YEAR BOOK OF THE American Clan Gregor Society INCORPORATED Containing the Proceedings of the 1951 Annual Gathering THE AMERICAN CLAN GREGOR SOCIETY INCORPORATED WASHINGTON, D. C. Copyright, 1952 by Thomas Garland Magruder, Editor Cussons, May & Co.• Inc., Printers. Richmond, Va. OFFICERS SIR MALCOLM MACGREGOR OF MACGREGOR, BARON ET ....H ereditary Chief Lochearnhead, S cotland COMMODORE JOHN HOLMES MAGRUDER, JR., R etired Chieftain 1138 Connecticut A ve., N. W ., Washi ngt on, D. C. BRIG. GEN. MARSHALL MAGRUD ER, R etir ed....Ranking D eputy Chieiiain 106 Camden Road, N. E., Atlanta, Ga. MISS ANNA LOUISE R EY NOLD S __ __ Scribe 552 4 5th sr., N. W., Washington, D. C. MRS. O. O. VAN DEN BERG __ R egistrar Th e H ighlan ds, A pt . 803, W ashington 9, D. C. MISS R EGINA MAGRUD ER HIL L.. Historian Th e Hi ghland s, Apt. 803, W ashington 9, D. C. HENRY MAGRUDER TAYLOR Treasurer 28 W illway A ven ue, Richmond, Va. REV. ENOCH MAGRUDER THOMPSON Chaplain 820 17th se., N. W .,W ashington, D. C. DR. ROGER GREGORY MAGRUDER __ SUrgeon Box 577, 303 Eas t Mar ket St., Charlottesville, Va . THOMAS GARLAND MAGRUDER __ Editor 2057 \Vil son Boulevard, A rl ington, Va . C. VIRGINIA DIEDEL __ Chancellor 425 W oodwa rd Bldg.,W ashington 5, D . C. MRS. LEO JOSEPH S HAUDIS __ De puty Scribe 935 Bonif ant St ., Sil ve r Spring, Md . FORMER C HIEF TAI NS EDWARD MAY MAGRUDER, M . D. (Dece ased) CALEB CLARKE MAGRUDER, M. A., L.L. D ., (De ceased) J AMES MITCHELL MAGRUDER, D . D., Annapolis , Maryland E GBERT WAT SON M AGRUDER, PH. D. (Deceased) H ERBERT THOMAS M AGRUDER, N ew York, N. Y. \ V ILLI AM M ARION M AGRUDER, L ex ington, Ky. FRANK C ECIL MAGRUDER, W a shington, D. C. DOUGLA S N EIL MAGRUDER, Indianola, Mis s is sippi THE COUNCIL The Officers of th e Society and the following.- REV. J AM ES MITCHELL MAGRUDER , D. D., Ex-Officio H ERBERT THOMAS M AGRUDER, Ex-Officio \ V I LLI AM MARION MAGRUDER, Ex -O fficio FRANK C ECI L MAGRUDER, E x-Officio DOUGL AS N EIL M AGRUDER, Ex-Officio FORREST SHEPPERSON HOLMES MRS. R EX HAYS RHOADES FOREST D ODGE BOWIE DR. ROBERT E. F ER N EYHOUGH J. FRANKLIN ADAMS JOH NE DW IN M UNCAST ER WILLIAM \ V OODW ARD MISS EMMA MUN CASTER MRS. W ILLIAM LOWE WALDE D EPUTY CHIEFTAINS M ISS D ANA KING GATCH ELL Alabama MR. THOMAS H E NRY M CGREGOR, S R .Arkansas DR. CHARLES LOWE MAGRUDER California M RS. PHILIP W ELLS W AR NER (Millicen t M. Almey) Conn ecticut M R. O LI VER G RAHAM MAGRU DER District of Columbia MR. M ARION J'd ITCHELL P ER M E NT ER Florida M R. ANGUS B AI LEY D RANE. Georgia MR. MILTON A. P ARSON S 1daho MRS. K ATHERI NE K ELLOGG ADAMS Illinois LT.-COL. ALAN MAGRUDER ELDRIDGE Kansas MR. G UY R USSELL H ENDERSON K entucky M R. JOH N MARTIN MAGRUDE R L ouisiana M RS. JOHN :M c D o N ALD (Dorothy Higgins ) M aryland DR. H AZEL EIDSON Miclzigan DR. \ VILLIAM C ARP E NT ER M A CCARTY M innesota Mrss MARY C ECELIA FREELAND Mississippi MR. G EORGE NINION S H ORT Montana COL. LLOYD BURNS MAGRUDER, RETIRED New Jersey :M R. PHILLIPS BROOKS M AGR UD ER N orth Carolina M R. EARL P ORT MESS L EE N ew York MAJOR J ESSE A LEXANDE R HIGGI NS Ohio MR. H AROLD NAPOLEON MAGRU DER Oklahoma MRS. C ARL B RAU N (Ella Lloyd Magruder) Oreqon COMMODORE CARY W. MAGRUDER Rhode Island MISS CARRIE O. PEARMAN Soutk Carolina MRS. L AUCH M AGRUDER T ennessee M R. ROBERT CLENDE NING P ATT ERSON, SR T exas M R. R OllI N L ADEW GATES Virginia MRS. L ESTER CHENOWORT H HOF FMAN (Anne B eall Silver) W. Virginia Y EAR B OOK A MERI CAN C LA N G REGOR SOCIETY 7 CONTENTS Page Attendance for Gath erin g, 1951...................................................................................... 