* TOJ;)AY: UNITA:ACCU5ED}.OF·f;,IGf.I] ING,ON * NA,rM : · PARTIES~: BACK ' OFF.~ ON ENVIR0NMENTA·l ';ISSUES * N$1.50 (Gst Inc.) Thursday November 24 1994 WATER CRISIS DRAWS TO ew deal AN END, BUT ... See p3 for.women on·car s Historic.bill to NA next year • STAFF REPORTER Namili~nl aw h~l~~d~hl~ili e p ro ~ res ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ the Constitution. "A woman married in community SWEEP~NG changes which will do of property who buys a house must register it in her husband's name, or if she wishes to borrow money away with decades of sex discrim­ from a bank she must have her husband's consent." ination arep i"oposed in the draft Women's organisations have repeatedly cal1 ed Married Person's Equality Bill to for the repeal of such discriminatory and unconsititutionallaws, she said. come before parliament next year. The report and the draft bill had resulted from A report on the proposed bill was released by research conducted by the Women and Law Com­ , Bience Gawanas, acting chairperson of the Law mittee, which was established by the LRDC to I ... (1994 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION) Refonn and Development Commission (LRDC), at review the entire area of family law relating to a media briefing yesterday. Gawanas pointed out that since independence Continued on page 2 DATE: 26 NOVEMBER 1994 VENUE: CAPRIVI REGION KATIMA MULlLO ADDRESS BY: PRESIDENT TIME: 10HOO DATE: 27 NOVEMBER 1994 VENUE: KAVANGORE GION RUNDU ADDRESS BY: PRESIDENT WHOA! ... Transport by donkey cart is still popular in rural areas in Namibia. This woman and TIME: 10HOO her child travelled to Kalkfeld from a nearby farm on Sunday. Photo: Chris Ndivanga New twist in ostrich·case DATE: 27 NOVEMBER 1994 • CHRISTOF MALETSKY Hans Heyman told The Namibian he had re­ VENUE: ce1ved ilie docket from the investigatiI)g officers but OSHIKOTOREGIO N THE Prosecutor-General has decided that a was not satisfied with the investigation. more indepth investigation is needed in the Heyman said he had handed the docket back and TSUMEB investigation into the illegal purchase of os­ had referred the officers to police chief Inspector­ triches and eggs in which a farm run by two General, Raonga Andima, with specific instruc- ADRESS BY: PRESIDENT highranking Government officials has been TIME: 17HOO implicated. Continued on page 2 I ' . .1: t ~ .. 1: TH~ , N~MIBIA~ where Namibians lacked the neces­ DTA Vice-President Katuutire sary expertise or capital. Kaura went on to warn Swapo that Kaura ~fl.S ~1~ll1JIled . Swa~o for if it prevented the DTA fr.om cam- overseell~g.~ ~r~ak~own I~ law paigning north of Oshivelo.the DTA and order, l~vl, tIng In. unrelIable would make it impossible for Swapo foreign. inve~tors,. apd failing to ' to op~rate further south. • create Jobs. Kaura. also lambasted the NBC for At a DTkraHy orrTuesday night I distorting attendance figures at DTA Kaura claimed that Swapo did not rallies. As an example Kaura reff'!rred know the meaning of a free market to Mishake Muyongo' s meet ing in economy. Oshakattlasf weekend which the NBC "Internationally-renowned compa- said 3'OO 'h'<fd attended. Kaura'c lalmed nies" had been spurned as "too capi- that 1 500 DTA supporters, had' been THE NEW HOTEL .•. This is how the Strand Hotel should look in two talistic" while "international mafia there. The Sapa correspondent was -------------------------------------;1 and crooks" had been welcomed to even more conservative than the NBC Namibia, he went on. saying only 250 had attended. Kaura was addressing several hun- DTA National Assembly caildidate, dred DTA supporters' at the , Moth Iohan de Waal, addressing the meet­ i\~'i:Jllaj Or. revarij Hall in Windhoek. ing earlier called on Namibia's Elec­ ~ p:::fQr . , ' . - . ..--- . ' He called for protection of local toral Commission to declare the elec­ businesses against foreign competi- tions due on December 7 and 8 unfair tion in areas of the economy where before they take place. Namibian companies were already He said that the alleged abuse of top .NaDl hotel'group operating. State funds by Swapo, was making the Kaura picked out the example of election campaign unfair. , f I' t h d be h' hI t' f' d South African retail firm, Pick n'Pay, De Waa] alleged that N$30 000 in • CHRIS NDIVANGA A num ber 0 c len s a en Ig y sa IS le b ' , . d " S f d h d be d .. h th f '1" t Mkt'" d' d' b bo k as a company elng inVite to run tate un s a en use to set up a Wit e aCI Itles a 0 u I an JU glng Y 0 - f . " , THE Namib Sun Hotels group has been , £ h 1995 th tr' t t b f our people out 0 Jobs . Swapo rally In the eastern town of 0 renamed Namibia Resorts International ~~gs ortt e ] , e tce~ t: IS se , e~ome