* PACT T ffE L V B H Ia«r^»B t»r Ett^nins i^rralb TPBBDAY, inBBKUAKT n , IBOTL a v e b a o b d a i l y o k o c l a t i o n THR WEATHKR for the BIobUi of Janoary, IMS On February 7, a dau^tor. The Eduoatlona; club will have The Women’s Guild of the Center Sunset Council, Degree o f Poca­ PameMt ef D. 8. Weather Bamao, Dance to Art McKay’s Madelon Rose, was bom at 81. lU February meeting at the Nathan Congregational church .will meet to. hontas win have a setback party to­ FOR voua StllUNNO AND Bartterd Francla hospital to Mr. and Airs. Hale echool, Wednesday the 19tb, at morrow night at the home of Mr. REPAIR JOBS OAIX Phir tonight, Thanday hiereneleg Peter Christiana. The mother was 4 o'clock. A Valentine tea will fol­ morrow afternoon at 2:30 at the 5.851 and Mrs. Roy Farris, 30 Summit I dondlnees with .lowly rWng twa- Miss Hazel Devlin of Manchester church. Lewis H. Piper o f the High Member of tbe Andit Orchestra, Friday, Feb. 14 low the buainess session. The club schol faculty will be the guest street. Playing , will begin at 8:30. I peratnre foUowed by mww in sfter- before her marriage. members will have, an opportunity WM. KANEHL Barean o f OIrculatloBn liattrfoBtfr Sounittn lu ra lb \ noon or nIghL School Street Ree speaker and bis topic will be "Cur­ Three cash prizes wiU be awarded w i M C H A U CORE of viewing at this time the art ex­ rent Eventa”. Children will be cared the winners and refresbmeiita serv­ Oenwal BuUdiag Oontraotor MAHCHItTia COHM- MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM Members of the Woman’s Home hibit arranged in the auditorium for during the meeting. ed. A ll players will be welcome. SI9 Center St. FIm im TT7| ADMISSION 25c Missionary society of the South ami lower school rooms. The pic- VOL. LV „ NO. 114. (ClauUtad A d vw n n ag on Pnga 1A> Methodist church are Incited to tuiTS have been bought during the MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 12,193K^ (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C E N TS : meet with Mrs. Inez Tnmx of 73 past year for use In the Barnard Self Serve and Health Foster street, Thursday afternoon and Nathan Halo schools and the ABOUT TOWN at 2:30. to assist in packing a mis­ collection Is well v/orth seeing. sionary barrel. Egyptian Rioters Douse Police The Second Congrejfational church I The uaual large crowd attended M arket GODARD, STATE Says Coal Bootlegging LINCOLN’S DAY !I Council will meet tomorrow night The Sewing circle of Uie Army I the weekly card party last night In SNOW BROS. NEUTRALILTY BILL at 7:30 at the parHona^jc. and N.ivy club r.u.vlllary will meet .St, Hrldgct's hall. The attendance Mechanical Thurstlay night at 8 o’clock at the prize, a candlewick bedspread, was TUESDAY SPECIALS LIBRARIAN FOR BRINGS DEAL OF The Sunday school xiard of the clubhouse. .Mrs. F;leda Moorhousc j won hy George Kelley. Winners at Hits Statens Dealers Church of the Kararcne will meet and Mrs. Margaiet McCaughey will I cards were os follows: bridge, lirst, Service Co, S-Found Bag Gold Medal be the hoate.sses. j Mrs. Bertha Jlllson and George Pat­ BACKED TODAY BY tonight at 7:30. Machinista — Repairmen 35 Y E ^ , DEAD ten: second, Mrs. Laura Wood and Hartford, Fob. 12— (A P )— Con-A The experlmu.t, he said, was so P O im L T A L K Burton Lewis, In whist; highest THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FROM OUR HIGH GRADE AU Unde o f mnclilne shop work FLOUR necticut coal merchants are stand­ successful that the miners began to stores were made by Mrs. N. Marks Including repaIn le any rnechnn. ing by helplessly as about 750,000 sell the surplus, and now have built and i:. Jarvis: second, Mr.s. Mar- leal eqnlpment. Veteran Official Who Made tons of so-called "bootleg" coal are up a busineaa seriously competing SENATE COMMUTE Ptnehurst Open .Ml Day Wednesday, ii^specially on these very Maine Maid Great Emancipator CaDed I gaiet .Mahoney and E. A. Grandl: In PENNSYLVANIA COAL Low Ratea, Reliable Service. being shipped Into the state from with established merchant . cold mornings >nu uill appreciate the convenience of Pioehurst setback, Sophie Musks and Harry Pennsylvania mines. ‘They now have a legal atafl and ■' '*‘v- - 4 J prompt delheries. Just dl^ 41«11~~ever>' Item \Aiil be carefully Open for bosineaa abont Feb. IS. Conn. Library Unique, So serious has the penetration of i , -vV-' m Olender were first, Mrs, Jennie Hopper’s Coke a sales force," Mr. Nado aald. 'Th ey Friend of New Deal by . V.’ . KNEW "HONEST OLD ABE”, aelcrted and delivered In one of our closed trucks. Hemenway and Z. Sllurpa, second. PIE CR UST i4oz.pkg. 9 « New England become that Harry have succeeded so far In overcom­ ADVISES REPCBUCANS Extends Present Anns Pniighnuls and coffee w*ere served Wood for All Purposes. Gene Snow Succumbs at 70 to Effects L. Nado, secretary of the Green­ ing all legal obstacles. It seems now l.ST CI T SilUXUNS. TOP R O F M ) OB After the games. Jewel Devil's Food wich Chamber of Commerce, has that the only way they can be stop­ Democrats and the Oppo­ New York. Feb. 12.— (A P ) — CL'BE STfc.\KvS...............................lb. 45c GROUND George Snow appealed to Governor Cross for ped la at the source, and we are A frail, white-haired lady, who bargo Features Until Maf| help. awaiting promised favorable action knew Abraham Lincoln when she BEST CI TS OF SlULOIN OB b e i : f The Ladles Sewing Circle of the LATHROP & STAYE COAL Co. Shop—-In the Old Norton .Machine a Stroke. However, Mr. Nado aald today, by Governor Bat e." site by the Republicans. waa a little girl, celebrated tbe SHORTS ................................... lb. 55c Highland Park Community club will Phone 3149 Shop, Hudoon Street. CAK E M IX only Governor Elarle o f Pennsyl­ Mr. Nado estimated that 4,000,- great Emancipator’s birthday by 1, 1937 Bat E ie o p b f rOBTFKIIOl SE WITH (fOOD - SIZED meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 5 29c o rlm k at the clubhouse. All mem­ Telephone* 4381 and 4S06 vania may be able to stop the ac­ 000 tons of this cut-price coal la urging the Republican Party to TENDEBLOI.N ..............................lb. 6.Hc Before 8 A. M. and ADer 5 P. M. McKenzie Magic Hartford, Fob. 12.— (A P )—George find another Lincoln. bers are urged to be present as elec­ tivities of "unemployed miners” coming Into New Jersey, New York, Washington, Feb. 12.—(AP)— 8. Godard, state librarian for more Mrs. Mary Scott-Uda, now 91, American RepubEcs ^ tion of ofTleers for the coming year who have set themselves up as and tbe New England states, or Lincoln's birthday brought much po­ Our ( oiintr^ >!yk' Sausage is sliced, ready to fry— made from than 35 years, died at his home to­ spoke out at a meeting of the will take place. Work will be on the operators delivering orders directly about 7 1-2 per cent of the total litical cannonading as President best pork and purr spices, 3Sr Ib. RISQUIT 19e day. Ho was In his 71st year. from "bootlegged mines” to the con­ Republican (Committee ot 100. Attacked by Non-/ bedspread. Refreshments will be Godard was a native of Granby. output of that Pennaylvania area. Roosevelt and the Great Emancipa­ Tomorrow we feature 2 to 2 1-4 pound lean cuts l.ain>t Stew, sumer. Orders he aald, are being deliver­ "Lincoln was frequently a served hy M.es. Lena Gorman and Ho had been III for aeveral weeks. tor were compared by the New Deal's S9c. Fowl, Broilers, Boasting Chickens. Fine High Score Creamery The operators, Mr. Nado aalu, are ed by truck to Greenwich, Stam- guest In ray father’s house," she .Mrs Jeanette RIngsley. He Is reported to have suffered s friends and contrasted by Its foes. ican Nations. The Manchester Public Market "laid off” miners who were permit­ tr Bridgeport, Danbury, New said. "I remember one emergency stroke. By Secretary Ickes Mr. Roosevelt ted by mine owners to draw coal Haven and Middletown. The pene­ when it waa suggested that ho Soup Hunriios. The .South Manchester Library on Ashes Removed Interviewed on November 28, was described as "the man who 1 BEET.S . • - bun. 9c 1 School street will close all day to­ BUTTER 1935, which marked the 33th anni­ out of "dump” piles for their own tration has not yet extended to should be a candidate for office. New Carrots. FOR WEDNESDAY use. bravely tilts his lance against spe­ " 'Boya, don't mind me,' he Washington, Fob. 12.— (A P )— morrow. Lincoln's Birthday. versary o f the day on which he be­ Hartford, he believes. cial privilege and entrenched greed. came the third state librarian, said. 'You must pick a man that New CabboRe. Pure Gold Peaches (.‘Sliced Weekly — 25c Sweet To Senator Hastings (R „ Del.) the Senate foreign relations committi Godard said: " I have been very can win.' or Halves), The Women's League of the Sec­ Neat, Dependable Service. President appeared aa 'T h is prolll today approved unanimously Celery. ond Congregational church will Special Steak Sale happy here." "And that Is what you Repub­ 2 ca n s..........
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