DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN, 2021 By D istrict Administration Mahendragarh "We cannot stop noturol disasters but we con arm ourselves with knowledge: so many lives wouldn't hove to be lost if there wos e noug h disaste r pre pored ness." i:.r 1:. r' | 1 INDEX Sr.No. S ubj ect Page No. I Indcx I 3. Introduction '2-3 .1. I {istory ol' District Vahendrugarlr 4 5. l:'lood and t,ist of Bunds 4-5 6. List of Divers & Flood prone area Narnaul/Mahendragarh 5-6 7. List of 1'elephone NLrrnbcr I"lood Clontrol Roonr 6 8. List of Sectorlncharge Sub Division Narnaul / Mahendragarh 7 /Kanina 9. Flood prone urban area a of M.C Narnaulward wise duties & 8- 10 Scheme resource plan & Nearest relief point Source of Flooding & District map 10. Flood prone urban arca of M.(lMahendragarh Ncarest relief il point Resources ll. Flood prone rural area ofSub Division Narnaul / t2-14 Mahendragarh/Kan ina 12. List of Fodder Supply villages t5 13. Detail of Military liaison otllcer with telephone No. l6 I ,+. Natural Disaster: Earthquakc: Resource Plan l6-r 8 t5. Block wise Nodal Officers and Sector incharges for disaster t9-)) management t6. List ofoffioers of District Mahendragarh Telephone Directory 23-68 17. Detail of [x-Scrviceman: Annerure A 69-71 I8. Detail ofFlood prone Area: Annexure B 72 li:r l2 3 .l Introduction As a part of overall preparedness of thc state the Govt. of Haryana has a state disaster management action plan to support and strengthen the eflorts of district administration. In this context every district has evolved its own district disaster management action pran (DDMAp). rt is expected that these multi-hazard response plans would increase the effectiveness of administrative intervention. Multi-disaster Response plan The DDMAP addresses the rlistrict's response to disaster situations such as earthquakes, loods, cyclones, epidemics, offl-site industrial disasters ancr roads accidents and fires. Some of these disasters such as floods and earthquakes affect rarge areas causing extensive damage to rife, property and environment while others such as epidemics only affect large population. In any case, the management of these disasters requires extensive resources and manpower for containment by remedial action. The present plan is a multi-response plan lor the disasters and outlines the institutional framework required for managing such situations. However, the pran assumes a disastcr specific form in terms ofthe actions be to taken by the various agencies involved in the disaster. The front-end or local level ofany disaster response organization will differ depending upon the type ofdisaster, but at the level ofthe back-end i.e., at the controlling level at the district it will almost remain same for all type ofdisasters. Objectives The objectives of District Action plan are :- I ) To improve preparedness at the district level, through risk and vulneratrility analysis, to disasters and to minimize the impact of disasters in terms of human, physical and material loss. 2) To ascertain the status of existing resources and facilities available with the various agencies involved in the management ofdisasters in the district and make it an exercise in capability building of district administration. This enables the district to face a disaster in a more effective way and builds confidence across diflerent segments of society. lt will be a positive factor for long-term development olthe district. 3) To utilize different aspects disaster mitigation for development planning as tool for location and area specific planning for development in the district 4) To use scientific and technological advances in Remote Sensing, GIS etc. in preparation of this plan with a view to ensure their continuous use for development planning. 5)'fo develop a tiamework fbr proper documentation of f-uture disasters in the district, to have an update on critical infbrmation essential to a plan, to critically analyst and appraise responses and to reconrmend appropriate strategies. 6) To evolve DDMAP as an eff'ective managerial tool within the overall policy framework of Govt. of Haryana. Fagr l3 v, Response to disaster. In the absence ofa deflned plan, would be arbitrary leading the overemphasis of some actions and absence of other actions. Which could be critical. The objectives of any disaster management plan should be to localize a disaster and to the maximum extent possible contain it so as to minimize the impact on life. A formal plan for managing disasters is therefore necessary. This would include a. Pre-planning a proper Sequence ofresponse actions b. Allocation of responsibilities to the participating agencies c. Developing codes and standard operating procedures for various departments and relief agencies involved d. lnventory ofexisting fbcilities and resources e. Mechanisms fbr effectivc managenrent of resources f'. Co-ordination of all reliel activities including NGOs to cnsure a coordinated and effective response. g. Co-ordination with State tesponse