one 0 , "That is not the free market econo- Gobabis two weeks ago. e ~os POthPU arAof~ -~ , - e-way con erence ven- my _ that :s cutting off our nose to Swapo has responded to such alle- (NRI). The change in name also marks the ues m sou em flca. f" K dd d . b . h S 'd th f b' h d St d H tIt spite our ace, aura a e. gatlOns y saying t at tate resources launchofa number ofnew major initiatives in G arratt sal e re ur IS e ran 0 ea,.. ' I] d D He said foreign compames should are only bemg used to ensure the the business. S w akopmun d wou Id be 0 ffiICla y opene on e-] d" .. NRI Chief Executive Officer Kevin Garratt said cember 9. So far only the first phase o(ihe "New on y be allowe to Invest In areas securIty of PreSident Sam NUJoma. new initiatives had been embarked on to meet the Strand" project has been completed. expected growth in demand for quality, accommo­ "Holiday visitors and coastal residents are due for dation and service. an experience entirely new to Namibia's favourite "We must endeavour to supply a service that wilI sea-side resort. entice tourists to come to Namibia." "I am not going to spill all the beans, except to say Garratt said,the initia1.fdcus would be OB Mokuti that the Swakoprimnd beach front is entering a new Lodge, the Strand Hotel at Swakopmund "and th~ and exciting era," said Oarratt. He added that the recently opened resort at Midgard. He added that hotel would look different in two years time. the upgrading and refurbishing of the Otjiwa Game Garratt also revealed that the NRI and the Gov­ Ranch was now in the final planning stages. ernment were planning to establish a five star hotel With the completion of the extended outdoor school at Swakopmund. restaurant facilities and with the state-of-the-art The partners intended training employees in the conference centre fully operational, Mokuti Lodge hotel industry according to international ratings. was expected to show a 60 to 65 per cent occupancy Garratt said extensive training was planned and rate b y the end of the year. This would be a record some courses could run for up to four years. The figure for the Lodge which was opened in 1989. Swakopmund M unicipal counci1 has allocated a " Apart from the growing demand from tourists, piece of land for the project, which is still in the both from overseas and neighbouring countries like feasibility stage. South Africa and Zimbabwe, the conference centre The NRI also owns the Atlantic Hotel (Walvis has met the most stringent requirements," said Bay), Hamburger Hof Hotel (Otjiwarongo) and Garratt. , Thiiringer Hof Hotel (Windhoek). ELECTION BEAT ... Katuutire Kaura shares a lighter moment during I Ia DTA meeting on Tuesday night. Kaura is flanked by some ofthe party's Ostrich case Unam mum on new nursing probe parliamentary candidates. Conl. from page 1 Cont. from page 1 Bankie said after having deliberate attempt to pe­ New deal for women in pipeline tions. claimed the matter was nalize any individual. "I received the docket Bankie, have remained receiving attention at the However the Commis­ Cont. from page 1 equal decision making rects otherwise; and studied it but nothing tightIipped about the vis- highest level. sion found that Unam, as power regarding their joint Gawanas noted that the was tlone on the rece'iving it. Kupe, attached to the a whole, lacked expertise marriage, divorce, matri­ property and major trans­ bill ensured that every end. Now I have given the Van Dyk referred all Nursing Department ofthe and understanding of ex­ monial property, inherit­ actions affecting the joint person, irrespective ofsex, Inspector-General specif­ questions to Bankie who University of Botswana, amination procedures in ance and issues relating property shall require the enj oyed basic human ic instructions to investi ­ initially appeared willing has come to Namibia at all Faculties and recom­ to children., consent of both spouses; rights, guaranteed in the gate." He would study the to"field questions verbally the invitation of Katjavivi m'ended the appointment The bill deals only with * conferring on a wom­ Constitution, report again after investi­ but later changed his mind who was empowered by of an external examiner. marriages contracted un­ an the right to register With the adoption of the gations had been complet­ and asked for questions to the Unam Senate to estab­ After a mass meeting der the. general law in ' property in her own ,name Constitution, Namibi,ans ed and then decide wheth­ be faxed through, marked lish a "small investiga-' foHowing the release of Namibia' or' contracted ' in tennsofthe Deeds,Reg­ had clearly envisaged a er to press charges or not.
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