10 Absentee Guests at the Buffet Supper............................................................................ 15 Celebration of the 175th Anniversar y of the Creati on of Montgomery County, Mar yland 43 Committee for Future Pl annin g, Report of Treasurer.............................................. 17 Deputy Chieftains 6 Forms for Bequests in Wi lls and for Gifts .47-49 Greetings : Sir Malcolm MacGregor of MacGregor , Hereditar y Chief, American Clan Gregor Society .............................................................................. 13 Gr eetings : Commodore John H olmes Magruder, Jr., Retired,Chieftain, Americ an Clan Grego r Society.............................................................................. 31 Greetings: Absent Members 13 Items of Interest to Member s.......................................................................................... 44 Members Should H ave : Membership P in, Coat of Arm s, Year Books, and Th e Ba rd's Notes...................................................................................................... 45 Membership Directory, Corrections and Additi ons.................................................... 51 Memorials : 32-4 1 Dishar oon, Mrs. George Frydinger 40 Ewe ll, Miss Alice Maud 34 Ewe ll, Miss Mary Eleanor.. 35 Gallagher , Miss Julia H ite 32 Kill am, Wi lliam Thomas 39 :MacGrego r, Miss Ellen Ewell., 32 Mackey, Mrs. Cecile 11.. 41 Magruder, Miss Alta Evelyn 38 Magruder, Mrs. H ubert J 39 Magru der, J ohn Mart in 39 Mannar, Mrs.Claiborne H 40 Osborn e, Miss Eugenia Hill eary 33 Pope, Milton Smith 40 Shell, Mrs. Brooke E 41 Stott lemyer, Worth Br own 36 Minutes of the Council...................................................................................................... 15 Offi cers 5 Proceedings of the Gathering for 1951.......................................................................... 18 Program for the Gathe ring of 1951................................................................................ 8 Query Department : 45-46 Magrud er-Whittaker : Magruder-Claggett, Magruder -O sborne. Report of Officers: .23-25 T rea sure r 23 Registrar : List of New Members 24 Report of Births, Marriages and Deaths 25 Story of the Charts: Ancestra l Lines of Alexa nder Magruder, Immigrant. By Olive Magruder Smith Pope............................................................................ 42 8 YEAR BOOK AMERICA N o..AN GRffiOR SOCIETY PROGRAM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1951 WARDMAN PARK HOTEL MORNING 10:00 to 1:00 Registration. 