machinery fbr immcdiate and appropriate support' h. Monitoring anrl Evaluation ofactions laken during reliel'and Rehabilitation. outline for vulnerability Assessment prepared by cSSD/EMC has been used as the basic instrument to collate district level information to meet the database requirements for the preparation of DDMAP. Policy Statement The underlying policy of the DI)MAP is to protect life, environment and property while ensuring. mitigation of the disaster to the nraximum cxtent possible. relief to those aftbcted and restoration of normalcy at the earliest. Essentially, comrnunities draw their suppofi from the social institutions, administrative structure, and and values and aspirations they cherish. Disasters may temporarily disorganize the social units A the administrative system and disrupt their lives built around these values and aspirations support systematic effort to put back the social life on its normal course with necessary technology and resources will contribute signiflcantly to the resilience ofthe community and nation. of This policy fonns the basis of the DDMAP, it aims at capacity building and prompt utilization and private resources in a disaster situation through a partnership of the Govt. of llaryana, NGOs initiatives and the community. In pursuance with this policy, DDMAP addresses itself to "victims" slrengthening the pre-disaster responses of various aqtors and stakeholders including the ofthe disaster. 'l;gr: l4 .r. History of District Mahendragarh In 1948, with the formation ol'PEPSU Mahendragarh territory from Patiala State, Dadri territory (Now district Charkhi Dadri) from State and Bawal territory from Nabha State were constituted into Mahendragarh district with the headqua(ers at Narnaul. At the time. There were three tehsils, namely; Narnaul. charkhi Dadri and Bawal and Mahendragarh was a sub-tehsil. In 1949, Mahendragarh subtehsil was made a tehsil, ln 1950, Bawal tahsil was broken up and 7g villages were transf'erred to Gurgaon district forming Bawal as a sub-tehsil and remaining villages were added to Narnaul and Mahendragarh. Since the merge of pE,psu with punjab in 1956, the Mahendragarh district became one ofthe nineteen districts ofthe then punjab, The Total area of the district is 1,94.160 Hectare and total population as regards 20ll census is 9,22,088. The total village falls in this district are 374. lt consists three Sub Divisions. five Tehsils and one Sub Tehsil. There are eight police station and eight blocks in this district. This district is situated in South corner of thc State. The boundary of this district touches the boundary of other district of Haryana like Bhiwani. Charkhi Dadri, Rewari, Jhaljar and the boundary of.Rajasthan States Alwar, Sikar Jaipur and Jhunjhunu. As the agriculture land of this district is sandy. The main crops are Bajara. Jawar, Gram. Due to sandy land the rainy water could not stay for a long time. The ground water level of this district is very low. So, People has to face drinking water problem. The farmers have to face a great problcm to produce wheat due to lack ofwater. The main occupation of the d istrict is agriculture. Floods and List of Bunds There are two seasonal rivers of this district are namely. The Krishnawati and The Dohan Theses rivers enter in district Mahendragarh l'rom Rajasthan State. Now Rajasthan State has constructed Dams on these rivers. So there are less possibility ofover flow ofwater in these rivers In view ofthe past experience and the prevailing condition of this district there is no problem of flood in District Mahendragarh rather underground water level has gone down every year because insufficient rain in rainy season for the last many years however arrangements are proposed to be under taken regarding protection from flood. Joint Inspection offlood protection works are made every year. List of Bunds Sub Division Narnaul List of Bunds Sub Division Mahendragarh Sr.No. Name of Bunds I Hamidpur 2 Narnaul 3 Dancholi 4 Bamanwas 5 Napla 6 Basirpur l.r;:1, 15 7 Mukanpura Sr.No. Name of Bunds 8 Gangutana I Balana 9 Morund -) t)hadhot l0 Panchnota -) Lawan Malra ll Navan .1 Mahendragarh 12 Ghatasher 5 Pali l3 Nangal Choudhary 6 Rajaw as 7 LJshamapur List of Divers & Flood prone area NarnauUMahendragarh List of Divers Sr. No. Divers Name and Address Mobile No, I St'. SanaeepTaaar, Slo Sh. Da).dram villagi Dublana Tehsil 91670t40)t Narnaul District Mahendergarh. 2. Sh. Manish Sharma S/o Sh. Rai llarit Moh. nA isanvara 9991 r l 5357 Narnaul Districl Mahendergarh. 3. Sh. Amit Kumar S/o Sh. Randheer Singh Village Khatripur 94928 r2850 Post Dublana Tehsil Namaul District Mahendergarh. 4. Sh. Kuldeep S/o Sh. Bhanwar Singh Villagc Khariwara 8814015t31 Tehsil Ateli District Mahendergarh. 5. Sh. Bajrang Singh S/o Sh. Bhanwar Singh Village Khariwara 88 r 384 t489 Tehsil Ateli District Mahendergarh. 6. Sh. Narpat Singh S/o Sh. Raguvir Singh Village Cujarwas 9969943757 Tehsil Ateli District Mahendergarh.
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