Greetings from PASAY CITY PASAY CITY PROFILE BOUNDARIES: North - City of Manila East - City of Makati & Municipality of Taguig South - City of Parañaque West - Manila Bay FEATURES: Slope : 2% Total Land Area : 1,805.11 hectares No. of Barangays : 201 Total Population : 354,908 (as of May 2000) Projected Population : 295,058 (as of 2006) Population Density : 24,476 persons/sq.km. PASAY CITY VISION A scenic premier city, thriving with business and economic opportunities, guided by dynamic and efficient local leadership and home to self-reliant, healthy and morally upright people. OPERATING CBMS THE PASAY CITY EXPERIENCE UPDATES on PASAY CITY COMMUNITY – BASED MONITORING SYSTEM NOVEMBER 2005 CBMS NATIONAL CONFERENCE NO. ACTIVITY OUTPUT RESOURCES EXPENSES INCCURED 1 Printing of Questionnaires 80,000 - questionnaires 176,000.00 2 Printing of barangay map 201 barangays Tracing Paper 4,928.18 3 Orientation of Barangay Officials 20 zones Laptop & Digital Cam 170,000.00 4 Printing of Stickers 80,000 stickers - 200,000.00 5 Training of Enumerators 60 trained/25 active Training materials & meals 23,464.00 6 Training on data processing, 10 CPDO & 4 meals encoding and map digitizing COOP Staff 1,550.00 7 Data Gathering 105 brgys/45,011 Enumerator’s Allowance HH 1,072,651.00 8 Encoding 83 brgys/36,290 HH 13 encoders/10 active 196,002.00 9 Spot Mapping and Digitizing 16 barangays (Zone Planning Staff - 19&18) 10 Data Processing 8 barangays (Zone Planning Staff - 19) 11 Community Validation 4 barangays (179, - 185, 184 & 178) Planning Staff TOTAL 1,844,595.18 PasayPasay CityCity CommunityCommunity--BasedBased MonitoringMonitoring SystemSystem PreliminaryPreliminary ResultsResults (2005(2005 Survey)Survey) DEMOGRAPHY Total Househol Demograpy Number of Population Male Female d size household Mean Household size 65117 270,130 132,704 137,426 4 Children 0-5 years old 35,370 18,191 17,178 Children 6-12 years old 37,143 19,252 17,891 Children 13-16 years old 19,204 9,511 9,693 Children 6-16 years old 56,347 28,763 27,584 Members 10 years old and above 212,848 103,167 109,639 Summary of preliminary results of CBMS core indicators for Pasay City Basic Needs Core Indicators Magnitude Proportion 1 Proportion of children 0-5 year old who died 64 0.20 Health 2 Proportion of women who died due to pregnancy related-causes 18 0.3 Nutrition 3 Proportion of children 0-5 years old who are moderately and severely under 28 0.1 4 Proportion of households living in makeshift housing 4,218 7 Housing 5 Proportion of households who are squatters 2,440 4 Water & 6 Proportion of households with no access to safe water 1,160 1.8 Sanitation 7 Proportion of households with no access to sanitary toilet facilities 1,787 2.7 Basic 8 Proportion of children 6-12 years old not in elementary school 8,216 22.1 Education 9 Proportion of children 13-16 not in secondary school 5,709 29.7 10 Proportion of household with income below the poverty threshold 8,933 13.7 Income 11 Proportion of households with income below the food threshold 2,497 3.8 12 Proportion of households who experienced food shortage 785 1.2 Employment 13 Proportion of persons in the labor force who are unemployed 21,760 19.8 Peace & Order 14 Proportion of persons who are victims of crime 1,260 0.5 PressingPressing issuesissues raisedraised BarangayBarangay boundaryboundary disputedispute ObsoleteObsolete househouse numberingnumbering PresencePresence ofof severalseveral smallsmall alleysalleys thatthat havehave nono officialofficial namename oror identificationidentification SOME CBMS IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES EMPLOYED Borrowed computer units from other offices for