*DLTD80603/ /01/K/1*/01/Y/1*/01/M/1*/01/C/1* Geri’s in the Horror-scope: Bo goes Boom! She is only 5 feet, 3 inches tall. ng up and down in a bath tub, mood for Darna mana hai, But way back in 1979, Bo Der- it was Bo all the way! THE TIMES OF INDIA ek became every man’s fantasy For all those who still miss Sunday, June 8, 2003 baby talk! Saif tells Shilpa with her stunning 38-22-36 st- the perfect 10 bombshell, the ats. The daughter of a boat sa- lady’s back on the big screen in Page 7 Page 8 lesman, Bo was Kaizad Gust- the reigning sex ad’s Boom. And goddess of the not only does ‘80s, though she play herse- most of her fil- lf, Bo even recr- ms bombed. Be eates her famo- it Tarzan the us 10 scene. Apeman, whe- Guess who’s re you saw mo- gonna be runn- re of the sexy ing towards her Jane than the as she emerges lord of the jun- from the ocean, gle, A Change clad in a golden of Seasons, wh- saree? None ot- ich opened with her than apna OF INDIA footage of the Big B. Some gu- well-endowed ys have all the THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY beauty bounci- luck! Wotsay? Photos: SATISH JAISWAL PRASHANT NAKWE DAVID ABRAHAM: DESIGNS ON DESTINY My mother died when I was places on my retur n to India. barely eight: My f ather,M athai SUNDAY SPECIAL Intershoppe was one of them. I Abraham, w as in the Indian Na - also worked with an American tional A r m y and consequently An ordinary life made extraordinary exporter where I dealt with the m oved to Sing apor e, w her e I by sheer hardwork, grit and kind of gar ments that are w as bor n on J ul y 21, 1955. M y determination. A journey to av aila b le at 7th A venue — aw - mother,Mary Abraham was Ch- bridge the great divide between ful designs which sold well.It inese and I lost her w hen I was w as totall y commercial c loth - barel y eight y ear s old. I ha v e anonymity and acclaim.The loss ing and after working there for very vague memories of her.Af- of a parent at an early age, the four years,I began to feel ter ri- ter she passed aw ay, m y f ather uncertainty of a career path less bly bored. I craved to do some- m oved bac k to India and settled taken, the challenge to prove thing cr eative. down in Bangalor e, w her e m y that he is first among equals, Life ch a n ged after the Festi - grandmother came to look after v al of India: T he Festival ofIn- m y brother John and me. David Abraham has seen it all. dia was being c halked out in the But I was a hap py child: My And yet, the celebrated couturier USSR around that time.One day grandmother came from Mad- has been a survivor, and a M appu (Mar tand Singh), w h o m ras to be with us and to take care winner. VINOD NAIR stitches I kne w well, asked me if I could of us.T hough there were times show case Indian f ashion a t the that I r eall y missed my mother together the success story of F esti v al. Initiall y, I w as a p p r e- and thought of her,I must say a man who has fashioned his hensive but eventually decided tha t I had a f air ly comfortable life on his own terms to give it a shot. It w as a great ex- childhood. My grandmother perience! w as lik e a typical g randmother and there were never any r estrictions It was time fo r my own label: Soon after the Festival, I began pondering put on me.Between my father and my grandmother,I g ot all the over launching my own label.In fact, it w as Mappu who sug gested tha t I lo v e tha t I could e v er need. star t m y o w n b usiness.My association with Rakesh helped me decide I was a good student: Initiall y,I attended junior school and w h a t cour se to tak e.W e launched A b raham & T hakore in 1992. It w as then moved to Bishop Cotton fr o m where I completed my tough producing our very fir st collection. W e star ted from scratch, the schooling in Bangalor e.I w as an a bo ve-average student and funds were insuf ficient and our workspace was very cramped. Final- did quite well academically.I enjo y ed sc hool and got pret- ly, w e show ed four samples of our work to the Conr an (Terence) ty good marks but I don’t recall taking par t in too many ex- Shop in London. I was immediatel y gi v en an or der of 30 pieces . tra-cur ricular activities in sc hool. Slow and steady is my mantra: W e be gan our business on a My father remarried: Se ver al year s after m y mother’s small, conservative scale .R a k esh and I were sure that w e did not death,my father married a g ain. My ste p-mother is a won- w ant to compromise on quality. John Bissel (of F abIndia), derful lad y and we got along well. Initiall y though, it was w hom I knew fro m my NID days,w as a great help.I remember difficult for me to acce pt a new person in the old sur - making several trips to London, with suitcases roundings but things went of f w ell soon enough. O u rs was- full of samples.I went fr om shop to shop and n’t the archetypal nuclear family — I had my brother,a ste p- faced a lot of disappointment when managers brother,a ste p-sister and another f oster sister.Dif ficult as it sent me aw ay with a ‘T hank you, m aybe la ter.’ m a y be to belie v e,w e w er e one lar ge,h a p p y family. Finall y,I met Caroline Collins of B r owns London It was at NID that I met Ra kesh T h a kore: E ven as a and A b raham & T hakore fashionwear and home child, designs f ascinated me.Joining a design school was fur nishings got an entr y into London. W e be gan do- the obvious choice and after sc hool, I enr olled a t the Na - ing a collection called GGil y for Romeo Gigly.Busi- tional Institute of Design (NID) in Ahemdabad. F rom f a- ness be gan looking up. miliar people and f amiliar sur roundings,I sudden- You don’t have to be expensive to be good: R akesh ly found myself lost on the NID campus.It took and I were careful with our designs and that worked me some time to adjust, but I did. Since NID did- well f or us.W e m utuall y decided to be w atchful with our n’t ha v e a fashion programme,I settled f or te x - pricing.Both of us felt tha t high pricing w as no yard- tile designing . It w as a t NID that I fir st met stic k f or g o o d w or k. W e did work for Be gdorf Good- some of m y c losest friends ,inc luding my com- man, Liberty’s and a whole lot of export orders.. our panion and business par tner Rakesh T h a k or e. label was g rowing.In a decade,w e have come from a one- Indecision set in: Once I passed out fr o m N I D,I room affair to a f o u r -stor e y str u cture and have many peo- didn’t know what to do.T hose were tough days, ple working with us.All three of us — R a k esh, K evin (our full of indecision. I came to Delhi, thinking I wo- thir d par tner) and I — strive to do our best. uld g et a job her e. It w as then that my H O D,a R eligion will never take over my life: E ven when I was a BOLD AND BLUE-TIFUL! Delhi Times captures the standout style of Kareena Finnish lady,suggested that I should tr y m y luck little boy,nobody in the family ever imposed religion on me. Kapoor ahead of the release of Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon (To send this abroad. I took her advice. I g rew up in a ver y relaxed atmosphere and my family be- photograph to a friend, log on to www.timescity.com/delhi/) E u rope was a lear ning experience: Once in Europe, lie v ed in toler ance.R eligion did not figur e in the sc - I worked with leading Scandinavian designers — an en- heme of things.In f act, ev e n m y f ather tur ned reli- riching experience.All tha t I know about patter n-making gious only when he g rew old.
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