E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 158 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2012 No. 20 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was guished military record as well. Politi- have to say to Mary Klappa, who now called to order by the Speaker pro tem- cally, he began as the mayor of West works for our colleague JOHN MICA, pore (Mr. YOUNG of Indiana). Covina, California, and many have said who was the one who informed me of f that he indicated right then that he this sad news, and the many others wanted to have an opportunity to serve who worked with Jim Lloyd, who was DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO in the United States House of Rep- so dedicated to constituent service and TEMPORE resentatives. He also had served as a provided an example and model for me, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Navy fighter pilot. that our thoughts and prayers are with fore the House the following commu- Mr. Speaker, I had a conversation all of you. nication from the Speaker: with his son, Brian, last night and his WASHINGTON, DC, grandson, Seth, and Jim was able to f February 7, 2012. spend his last moments on this Earth I hereby appoint the Honorable TODD C. with his grandson, who was following STOP STUDENT LOAN INTEREST YOUNG to act as Speaker pro tempore on this in his footsteps. His grandson, Seth, is RATES FROM DOUBLING day. a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy JOHN A. BOEHNER, at Annapolis, and is now training at The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. Pensacola, Florida. Jim had driven Chair recognizes the gentleman from f across the country and was visiting Connecticut (Mr. COURTNEY) for 5 min- utes. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Seth, and had just been with him be- fore he suffered a massive stroke and Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- drove off the road, ending his life as a marked an unfortunate milestone in ant to the order of the House of Janu- hero. His son, Brian, told me last night our country’s financial picture when, ary 17, 2012, the Chair will now recog- that there was a woman who was in the for the first time in American history, nize Members from lists submitted by way of the car, and even though his student loan debt actually exceeded the majority and minority leaders for foot had gone to the accelerator and he credit card debt, which again by itself morning-hour debate. suffered a stroke, he was still a hero in is just a huge statement in terms of The Chair will alternate recognition that he was able to steer the car away the challenges that families, middle between the parties, with each party from hitting this woman before it went class families and working families, limited to 1 hour and each Member into a ravine. are facing today in terms of trying to other than the majority and minority Last summer, his wife of 63 years, deal with the cost of higher education. leaders and the minority whip limited Jackie, his great ally, passed away. The value of a higher education de- to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall Jim told me during a lengthy conversa- gree or post-high school degree, which debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. tion following her passing that it was is sometimes debated in the media, f as if half of him was gone. still I believe is indisputable, and the So, Mr. Speaker, I have to say that statistics certainly demonstrate that. CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF Jim lived a very full 89 years. He was a At a time when our national unemploy- FORMER CONGRESSMAN JIM very distinguished Member of this in- ment rate is 8.3 percent, if you drill LLOYD stitution, serving on the Armed Serv- down deeper you’ll learn that for those The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ices Committee and as a member of the with less than a high school degree, the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Science and Technology Committee, unemployment rate is 16.5 percent. California (Mr. DREIER) for 5 minutes. where he chaired a subcommittee. He Those with a high school degree, it’s Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, it was made a great mark on many very, very 10.7 percent. Those with some college is very sad to get the news last Friday of important questions that we faced. 8.5 percent, and those with a bachelor’s the passing of our former colleague, I have to say, it was a privilege for degree or higher is 4.5 percent. Congressman Jim Lloyd. Jim Lloyd me, again, having begun as an adver- So the stakes could not be higher for and I began as political adversaries in sary of his, to have ended as a very young people all across our country the late 1970s and early 1980s, and we close and dear friend and political ally. that we must deal with the mounting ended up as great friends and allies on I have to say also that there are many cost of higher education and provide a wide range of issues. people here in this Capitol who knew mechanisms for them and their fami- Jim was a dedicated patriot. He was him and worked with him even though lies to actually finance it and pay for a public servant and had a very distin- he left more than three decades ago. I it. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H515 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:12 Feb 08, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07FE7.000 H07FEPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 7, 2012 In 2007, the Democratic-controlled ability and cost. Again, the President The other thing the Senate can do is Congress passed the College Cost Re- laid out the challenge to the Congress they can always amend any measure duction Act, which was a terrific meas- in his State of the Union Address. We that we send over there and send it ure that cut the interest rates for the must not allow Stafford Student Loan back to us. It’s not to say that we al- Stafford Student Loan program, the interest rates to double on July 1. ways have the best idea, but I believe federally subsidized student loan pro- b 1010 that the Senate, our brothers and sis- gram which provided some stability ters in the Senate, could have some and affordability for middle class fami- We should pass H.R. 3826. We should good ideas. Attach them back, amend lies, from 6.8 percent down to 3.4 per- get that to the President so that col- our bill, and send it back to us for us to cent. In addition, we unfroze the Pell leges and universities can help families consider and even go to conference if Grant program, which is the workhorse plan their tuition payments for the up- necessary. of paying for college education, all of it coming year and not allow this country All we’re asking is the United States paid for by eliminating wasteful sub- to go backwards in terms of making Senate to take action on things that sidies to banks. That measure has a sure that we have the finest workforce we, in the House, have passed, many in sunset this July. The interest rate re- in the world. a very bipartisan way. If you remember duction of the College Cost Reduction f back on January 24, on the 1,000th day, Act will in fact expire on July 1 unless THE SENATE MUST PASS A this body here—this body—voted 410–1 Congress acts. BUDGET to vote on a resolution calling upon the President Obama in his State of the Senate to pass a budget, that it’s of na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Union Address a few nights ago raised tional importance that we actually Chair recognizes the gentleman from this issue before all of us in the House have a budget and that the Senate be a Florida (Mr. NUGENT and Senate when he said: ‘‘When kids ) for 5 minutes. participant in the discussions, not just do graduate, the most daunting chal- Mr. NUGENT. Mr. Speaker, I rise sitting on the sidelines expecting us to lenge can be the cost of college. At a today to call upon the Senate majority carry the water. time when Americans owe more in tui- leader, Democrat HARRY REID. He set Mr. Speaker, we stand here today im- tion debt than credit card debt, this no budget this year. The American peo- ploring our Members to do the right Congress needs to stop the interest ple, I guess, don’t deserve a budget. thing. Let’s keep the pressure on the rates on student loans from doubling in When the Senate, on the 24th of Janu- Senate to do the right thing. July.’’ ary, surpassed the 1,000th day that they’ve yet to put a budget forward, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Mr. Speaker, shortly after his ad- The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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