encoding purposes Instead of using the conventional way of processing, we used statistical software and have one of our staff undergo technical training for this purpose. Facilitation of settlement of barangay boundary dispute that could settled amicably. NeedNeed--SolutionSolution QuickQuick MatchingMatching ApproachApproach Solution Providers Fact-Based (Public/Private/Partnership) Intervention Sanggunian (FBI) Exchange Panlunsod CBMS Result (MDG-based Policy / Innovative Program/ Indicators) Advocacy Project Design Barangay Creation Matching and Prioritized Delivery of Priority Facilitation Needs and Services Enhancement Concerns Capability Building Preservation (Peace & Order) Maintain Harmony in the community ObjectivesObjectives ofof FBIFBI ExchangeExchange Resource Providers Fact-Based (Public/Private/Partnership) Intervention (FBI) Exchange Sanggunian Panlunsod CBMS Result Innovative Program/ (MDG-based Policy / Advocacy Indicators) Project Design or Barangay Creation Matching and Prioritized Participatory Facilitation Delivery of Services Poverty Mapping (BPPM) Enhancement Capability Building Preservation (Peace & Order) Maintain Harmony in the community ToTo immediatelyimmediately matchmatch thethe identifiedidentified needsneeds fromfrom CBMSCBMS resultresult toto thethe listlist ofof solutionsolution providersproviders basedbased onon thethe developmentdevelopment indicatorsindicators ToTo provideprovide thethe decisiondecision makersmakers factualfactual informationinformation onon needsneeds versusversus solutionsolution--programs/projectsprograms/projects fromfrom ResourceResource ProvidersProviders (LGU(LGU oror Private)Private) forfor FASTFAST ACTIONACTION andand RELIEFRELIEF OPERATIONOPERATION FBIFBI ExchangeExchange OutputOutput List of Socio-economic programs implemented by the Private Sector Fact-Based Indicator-based policy recommendations Intervention to the Sanggunian (FBI) Exchange Policy / Priority List of need-solution quick Advocacy matching recommendations to Concerned LGU Department and/or Creation Private Sector Facilitation Enhancement Priority List of Need-based Preservation Training/Capability Building Programs (Peace & Order) Barangay Development Plan based on BPPM Result (MDG-based workplan) Training on MDG/CBMS Based Barangay Dev. Plan Preparation Challenge: TO THE TRANSCEND RIVERSIDE DEVELOPMENT AREA PROGRESS IN THE (the city’s slum area) BAYSIDE AREA (the city’s development area) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEWPORT CITY AT VILLAMOR, PASAY SMART PARTNERSHIPS G O V E CSO’S R N COOPS M E PO’S N T NGO’s A PARTNERSHIP TOWARDS PROGRESS ! ConclusionConclusion WhileWhile CBMSCBMS isis anan effectiveeffective tooltool inin povertypoverty monitoringmonitoring andand timelytimely statisticalstatistical datadata areare important,important, wewe shouldshould notnot stopstop there.there. CBMSCBMS implementersimplementers shouldshould bebe vigilantvigilant inin pursuingpursuing itsits causecause andand thatthat is,is, toto eradicateeradicate poverty.poverty. MDGMDG LocalizationLocalization usingusing CBMSCBMS datadata enablesenables thethe LGULGU toto formulateformulate policiespolicies andand programsprograms moremore focusedfocused andand responsiveresponsive toto thethe needsneeds ofof thethe people.people. ItIt alsoalso helpshelps usus comparecompare notesnotes andand applyapply relevantrelevant bestbest MDGMDG--responsiveresponsive goodgood practicespractices This will ensure fast and sustained reduction in poverty and help us attain the MDG by 2015! ENDEND OFOF PRESENTATIONPRESENTATION THANKTHANK YOUYOU !!.
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