plunge but still plan to hire and increase hiring by 2 percent to uates for drug use. Two percent '. more college graduates this year 5 percent for 1987~. test for AIDS. · than last,a survey shows. Shingleton said information was , At $30,190, chemical engineer-. : Michigan State University's an- compiled before and after the Oct. ing graduates head. the list of , 1 nual. survey of employers showed 19 stock market crash. highest. starting salaries. They are an expected 3.8 percent increase in Before the plunge, employers in- followed by industrial and civil· en­ hiring, with chemical engineering . dicated they would hire 5.5 percent · gineering majors. The lowest graduates dra)Ving the; highest more· graduates. Following the starting salary of $16,600 goes, to starting salary. downturn, the figure · dropped 1.T geology majors .. "Apparently the economy is percent. , The greatest increase in· de- . more solid than reflected by 'Black Starting salaries for graduates mand will be for' graduates major­ Monday' and it did, not shake the with bachelor's degrees average ing in hotel, restaurant and in- . confidence · of the employers as $22,600, the survey by placement stitution management, up 4.3 '·per- · -much ,,as many people beljeved," · services at Michigan State said. cent from a year ago. · ., said . ·John Shingleton, who con- · The ·survey also found: • Demand is· also. strong ' for ducted the survey. · • The regions with the best em- graduates with degrees in market- · Responses from 1,019 employers ployment' opportunities for new ing, geology, accounting and·-elec- in business, industry, gove_rnment graduates are the Southwest and trical engineering. ''. : 'I I•,; ',, I THE COURIER-JOURNAL, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1; 1987 Sil!.Bdea1ts receilf'ec!l $20.5 bilDio1i1dra: aid · WASHINGTON - College .students borrowed $10.1 btltlon last year, received $9.7 billion _in grants and ea,:ned $662 million on subsidized campus Jobs, the Cotlege Board said yesterday. In all, students received $20.5 billion in aid from state and local '' ·, governments and the institutions themselves, $535 million more , than was available in 1985-86. · . , . ,, The College Board said the pool· of available student' aid ·.has grown by nearly 21 percent slrice 1980-81, when students n;ceived $17 billion. Alter rising to $17.9 billion in 1981-82, it dropped the next year to $16.6 billion, .but has climbed each year since then. College costs, however, have been ctlmbing at twice the general rate of inflation during the 1980s. Taking inflation into ·account, . student aid has declined by 6.1 percent in the past seven years. " q/1} ~,J-:f.-•J 'c:.IL(l Dec. 2 1987 l.C-·L- ,JISU Glip Sheet r .. ■ampU.nal of :recent aniolu of bl.ta:nst tG i\lorilhaad ~ta U1ilv11nity -A service. of the Office of Public Information- ., THE:."c;:oURIER:JflURNAL,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER.;2, 1987 (New;~enter:··~could. put .UK\ .:_ 'aliead·.-irt'!r.bhotics -res~arcli\ 1 'By:"ronn-;~uRtHv :_~~;;,i_'-~_:_·_·:·'·-~:-.·-,:,:_/_·__ ·_~------:.1.·.,:.-.·-_; . ~ -~j~.::l ~ -~t~~J w~·i•~f.f:.:. · -, _ , _ 11 ., . LEXINGTON, ,:Ky. Officials broke ; , for''.Manufacturlng' at ,'Renssei~~;.:: • ·, ground yesterday for a $10 million re- · Polytechnic Institute In New York:, search center that could make tb'e Univer- and an official of the Robotic Indus- , ' i, sity of Kentucky'a national leader in ro- tries Association, seemed to agree."' 'I/• ·, botics research.·'.. · · - · · - -· If the center is able to raise and ··•, •:~ .Gov. Martha Layne_ Collins, speaking at spend its. estimated '$6 million, a, -the mornmg ceremony, called the center's :year·on research, "that would'make l /beginning·_,.another milestone in the Uni- lt'one of the largest_ (roboilcs) re-· \ 'I : ~ersity of Kentucky's journey toward· ex- search programs _in the country,''. he·. "cenence."': .' . ' ~ . said._- I ._;,.I, . ,/ '' _! ;, I .,'university offi~i~is ~id the"°ce'nter·'wm Robots are machines that are able · ·conduct· graduate0ievel research and will to per_form tasks normally done ~Y-i :·,give:'indµstries ·throughout .Kentucky a humans. Research , already ·being '. chance to learn from ·and use the ,exper- conducted at the UK center includes · , /ise· of-•the center's staff. · ·, ' · · projects on ,developing, ways to Im;: ·:,.,-;.'.'We want this center to be 'a powerful , prove mining equipment and, ways;· · tool for creating more and better jobs to have-machines grade vegeta]?tes; throughout Kentucky," Colllns:said. -. before they ,are packed. , - - , .. ·· "This robotics center truly is.going.to be Willlam·Gruver, a robotlcs-_exp'er( ,:an industry,'' she said, "(and) it's going to and the newly' named director ;of· be a catalyst to industry." _ the center, said part of the. center's • . __ The.center's funding was:in'cluaed -in job wm. be' to help local industrt'es" ' Collins', higher-education request -to•-,the and _educate people that automation. · 'General Assembly in 1986. Thal year/the ' does. not ·_m'ean Joss of Jobs. .. ".' ; 'General .Assembly allocated $10 million :. State Commerce Secretary carroll' , tor ~onstruction of.a six-story building'a~c/'; )\ Knicely ,said.the center is nol'.direct-' '..e_quipment-for the center.
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