10:00 A.M. Council Meeting followed by meeting of the Committee for Future Planning. AFTF.RNOO N 1 :00 P.M. General Session to be opened with luncheon in the Burgundy Room. Price, $1.25. Gatherin g called to order by the Chieftain , Commodore John Holmes Magruder, Jr., U.S .N., Retired. Opening Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E noch Magruder Thompson. Salute to the Flag, led by Mr s. Rex Rhoades. Group Singing. General Business Session Reading of the Minutes of the Gathering of 1950, by the Scribe, Miss Anna Louise Reynolds. Report of Officers : Chieftain, Commodore John Holmes Magruder, Jr., U .S.N., Re­ tired . Ranking Deputy Chieftain, Brig. Gen. Marshall Magruder, U.S.A., Retired. Registrar, Mr s. O. O. van den Berg. T reasurer, Henry Magruder Taylor . Hi storian, Miss Regina Magrud er Hill. Editor, Thomas Garl and Magruder. Chaplain, Rev. Enoch Magruder Thompson. Surgeon, Dr. Roger Gregory Magrud er. Chancellor, Miss C. Virginia Diede!' Deputy Scribe, Mr s. Joseph Leo Shaudis, Reading of th e Minute s of the Council and Recommendations. Chairman, Committee for Future Planning, Commodore John H . Magrud er, J r. T reasurer, Committee for Future Pl anning, Miss Regina M. Hill. Old Business. New Business. Repor t of the Nomina ting Committee, Mr . Fo rrest Shepperson H olmes, Chairman. Election of Officers. Y EAR B OOK AMERICAN CL AN GR EGOR SOCIETY 9 E VEN I NG 6 :00 P.M. Registration Desk Open. P lease register . 7 :00 P .M. Buffet Supper, Burgundy Room, Wardman Park H otel, Connecticut Avenue and Woodley Road. Price, $3.75. "Piping-In" of the Haggis by P ipers W illiam Lachlin Kennedy Galloway and J immie Garriock. 8 :00 P.M:. Gather ing called to order by the Chieftain. Prayer by the Chapla in. Greet ings by the Chieft ain and the Ranking Deput y Chief ta in. Scottish dancin g by Sue and Sa lly Ramsbur g; Courtesy of Adalaide Courtney's Scho ol of Dance, accompanied by Piper James Gar­ riock. Salute by the Chieftain to the Absentee Supp er Patron. Reading of Greetin gs from absent members and fri ends, by the Scribe. Guest Speaker: T he Rev. George Macp herson Docherty, D.O., Minister of th e New York Avenue P resbyterian Church. Confirmation of Officers. Group Singing led by Miss Emma Waters Mun caster. Benediction by the Chaplain. The Program will be followed by a Socia l Eve ning. SAT URDAY, OCTOBER n, 1951 Pilgrimage to A nnapolis Capital of the Free State of Mcryland 10:30 A.M . Assembly at, and Tour of, th e State Capitol. Reading of the "S tory of the Cha rts" by Dr. Morris L. Radoff, Archiv ist of th e Hall o f Record s. 11:30 A.M. T he Clansmen and their fri ends will be received by the Rev. James Mitchell Magruder, D.O ., Mr s. Magruder and Miss Louise Ma­ gruder, in their home, 132 Charles Street, wher e there will be on display in their drawing room the remarkable Cha rts of th e Ancestors of ALEXAND ER MAGRUDER, compiled and exe­ cuted by Olive Magruder Smith Pope (Mrs. R. S., Jr.) , of Dun­ woody, Georgia . 1 :00 P.M. Lunch at the Naval Officer s Club. Price, $1.35. 2 :30 P.M. Short Ser vice at Naval Academy Chape l. After Chape l choice of touring Naval Aca demy, Athletic contests, or tour of wat er-front by launch. T he Program at the Na val Acad emy has been arranged by the cour ­ tesy of Vice Admiral Harry ,"V.
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