" Vol. III, No. 10 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 13 March 1948 $500,000 Blaze in Caimanera Thursday $100,000 GRANTED BY BU FIREBOATS PREVENT YARDS & DOCKS TO ABOUT THE SPREAD OF FLAMES COMPLETE BARGO MASTHEAD Fire of an unknown origin broke POINT Yea, and be gorra Wednes- out at the New Orleans Bar in day is St. Patrick's Day. For Caimanera about 0430 Thursday Project Now Assured Success this occasion our staff artist, and quickly spread to adjoining The Bargo Point housing project, Mrs. Bates, drew the special buildings. The flames caused prop- virtually at a standstill during the masthead above. Its theme erty damage estimated at between first part .of the year, recently re- of course is good old St. Pat, $300,000 and $500,000. top hat, pipe, and staff, driv- ceived a shot in the arm from the Prompt work by the "Joturo," an Bureau of Yards and Docks, which ing the mythical snakes of ex-Navy Ireland into Subehaser owned by senior in response to our urgent requests, paganism out of Pepe Guerra, together with the sea. The shamrocks were has provided $100,000 to assure the quick arrival of Navy craft, suc- completion of the work. thrown in for good measure. ceeded in quenching the flames be- Last June, when work on Bargo fore they could spread away from was started, there was no money the shore line. Under the direction from the Bureau allocated for it. of R. T. Fowler, the YTB-524 was All unit fixtures and other neces- most needed fixtures could not be beached by her skipper, CBM D. C. sary equipment were to be drawn found in War Surplus. As a result, Smith, as close to the blaze as he from War Surplus materials. On the authorities were forced to cur- could get. A Fleet Boat Pool LCM, that basis the project was begun. tail all but a trickle of work, at carrying portable fire pumps and Meanwhile, workmen were paid by least temporarily. hose, was piloted by Lt. (jg) L. Base maintenance funds. While Finally, the Bureau of Yards and Bonatta to a landing nearby. Both construction was in progress, two Docks came through with the craft speedily began pumping things happened - maintenance needed allotment, and work now heavy streams almost simultane- funds were cut and some of the (Continued on Page Four) ously. These and other efforts under the supervision of Cdr. E. L. Robertson, Jr., C. 0. of Naval Station, and LtCdr. R. V. van Wol- kenten, Base Provost Marshal, were successful in bringing the fire un- der control. Twenty-two Restaurants Burned Altogether, some twenty-t w o bars and restaurants, many of which are well known to Base per- sonnel, were completely destroyed in the blaze. Information available indicates that the coverage by insurance was negligible and that heavy property loss to individuals was incurred. A fire on 28 June 1946 did almost an equal amount of damage to the business district of the town. Neither fire, however, destroyed homes of any of the Base em- ployees. The crews of the LCM and YTB The thrill that comes once in a lifetime. President Truman shakes are to be commended, as are the handg'with William Barrett at the Base School on Massip Hill. This and Base Police and Hospital Corps- other shots of the President's recent visit are now on sale at both Ship's men, for their efficient and level- Services and the Marine Post Exchange. headed work. Page Two THE INDIAN Page Two THE INDIAN "PLANK OWNER" OF The INDIAN GTMO. DISCHARGED Editorial Office, NOB Library,- Phone 672 ___DCA G 1948 William J. Trost, who spent - Saturday, 13 March nearly four years as Chief Master- U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE at-Arms of Naval Station, was dis- CHURCH SERVICES SUNDAY Guantanamo Bay, Cuba charged last week. Sunday, 14 March 1948 Captain C. E. Battle, Jr., USN Trost first enlisted in the Navy Catholic Masses Commander on 7 January 1941 and reported to 0700-Air Station Chapel Captain A. L. Pleasants, USN 0900-Naval Base Chapel Chief of-Staff 1745-Naval Base Chapel Comdr. E. L. Robertson, Jr. year. A 51 when received aboard, Daily Mass Commanding - Naval Station he went up the ladder of rates to 0645-Naval Base Chapel Phil Leininger------------------.Editor Chief Carpenter's Mate. Confessions before all Masses Chap. E. E Bosserman-.Staff Advisor Known as being a hard task- Protestant Services Reporters master while CMAA, but well liked 0945-Sunday School at Schoolhouse LtCdr. R. E. Pearce Louis Kitchen-.Y2 by men who worked under him, 1100-Naval Base Chapel Ensign R. E. Lent Ike Iseman.Y3 1900-Newtown Recreation Hall Sgt. Murphy M. E. Capps-Y8 Trost h a s commendatory letters Protestant Choir rehearsal each Thursday R. E. McCullough A. F. McGrow, SKD3 from all the CO's of this station at 1880 Photos by Courtesy Fleet Camera Party whom he has worked under. Chaplains at this Activity THE INDIAN is published weekly at no Tough as blazes on wrong-doers LtCdr. E. E. Bosserman, USN cost to the government, using government when in authority, Bill Trost has (Protestant) equipment and complying with the Navy lot of long-time friends in Cuba Lieut. John J. O'Neill, USN Department directives governing the pub- itself as well as on the Base. He (Catholic) lication of Navy -newspapers. Church Organist: Cdr. S. H. Pierce, USNR. THE INDIAN is a member of the Ship's was responsible for having grass Editorial Association and republication of planted and doing landscaping on credited material is prohibited without per- mission from SEA. THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press Service Material, which may not be re- Wellington boots on all and every printed without permission of AFPS. occasion is well known and the All Photographs used by the INDIANte parties he gave at "Red Barn" are Official U. remembered as extra special events. :* ______________He will be remembered also for CHAPIAlstS CORNER EDITORIALLY SPEAKING his amazing capacity for Hatuey beer without becoming intoxicated. "HAIL SAINT PATRICK" The 1948 American Red Cross He maintained 4.0 conduct during drive for 75 million dollars is un- his entire tour of duty here. Every nation has its heroes. derway, '75 million, that's t h e A native of Lancaster, Pa., Trost They are scholars, statesmen,. sol. goal; but to quote Pres. Truman: is rather hesitant on giving infor- diers and saints. Their memory will .c results should be limited only nation on his present plans, but it never be effaced. Their fame will by the generosity of the American s expected that he will end up always be an inspiration to their people." in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, where it fellow countrymen and to the world. Here in Guantanamo Bay during seems he has been offered a lu- That's the position St. Patrick 1947, Mr. Paul Olson, Red Cross creative job. holds for the people of Ireland Field Director, serviced 698 wel- and those of Irish descent who are fare problems for military person- KNOW YOUR GTMO. scattered throughout the world. St. nel and their families. Of these, K Patrick's Day isn't just a "great approximately 210 were emergency By M. L. Perry day for the Irish." It's a day for leave cases in which chapter yeb- Legend has it that the pair of old Christian joy for all who know fiction reports were procured and Spanish cannon in front of the NOB of the work of this holy man. prompt air transportation arrang- Administration Building came from In the beginning of the fifth cen- ed for the serviceman. Morro Castle at Santiago de Cuba. tury this lad, who has born in In addition, our Red Cross Office Nothing definite is known of their 387, was taken from his native made and is making many loans origin or why they were brought land to be a slave in Ireland. He in emergency and hardship situa- to the Base. Prior to 1921 they were was ordered to tend the flocks as tions. In handling these cases, 1102 placed in front of the old Ad Build- a shepherd boy. Somehow, alone letters plus 1072 cables were sent ing on Hospital Point. When the for hours at a time, he drew closer and received in '47. new Administration Building was to God in prayer and thought. He At t h e Naval Hospital, Miss completed in 1942, this brace of was twenty-two when he escaped Erna Hansen, Recreation Worker, cannon was moved to its present to the continent. There he sought has done a splendid job of making location. a knowledge of the teachings of life easier for patients. Every day, Another gun, located at the re- Christ from the Monks in Gaul. Miss Hansen writes letters for silence of Captain McIntosh on The more he studied, the more those disabled, makes shopping ex- Deer Point, was formerly part of he prayed that God would find a cursions at the Ship's Service, and the main battery of the old USS way for him to return to Ireland distributes health and comfort ar- MONONGAHELA, a combination and teach the pagans Christianity. tiles, sailing and coal-burning ship. In As a consecrated Bishop he return- None of us can possibly know 1911, the ship caught fire while ed to become "The Apostle of Ire- when tragedy may strike at home, coaling at Hospital Cay. hearing land." when we'll need immediate help. the fire would spread to the coaling He drove the "snakes" out of We can be certain however, that dock, t h e Captain ordered the Ireland;.
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